why are gamers so lazy and self-centered?
Why are gamers so lazy and self-centered?
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He's talking about boomers right?
Because they play too many power fantasy games where everything revolves around them. They cannot face the fact that the real world could give less of a fuck about them.
>puts some poop in a shovel
>dumps it into bucket 1 time
You can blame consoles. Building and hosting a website for my clan, running dedicated servers, maintaining servers (writing scripts) etc taught me all the shit I need to work in IT.
Salaried for $120,000 living comfy. Don't hate.
What's the point of being an individual if you are operating so much within the realms wished by others?
Oh yes, my laziness was the reason why the living cost increased in the last 20+ years.
That's a market I'm still trying to enter and having no luck.
Whats his actual background because i watched a few eps and he's shit at work and it shows. He don't know which way to turn a fucking wrench.
>mike rowe makes millions of dollars from his shitty tv show and book deals while the people who goes to do the "dirty jobs" with still barely make above minimum wage
Really makes you wonder this boomercuck gets the gall to criticize anyone.
Why /pol/ keep trying to foment the generational split?
Only thing boomers got to play was cribbage.
oh hey, is this the off-topic thread?
i know that this is bait but might as well turn my thoughts into words, nowadays we are not really assured anything by working hard, since a lot of the high paying positions are filled, all we can do is hope nowadays and playing games is pretty much easier than that and gives a good reward for our brains
Honestly that's the funny part, instead of being humble he proceeds to talk down to a generation that will see many jobs get automated in the next decade.
gimmie those big tiddies hell yeah
the biggest
Opera singer and his family is rich.
Based Rob Lowe making NEETs seethe
Isn't he describing exactly the type of people who do the blue collar jobs he loves so much?
Hilarious to see asshurt kids when adults are talking. He's absolutely right that your generation was a mistake and should be eradicated so we can start over again. Fortunately I know you people will ruin the world when we're gone.
The M word?
What are some unsustainable trends that are destined to end in bloodshed?
people who do dirty jobs actually do something useful for society, and generally make good money with great benefits and lots of tax write offs despite what your liberal arts major friends will say, unlike millenials that all talk about "getting into consulting, or maybe a new marketing startup" or basically studying fields that will never lead them to producing useful goods or solving any problems
He's a choir boy from a wealthy family LARPing as a blue collar man's man basically the biggest faggot imaginable.
>nowadays we are not really assured anything by working hard
This, everyone slightly above average remembers finishing their work in school early and you know what you got as a reward? You got moved to the "advanced classes" and had to do more school work and worse extra homework
No shit people worked out doing the minimum amount of work for mimimum wage is better than being a hard worker for minimum wage, why would any employee being loyal to a company that constantly threatens to replace them with an immigrant?
cool it with the anti-semitic remarks
>drop out of highschool in your sophomore year
>get blue collar job on the rigs or in construction making way more than you reasonably should
>make a ton of money with no knowledge of what to do with it
>spend it all on pointless, frivilous shit that you finance with debt
>economy busts
>creditors repossess everything after you lose your job
>be accustomed to making 80k+ a year turning valves that you refuse to work minimum wage, entry level employment
>pray that the economy picks back up as your EI dwindles
>become homeless
yeah you sure are right
mike rowe was clearly tired of actually acting like he was working so now he works as a paid shill to tell you youre not working hard enough
Back to /pol/ with your failed operation.
Nigger, Mike Rowe has a degree in communication studies and had no job other than being a TV show host in his life.
what? i don't associate with those cretins
they are part of the long history of gentiles mistreating my people without reason
also, marrying and having children isnt hot these days
>have two jobs
>going to college
>do construction(aluminum) work as a side job
>boomers call me a lazy loser because I won't get a trade
Really fucking hate these boomers
>Work real hard, pay for my retirement and one day user, one day all you see here will be yours
Larping isn't as endearing or convincing as you think.
But needless to say, getting white supremacists to use ok sign got into their head (even though it was 8ch /pol/ who actually did it), so they tried to make a falseflag trend about attacking the 1% as antisemitism.
>on Yea Forums at night on a Tuesday
Have sex bruh
Why are people so terrified to admit they're just another cog in the machine?
Because without work or struggles your a pretty shitty individual, you have little value whatever angle you look at it since your person is largely made up of who you were as a child
He's not calling (You) lazy, you retard.
based Boomers (the real ones), they just don't give a fuck.
that's not what the programming instructs them to think
he is talking about Mike Rowe not about the guys who do that shit.
I tip my fedora to oil platform workers, that shit is hard as fuck.
