Home is soon
WoW Classic announcement date
Other urls found in this thread:
redridge mountains
western plaguelands
thousand needles
floating like a river
>August 27
>summer release
>absolute last week of it
Don’t forget to have a “Classic” summer! ;^)
How are Feral Druids now? I know a lot of stuff was discovered on private servers. Are they viable in PvE/PvP?
Arguably the best 1v1 spec in PvP; bear tanks are used as offtanks a lot and can MT most content up to AQ aside from chromaggus and nefarian, but cat dps sucks.
Layering aka sharding confirmed for the entire first phase which potentially spans months. DoA
layering kills the game
>cat dps sucks
Even with power shifting?
With mages being the hardest 1v1 for warriors, which class is the easiest matchup for a warrior? I'm guessing warlock or hunter?
>basically autumn
oh cool, see you in.. 16 weeks then... user
t retailcuck
Yeah it's pretty bad. In world pvp cats can shred clothies and hunters when you get in their dead zone, but you still spend most of your time in bear form. In PvE you're competing with rogues and warriors who both do much better damage than you with much less effort. It's mostly due to the fact that feral dps doesnt scale with weapon damage, they just scale with stats, and weapon upgrades are a big deal in vanilla cause most of your damage as a melee comes from your weapon's auto shots/auto attacks.
>wants to play Classic cause retail is shit
>calls out the weak bait
>"you're just a retailcuck who sucks blizzard dick"
>paying to overwrite your fond memories of vanilla
>supporting Blizzard
>layering; not even an MMO anymore
>cross-server battleground matchmaking
>cash shop
>assuming Bliz won't cuck further and add Flying Mounts, and dungeon matchmaking, within the second year
don't do this to yourselves
Just a reminder that outside of the more hardcore raiding guilds, most guilds will be happy to get 40 consistent and decently skilled players together meaning you can play whatever class you would like outside of the memest of meme builds.
lol, go look some shit up. enjoy classic with retail QoL that will be shoehorned in one thing at atime
Well I never really expected Druids to ever top DPS charts or anything. I'm just looking for general usefulness and acceptance of a Feral Druid in a raid.
these guilds are always a horrid raid enviroment and will never clear bwl onward
Mostly you are accepted as an off or MT. You can probably slot in dps for some buffs and to fill 40, not sure how much you'll compete in gear with other dps classes since I never payed attention to feral druid gear overlap.
Wow I can't wait to spend 300+ days grinding, repeating content I already experienced years ago, killing the same npc's over and over, then when the anxiety and existential dread sets in quit playing, make a thread about it, and realize I just wasted an entire year of my life repeating the same mistake I've made in the past
Look up some stuff on the Heart of the Wild build. It's a spec that allows you to still provide great druid utility with innervate, battle rez, and good healing in some fights, while allowing you to bear tank different trash mobs and other fights where bear tanks work well. You'll need an armor set for each but it's a great utility spec that raid groups will be happy to have.
Also on Alliance side, there's no poison cleansing totem so druids ability to remove poisons is needed in quite a few encounters, especially in AQ40. You do have to accept that you're not playing a specific spec though, you're playing a class which is a Druid, and you can fill multiple roles in a raid. Most people consider that a good thing, but retailcucks do not.
>Sharding for the entirety of classic confirmed.
>adding in of LFR and Dungeon finder confirmed.
>cash shop confirmed
>pet battles confirmed
>cross-realm BGs confirmed
before you say this is a falseflag try to realize how many promises have been pushed away or flat out broken. they will not stop here. stop making excuses for why you'll still play, they're killing it and you fucking know it. they won't stop.
>they are now calling sharding layering
Let the dumpster fire burn on. Hope everyone dumped their ATVI stock last year.
Gnome Warlock or Dwarf Hunter? Both seem comfy as fuck but I can't decide.
So you never had a girlfriend because you think if you break up sometime it would be a waste of time all along
Good to know
Not necessarily, they aren't the type of guilds I expect to clear Nax but usually they are fine as long as the players show up consistently. You have room for an enh shaman or something, 40 is a lot of players.
Typically they break up from something social since raiding isn't necessarily the core aspect of the guild
after taking a dip after blizzcon, the atvi stock has been consistently rising since then and iv made about 200 bucks off of it.
your going to be forced to go resto, thats the honest truth and you deserve to hear it before you spend 100+ hours leveling only to find you cant find a raid spot because you were lied to by people here
these types of guild have a much bigger issue with player churn and poaching than existed in vanilla (outside of 4HM tanks), and 99% of that is due to modern logging and its ubiquity
a warlock will get a raid invite
Hunters don't get raid spots.
Hunters do get spots for pulls and stuff, r-right?
How do I join a comfy guild this time? All of my friends have moved on with their lives.
Have fun spending rest of your 60lvl hood ganking noobs on redridge as hunter
2 max after a raid is on farm
3 if a boss with frenzy is giving you trouble
you need at least 1 for tranq shot
Almost heaven... World of Warcraft
Redridge Mountains, Southfury River
Leveling is hard there, harder than Retail
Easier than than EQ, XP without fail
Dark Portal, Take me home,
To the place I belong,
World of Warcraft, Purple Epics
Take me home, Dark Portal
All my memories from my 20's
He plays a night elf lady, doing the mailbox
Undead are tryhards, all they do is cry
Salty taste of tears, rolling down their eyes.
Dark Portal, Take me home,
To the place I belong,
World of Warcraft, Purple Epics
Take me home, Dark Portal
Is ele shaman viable in raids with enough pots? Or is the oom problem really that crippling for them
NO even as ele you do more healing than damage. But with Ele/Resto build you dont have respec every single time because you can pvp and hopefully get good pvp gear from raids.
Pay a Druid to innervate you :^)
I expected them to do this and I'm still disappointed
Sorry, home is in another... "layer".
Yes. A little better for alliance(judgement of wisdom, not competing against WF), but it's just plain bad.
Warrior. Lock/hunter are 10:0 matchups.
Did they announce the business model yet?
Don't roll a druid to play any one role. They're neutered as fuck and have like 3 abilities each. You'll want to tear your hair out not because of how bad they are(and they are bad), but just how unimaginably fucking boring they are. They were the least played class in vanilla, and they have been ever since. For 15 fucking years. That's not without reason.
Is there a melee class I can pvp/pve in without the respec roulette?
>a melee class
There are two, and no.
pve fury spec is viable in pvp, just not in organised BGs where everyone huffs their own farts about how good they are
Druids, Shamans, Paladins all can primarily melee.
It's really, really bad until you're all kitted out in phase 6. DPS itemization in phase 1/2 is just a matter of how hard you can short-change yourself on stamina. And you're still woefully short on hit. And crit, for flurry uptime. And you don't have the MS debuff. And your burst sucks. It's just not good. Oh, and sweeping strikes is pretty fucking good in PvP, too. You don't have that, either.
