What video game character do you look like?

What video game character do you look like?

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When I shave my head a lot of my coworkers either call me ragnar or kratos lol

Leon or that dude from Nioh. Probably Geralt when I'm old and grey.

i look like this guy

Attached: luminary.jpg (600x338, 201K)

My DD arisen, but with hazelnut eyes and dark hair.

Attached: heh.png (884x491, 625K)

The ruffled brown hair + brown eyes of literally every anime protagonist

inb4 the inevitable faggot that will post gordon freeman

Attached: v.png (498x436, 157K)

Literally me

Attached: 1465959184529.gif (400x528, 19K)

Attached: HE.png (480x508, 205K)

Frank West but uglier and without muscle.

I look like a white cloud.

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My ex gf said I look like him

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Ah fuck, I've been called out

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post the one with the senator

Attached: Sandford_Full.PNG.png (371x522, 35K)

This, but unironically (actually am thin) and also dark blond, not a ginger.

Attached: YIIK-Review-Opening[1].jpg (1280x720, 152K)

literally me

Attached: sachiko.jpg (720x1024, 78K)

but not as fit and bitter at everything

Attached: 1507974026310.png (1200x1600, 1.23M)

When I was younger I was literally Ramus from Lunar.

Attached: RamusPose.jpg (388x718, 51K)

Get outta here Caitlin

Attached: Antlion_grub.jpg (350x317, 17K)

I look like this guy IRL

Attached: challenger4.jpg (600x450, 38K)

Attached: oliva.jpg (757x1200, 544K)

Attached: Faba.png (2480x3508, 1.88M)

Get some black latex paint, dress suit pants and shoes, a cigar and go around saying "NANOMACHINES SON!"

like pic related but with black hair

every time i look into a mirror i get reminded of him.

Attached: Oliver_Swanick.jpg (800x572, 161K)

guess you didn't win the genetic lottery

but unironically

Attached: .jpg (523x356, 50K)

Hopefully you don't have the same penis size

Can't post images but a character named Dogs Bower none of hou know about

Underage b&

Wait, how big was his dick?

didn't this guy kill himself, how come I keep seeing new images of him?

Attached: 20190514042253793.png (1600x900, 2.11M)

leon kennedy unironically
manlet though so it doesnt matter

I look like a buff version of Tai Lopez.

Attached: Bravo.jpg (720x540, 31K)

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I don't think there is a single video game character that looks even remotely like me.

can you guys stop posting HoneySelect stuff? i just deleted my 200GB installation, and im fucking seeing HS images everywhere, and is killing me.

me, but with whiter hair

Attached: colonel.jpg (400x387, 25K)

not vidya but i look identical to this guy in the middle

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pretty sure he thought the average penis size was like 4 inches and was really distressed to find out it was actually around 5, so go figure.

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Is the SQUATZ N OATZ meme still relevant when it comes to getting a toned physique?

>tfw an inch and half larger than the average... yet i will more than likely die virgin.

This but red hair

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you cute

I don't have the wings or tail but despite that it's pretty much how I look

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pics or gtfo

do you also have black friends


>no wings or tail
absolutely dropped

Attached: Ah the yamato now that was a good sword.jpg (1024x576, 61K)

Elliot Rogers is actually kinda unconventionally handsome, how did he go so nuts from no girl touch that he ran down 3 people?

someone post the comparison of not tryfit vs fit

This girl said I was like a darker cuter drake. I didn't know what the fuck drake was but I assumed the Drake the pokemon dragon dude. I had to look up who drake was and it was a light skinned black man. Like bitch I'm not black. OH it was a joke about my hairstyle and beard and how the dude is black but he might as well be white? Fuck am I suppose to know that? I don't listen to zoomer music! That anons is why I'm single, unemployed and will most likely kill myself.

Nice blog, but I didn't ask

but with hair

Attached: Officer_Chunk.png (849x849, 629K)

If you were in front of me I'd ignore you. So why did you reply then?

Attached: ApprenticeUlgrim.png (240x240, 56K)

like v but if he was cured of jew

Attached: v.jpg (523x432, 93K)


Would touch tips

Me too but with more jew.

Attached: Brad.png (100x155, 2K)


literally me

Attached: 5s6fNl.gif (178x184, 930K)

So you don't do that embarrassing shit again

so onions and deluded?

Why is grape boy in there

the guy from gta 4 that likes big american titties.


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nose-mouth part is literally identical

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it never was, dumbass

I have his physique at least, do I still have hope Yea Forumsros

my spirit animal.

I look like Siege's maestro

Attached: rainbow-six-siege-maestro-loadout__01.jpg (538x773, 150K)

This, but if he looked ten years older.

And didn't get any sleep during those ten years.

Attached: Ding Chavez.png (145x215, 27K)

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autism. he didnt approach girls, he just sat around drinking at cafes and hoped they'd do his job for him.

Who the fuck are you anyway? Some random user, fuck you user. Fuck you! Hahahahahzha.

My DA:I character was the only time I’ve tried to make a self-insert and had it turn out okay


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what vidya character looks like this?

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Not a good haircut user

youre cute, user

shut the fuck up no you dont

unironically tanya in the mkx story node

Literally me

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>pubes cut but not shaved off
Is this a thing?

Attached: 12.jpg (634x355, 46K)

how virgin are you?

well I'm browsing 4channel

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Some people do indeed trim themselves. It's actually fairly popular.


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no meme

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You look great

Attached: 1496891876630.jpg (634x950, 230K)

None. I have a unique and unmistakable look that chara designers have yet to match :)

Revolvers a best btw.

Attached: Takaya_Sakaki_render.png (243x707, 148K)

Curse of the fivehead. It hurts.


if danse had a child with jeremy mckinnon

Literally exactly me

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Took me a second
Here's your (you)

damn ur hot



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How long do I have to live


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Big Smoke but less big.

So Less Big Smoke?

Attached: 1534658146641.jpg (704x1024, 218K)

Medium Smoke

small smoke

Attached: Untitled.png (465x528, 112K)

Average Smoke?

Attached: 1528631817425.png (788x1849, 1.47M)

>itt 500 pound neckbeards post animoo characters despite being ugly creatins that couldn't be farther from the pic


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Google landing strip

I have the true high-born look.

Attached: pendleton.jpg (800x644, 249K)

Narcissism and asperger.

Attached: Dampé_(Ocarina_of_Time).png (859x1187, 315K)

Naked Smoke

The virgin sit vs The chad spread