Fuck off with your plutocracy i'm going NEET lmaooo
it's just plain not a good idea right now.
things are so unsure, a lot of people are afraid they will be able to retire at this rate.
>If you don't suffer as I have suffered you are a bad person
>Because otherwise I must confront that I needn't have suffered and have suffered for no reason
>I have suffered so should everyone else
Pay for my tendies, wagie
retarded boomers upset people won't work for slave wages
At this point I don't even care if universal income becomes a thing and everything gets automated, there is no escape from this hell.
>If you don't want to be a LITERAL fucking drone doing 12 hours of manual slave labor at the bottom of society's food chain then you're lazy, entitled, and have no ambition
I worked in chicken farms for a summer. Never again. Just a quick reminder that blue collar faggots hate their lives and are dead inside.
See? You don't even know what makes up a person, pretty basic shit to know for an adult senpai
Protip: Suffering ain't it
What state do you live in?
Wow what a retard
Maybe socialism never took root because the poor here aren't delusional retards that think 100% of life is luck or chance
I know I'm a useless piece of shit, I'm not delusional enough to think I can be cut throat enough to run a company or be skilled enough to make millions a year playing video games on Twitch.
I'm also not interesting enough to be an internet personality.
Part of being an adult is realizing your shortcomings, not demanding people that made it just give you shit because it's unfair you suck dick at life
>Go to stinky, dusty, unhealthy warehouse
>fill your lungs with toxic chemicals and dust floating in the air
>lift box for 8 hours
>go home
>repeat every day until you die
How exactly does this help society? Also it's not physically possible to remain mentally healthy with this robotic routine
>taking a shit after dressing
literally a third world faggot
Ask yourself why you made this post and the answer shall become clear.
>will not be able to retire
i meant to say.
you shouldn't have dropped college, user.
You do realize that when you get older companies do tend to give you cake jobs and just pump the 20 something and unders to do the ball busting back breaking shit right?
Well, you probably would if you had a job
> Get a 8:30-6 job 6 days a week
> One hour commute
> Spend over 11 hours outside
> Get home, make lunch, shitpost for an hour
> Whoops time to go to bed
> Repeat the whole week
Honestly I'm just considering suicide. Life isn't enjoyable at all working and it wasn't enjoyable when I was a NEET.
I'm tired, sad, and pretty much just done with everything
I think you're delusional if you think that the guys who are making thousands of dollars streaming twitch weren't really lucky to be in the position they are in now. They were in the right place at the right time. That's actually what a lot of life is. If hard work was all it took, there wouldn't be a bunch of old men who have broken bodies and nothing to show for it.
>"and generally make good money with great benefits"
>lying on the internet for absolutely no reason
You can pull your pants down, bro
People who have never worked retail or customer service have the luxury of not realizing that the average person is lazy, entitled, and fucking dumb as a rock
Bernie Sanders, a Jew, is one of the biggest enemies of the 1%. I hope you know that, Ben Shapiro.
>cost of living constantly going up
>wages staying the same
how fucked are we?
be honest.
Mike Rowe was a theater and art student that had his way paid through college by his wealthy family then immediately went into TV after graduating having never worked an honest day in his faggot life.
I envy the canadians, they at least get soma
Luck is needed for anything in life buddy, even if you're the best in the world, if your boss doesn't like you he will do everything in his power to fuck you into the dirt.
I'm saying it's not 100% luck and anyone who thinks it is is just a crybaby sore loser
In the eyes of whom? Society? Why should I care? Self fullfilment is more important
Balance it nigger, if you're living alone 4 days of work is enough to sustain yourself and your hobbies, why would you work 6 days a week? Ive been there and that shit would make anybody depressed.
>wait mike we need to splatter some clay on your face... perfect!
Hard work is the absolute worst thing you can do for your professional development, making yourself indispensable in a position ensures that you will never get promoted and your boss won't give you a reference if you threaten to leave, you're just giving the company total power over you by giving it labour that it's not paying for.
Always do only the minimum required of you and try to make your boss like you instead.
Fucked. Beyond fucked. It's hopeless.
There isn't going to be a boiling point. There will be no grand moment where everything is flipped and from there it gets better. Everything is going to perpetually get worse.
No one is coming to save us.
You'd be fucked either way. Your generation is the fall of humanity, the zoomers and millenials.
Your post reminds me of something I cannot stand
>Live at home with parents
>Work 5, sometimes 6 days a week
>When I get home I just want to fucking relax, and usually spend my off days just playing games or watching stuff in my room
>Parents "You know it's not healthy for you to spend all day in your room"
I'm fucking tired and already spend my entire day out at work, I should have the goddamn luxury to sit in my room on my time off without getting criticized for it
So maybe you should've churned out a better fucking generation.
