What is the absolute worst port of a game ever made?

What is the absolute worst port of a game ever made?
Pic related was ruined on steam because of Games For Windows Live and still doesn't run properly for most people because of all the DRM software Rockstar put in the game.

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Deadly Premonition was pretty fucking awful

It's probably not the worst, but the new Resonance of Fate PC port doesn't have a quit option, and alt+f4 doesn't work.

I've been putting that game off for years just because of how awful it sounds to install

Worst I've encountered is Dark Souls. They didn't even try.

Lost Planet 2 is a shockingly poor port considering how much better the other Capcom PC ports were at the time.

Saints Row 2 is also a given candidate.

Alice: Madness Returns

Try to run that fucking thing and complete the game, i fucking dare you.

Batman Arkham Knight was fucking bad on release.

It's shit regardless of what you play it on.

Saints Row 2.
>game speed and physics literally bound to CPU clock speed
>which means that anything below/above 3.2GHz is FUCKED
>the only way to fix the game is through modding it
>however, you risk fucking your ability to play LAN up
>if you have bad luck, the game will run like shit even on the lowest graphics settings
>and even if your PC has all the best components available, the game will still stutter, lag, slow down
>sometimes even stops the game for a second and reloads the map and assets in view
>good luck playing COOP, since gamespy is fucked, and most of the dedicated LAN launchers (like Tunngle) can't make it work
It was a disaster on launch, and still is a disaster.
The only thing redeeming it is nostalgia and the good old times, when people were throwing shit at each other on forums about GTA/SR.

Attached: Saints-Row-2-800x445.jpg (800x445, 99K)

>get past the hospital
>game refuses to load past the town meeting

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If you’re too retarded to troubleshoot a game with as much support as GTAIV then you should just try shitposting instead, because that’s just kind of sad

runs like butter now. great game.

I can't think of a bigger "Fuck You" than when WB tried to get away with ignoring MKX on PC while still releasing content on consoles.

Fallout 3 on steam is absolute dogshit and is literally unplayable because its not optimized for anything past Vista

Aren't they doing this right now with 11?

I wouldn't know. I'm not touching their games any more.

literally pic related, on windows 10 aswell

Attached: womm.png (200x193, 30K)

Probably the iOS port of FFV. Wish I had that picture of the meteor where you can see the tiles.

Pac-Man for Atari 2600.

man this game was such a piece of shit to get working right
when I first played it it ran at double speed and it stuttered

I think the worst port I ever played goes to DMC3, it just crashed for me non-stop

Fuck off, a customer shouldn't have to go through this much bullshit just to play a game he payed for.

>finish the hospital
> game crashes endlessly
>go to forums
>literally no fix
>2hours so no refund for you


uhm, sweetie...


NieR Automata STILL requires a 3rd party mod for cutscenes to work properly. Despite it having a "game of the year edition" now. Let that sink in.

Warner Bros did the same thing with one of the Batman games. It ran like complete ass on anything less than a top tier PC, along with a laundry list of other problems, while prioritizing DLC.

i saw alot of complaints but during my playthrough i didnt have any problems

GTA4 isn't a bad port, the visuals go far beyond the Console versions

But yeah Rockstar seem scared of piracy more than any other dev & spent millions on the DRM for GTA4, then it got cracked in a day anyway, pirates got a smoother version