That is not something you will "primarily" be doing with them, no.
i suppose they can in the same way that a warlock can melee someone with a firestone, but your a healer sweetie dont kid yourself
you are giving your money to the very company that ruined WoW.
you are as dumb as a wife who gets beaten by her fat retard husband (activision)
enjoy being a bitch who will never experience the real classic experience without meta fags and tranny guilds
Damn, was hoping I could run a rogue dagger spec that could serve both
>warlocks are mushrooms
i mean you can run whatever you want and still get through MC, BWL, and ZG, so go for it. Rogue dps as assassin or subtlety is still better than feral druid cat dps. Also rogue daggers seal fate build once you get AQ40 gear is insane and works really well in PvP, but thats like deep endgame shit
I used to play mage in vanilla. Do I roll mage again, or do I warlock now for variety?
Or do I go full retard and pick warrior like everyone else
>reading blizzard posts is bait
I mean, you're right in a way. Even thinking about playing a Blizzard game is shameful.
>started on 2.0, just before 2.1 rolled out
>absolute garbage at the game
>finally got to 70 as phase three of quel’danas rolled out and never got to raid tbc let alone vanilla
>only got half of naxx under my belt in the end before having to quit to survive college
I just want to do WoW raiding right, in the days I never got to try. Layering sucks but I’ll take it over catching up to five different xpacs since I played. I played a bit on Light’s Hope, and Ithink I’m going to have fun. I hate that that nowadays comes off as shilling though and I have to expect the worst or get angry at people for seeming genuine.
iconic shaman gear
is enchanting any good for warriors? Was think of doing runs where I reserve all green drops and sell/stash the mats, but I don't know if greens drop frequently enough to make much money this way
tfw no healer gf(male)
i'm available...if you're in australia 0w0
summer ends 9/21
>command batching
I really did not think this was going to make it but it's in according to the build the youtube gaylords played.
>can vanish death coils
>can hop charges
I realize it's not going to be 100% authentic but these were two things I didn't want to see lost.
This reads like bait but it's good for everyone.
>that guy who thinks that layering will be temporary
>layering is going to ruin vanilla
Each layer is going to have 3000 people on it, which is still 500 more than original vanilla. Original vanilla capped it at 2,500. But keep spewing your bullshit about how it's going to ruin Classic
>that guy who thinks being a negative nancy is a replacement for a personality
100% chance you hate "SJWs"
100% chance you immediately hate anything EA makes
>I trust the company who ruined WoW to give us a REAL Vanilla experience
So to be sure. I don't need to REBUY wow classic, will I? All I'll need is the $15 sub? I'm fine with jumping in for $15 and finding out if I actually enjoyed classic or not but I won't shell out twice
name a time they've lied about classic since blizzcon 2017
You just pay the standard sub fee and you'll have access to both retail and classic.
homefags have to be some of the stupidest motherfuckers on the planet. i bet most of them are the type of pc lards who normally mock "consolefags" for paid online, but they're unironically getting hyped to pay blizzard a subscription fee to use their own internet - just to play a dumbed-down version of a 15-year-old game.
What are you planning to roll in Classic?
>Human Warrior (prot if I’m good at tank, fury if no)
>Human Rogue
>Gnome Mage
As potential mains
>DORF Priest
>Nelf Druid
As bank alts and post-60 farmbois.
Skinning and Herb/Mining for gold until 60s, then reset for new profs as needed
thoughts on alexensual?
It's already confirmed to not be 100% authentic. There are QoL features like the new options layout, WoD grass physics, Legion(?) nameplates, and the current raid frames will all be included in classic. They will also be using the b.net automated systems for support, reports, etc.
Right wing moron
Not as much as an alt-righter as Esfand, but not as smart
Imagine getting hyped for this
UD priest, Troll shaman, or Human paladin depending on which faction my friends commit to
Sure you can have a spot
But as soon as Razergore's done with you can get the fuck out, we need more rogues for Vael :^)
I never played horde during BC and WotLK. I'll be playing them in classic.
Orc Shaman
Tauren Warrior
Troll Rouge
dunno what professions to do but i'll probably be whatever I can to assist with my gf who never played wow at all
Surely you meant execute bots
Summer vacation ends late August
Most people are conditioned to think of Summer in general the same way
Because if you play blizzards version of classic it will just be retail with a "classic" stamp on it you imbecile
Feral was actually kind of fixed in BC, I stopped playing after but I was a MT/OT and could still top the charts in damage when I just needed to do that. Plus outside of fear they were strong in pvp. Classic WoW was a tragedy though, there was no point in playing one since anything you can do everyone else can do better.
I have the same dillema but the opposite. I think I still might go Warlock though because I prefer the class fantasy and highly value the fact that you can raid and pvp with the same build.
>All those full tier 1s
>Dagger Rogue in MC gear
>Fucking Lawbringer ret paladin
Yep it's vanilla alright
What is the best profession for a warlock?
>launching it AFTER summer
why the fuck would you do that
you want people to play it on school break.
i went rogue in vanilla and still managed to get into a guild to do MC. would i have a harder chance as a hunter this time around?
"We're considering sharding, but only for starting zones during the first few weeks to ease congestion"
male human bros ww@
They still better get rid of it quick, because even if you have a lot of population to meet, you're still gonna have a hard time seeing the same faces.
nit picky autist that gets triggered by anything blizzard does. I kind of agree with what he has to say but he goes about in the most bitchy manner possible.
Zoomers seething that they won't be free to play classic
How bad is it that I am considering getting the anniversary edition...
Female human girls ww@
Why yes, I am going to rush to 60 and sit in STV, how did you know?
In typical Blizzard fashion.
Announce release is coming out in , put actual release at the ass end of it.
They almost always release late Q3 or early Q4.
but it's awful timing.
who is going to have time to grind during school/work hours
summer is PERFECT for a large amount of users.
Friendly reminder that you will never he a woman
Night elf druid, undead priest. One character for each faction, both of them characters I made originally way back in 2005.
Yeah druid is shit in Vanilla. That's fine. I'm used to playing bottom tier characters in every game.
whatever you say, buddy
but will I ever she a woman
Remember to play horde to be free of trannies
>Summer vacation
Zoomer detected. No one gives a fuck what children like you think.
Why would you want to be weak and worthless?
getting corpse camped? no worries just go to another layer. Banding together with allies to defeat enemies is sooooo last decade.
quest npc dead? just go to another layer!
>Brokentooth/Lupos up in my layer 50g for invite!
>wts empty ungoro layer 90g
>b-but it's only for a few weeks at the start
>implying they won't just turn it back on after the servers shit the bed when they turn it off
>implying it's not going to fuck the economy up
>implying it's not going to fuck with peoples' will to team up and fight the opposite faction
what a fucking mistake
you can bet your bottom dollar they'll force it during world boss releases and aq gates as well
absolute mess.
I'm 26 and still think August is crazy late into the Summer
as someone who is a newfag to wow would getting into classic be a good idea or is this a thing only oldfags would enjoy?
Maybe they don't want students to pay the game
>trannies think that they will get groups
any sane ally player will never invite a female nelf or female human for dungeons/quests
if you wnat to do anything organized in pve or pvp you will go alliance.
It's so simple, just whisper thousands of people and hopefully get invited to a layer that you are not on.
Im gonna tell you right now: No. It isnt worth it to get into wow even as a Veteran. It will be a truly awful experience, like playing Pokemon red 20 years after you first played it. It WILL NEVER be the same.