Is there a place where universal income is a thing yet? I'm really not keeping up with that shit, i'm not that desperate yet.
Very, despite what neoliberals and neoconservatives will try to tell you. Don't worry, things will change in the 2020s. I'm not a time traveler or even affiliated with anything, but be prepared for shit to go down.
He isnt wrong, any millenial with a modicum of self awareness will notice this. The problem with what a lot of boomers do is just end the statement there, turning it into a blame and shame game.
Question to be answered is so hyper individual that memes don't justify as an answer; what does an uneducated bum do in this case? Well you answered it in your own post, play games and escape their reality.
>Be opera singer and QVC host
>Start getting paid millions of dollars to do manual labor for a limited amount of time
Mike Rowe is a true man's man. What a hard worker!
You guys aren't actually NEETs are you?
>le smug boomer man
If only Gen X teamed up with us in the 2000s, instead of giving up and bowing to their Boomer overlords.
Like fuck they do, I got pushed to operating machinery 6 months into my employment while people 20 years in the company were stuck breaking their back, and in the 4 years I’ve been there not a single fucking manager had been internally promoted rather than brought in fresh from outside the company.
We are pretty fucked. I don't think retirement is even going to be a thing in the future, but I honestly don't think this current world is going to last another 40-50 years.
Don't worry. In about ten more years, the Democratic party will be full-on communist, and your low wages will be replaced with bread and water. You'll have to wait in line for a bit but you'll be guaranteed food just like everyone else. You'll even get extra if you're a minority.
>why are gamers so lazy and self-centered?
Because playing video games is more fun than being a productive member of society. Some people manage to do both, but getting a job and paying taxes ain't got shit on being a NEET gamer.
Bernie will literally solve all of this.
I work full time in a manufacturing job do a bunch of artsy shit, Workout, Read and play videogames when ever i have free time.
Mordhau is fucking fun as hell and op is retarded.
You know what the real experience in power fantasy games? Joining actual competition and destroying everyone, or using hacks in PVP games. No single player game besides Modded Skyrim can possibly give this feeling.
Maybe being owner of a Mega tribe in Ark survival maybe.
I do two days of unpaid volunteer work a week in a charity shop, because I like the other volunteers there and believe in the work the charity does. Does that count?
I can't afford to be one yet but it's coming soon
I've got a few years to go before my country lets me get NEETbuxs of sorts. Maybe before that time i'll swallow away what little pride remains of me and try to get Autismbuxs.
Yes, get back to work wagie, you gotta pay for my stuff.
>figuregead something something something figurehead
Lolling at your life, sempai. Stop caring about what the idols do.
He looks like he adopts neet boys.
This. It only looks hopeless because people have been voting for corporate cocksuckers for decades
Why don't you just move to some socialist hellhole like scandinavia where they work like 20 hours a week?
Alaska. They have one based on oil, it was even set up by a Republican. By the way, if anyone tells you that UBI is ultra-socialist, tell them that we almost had it in the 1970s under a conservative government. The only reason why it didn't pass was because 500 dollars a month wouldn't have been enough to properly survive back then, so Democrats protested against it. But, instead of Dems and Repubs working out their differences and finding a common number ground above 500, it was thrown out.
South America
Job market is beyond fucked, living cost is fucking insane in large cities, I'm being sustained by my parents, I'm working on a game that will probably never make 10 bucks, but, even though was a frustrating endeavor, I enjoyed the process.
>I have won the greatest lottery of all time [...] I live in America
>I believe that I am a product of my choices - Not my circumstances
What's your salary, Yea Forums?
t. Boomer
Boomers are dumb. News at 11.
Yeah lets raise taxes while bernie lives in his own Mcmansion. He is just like any other crook.
>no you see, you need to make good choices. if you make bad choices, you suffer them! it's all about your choice!
>life isn't fair though. sometimes you will make a good choice and it won't work out for you anyway.
The Democratic party is split between right wing Dixiecrats, centrist (well, more like center-right) neoliberals, center-left social democrats, and democratic socialists. For decades now, the former two were in power, ever since the 80's.
>job market is beyond fucked
Not if you were smart and got a STEM degree
>living cost is fucking insane in large cities
Don't live in a large city
>I'm being sustained by my parents
Move out and become independent like any functional adult
>I'm working on a game
Get a real job
Watching Dirty Jobs pisses me off because at so many sites you can see his extreme ineptitude for anything manual labor has cost a few places a days worth of work and at the end he'll leave with a bigger paycheck than what those people will make in a year.
