Considering all of the recent garbage, what do you think would be the perfect 3D Sonic game?

Considering all of the recent garbage, what do you think would be the perfect 3D Sonic game?

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A 3D game that actually relies on him rolling to gain speed and momentum.

sonic jacks off in his mouth (in 3D)

Kinda off topic, but is it really that big a of a deal to get your “brake fluid” changed in your car? It cost like 100 dollars to have done and that’s money I could spend on Sonic games

Literally just Adventure 1/2's Sonic/Shadow stages but more of them.
Playing it really safe. If it works, they can start reimplementing other characters with the same core, speedy gameplay, but different yet not drastic level design, like Tails flying over stages and Knuckles climbing & punching shit.

I just want more of the best of Generations.

a cancelled one, followed by the announcement that sega is retiring the sonic franchise to focus on bringing back their old series instead.

Sonic Utopia but with Adventure 2’s model

Sonic sucks man. I just don't care. Let this IP die, it's been like 30 years. Sonic games were never even THAT good.

I wanna see new shit.

Old and busted

Project Hero but implemented into a full game with more Adventure style Level design.

You posted it, kind of. Just imagine an open world with gameplay that looks like and is as fast as this:

>Classic Sonic as the MC
>stages take the best ideas from Sonic Adventure 1/2, Secret Rings and Heroes and improve them
>saturday morning cartoon plot
>no CGi
>minimal voice acting

What good ideas were in Secret Rings?

>Classic Sonic as the MC
Stopped reading there, neck yourself.

I don't care anymore.

Sonic Unleashed 2: No werehog
Sonic Generations 2: Electric Boogaloo
Sonic Colors 2

>it's been 12 years

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This kind of gameplay

Levels regularly break into paths, one focused on speed and the other focused on platforming but there is also a middle path that you normally take that has a bit of both.

Writers from Unleashed and Black Knight

Multiple playable characters with varied gameplay. Treasure Hunting is back but with Adventures radar and Tails's gameplay is largely like in Adventure but with small Cyclone walker segments. Both of these never outweigh the regular Sonic gamplay.

Unleashed quality cutscenes

If I get the chance then all voice talent is their 4kids voices save for Knuckles, Amy and Vector. Both Amy and Knuckles get the SA2 voices and Vector gets his Heroes voice.

Why are his arms coming out of the back of his head like that? It happened in Sonic CD too. Why has no one pointed this out yet?

What was the point of Darkspine Sonic when regular Dark Sonic was already a thing?

Attached: Dark_Super_Sonic.png (301x550, 140K)

a game with adventure 2 speed stages and chao garden ONLY
maybe the secondary characters playable in the chao garden at MOST

Just try. Just fucking TRY, SEGA. It's all you have to do. Just do something with actual effort and then keep refining it. Why is it so hard? Try remaking Sonic adventure or just make something good with what was left over from Forces. Just put some actual effort into something already. Stop it with the super serious plots. Stop having Sonic do stupid stuff that doesn't match his character. Stop shoehorning in all of his friends when they don't matter. Make Robotnik THE main antagonist. Just stick to the environmentally friendly image of the older games. Sonic didn't need to be edgy. He didn't need to speak. He didn't need 1400000000000000000 friends. His number of friends was just fine with the adventure 2 cast and some would argue that was pushing it. Rouge is a decent character and a good rival to Knuckles, but so was Sonic. LIKE SONIC LIKE SONIC LIKE SONCUUUUUUUUUU.UN-UNGA-BUNGA-GA!!!!!!!!!! BOOONGEEEGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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it was an anime only transformation that only appeared for a few seconds

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You don't have to tell me twice, but during the stone age....

Just bring back the people behind Unleashed and Generations (Most if not all of them left Sonic Team shortly after the latter) and the old writers and I'm sure they'll come up with something great. Too bad it'll never happen. I hope you enjoy cheap, stiff Lost World engine games!

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>Stop it with the super serious plots. Stop having Sonic do stupid stuff that doesn't match his character. Stop shoehorning in all of his friends when they don't matter. Make Robotnik THE main antagonist. Just stick to the environmentally friendly image of the older games. Sonic didn't need to be edgy. He didn't need to speak. He didn't need 1400000000000000000 friends. His number of friends was just fine with the adventure 2 cast and some would argue that was pushing it.
Shut the fuck up boomer, those "super serious plots" that make you seethe so much are the reason why Sonic started doing "stupid stuff that doesn't match his character" like that Baldy McNosehair shit that's been going on since Colors. Besides, none of the plots from the so-called "dark age" were even that serious besides Shadow and 2006. Two games, one of which arguably isn't even mainline and the other which wrote itself out of canon.

Brakes are kinda one of those things on a car you shouldn't fuck around with. Would you enjoy the feeling of pushing the pedal down and nothing happening?

>He took that entire comment seriously and even got mad
Unga Bunga indeed.

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>He didn't need 1400000000000000000 friends. His number of friends was just fine with the adventure 2 cast and some would argue that was pushing it.
Would you and all the "Sanic haz 2 manny frends!1!!1!" fags please kill yourselves? Sonic's friends are not and were never an issue. The issue was their gameplay, and even that is completely subjective.

>arms coming out of his head

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A stylish charcter action game. Developed by capcom.

2019 and we don't have a sonic game with a dedicated taunt button.

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I got pissed because this type of bullshit boomer mindset was so common back in the early 2010s as a knee-jerk reaction to Unleashed (A game with the perfect tone for Sonic and only three "shitty friends") that it ended up ruining the modern series' writing and characterization when Colors was showered in praise for its Reddit writing. Nine years later it's STILL like this. Boomers ruined Sonic, but at least we got Mania out of the true classic fans who really do care.