So that balance video was just jokes, right? Warriors don't just suck shit until 60, right? They're definitely NOT going to miss, glance or have every hit be parried thus not allowing any rage to be generated? The hits I spend rage on are definitely going to hit and not be a waste of time and resources?
Warlock. By 1.12 they were pumping out as much damage as mages, while still being nowhere near as fragile and having a pet.
jesus christ shut up you virgin
hello cuckddit. now fuck back off to your cocksucker hole
Let's say the average player who jumps on classic WoW is good for 500 hrs before they eventually quit and cancel their sub. Do you want them playing 10 hrs/day in the summer or 5 hours/day during school?
Never played classic Wow back in the day. I enjoy difficulty in my mmos, but their hard to come by. Would y’all say I would probably enjoy classic wow when it releases?
not an argument, nublizz apologist
Why are we encouraging paygating the beta?
Literally the only people who will play is retail players who fucking hate classic. What about us people that like classic but don't want to pay yet for a retail sub?
kys tranny
Play warrior out of the gates and you'll be in for a ride.
literally as simple as asking in general chat for people who are at your location and if you can't see anyone you know they're on a different layer
There are a lot of people whose first experience with Vanilla WOW came from private servers and many of them enjoyed it. The game holds up really well. There is a reason why the game became such a cultural phenomenon when it came out originally.
Holy shit the amount of fear mongering based on absolutely nothing but speculation and shitposting. How can layers have an impact on the economy or PvP if they're most relevant during the first couple weeks when the VAST majority of players are still gonna be pre 30?
Damn :( i'll go back to waiting for pantheon
I work in a tourist restaurant that has me working 7 days a week in the Summer. Fucking stoked that this is a Sept release because Sept-April is our slow season. I can play the fuck out of this.
Thankfully not a kid or college student.
who cares about the release date
point is LAYERS and who knows what are already confirmed. doesnt matter when it will release now, its a bad game
If the point of the sharding is to ease server load it is very possible that they just straight up won't be able to back out of it and will keep it in indefinitely
>b-but its only for a few weeks
id rather wait in queue for 6 hours than have this inorganic SHIT.
My first experience with WoW was a shitty vanilla private server a couple years ago and it STILL became one of my favorite MMOs and games in general. The game is really well designed and polished, even when handled by retarded Russians and you're surrounded by Chinese.
I genuinely feel sorry for people who want to play on a pve server. Imagine being so brain damaged and robotic that you want to miss out of 50% of the game. Themepark gamers should just stop playing games.
So is the WoW classic client separate? I don't feel like downloading 57 gig on my potato internet... but I will if I have to.
killing greys wont make up for your stepdad beating you, user
>the guy who thinks an insult is an argument
fucking lol. shit game.
Blizzard confirmed that if this is successful they will release new level 60 content, dungeons, items, and quests after Naxx. It's amazing that' exactly what I asked for and a lot of people said it would never happen.
but it's worth it, right?
too bad youre gonna change layer every so often so youre fucking server hopping all the time and never make friends during leveling IF layers will be removed by then
>world boss releases and aq gates as well
This is exactly the reasons they gave to not make it permanent, phase 2 introduces first serverwide events so that's when it's out. It won't do shit to the economy because all high end auction shit won't stabilize until a good size of the server is 60 which will take more than just 1 month.
I still don't want layering, but it's a better alternative to sharding and it won't be around for long.
name one year were blizzard didnt lie
>keeping/tweaking everything to feel and play exactly how it was
>create a good solution to shading and tourism
>still the pimple back tinfoil hat troll cries
then don't play it's clearly not for you.
I want to be a druid but I don't like the races
Like I said, pure speculation. If they do keep it in well past the launch I'll grab my pitchfork too, but so far there's no evidence suggesting they'll do so. Quite the opposite. If someone could provide an actual shred of evidence to counter every interview, blue post, and design choice that shows they care about Classic, I'll listen, but right now this just sounds like the same people who were shitposting last week about how Classic wasn't coming out because it was some elaborate scam for some reason.
I want to be a femtaur but I want to play a good class that is wanted in raids
It'll be the same client. Either as it's own button on the left or in the drop down for switching to different licenses
I don't know what you like, mate.
Are the stress tests available to anyone?
>it's only in the starting zones for the first few days
>it's only going to be for the first few weeks
you are here
>it's only going to be until they figure out how to fit more than 100 people in the same area without the server crashing
>it's only going to be until TBC
But layers are the size of full servers. They're only needed if the population is above what you'd see anyway. In other words, what's the difference if you're in game with 3k people and can't see the other people on your server because they're in a queue or in a different layer?
Jesus fucking christ hell no
Everyone needs a raidmom. Play druid
Barman's Shanker
did you pay chinese farmers with 2 wow tokens for retail to level your classic character to 60?
So you just make up bullshit when you have no real points to argue?
THIS is what people should be seething about, not layering. How the fuck will they get good feedback if the only people in the beta are retailcucks?
>to feel and play exactly how it was
LAYERING will NOT feel and play how it was
You wont be able to build grudges or provoke escalations with anyone because they'll just be forced onto another layer or pussy out and deliberately move to another layer.
I'd rather sit in queue for 10 hours and have a proper persistent world from the start than this half assed shit.
classic combines the worst of both worlds
classic shit gameplay
retail shit community
They won't because retailcucks will say negative things because they don't want classic.
thanks user, I hope you find something that you enjoy too.
hundreds of people won't phase out of existence with Layers
Your move, pessimist
>if I use a shitty wojak edit I win the argument
I heard Classic will be separate and around 8-10 gigs.
The whole summer release was just a rumour. They never said it themselves.
Looks like change chads win again. Fuck off private server min max autists. Enjoy your Chinese
>Blizzard already broke all their promises
It's over blizzard just cant make WoW good.
make sure to spam /cry in the vicinity of as many people as possible
I mean you make a good point about feedback, but did you really think they wouldn't make you have a sub? You always needed one for retail beta servers.
> they'll just be forced onto another layer
they said specifically that you are stickied to a layer, you dont just jump around. its even server wide
>deliberately move to another layer
no proof you can do this. even if you could, there's surely going to be restrictions based around pvp. cooldown from pvp until you can jump, or penalty for jumping
>I'd rather sit in queue for 10 hours
autism dude
classic isnt difficult in terms of gameplay, its difficult in terms of getting anything done, like walking a lot, waiting a lot, researching a lot, trying to get a party going, etc, its a test of patience
But i'm so sweaty
Do you really want my fat butt...on your face?
>Provoke 10v10 wpvp by corpse camping/quest npc killing
>Instead of escalating the fight by banding together to try to turn the tables and be the ones corpse camping you, they just move to another layer
>They try to escalate the fight, and get forced onto another layer because you can't have more than 2 raids in the same place oh well oopsie!
You have no fucking idea what this means for sandboxign and emergent gameplay
why would you pretend that blizzard would remove sharding from this? they're obviously bailing on retail and rebooting from "classic". sharding...sorry shard-fuck sorry layershard-FUCK sorry layering (sharding (FUCK SORRY)) is here to stay in order to attract new players. classic is dead, there was a chance but not anymore. it's obvious activision smelled blood in the water, and they've already got their hooks into the the classic team. enjoy your abortion that will have lfr within 6 months.