“I suck cocks for a living” -You
I was for 6 years before landing my current job.
Technology sector crashed hard in my city and I'm too qualified to even be considered for shit-kicker jobs, but also too poor to move.
At the tail end of my unemployment I went almost 2 years without getting a single interview.
I got a bit over 5000 euros and then I have to figure out how to make money so I can not work again.
[spoier]I'm a Slav though, so I can work those 5k for years
He wants his taxes raised too, you know. Even Warren Buffet says he pays too little taxes, and he's richer than 100 Bernies.
wow user you arent a commie are you?
dixiecrats literally dont exist anymore
there's maybe like 2 of them left in the house, and they're ancient boomers elected by more ancient boomers
i'm sick of this leftist delusion where anyone further right of karl marx is "far right"
I've always wondered about the over qualified thing. Can't you just lie to them and say you've never had a job before? Or only worked shitty jobs so they don't think you're over qualified?
>lived outside of home pretty much 17 hours a day because working while studying for over 6 years
>Leave home at 6AM
>Return home at 11PM
>still have to manage my time doing homeworks and projects
>constantly underslept, usually only 4 hours
>one professor would constantly tell us to get used to it
>fast forward to last year, done with college but can't pay for my title yet
>quit my customer service job to give myself a breather and spend a whole year trying to get a job related to my studies, at least an internship
>several interviews later, I never get hired
>fast forward today, jobless, no money
>parents telling me to go back to customer service
I have spent over 9 years in that job, since I was 18 years old, with a period inbetween when I quit because I couldn't with the stress. The last time I quit it was because I was suffering from constant anxiety attacks and daily headaches and now I have to go back again. I just wanted to have a nice job, I promised myself I'd never go back to customer service but here I am thinking about applying again tomorrow. I want to cry.
Bernie is the only politician to call out the 1% and corporations. Who gives a shit if he raises your taxes, people are literally dying on the streets senpai
>cost of living going up
>stagnting wages
>escalating social and political issues
>life isn't improving
Thread theme?
this but instead of wasting that free time doing shit, learn a skill, git gut and find a better job with a time/money proportion according to your needs.
who knows at this rate the bottom is gonna snap sooner or later the low class is literally getting exploited hard to hold society up and the worse thing the rich can do is let the bottom of society know there being taking advantage of
>I'm too qualified to even be considered for shit-kicker jobs
Just don't tell them your qualifications, retard.
If I can make mine up to get better jobs, I'm fairly confident you can make yourself look worse.
Around 50k
>Lie saying you didn't have relevant work experience
>Lel no experience we're not hiring you
>Lie saying you have mild experience
>They call listed employee and they confirm you lied.
90k a year as a technical writer for a software company.
Oh heavens how will we survive when the fast food workers revolt?!
gdp per capita seems fine
I did that once and did try to kill myself by the end of it once I hit my limit after I realised I only had an hour of time to myself a day and spiralled from there
My advice is watch evangelion, if your life is as miserable as mine was you'll get more out of it
$12/hour, at least I'm doing something kind of related to what I studied and not for minimum wage. It's not great but I live in the middle of nowhere so it's not quite as bad as it would be in a city or anything.
>support radical feminism and multiculturalism
X - Doubt
I've never had a minimum wage job call my previous work places. And even then if you really wanted to couldn't you just list a relative, a friend, or even yourself on a burner phone as the 'manager' of the old job?
60k, pretty good money for the Midwest.
Those motherfuckers start fires every day.
Hard work does matter but probably at the same chance it takes to be at the right place in the right time. But yea entirely correct.
>people itt actually fucking blaming video games for society's ills
When the fuck did all the bitchy dye-haired women, who hit the wall / are about to hit it, start browsing Yea Forums? When did my parents' generation start browsing Yea Forums? When the fuck did bible-belt rednecks start browsing Yea Forums?
I live in Peru, fag. Let's change if you feel unfortunate.
Get some help user
user, the only people who say that are rampant an-coms and literal communists. When Barack Obama himself says that he would have made a good Republican in the 1980's, there's bound to be some truth to that. I'm not sure if you've seen that latest Ben Shapiro thing when he went on the BBC to do an interview, but he called Andrew Neil, a blatant right wing conservative, a leftist. Don't you see something wrong with that picture?
Some people get away with that but sometimes they'll actually check shit out.
A 5 year hole on my resume will surely make me look better!
>Not if you were smart and got a STEM degree
I fell for that trick.
>Go to STEM
>There are infinite jobs, don't worry about it
>Except, none exist in your region
>Except, all of them require the normalfag gene of natural communication and FRIENDS
>Which no one will taught you because everyone expect you to be a natural normalfag
I'm not sure if I should care so much about this.
it's the middle class and lower that's getting screwed over.
