I have it on good authority that the PS5 is being built to have no fan cooling.
Hope everyone is ready for a shitshow of returned consoles.
I have it on good authority that the PS5 is being built to have no fan cooling.
Hope everyone is ready for a shitshow of returned consoles.
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kek. as a sony player, you would have to be either a beaner or a retard to buy a console at release
i have it on good authority that OP is massive faggot
I mean, i can see it having more advanced fan control and operating in passive mode for the interface, watching videos and in lightweight titles that don't push the GPU at all.
Yeah no one's falling for it OP
Forgot to post their BRILLIANT reasoning. Sony believes that console technology has moved beyond the need for archaic fan cooling technology and that passive heat distribution will be enough. A "Silent" console is going to be a big promotional point that they're going to push.
This is a trainwreck waiting to happen.
There's no way that's true
It's literally impossible for it to have no fan and be functional. OP is a dumbass faggot
cause it isn't
Are you 12, OP?
The cellphone on your hand right now has no fan and runs plenty of games.
do you know what else doesn't have any fans? this shitty thread lmao
OP is most likely a faggot, but sony could do it. There's other methods to cool now that drain just barely more power then a fan does. If built correctly passive heating can be enough for higher quality chips. I mean if they could cool enough and the console pulled a little more power than other consoles it'd be neat to have it be silent but I don't know. I'd have to see their specs.
>150W+ APU
>Passive cooling
Great. My PS4 sounds like a jet engine and it's really distracting.
And many overheat while barely using any power. Now imagine a full console, fucking dumbass.
Guess what happens when it goes even an hour playing those games? It gets real hot. Now try doing that for games 10x more demanding you dumbfuck
I wonder if this is the reason for no fan? If they're making consoles more and more powerful maybe early prototypes were way too loud?
OP I think you might be retarded
We were waiting you mr.shill
Sony ponies on high alert
It gets hot, yes, but chips these days run very little risk of overheating because they can scale down power consumption along with passive heat dissipation. It's good that you feel heat in new dissipation tech. The question is how do you scale down console level chip and GPU power without losing too much gaming fidelity?
It's possible because you can build fanless pc, maybe it will require underclocking, shitton of pipes and huge radiators.
It can be done, but the console would be huge because passively cooling the APU would require a large surface area. Pic is a 8700k passively cooled using capillary action to pass a liquid through a massive heatsink (the front section is only 1/3 of that heatsink, the area behind the mobo is the remaining 2/3 of the heatsink).
>Forgot to post their BRILLIANT reasoning. Sony believes that console technology has moved beyond the need for archaic fan cooling technology and that passive heat distribution will be enough.
Technically not untrue. We just haven't seen it much in larger devices. This is interesting to be sure.
>use water cooling
Yeah that's better
Based and redpilled
>watching videos and in lightweight titles that don't push the GPU at all
consoles push the GPU to run in the first place
It will have a lot of censorship that's for sure
Yes but you can't compare 8700k housefire and a 1080Ti to an APU
The answer is, you don't. Consoles already lag behind contemporary systems in terms of power. First generation titles on any new console end up running like garbage half the time as teams have to acclimate to the new system architecture. There's no way they'll have developed techniques and knowhow to develop anything that runs above a slideshow on any modern resolution, and even with that knowledge you'd be hard press to compete with a system that can maintain more consistant performance due to not relying on extreme power fluctuation as a cooling method.
You don't. Not with a bargain computer.
>he actually believes it
The APU in the PS5 and Xbox Anaconda will likely be in the range of 100W-120W, a 8700k at stock will draw around 88W at full load.
You shouldn't have left the 1080Ti out of the question. It isn't the same to passively cool an APU to a full desktop CPU and a full desktop GPU.
What the fuck is Sony doing?!
>The APU in the PS5 and Xbox Anaconda will likely be in the range of 100W-120W
Nah, the ones used in PS4 Pro / Xbox One X were already higher than that and they'll do the same here with PS5 given MS already demonstrated what can be done with a quality cooling solution in the Xbox One X.
he literally has no source
Imagine if Sony used Zen2 8 cores and a discreet RX570?
that makes no sense, no cooling system means easy overheat. They're dumb but not that dumb.
It'll be like thaat old ass apple computer that had a giant heatsink at the bottom of it and never worked.
Tell that to the Americans down south
Impossible, even i know Snoy isn't capable of such idiocy
He said no fan, it could be liquid cooled.
Imagine believing anything anyone says anyway
The radiator still needs to be cooled.
There is just no chance for a fully passive console. If they aim for a more quiet console they can achieve that maybe with higher quality lower rpm fan. but fully passive? no chance.
but it very much doubt it would be a selling point
This is by far the most unrealistic fake leak I've seen here
>just slightly slimmer than the average tower
What's the point of a PS5 when it will just be censored games? Better to just have a Switch and PC.
literally impossible for full passive cooling for console
Um lads, the N64 was passively cooled... Obviously the PS5 library will be comparative to the N64 library in terms of graphical fidelity and framerate.
See this
ur mom was passively cooked
see this
Why does that matter?
See this
So what will the DS5 controller look like?
Wood & Stone
If the leaks are to be believed the TouchPad is now a touchscreen and it will basically serve as an inbuilt vmu
That's pretty cool but Sony is not nearly as competent
It will have lots of fans.