>but did you really think they wouldn't make you have a sub?
Not really. There was hope, because they've made a lot of other good/cool decisions, but I'm mostly just disappointed, not surprised.
>good solution to shading and tourism
Betas are not for feedback.
thats exactly the problem retard, do you even economy 101? a few organized players will absolutely dominate the whole economy for months to come given they exactly know how to abuse the layer system
>can't have more than 2 raids in the same place
Source: Dude, trust me.
That wasn't the full quote.
>The first few weeks when everybody is packed into Valley of Trials and everyone is packed into Elwynn, we think we can use sharding there in a limited, time limited, way to solve the initial launch day load problems while, making sure in the long run, as server communities solidify into a healthy population and a single world.”
Summer ends near the end of september
I get your point, but layers are most relevant during the first couple weeks after launch, before the masses even reach contested zones. They've stated they're going to reduce or outright remove layers as the population spreads out, which will be right about the time the normies are reaching STV.
We will see how things turn out with the stress test, but don't hold your breath for more than 2-4 raids in the same place
oh no they made an effort to make the game playable on release
how truly terrible
"hey invite me to your group i'm being ganked"
Nigger invites you to join thier group
Accept Deny
*accept* *vanishes*
your move faggy faggy fag fag
How fat?
Instead of a sub they should've had a preorder desu. Final Fantasy did it right by allowing access to preorders. Only an idiot would be subbed to WoW right now or sub for a small chance at the beta.
>sharding...sorry shard-fuck sorry layershard-FUCK sorry layering (sharding (FUCK SORRY))
You make outstanding points and should not consider ending your life.
cause you can change layer. its like being able to change servers every time you zone in retail.
Yeah because the Classic economy is totally gonna be run on iron ore and briarthorn.
I doubt Blizzard will even allow you to see hundreds on screen outside of major cities. Your move, deluded blizz cuck.
I know, thank you.
And another
As you've noticed, the Classic Demo does have realm sharding. This is to let as many people as possible experience it without technical issues such as server capacity or spawn density getting in the way.
Longer term, we know how crucial it is to the Classic experience for you to see your friends when you walk into Stormwind or when you’re helping them on a quest you’ve already completed. And there should only ever be one Kazzak on a realm, no matter how many people are waiting for him to spawn.
>We’re still looking at how we can best deliver an authentic Classic experience at launch, and in the weeks and months that follow - both in terms of gameplay and community. You won’t see phasing (which is tied to specific quests that don't exist in Classic) or cross-realm zones (which combine multiple realms together) in Classic. However, realm sharding is one of the best tools we have to keep realms stable when hundreds of players are swarming the same initial few zones and killing the same few mobs (like they will be at the launch of Classic). To that end, we do believe that some form of sharding may be helpful, especially in those early days. But we recognize that a cohesive world is critical to WoW Classic and are committed to bringing that to you.
Nah BWL isn't that bad. They may even beat AQ20. No way they're beating AQ40 but they'll probably be ok with that.
>fixing some syllables to my ear
Almost heaven... World of Warcraft
Redridge Mountains, old Southfury River
Leveling is hard there, harder than Retail
Easier than than EverQuest, grinding without fail
Dark Portal, Take me home,
To the place I belong,
Eastern Kingdoms, get rid of Worgen
Take me home, Dark Portal
All my memories, poop still in my socks
Night elf lady, he's dancing on the mailbox
Undead tryhards, stealthing in Lakeshire
But there glimmers a 60 pally, teardrop in my eye
Dark Portal, Take me home,
To the place I belong,
Eastern Kingdoms, get rid of Pandas
Take me home, Dark Portal
> but layers are most relevant during the first couple weeks after launch
only time will tell if they will stick to their word (although they havent already)
135lbs, 5'5"
Druids are really good dungeon tanks because of swipe but they lack the survivability to deal with raid boss attacks.
I was just trying to gross you out, but predictably women are base, ugly creatures and reward the men who openly, wantonly lust after them. This is why I prefer anime girls. 3D women are so uncouth.
Yeah, but what does that effect if it's mostly relevant during the first few weeks after launch?
Did they make ret paladin worthwhile in raids now? Otherwise there is no reason to go alliance.
>be on a different server every time you log in
enjoy your server "community" retail cuck, cause thats how layers work
>Ion confirms Layers will be size of original server
>Each server will probably have 2-3 layers as they will be larger than original servers
Oh noooo game ruined :). The only thing people should give a fuck about is dungeon reset macro.
People aren't going to be able to shard farm effectively at all. Only the most dedicated losers will bother and they honestly need to have sex instead
>only time will tell if they will stick to their word (although they havent already)
Examples? So far they've made mostly good decisions regarding Classic. The only outright lie I'm aware of regarding vanilla servers is they said they'd never do them, lel.
Can you imagine being too fucking retarded to see the issue with layering and then having the audacity to go online and act superior?
>Mfe shadowbringers kills this shit
>shitty song that game originally tied to was a massive failure
>lel we'll put it to another game and it'll be good xD
I think it's obvious that song is fucking cursed to ruin games.
another guy who hasn't read TODAYS update on classic. go read and then tell me it's just for a couple of weeks. jesus christ.
>ret paladin worthwhile
official forum are speculating that its only fixed for your session as far as i understood if you dont force a change trough grouping up, so chances are you play with a different community every time you log out
World pvp is much more profound when it's a fresh server with a hunter gatherer economy and no one has any gear and people really have to work together to defeat each other and compete for quest npcs with the opposite faction. Layering will trivialize this.
WoW was cursed since the very beginning.
>Sharding will only be in starting zones for the first few days
>most relevant during the first couple weeks
Phase 1 has been confirmed you fucking mongoloid.
You will still be layered as you clear MC.
Basically you are the spare tire of the raid, you'll most likely be given gear for off tanking, but your raid career will be mostly healing and feral dps when a raid is on farm. Feral is bis dungeon tank. Druid also more capable solo play and can actually farm stuff alone. We are most likely getting classic plus judging from that blizzard interview so I won't be shocked if weird classes do get buffed in some way. Druid could be a decent investment.
>yfw blizz implements LAYERS into retail because sharding was such a fuck up in hopes to get back some of the classic cucks
Nigger who cares there are dozens of raids in WoW/Xiv that are miles harder then Naxx. Naxx was artificial difficulty and rushed out.
Literally nothing blizz does will ever be authentic enough for him, which I suspect because it means he'd have to pay for it.
Is it true that Trolls Hunter in PVP are fucking bad?
They said month at the most because it will be eliminated for phase 2. Stop being a retard
>good solution to shading and tourism
Stupid fucking Mongoloid.
Don't pretend like you give a shit about classic when you are okay with Nu-Vanilla
The only good thing that can possibly come from this is improvements to private servers.
Blizz has listened to feedback once in their entire company history. It was about forcing trannies to use their real identity on battlenet.
>some shitty bethesda abortion's marketing team gets to make John Denver mean nothing to me anymore
This Phase 1 will be layered through out.