>bust my ass as a machine operator in a dirty, hot as fuck factory.
>see and hear shit like this every day
i just wanna play video games you fucks
literally all modern politicians on that list are open borders globalists, except for trump
its fucking insane to me that there are retards who think modern neocons are remotely fucking conservative lmao
Nigger, I got hired for a decent-pay skilled labour job with a literal empty cv stating I’m a hard worker and willing to learn, are you even trying?
Not to mention your shitty excuse doesn’t even make sense, you could just put in your very first job or something.
Reminder that you're older than Sato-kun now Yea Forums
yeah, 33yo NEET. I stopped working 2 years ago. Want to kill myself but I am too lazy to do it.
arent stems all a bunch of weirdos? im surprised they expected you to be normal
>that pic
he's not saying he's unfortunate for being born in america. he's saying that you can't say there is no such thing as good/bad luck if you believe you are lucky to be born in a first world nation like america. that's something that could not have been controlled with hard work and gumption. it was chance.
>talking to normies and pretending to give a fuck about sportsball requires a special gene
why was only fast food workers what popped into your head fatty as lower class lmao
There's simply no way you're actually too autistic to hold a professional job. I refuse to believe it. We can joke about it here, but no one irl is actually that weird.
Not in SA, which also surprised me.
>Nigger, I got hired for a decent-pay skilled labour job with a literal empty cv stating I’m a hard worker and willing to learn, are you even trying?
Congrats, you got lucky. My area is so economically shit that I got a rejection email from fucking data entry saying they found someone more qualified.
>"Yes goy, work longer hours for less pay so I can be richer"
Clicking that then reading these comments was a mistake. Also fuck you Misaki.
What’s the comfiest state to be a NEET in, or at least work in a low-effort, decent-paying job?
Class war and political insurrection when? Got my body /fit/ and my firearm proficiency ready, I'm on standby to each the rich and their children and their children's children, I just need a signal and a martyr.
Alan Watts would disagree
I work with drilling rigs used for water wells and not only is it not easy, it's dirty and dangerous. And we only have a two man operation with it too, not a full crew.
>you could just put in your very first job or something.
What if you started with a highly skilled job straight out of uni?
>applied to be a security guard for my county with the sheriffs office
>job I applied for wanted 10 personal references
>Only have two friends, and one has been arrested for drugs before, so I only have one friend I can list
>Put down 9 references that are family friends
>In the interview I get asked who everyone on my reference list is
>As I go down the list he stops me
>"These are all adults? Don't you have any friends?"
>Didn't get the job
I still get embarrassed thinking about it
>all the old guys I work with constantly talk about how people who play video games are lame
>they all think I hate video games just so I don't have to deal with their shit
>meanwhile they're all alcoholic fat retards who still listen to rock, love to gamble, and text each other photos of hot girls on Instagram during the day
Something is fucking wrong with so many guys in their 50s man.
move away from the coasts you tard
I think America needs some kind of great goal to work towards to. Something we can all unite under for once. This probably sounds ridiculous but I do kind of believe we have had too much peace and freedom to the point where it has affected society and everyone has become numb in the mind and everything is taken for granted. Which just leads to even more exploiting by the fat cats. It's already been said but I definitely think that something will eventually give out in the future. Who knows what it will be though.
Don't fucking do it. The stress, the headaches, the shitty feeling - that's your body telling you not to go there. You're basically killing yourself. Cancer is related to stress and your body deteriorating from all the shitty food we consume. What is the point of making all that money if you're going to be miserable and will probably have health issues, both mental and physical.
Stop being a stupid goy and get a part time job that keeps you afloat financially, but also doesn't stress you out to death. Don't fall for the hamster wheel success stories - they're bullshit.
>wah wah I can’t get hired because I’m overqualified
>wtf I can’t have a 5 year gap on my resume, that makes me look bad, they won’t hire me
Just tell them you had a sick family member to take care of or you were fucking travelling, you think the recruiter for shit kicker jobs gives a shit? Half the guys he hires are retards, drunks, or both.
Worked in a coal mine and same shit. I honestly think I'd rather go get shot at then do labour.
California is universally heralded as a haven for NEETs
With what money you fucking retard?
What's the point of working when most people who work 40 hour jobs are still living in poverty?
Greyhounds tickets are cheap
Nonononono, you're supposed to just WALK IN, ask to see the manager, SHAKE HIS HAND, and TALK to him about getting a job. It totally works that way, pull yourself up by your bootstraps!