A Plague Tale: Innocence

Thoughts on this new game?

I'm about 4 hours and 8 chapters in and I have to say I'm really enjoying myself.

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Failed shill

Typical Yea Forums response. LUL

I plan on playing it eventually.

I play it on youtube and its nothing special

the game was alright for AA budget The Rats of Us

Looks like a decent game to pick up at -75%

This. 25€ game at best.

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But to be fair it does look like one of the best realized Middle Ages settings in vidya that I've seen. Funny that it came from such a no-name dev.

>no physical PC release

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Can you bang your little brother?

>epic cinematic experience protect the little kid walking simulator meme

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When thief girl removed her mask I was like "put it back on"

>le ebil inquisishon
>cool alchemist mom
>14 year old girl fighting white male scum

That'll be a singular "yikes" from me, canine.

Pathologic if you want something about the Plague. Kingdom Come if you want to know what the middle ages were like.

They are not actually siblings he is actually the Pied Piper Ratking and goes back at the end.

>Kingdom Come if you want to know what the middle ages were like.

It's better than dodge the RAT SWARMS

I don't want accuracy, I want cool stylization.

yep, fuck this garbage I hope they go bankrupt

engaging story, mediocre gameplay.
Amicia is cute tho.

>forced escort mission: the game
Why would anyone be interested in that is beyond me. At least get rid of the retarded little kid and I might care

It's okay, good atmosphere, mediocre VA. It could've been saved by good VAs. Not a walking simulator which already makes it decent. I didn't want to drop it first hour, crafting system is there just to be there, silly decision.
7.5/10 adventure game, this high mostly for atmosphere and lighting.

game available for the price of free, so go try it, it's not escort mission it's stealth puzzler but with easy puzzles

Have you played Hellblade? I'm just wondering if it's at the same level as that, except swap Hellblade's hack and slash combat with stealth

>Kingdom Come if you want to know what the middle ages were like

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nope, but from what I saw of hellblade this one is more concrete, and locations actually look good

I don't get it
its the most historically accurate game of its type in existence

>le ebil inquisishon
Later in the story it's revealed the Grand Inquisitor and others were outed to be heretics and the Pope sent the Archbishop to tell him he was excommunicated. Not that it matters because Yea Forums will just parrot whatever posts they saw by people who never played the game.

waiting for the part where someone points out its crimes against facts, unfun Oblivion wannabee aside. For getting some facts about social structure right, ir deserves credit.

Yes people like movie games. If I could erase one game from existence it would be TLOU.

Would crusader kings be technically more accurate?

>immortal aztec black magic users

Nevermind that inquisitors in France usually had trials and extensive interviews with people accused of heresy.
>le mindless goons and bloodthirsty hangmen

it looks like a game made for people who enjoyed hellblade, vanilla skyrim, and game of thrones including the current season


I mean, there was Ico.

I've quite enjoyed it so far. Gonna take my time with this one.
Perhaps with some wine over the weekend.

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What is the ratio of walking simulation to actual gameplay?

It's fantasy dude. Didn't you see the literal waves of rats ? Calm your tits.
And while it's true the inquisition had a legal procedure, I'll remind you of Torquemada and the slaughter of the cathares.

>decide to make their own engine from scratch for an indie movie game.
for what purpose?

yup. Just how many games are out there competing for your time/money? This is worth it only when it is incredibly cheap.

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muddies the waters further for wise fools who know nothing but half-truths about the middle ages, then throws a Last of Us oscarbait story to confirm modern liberal preferences. Some will not discern the blatant nonsense.

>t-think of the children

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Pretty visuals. This part reminds me of pre-searing Ascalon from Guild Wars.

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Nothing about it is offensive so I don't see what all the complaining is really for.

Why does the background look like some messy watercolour?

I find such historical fiction to be essentially dull and insulting to the intelligence of its audience.

It's basically on the same level as wolfman erotic literature. It's for people who play games half-asleep.
The assessment that it is an accurate portrayal of life in the middle ages and not highly distorted is stupid.

>Hey, you're like, literally killing people and feeding prisoners to white rats. Oh what's this about blood transfusions with a sick Prince. Surely you can justify this.

I don't think anyone considers it an accurate portrayal of life in the Middle Ages. If they do they are fucking stupid and should be ignored. It's just a video game.

Regardless, this has nothing to do with the content of the game which is itself inoffensive.

I find it fascinating to be honest. People back then had a much more vivid imaginary, and fantastical beasts roamed in their minds, superstition was serious, and of course God was still alive.
Looking at the numbers, the plague must have looked at the apocalypse, and religious fever really happened. Jews were massacred in a lot of towns because they were accused of poisoning the water, even priests died so people could not be buried in sacred grounds with the correct rites.
It must have been surreal.