>Phase 1
>Only 1 month
Are you fucking braindead?
dude people will be past iron on the first day. did you ever play this game at all? guess not.
orc stun resist is literally a 25% chance to instantly win a duel against a rogue
huntard will beat any class regardless of race because they can outrange anything
Well, horde it is then.
>unironically liking John Denver
does your brain just omit information it doesn't like?
I will play balance druid and I will make it work.
That was just an idea they were tossing around, and layering is better than any form of sharding.
based and portal pilled
Shaman windfury, rogue, arms war, war, healer dps group for leveling
no you wont
Im just here to laugh at alexsensual tier autists shitting their diapers over a video game.
Have sex and die
>Blizz has listened to feedback once in their entire company history
What about the Classic team changing the content phases after the community complained? Or loot sharing? These are just recent examples too.
I will, even if I will have to pretend I am a girl to get a raid spot.
>acting like John Denver isn't kino for the sake of irony on a roman architecture board
>month at the most because it will be eliminated for phase 2
phase 1 is > 1 month
i'm not sure how you are arguing
yes and the ideas you've heard today are just ideas they're tossing around. spoiler alert, everytime they toss around an idea they allow it to grow worse and worse. why would you think they'll stop there?
Carb decide between Human Lock or Dwarf Hunter. I'll probably just level both.
Uhmm.. Guys, But what about school?
>3 days before my bday
Best bday ever lads
What is the 27th month?
I did play the game and I know that for even the most dedicated players, a good 1-60 time was about 6-7 days played, and that's speed leveling. Throw professions into the mix and now you're adding a ton of time on top of that.
in my opinion layers would do no significant damage in the first week since most people will just be trying to get the fuck out of the starting zones and not really make friends during this clusterfuckery anyway, but after that, layers will significantly alter your experience compared to classic unless they will make it so you wont change layer unless grouping up with friends - and after logging out getting back into your original layer. everything else will fuck it up, that is, if you play classic for the community experience of vanilla. if not, then it doesnt matter to you anyway since youll just play the game the same as you play retail.
whats wrong fucking retard? why aren't you replying to any of the other replies?
Can't argue against caps lock
thanks for telling us you like retail. cuck. cause thats all you said with your fuckpost
you can't argue period.
>they toss around an idea they allow it to grow worse and worse
This is outright false. They've constantly changed and adjusted things based on community feedback for the better, and that includes their stance on community feedback. I'll even list some examples:
>improved the content phases
>dialed back loot sharing
>implemented spell batching even though no one expected them to
Where's the official statement all I can find is this
>unless they will make it so you wont change layer unless grouping up with friends
>However, unlike sharding once in a layer, players won't leave this layer in favor of a better one whenever they move or change zones, removing the awkward phasing present in retail. The only way to change a layer will be to enter a group, which will have all players from the group in the same layer.
>frogposter once again proves his retardation
like poetry
i wish, squareenix doesnt seem to be much better than blizzcuck these days
Comfy times are coming bros.
I hope the people super upset about layers find something else that they enjoy, I'm glad that I personally don't care.
that wasn't them tossing around an idea, they were told to change these things by the community. The idea they DID toss around was sharding, and look where we are nigger nigger
This joke will never be funny. It wasn't funny when some fag made it in the Super Mario Maker 2 thread earlier and it is not funny now
>He doesn't know what Vigintiseptember is.
And you'll still be playing classic despite all your bitching, crying, and diaper shitting.
Shut the fuck up Alex and suck my God damn cock and balls. It's all your cute bitch mouth is good for.
>and look where we are nigger nigger
In a better place. Don't tell me you seriously think sharding is better than layering "nigger nigger."
I won't do your digging for you, but let me get this straight...you think they're going to only give players 2 weeks to hit 60 and farm all the gear they need from MC and onyxia and then release phase 2? thats what you think is going to happen, correct?
>undead rogue tries to gank me
>teleport to another shard
heh, nothin personnel
Know whats even better? Store fly mounts. Just think about it. Blizzard gets money. You get epic fly mount. For no effort. Everyone wins.
considering most servers will probably have just 2 layers, itll be more like
>get invited
>still in the same layer, get fucked anyways
nice try though
>1 year ago
>Changes are fine no big deal xD you guys are just retailfags
Fucking pathetic cucks the lot of you. And that includes you, Asmongold. I know you're in here.
Yes because I live in a world where 2 weeks are a month. I know one month is a short ass time to roll out a new phase, but I can only go on the information I have. I can't find anything else with time information like that
>unless they will make it so you wont change layer unless grouping up with friends - and after logging out getting back into your original layer
>tfw camped today all the shards for Black Lotust and got like all of them in 15mins :D
doesnt say anything about when youre put in a layer (upon login? character creation?) and if you stay in that layer only for your session or even after you log off and back in. without that info its hard to make anything out of what you posted. will i still be on the same layer when i log back in tomorrow? will the people i saw yesterday be?
If it goes on longer than a month or so I will grab a pitchfork along with you anons
If you can get to the point where you can farm Black Lotus while layering is still active, you fucking deserve it. That's like 2 straight weeks of poopsocking.
just play retail then if you dont care about the community you cuck
okay let me reword it. you think they're going to give players 1 month to hit 60 and farm all the gear they need from MC and onyxia and then release phase 2? thats what you think is going to happen, correct?
>my birthday
Guess I know what mommy is getting me for a present bros!
It won't be active past Phase 1, and I'd bet money it won't be relevant past the first couple weeks after launch.
nope. blizzard will never see another cent of me, they havent been seeing money from me since like a decade, im just here to laugh at you classic cucks, enjoy kiddo
ah yes, phase 1 is going to be 2 weeks long. yes, of course.
Based and reasonablepilled
Back to chinkdale honey
>Summer vacation
Fucking kids.
how much would you like to bet, I wouldn't mind making some free money off of an absolute retard
Retail doesn't interest me in the slightest. The last time I played was the end of S1 TBC when I realized what Arenas + Flying did to the game. I'm totally fine with a temporary continent split in comparison to that disaster.
Selling my warrior ended up paying for my first car though so that was nice.
I will admit that I followed the world first race for Arthas to see how it all ended
You can raid through BWL as balance, and balance is fantastic in PvP. But once you hit AQ you'll run out of mana before a fight is even half over
>Phase 1 is going to be 2 weeks long
Put a concrete definition on what "relevant" means and I might do it. I'll definitely bet on them not taking it past phase 1 as promised. The Classic team cares about the game similar to the HotS team did about theirs.
Yeah that's what they all say, you can't find the addiction you little slut. You'll open your wallet for Daddy blizzards big cock soon enough.
Here's what you'll even look like!
>40 man raids are now 8 shards of 5 man groups
>to reduce queue time :^)
I'm going to pay my sub with ERP by finding a paypiggy to bully
>There’s mixed reports on whether or not layering will come to the current game, but it could be a possibility. It solves a lot of the problems of sharding while also letting players grow communities. WoW Classic might serve as a way to test it before Blizzard drops it into the regular game.
thanks for beta testing our layers classic cucks
t.retail chad
>i'll bet on a couple of weeks
>well now I need to think about this and get more info
got it. can't blame you, you'd have lost some money.
