The same low IQ people who watch youtubers also bought Nier Automata

The same low IQ people who watch youtubers also bought Nier Automata
We reached a point where the average IQ of people watching hollywood movies is higher than the IQ of gamers

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Other urls found in this thread:

What are your high IQ hobbies user?

Are you shitting on Linus? Why?

God I wish that were me. He's probably cumming in her tight little gook pussy every night.


Remember when Linus was a nobody that use to ask /g/ for advice? Hes actually a standup guy. Him and Louis are the least Jewish tech channels on YouTube

why does iq matter? reminder that trump has an iq of 156 but hes fucking dumb

>me sit
>me hold stick
>me smart

>Remember when Linus was a nobody that use to ask /g/ for advice? Hes actually a standup guy. Him and Louis are the least Jewish tech channels on YouTube

In turn, what are the most Jewish tech channels on Youtube?

Casey Neistat

Is technigger one of (((them)))?

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God Eater 2, Nioh and Xenoverse 2

toxoplasmosis grin

jesus that girls ugly

what has markass done wrong?

Surprisingly he's actually not awful. There are MUCH worse people then him.

Those soulless bug eyes

>least Jewish tech

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Looper (every single video is them doing end game for that sweet add jewish money

>the roast video
>the part where she started roasting him

Holy SHEIT nigga.

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High IQ people are into everything Asian.

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asian girls > white girls

you must have some bad yellow fever if you think that things more attractive than the average white girl m8

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Straight out of Thai horror film

>what? he's not adopted, can't you see he's my son?

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I believe the user meant phishing they are indian

Why do women wear so much make up ? It's disgusting

Cause they're fucking ugly user.

based tech cuck

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Trump is literally the smartest man in the world, what the fuck are you on about

>"what do you think about reddit asian males?"
>her face when

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>so then i called him a chink!
>isn't it great to be white son!

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>doesn't he look just like me!

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man, asian noses look pathetic on males

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Worst “tech” youtuber, every video is an ad.

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>he looks just like daddy!
>he just needs a little help!

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>he looks just like daddy!

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Why can't asian genes mix?

spoiler alert: every youtube video is an ad

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>He doesn't watch Christian reviewers who are only worried about finding subversion, sex and jewish schemes in games instead of actually shilling the game
>He thinks other than Christian reviewers people actually review games

All modern games are marxist garbage anyway