Bethesda shows their massive incompetence again by releasing a Denuvo/DRM free version on the Bethesda launcher, after adding it last minute to the Steam version.

Get it while it's hot and fuck Bethesda, Denuvo, and even id and Avalanche for their microtransaction/last minute DRM bullshit.

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yep, confirmed on crackwatch

If you need a link, you shouldn't be on Yea Forums m8

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thanks, so about that link

> you shouldn't be on Yea Forums

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how big is it? internet is being kinda slow rn

Based, we can finally bankrupt them. Load up those torrents boys, we're going to war!

find it yourself, no one here is your slave faggot

31.74 gb

Apparently it runs a lot smoother with higher FPS than the version with Denuvo too. Who could have ever guessed.

If I link, the topic gets purged. Have you really never gone to piratebay before? Or used google? "Top torrent sites" Fucking zoomers I swear.

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I'd be right on it if I gave the slightest fuck about Rage and the advertising campaign (such as it was) didn't actively try to make the game look like absolute toss.

it's not on pirate bay yet. i know that much. there is a p2p scene rip on rutracker but not enough seeders. trying the "codex" one now that matches your filesize. guess we'll see.

It's on 1337

I can give you a invite to a private torrent site I use. Finished my download there earlier tonight.

[email protected]

hook me up, famalam. please and thank you

Sent bro. You should have it now.

Attached: images.jpg (201x251, 7K)

received, thanks friend

Someone shill it to me. Never played 1,and they look like generic shooters. What am I in for?

I don't know if you're kidding or not, user, but can you send one too? I would appreciate it!

[email protected]

Sure. I sent one to you as well. Just please remember to seed.

thanks user, i will!

Cool. What are u gonna download first?

I don't think there's been a single Denuvo game I've wanted even for free.

first user here. first thing i plan on doing is letting this public tracker version of rage 2 codex finish, then i'm gonna see if the md5's match up on the private tracker, and have it set to seed on there specifically and get that there ratio through the roof.

Sounds good. Seeding is all I want you to do in return. I always have great download speeds on the site, think in fact it was an user that gave me a invite several years ago.

>private trackers when 1337 exists
The retards I share a board with

>Bethesda Launcher isn't DRM

i belong to a few private trackers. first thing i ever do on any of them is get that freeleech shit set up and get my ratio to like 20 lmao. thanks again.

that reminds me i should log into my empornium account it's been a while

I've used one for several years. Why the fuck would I use some public one instead?

10 hours of boredom, 1 hour of fun, then the game ends

I'll read the FAQ first kek and then I'll download RAGE2, it's my first time using a PT

>tfw my isp has had issues this past week and its still ongoing.
>usually have 200MB/s down and 90MB/s up
>now it feels like im back in the dsl days with 16MBs/down and like 8 up
>downloading shit takes forever and i loose packets all the damn time
>only really youtube and anything google works fast because they have servers locally
>in gaming i lag hard because i seem to loose packets all the time
its fucking suffering. atleast i got an email from my isp saying they wont bill me for this month and they are aware of issues with their infrastructure.

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I'll read the FAQ first kek and then I'll download RAGE2, it's my first time using a PT

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do something more productive with your life instead of playing video games this month.

>private trackers
anyone that puts effort into having a good share ratio is a literal cuck

my work leaves me with too much free time.
usually i play games because all my friends work longer hours than me. it does get kinda annoying. i do have a lot of free time though which is great if i had a gf. i dont though so vidya or browsing the internet is what i usually do.
my isp recently absorbed another isp and the network issues seem to stem from integrating the other isp in the existing infrastructure.
also i read a lot. like a fuckton so vidya really isnt the only thing i do. but i do like it.

>all these people who want to play now
So it really was good

It's more like the lack of games to play.
There is always NO GAMES:

invite? [email protected]

If it's free, I'll give almost anything a shot.

I have ADD and can't typically play games very long... I've already put eight hours into it today. mechanically it's amazing. don't expect an open world. it's more about what happens when you get where you're going. fuck the haters it's frenetic fun.

one failed because everyone thought it was like borderlands but it was basically like crysis.
2 is like madmax but tries to be like borderlands but isnt borderlands.

They get so close to making a looter shooter then they just don't add any loot. Very odd.

If you are still doing this shit heres a throwaway email
[email protected]

[email protected]
If you are still at it
Many thanks

>yfw you didn't fall for the buy Tim Willits game meme

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I only pirate epic exclusives at this point


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