>chinese hacker is able to main hes own private server for 150k people
>blizzard cant even hold one stable 5k server without sharding or layering
are you sure youre not speaking about yourself here, tranny?
did you just drop into that conversation w/o reading the rest of it and getting proper context? no shit it's not going to be 2 weeks long holy fuck
Instances are """"layered"""" since day 1, retard.
We really need to make a buzz about it. The problem is that reddit cocksuckers are okay with it and they outnumber the unhappy people 10 to 1.
are you really surprised that the people who are hysterical over a temporary change in a videogame are taking things out context and freaking out about it user.
just let them seethe, you know they're all going to be playing classic anyway.
No we're not because we have FREE private servers we can play right now. Not like you reddit cucks
what...is going on here
>temporary change
dont come crying if daddy blizzard lies to you again
You'll be deepthroating blizzard cock soon boy.
>Oh oh but I'll never play
Yeaaaah shut up kid. You'll subscribe in the end, they all do.
being transgender isn't an insult buddy
what difference is classic to the current wow?
never played wow
eeeh. im not playing retail so classic would be the only way for blizz to make any money off me, but with these recent changes im out. have fun with your nu-vanilla, just dont think youre getting the real deal
They are literally completely different games.
wew lad
yeah it is. it's an insult to your ancestors for breaking their backs and breeding a line that lead to you: someone who will never reproduce.
Speak for yourself.
Fuck shit view distances
Fuck shit latency
Fuck spics trying to talk to me
Fuck Chinese spammers
Fuck obvious pserver duping
you really need to stop projecting there boy. how long have you been sucking daddies cock? did they send you that dragon statue for beeing a loyal customer?
little nigga got the itis
I remember always plowing warlocks and rogues.
no such thing
warrior autolose all equally geared 1v1
>oh shit he might actually do it, I better say something to cover my ass because if we put actual conditions on it I might be held accountable
No we don't. The fewer zoomers the better.
>all these people mad that /we/ are finally going home
Only gives me even more joy
Devs pull this shit all the time. When Guild Wars came out they hyped a big "summer update" for months on end, finally released the damn thing on September 17 and then acted surprised when the whole playerbase was pissed.
>imagine killing your whole lineage of evolution where every single one of your ancestors fought to the death from the first colony of bacteria up to the modern human only to produce you, the end of the line. i cant imagine a greater insult
being a white male (ie a brain damaged, psychopathic leech on society) is an insult
being transgender (ie a normal, healthy contributing member of society) is not
When you gonna sub so I can add you. I'll need a healslut
have sex
bet you won't
they burned that house down boy. yeah you can probably sleep in those ruined but eeh, id rather go somewhere else now.
>going home
But you could play retail this whole time
Layers will be thousands of people each, each server will support 2-3
i already had. many times, too bad huh you can never catch up to me now
>overrun with shitty streamers and their audiences
>content is camped to let streamers get to it first
>all tiers are farmed into oblivion and streamers will complain that there isnt anything to do
>streamers will cause the death of Classic because it doesn't cater to them anymore
you can add me on ff14 i can be your healslut there, im not gonna touch classic with that layer bullshit
I still don't know if I want to recreate my original Gnome Warrior or try something else this time around.
I've been smiling all day bros, it's finally happening.
you can either have layering, or not have the game
>Have all that time in discord to come up with the best disinfo campaign you can
>This is what you post
Yes, and?
Suit yourself.
I was playing BFA around january but now i'm playing mordhau, i'll resub now to get in the beta, have like 5 wow tokens sitting around
>August 2019
>Classic WoW
>New Tool album
You sure YOU ain't the tranny?
Not they're absolute dogshit. You won't be able to get groups for dungeons at all. Don't do this to yourself then be full of regret at max level
id rather they delayed it or just put traditional fucking server caps and queues on it like normal people instead of blatantly leaving the door open for further layering down the line
yeah. they said you wont change layer during your session unless you group up. but what if i log off? will i still be in the same layer the next day? will the people ive met be there? i dont wanna hop between different servers in the most crucial time in wow where you make friends and enemies, since layers are confirmed to be for all of phase 1, which is up to MC
its 2006 all over again
I'm mtf trans, what race, class, and spec should I play?
You should instead go horde so you can join my guild
nobody is forcing you to play it
Uh sweetie it's called CLASSIC and not VANILLA. Now go back to cuckdale if you want vanilla
is capslock user going to pop a major artery tonight? I'm worried about him bros
he is making full use of that 90s auto post timer at this point
spank me daddy
>this is the average nu-vanilla faggot
I can't say I'm surprised.
Dead on arrival
What a blunder
Lmfao I totally fucking called it
I was always secretly a changes CHAD. nochangeniggers eternally BTFO into the dust.
femtauren druid
>Save that shaman who aggrod too many quillboars in The Barrens
>Never see him again because he got moved to a different layer when he grouped for a quest in Desolace
Annnnd the biggest attraction to me is now dead, well done NuBlizz you let your focus testing PR team ruin yet another game.
Fuck vanilla players. Retail chads gonna fuck your shitty game in every hole again, and there nothing you can do but watch like a lil pathetic cucks you are.
My first experience with WoW was the demo that came with the Blizzcon ticket and I enjoyed it enough to play whenever I had time and something to do within the game. Only downside is that I'm not sure priest was a great choice.
Let it die.
Let it burn to ashes.
There is no vanilla.
Blizzard only panders to Streamer cancer and ''new players.''
Fuck Blizzard.
Fuck them all to hell.
Good job.
Remind me to filter home in Yea Forums
No one wants to be twoshotted by Defias Pillagers, man
Cute rat :)
I love being a reasonable gamer that doesn't get upset over tiny things. It makes the meltdowns more entertaining.
do you unironially play retail or are you just shitposting
please tell me youre just shitposting
why do people keep pushing the 3000 layer meme?
Blizzard wont define their internal numbers so any guess is a bullshit number. Dont be surprised if a layer has 300 people
you'll never be a woman, and your family is deeply ashamed of you. your suicide would be a genuine relief to them. oblige.
Fellow retail chads, we got sharding, what's next?
Personally I think we should focus our efforts on getting AoE looting, dual-spec and t-mogging in Classic. You just know those little classic cucks will once again reassure each other that it doesn't REALLY impact the game, lmao
i will never understand the korean/japanese obsession with overfeeding animals
>shitposting on Yea Forums
weak b8 but I replied 1/10
You sound like you have a well manicured beard and post reaction videos on youtube.
AOE looting, tmog window, and advanced models toggleable
This turbo sperging is really entertaining to me. I'm not exactly a big fan of layers, but if the result is this many entertaining posts I say bring it on.
that blizzard cuck said that one layer will have about as many people as vanilla servers did, but they never released any official numbers for those so its still just a guess
if your talking is he obese he isn't. that hedgehog anatomy they are pretty flat actually.
They need to be like that form the defensive ball shape.
Sounds like some projecting there friend. Call the suicide hotline if you are scared.
When I first started Vanilla in mid 2005, I remember having a terrible time with the first quest to kill Kobolds.
