You're gonna buy her game, right Yea Forums?

You're gonna buy her game, right Yea Forums?

Hollow Knight / Silksong thread

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Hollow Knight was kinda garbage so nah.

>female protagonist


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actually in most bugs the female is bigger and stronger than the male

most likely since i like hk
i mean maybe they might somehow fuck it up

is god a liberal?

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not in any of the religious texts i've looked at

I'll probably pick it up on switch since I already have the first one on PC. Also, being mobile means I'll be able to have it on the go, which is pretty kino.

That's not a sincere stance in this instance. >female protagonists refers to when devs genderswap their PC for goodboy points. Hornet is the natural best fit for the sequel mechanically and narratively, and her own character.

I wanna buy her and keep her in a jar.

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Me too user, me too

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he can sincerely hate women user or maybe just not like playing as them
but more likely than not it is bait

why couldn't hornet be male? why would you make a warrior female when they are weaker than men?

Another pivotal character I'd like to see in action is the Hollow Knight. Ideally I'd like it be right before he got put in the black egg or after the Godhome ending.

She's just way too adorable to be menacing.

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No man gets along with women as well as they do other men, it's normal to prefer to play as them in games if your interest is beyond sex. But every now and then a good woman pops up as a viable alternative. That's a companion, a video game heroine, a cute bug.

female spiders are
>live longer
>have more venom
>survive copulation unlike some male spiders
of course it makes sense hornet is female and her guardian is female
naturally speaking


Most likely there's gonna be a sideplot of Hollowknight if this ending is the chosen canon one. Whatever happened that made Hornet be put in a cage most likely put them both to sleep and her kidnappers looking over Hollow Knights wrecked carcass made the assumption he would die on the journey so they only take Hornet.

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spiders don't use needles and she's not a spider

The majority of female bugs are orders of magnitude stronger than the males.

Different species.

She's half spider, half whatever the Pale King is.

i don't give a fuck she was raised by them
you think spiders would raise a pussy MALE

She was born birthed from a spider and raised by bees

Actually she wasn't raised by the spiders. She was raised by the White Lady, then trained in combat by the hive Queen (hence 'Hornet')

>didn't play the game

spiders have 8 legs

and bees are another female dominated species
proving my point further

Bugs have 6. Most bugs in the game have 4.

spiders in HK have 6 legs
herrah is a spider and hornet's mom
>did not play the game

Oh I wasn't the guy you were responding to, just correcting your own statement.

Hornet had 3 mothers all up. Makes you wonder if the pale king gave her any attention at all. Maybe she had daddy issues.

>I bet if I date the failed knight that'll piss daddy off!

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>"Wha-? D-daddy? I mean my... King? You're going to spend time with me?"
>"Yes Hornet. I've been unfair to you. You are as much a part of my plans for securing our future as... ah... hmmm.."
>"What's the matter my liege?"
>"Where's your cock and balls?"

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Absolutely,hk was fantastic

>Makes you wonder if the pale king gave her any attention at all.
Probably for the best he didn't. Remember how he treated his own children?

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Pale King was probably apathetic at best and complete resentful at worst to Hornet. If there are any memory sequences we'd most likely see her try to act all sweet like a little baby giving hugs and maybe even drawing pictures for Pale King who just brushes her off and maybe tears the picture up. That'd be so horrible seeing baby hornet crying in her room.

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Pretty sure Hornet had no strong emotional connection to her mother. She even remarks on the fact in game if I recall when she comes to witness her death.

Well yeah because she only was with her actual mother for like 5 weeks before going into the deep sleep and relocating to the White Palace.

We'll there isn't much left to do in Hollownest so I'm not sure how productive leaving him behind would be from a gameplay standpoint. Now, having him leaving Hollownest in search of Hornet would be rad. They'd have to find some way to work around that whole "leaving hollownest causes amnesia" thing though.

>implying acting though, independent and detached isn't her defense mechanism

Now that the threat has passed will she allow herself to be unbound?

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Fuck no
I'm a backer, I get it free

Maybe Hornet will carry the HK's broken mask around in game and use it as some sort of item.

Maybe with a secret ending that allows restoring him.

It'd be cutscenes I guess of Hollow knight patching up his wounds while looking over the infection free Hallownest areas like the statue plaque in City of Tears, the ruins of the White Palace taking in his failure to protect Hallownest.

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I'm going to play her game but I will not buy it :^)

...I want to root the root.

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I found something for the HK to kill/"do"

This. I 100% think she's putting up some natural defense mechanism for dealing with an unloved and unwanted childhood. It's like that BoI chest loading screen where Isaac keeps trying to hug his moms leg but gets pushed away.

Why would he harm the pale lady?

He's not gonna kill or do his own mothee you freaking sicko.

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How could Pale King not love this and be so cruel as to reject her?

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1. Having the insatiable urge to spread
2. Creating him just to tie him up and seal a "disease" inside him

Stuff like that

We have no idea if he did. It's just people who headcanon the PK as a complete douche who want it to be that way to add some drama.

Honestly we have zero insight into how the PK personally conducted himself, whether he felt guilt for the lengths he went to to combat the radiance, what he thought of Hornet besides... agreeing to have her I guess.

Being the King of a rapidly collapsing empire is very stressful work

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She gave birth to the shell. The PK conducted all the rest and made him into the hollow abomination.

I'll certainly buy it but I hope they dont add another godhome and force me to mentally drain myself practicing bosses over and over again just to see an ending thats most likely the canonical one.

>Didn't enjoy Godhome

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Currently playing hollow knight and not sure how to progress. I'm at the point where I have to kill the 3 guys which are marked off on the map. I want to go further into the soul sanctum but I can't figure out anything. Do I just have to go and find the other bosses then do this one last or something? I already have the downwards attack.

It's not really headcanon considering what he did to his *willing* children, besides it's the offspring from the thing that killed his subjects attempting to add Deepnest to the kingdom. And then he had to take in this unwanted birthed child because her mother was in a coma. Hornet was already birthed so there was no use from her and once she was old enough to be out of a crib she was thrown out to Hive Queen Vespa.

No I certainly did not enjoy the samey location and music, not to mention some bosses are just supremely unfair on radiant like Hive Knight and god forbid, the Radiance

Again, you're just headcannoning whatever fits your fanfic. 'Thrown out'. 'Unwanted'. None of that is backed up by anything but your own fantasies.

I was able to finish hollow knight's story but couldn't be bothered to git gud with fool's coliseum 3 and the dlcs. What does Yea Forums think of me?

u bad at video games

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>still no new update from TC
please you aussie fucks

throw us some bread crumbs

SA just had a really nasty summer, give the guys a break.

I know its in another kingdom but I want to see more Vessels in Silksong.

Absolutely since one of HK's biggest problems was its lack of interesting movement options. Silksong looks like its directly addressing that. Other than that I really hope they manage to make a better difficulty curve this time. HK's difficulty is bizarre because its piss-easy for 95% of the game and then you get to the Radiance and all of the post-game DLC stuff and all of a sudden its fucking Ninja Gaiden-tier.

They recorded one weeks ago just takes ages to upload here.