My point is, since it's impossible to be 100% historical accurate, sometimes it's better, and more powerful story and setting wise, to just let go and go fantastical.

But hey, stay mad.

Rodric never got the chance to marry Amicia and pump her full of retarded hulk babies

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Why the subtitle? They plan on sequels or what?

>were accused of poisoning the water
Insane coincidence.
I think it was real racism because they were kicked out of alot countries so many times. How can you explain that? Our ancestors were all crazy people.

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>Brainlet incel apprentice dies to serve his future Queen

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>posting literally made up talmud quotes
why can you people not do a simple fucking google search to verify the shit you post?

I know right, it is a fascinating time. It's almost like there's enough source material to make something that isn't Ass Creed walking simulator.

check out the books Montaillou by Roy Ladurie, the Name of the Rose, and the Cheese and the Worms if you're interested in being less of a pseud.

Dropped after first chapter, the story didn't catch me.
>we're an happy family living in the countryside, ho ho happily ever after
>My doggo!!!!!
>but what's that?! evil men doing bad things, oh no
>Now we're on a journey to "innocence" tadam tshhh
And that's were i stopped, if somenone tells me it gets better i might give it another try.

On a side note, it makes my PC hotter than the sun and i have an rtx 2080.

Obviously thats not the exact quote you autist. The contents is pretty much identical.

Sanhedrin 59a for example.
>A goy (gentile) who pries into the law (talmud) is guity of death.
>And Rabbi Yoḥanan says:
>A gentile who engages in Torah study is liable to receive the death penalty

So why do you lie?
Its no secret killing gentiles is mentioned over and over again.

You could have just argued that no jew believes in such stuff. Violent stuff is included in almost all religions.
But you showed yourself user by denying and lying..

>A goy (gentile) who pries into the law (talmud) is guilty of death.
there should be a genocide, jews are the most evil people on earth, muslims are next.

>Obviously thats not the exact quote you autist. The contents is pretty much identical.

except libbre david 37 literally doesn't even exist. Post actual quotes or you just make yourself look stupid.

>Not all that hyped about playing a girl in an RPG.
>Not really all that into playing linear stories unless they have good gameplay or a quality story. It didn't really feel like it
>Horror's neat and all, but this doesn't seem like quality horror.
All in all, doesn't seem like something I'd be interested in.

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You sound a bit pedantic, user. Remember the studio is small, so what they did is impressive, and again, going for a fantastical story is a creative choice.

I'd like to see a huge scale game set in a proper middle ages setting as well, but hey.

How do you explain even the swedes accused the jews of spreading the plague too, when they didn't even have jews there ? Hmm ?

>it is an inheritance for us, and not for them.
Shut up fucking jews, your religion is retarded and you still wonder why you're hated by most people for centuries.
Goy this, gentile that, we are the Übermensch of rational thinking but we can't see past the end of our big nose.
Hitler was right.

It is neither an RPG nor a horror game.

It's tagged horror bud feel free to tell them they're false advertising, and I know it's not an rpg just saying if it was I probably wouldn't be all that interested due to the forced fem protag, and as I pointed out, I'm not into playing linear stories unless they have great gameplay, or a great story and as stated, neither seemed like the case to me personally.

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>game about the Great Plague
>suddenly talking about the jews and how everything is their fault
Funny how some stuff never ever change.

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>Imagine wanting to change facts.

And what facts are you exactly talking about?

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>let's post a reaction image since I have absolutely no answer

It's alright, kind of regret paying full price for the game, though. Its environments are gorgeous but character models leave a lot to be desired. Animations are wonky and often take you out of the experience like Hugo only being able to hold your hand from the right side and him basically zipping around your body like a magnet to get there. A number of in-engine cutscenes are plain mediocre in how they've been choreographed. The game also takes many liberties in pushing its narrative forward like in one scene where you're being chased, Hugo trips and falls, enemies who were far away in the previous cut magically appear next to him and another enemy spawns in the scene to conveniently knock you out all while you awkwardly tell your other companion to run away. It's really bad.

If it seems like I'm nitpicking, consider that this is a glorified walking simulator (and there's nothing necessarily wrong with that). If you're going to charge AAA price or just about, and all you're really focusing on is telling a story without deep gameplay mechanics, you kind of have to get these things right and polished. These issues are by no means game breaking, but just some problems that I can't help but notice and get annoyed with. Other than that, the combat is pretty crap and I wish it was excluded entirely as well as the crafting which comes across as shoehorned. VA is good. Story is average.

Is this game impressive for a small, inexperienced studio like Asobo? Yes, it is and they have potential. Is it an 8/10? Not even close. If anyone is interested in it, I'd wait for a sale.

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I forgot to add that the environmental puzzles take zero thought. They're neat in that they deal with light, but it's very basic.

except it's not a walking sim

>mediocre VA
what game has in your opinion good voice acting?