I must have hit level 4 by pure grinding before I realized the exact name of the mob mattered. I was killing the harder, higher level Kobolds because everyone else kept killing the level 1 versions I actually needed to finish that quest.
All I was seeing of those guys was corpses, but they all looked so much alike that I didn't notice there was a difference. I remember wondering what kind of weird bug I'd found that my kills weren't registering lol.
I'm glad they have a solution that is not full phasing/sharding to deal with that problem. I'm sure the first few weeks will be bonkers regardless, but this should help a great deal!
This. I played WoW from beta to Cata and why the fuck would you want to go back to that shit and pay for the same game all over again? Just let it fucking die you stockholm syndrome motherfuckers.
>/1 Hey guys how is it going in STV tonight? If anyone is ganking you just whisper me for an invite really quick, god bless
no amount of deflection will make your family or society accept your mental illness's physical manifestation
Go back to lelddit. Nu-Vanilla faggot.
I never saw this on my server
Man I spent almost an hour grinding kobolds in loch modan wondering why they didn't count for my quest. Looked at the names and everything. Finally I realized that my teammate hade converted our party into a raidgroup "because it sounded cool". We had no idea what a raidgroup was or why we couldn't do our quest
>We want veteran streamers players in to the beta for testing.
>retard cant read
>its the games fault
Vanilla WoW played closer to EQ than retail. Grinding happened and was a part of the game regardless of how ineffective you were at questing.
Just because you dont want to abandon retail habits doesnt mean the Vanilla rerelease needs to be shit to cater to you.
Tailor and whatever. Enchanting or herb/mining. Gl against bots on overpopulated servers tho
lol youre all cucks, playing this game at release with that layer bullshit is still no guarantee your server wont end up dead while ruining your whole leveling experience. im just gonna wait it out until that layer shit is gone and then join the most active server with the highest pop. smooth sailing you faggots
Layering looks amazing, in fact I'll be pushing Blizzard to keep in in for the rest of their phases.
I mean, I for one do NOT want to have to try and do the Gates of AQ event with everyone cramming themselves into Silithus.
locks need engineering for phase 1 bis
>fuck you BLIZZARD
August 27th
>Okay here's my 15$
>doesnt want the spectacle that is actual vanilla gameplay
why the fuck are you even bothering?
>giving Activision/Blizzard a single penny
They can fucking die in a fire.
>We want active subs and we will be checking to ensure long time subscribers get into it
Who the fuck is actively subbed to WoW these days?
>different servers merging into one once most of the pop dies is amazing
are you seriously retarded or just a shill
Get better vocabulary Benji you fucking hyper autist, don't make me get your neighbors to stomp on their floors again
leveling 48-60 is going to be legitimately impossible in phase 2 with blizzards no BGs shit just so your aware
This is very fucking reason why layering and sharding killed WoW.
>Already empty or dead server
>Server has like 8 different layers and shards going on
>You can go from Orgimar to Ratchet without seeign a single fucking soul annywhere
This is very fucking reason why i stopped at Cata. Only people i ever saw in WoW outside instances was in the capitals. The fucking world was always fucking empty.
>replying to yourself
i have no idea what any of that means, care to explain
Not that I care but heavy grinders flies exponentially faster ahead since they get more of the rare shit faster. These people know what the items are worth and won't oversaturate the market or try to undersell like retards. The first few weeks gathering items are marked up by an insane amount.
cool, sounds like they wanted to kill their own game on purpose
Because I'm an autist I made an MS Paint picture to illustrate heh my point. Can someone explain to me how layering is a bad solution? It looks like a way better option than sharding ever was, and I don't see much of a difference between other layers and a big ol' queue.
pretty sure they already had a anti-grind feature implemented at the end of vanilla, reducing your loot and xp if you grinded too long in one spot
>xhe thinks theres only 1 person in the world who is disgusted by trannies
okely dokely
Why so late? Might as well KYS myself.
they are adding the honor system and 1.12 itemized pvp rewards in phase 2, but not battlegrounds until phase 3
the most efficent way to gain honor is not le ebin hillsibrad pvp, but instead efficiently camping chokepoints for 48+ levelers
if you arent 60 by then and on a pvp server you will be corpsecamped from 48 onward until phase 3
Layers to me just sounds like 3 servers put into one and you can pick which one you want to play.
How is it different than 3 servers with the ability to transport between them?
I don't think you can answer that. It's basically a megaserver.
Unironically none. Unless you outgear somebody and can land a sweet oneshot with your boosted epic weapon during the intercept stun people will just laugh at you
Know how long first 1-60 took on nostalrius? Little over 2 days. Optimized autism shits on the first 1 to 60 that was 15 years ago. They would have a monopoly regardless of sharding but they will reign longer because of it.
everything is better than sharding, blizzard is in fact testing layers on classic because tey are thinking about putting it in retail instead of sharding. doesnt mean its good for classic. you have some really low standards if you compare it like that.
This, I hate fucking waiting. Waiting makes me feel strangely itchy and fidgety, I get irritable too so I'm glad Blizzard is acknowledging that when their PAYING CUSTOMERS want to PLAY the product they BOUGHT that they better have a system in that lets us PLAY RIGHT AWAY.
Most people in the game just get in the way of you by tagging mobs or stealing nodes, so fuck 'em honestly. I'd be happier just being able to play by myself and quickly finish quests or farm profession resources without any annoying competition.
it is better than sharding
as it stands now its basically a planned server merge in phase 2 with the potential to fuck up the economy
i guess escaping ganks changing layer to find npc that sells the recipe/quest or just going to a empty layer to farm
but we will see today
You're full of shit. Joana, the world record holder, clocked in at a bit over 4 days and that was with insane dedication.
If you are 26 and sperging on Yea Forums about a release date you need to reevaluate your choices.
so basically just avoid STV and tarrenmill/southshore gotcha
>Classic confirmed as just a testing ground for Blizzard to try out new server tech for retail
>People will pay $15 a month for a glorified PTR
This annoys me as well, I don't want to pay $15 for the chance to be selected for the beta.
its like sharding with less shards and you shard less often, thats basically it. its not one persistent world
>retailfags are now joining the Classic hype train due to streamers doing the same
>they love shit like layering because they'll be able to escape pvp
>they are the vocal majority now
This is not home anymore.
Not eveyone is a cuck. Even you can be better than that. You are not stupid. Dont let them use you and threat you like a shit. Just find a better way to spend your time.
>because they'll be able to escape pvp
You mean like if they joined a PvE server?
since players can move from layer to layer on the same server i dont think the AH will be layered. otherwise people will try to get to the layer with the best AH prices which is fucking retarded (ff14 did this, people arent happy)
You can't pick. You gotta rely on trying to group with other people on other layers if you want to go to that specific layer.
As soon as you leave a group, raid, etc. that transported you to that layer, you'll be back in another layer. You make it sound like channels in those asian MMO's where you can just pick and choose freely from a list. It's NOT like that.
enjoy the ungoro corpseruns illiterate-kun
not only that, but you might not even manage to kill them once before they disappear at 20% health. enjoy
I fucking agree.
Style and racism ganking was best.
I always ganked only females because i hate women.
okay ill level a rogue then, gotcha
now they can have the bragging rights of playing on a pvp server while escaping all unwinnable situations.
nah the AH isnt the issue, its people hoping layers for black lotus/devilsaurs/elemental farming
Layers break the immersion.
Every layer will have different resource nodes and mobs.
Fuck now that i figured it you can literally kill all World Bosses multiple times because you can hop layers.
looks like someone can't handle the bantz heh
Barely. Layers are the size of full servers. People will log in/out more often than they switch layers.
which world bosses?
Classic Wow, take me home
to the layer I belong
where I'll play, I don't know
sharding is the way to go
Layers destroy the sense of a singular living world, no more thrills at encountering someone later down the line or developing a rivalry with an enemy player who you keep clashing against.
Such a horrible thing to implement just to appease a vocal minority that apparently wants an MMO to be a more single player experience like Skyrim.
>you can literally kill all World Bosses multiple times because you can hop layers
What world bosses? They're being added in Phase 2.
source: just trust me dude
ALL world bosses. Every layer has its own individual world boss spawns.
If your server has like 5 layers you can easily kill the emerald dragons like 5 times in row.
Best priest race?
>'summer release'
do blizzard know summer starts in december?
Source: youtu.be
emerald dragons don't exist during the phase where layers exist.
did you actually read anything about the plan or are you just acting hysterical without info?
>I want to play an MMORPG
>But I don't want a large number of players around me
People who advocate sharding/layering in a fucking MMO are the same type of people who roll Horde and then cry that their faction is acting mean in the lore.
>emerald dragons don't exist during the phase where layers exist.
Yeah they do Blizzard confirmed layering will be in Vanilla.
ok so heres my plan:
>wait until this layer bullshit gets removed
>level my rogue on the most populated pvp server
>enjoy cheap as fuck AH prices and free gold from veterans
>make friends with others while leveling who were just as smart
>make cool endgame pvp guild with them and gank noobs
yall wish you were as smart as me
can you link the part of the video where he says not a lot of players are going to regularly switch layers if they can?
Woah this thread is pretty shitty, why don't you guys come join me on Yea Forums(3) just PST for invite.
Blizzard does.
do yourself a favor and read up on the 6 phases user, the scenario you're imagining does not exist.
What fucking backwards ass country are you from? Summer is from June to September in the northern hemisphere aka the only places that matter, you mongoloid.
I will do this as well. unless of course blizzard decides layering makes more sense in the long tearm (they're going to do this and people will still act surprised)
Ok since you clearly need to be spoonfed:
>vanilla has world dragons, they are CONFIRMED to be in, you fucking zoomer
>layering is also CONFIRMED to be in vanilla
Stop trying to pretend, this isn't your janked up chink funserver here.
you're the noob user
im gonna find you and gank the shit out of you
You're all bashing at the layering but what is the alternative? Spend the first ~6 hours in the starting zone trying to tag your shit among other ~500 people?
Not the guy you are arguing with, but the world bosses won't be in for the first phase(the phase with layering). The phase where they remove layering is also the phase that introduces things such as world bosses.
no you're not, you're trash garbage. When you're lvl 60 I'll have my main fully geared with epics.
You can't go back in time user
You will never again know the wonder of exploring Teldrassil for the first time. You will never spend hours if not days trying to navigate as a low level noob who doesn't know you shouldn't be in the area to Ironforge from that place I can't remember the name of because they ruined the game for casuals and nobody has gone there for years if not a decade at this point. You will never participate in serious raids with considerate and dedicated players with little outside chatter and legitimate training, team-spirit. You will not meet your wife or husband on the game. You will not have a sense of wonder, because you will have already known the direction the game will go in. It's like leaving your small town in 1950s America, leaving to Vietnam, then coming back to an artificial reconstruction of the small town after you won the war and after your country was nuked. You aren't young anymore. Your future involves the real world, the hope for a digital fantasy where you could creatively express yourself was ruined by mentally ill transvestites, casual players and megabank international jewery that sought to milk you for every last cent possible. All the future holds is microtransaction after microtransaction
Are you trolling?
Layering is phase 1 only.
World Bosses come after phase 2 (~3 months after release)
>Blizzard said the sharding will only be on starting zones
>but but but Blizzard said sharding will only be 2 weeks after launch
>b-b-but BLIZZARD said it will only be all the way through Phase 1 to Phase 2
Enjoy your Classic World of Layercraft.
imagine; in this mmo you can group up wit people and share the credit for kills, AMAZING (you could even make a fucking raid group maybe?)
yes. and it's far better than people disappearing when they don't want to fight me on a pvp server.
Sure thing dude: youtu.be
The best alternative would have been sharding for the first 20-30 levels or so. Anything after that shouldn't have any sort of sharding or layering. If Blizzards could handle the server loads in 2004 on ancient hardware, they surely can manage way better in 2019.
If you can't figure it out from here then you're either ESL or just pretending to be retarded, so whatever.
>wait a few day after release
>join medium sized server
>enjoy the game just like release
There you go.
you mean youre already bored and quit? gotcha.
imagine being this dumb
>trusting nu-blizzard to keep the layering genie in the bottle once it's out
Grand total of 5 people in the group, and the raids do not work with normal quests. Have you even played the game?
I will, thanks user.
I know I'll see you there too
just limit character creation once a server is full, ff14 can do this, why cant blizzard
>Let's implement a feature that ruins the game because I don't want to wait too much at release
This is the retail mentality.
woops, tell me what point in the video he says this. this is just a video w/ no time stamp
thats why i wrote maybe, i wasnt sure it would work, anyway 5 is still pretty good considering
It is timestamped, but the embedded link might not reflect that. 6:36.
spoken like a true retail cuck. imagine having such a distorted view on games after playing retail this long that you feel layering is good just because its better than sharding
I wish I still had the MS Paint comic of a guy spilling sauce on his shirt and it being no big deal vs. Yea Forums spilling sauce and their shirt and shouting 'MY SHIRT IS FUCKING RUINED"
Because that's more than half of this threads mentality right now.
Retard who lacks iq to foresee obvious outcomes calls others dumb, how cute.
thanks for your patience. I see what you're asserting but this guy literally says they're going TRY to make you stuck to a regular layer, but it sounds rather flimsy and the fact that he doesne't explain HOW that would work leads me to believe this is some PR shit. Before you call me cynical i'll cite the fact that these guys said sharding would only be starting zones and only for a little while and now it's the entirety of phase 1.
>anyway 5 is still pretty good considering
But you do remember how classic questing worked, right?
And that the quest loot wasn't shared but had to be collected by everyone individually?
dude i'm on your side. read the post I replied to and the reply again.
that should be lost the war* not won. This is going to be terminal AIDS. I will be happy if it is not, but we already know it will be
new one
>he fell for the warrior meme
Now forget your epic swifty oneshots, because everyone will rape you. Unless you dont have a gear funneling guild and a pocket paladin, the only way for you to win is entering stv as 60 and killing questing people.
the home of atal hakkar
major homo
yeah some quest items were like that but not all of them, like shit that was body parts wasnt shared but stuff like one magical orb was