Is there a more fucking useless thing in the entire game?

Is there a more fucking useless thing in the entire game?

Attached: Rotten_Flesh.png (160x160, 657)

how about these literal niggers

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Fuck you. Its the only shit you can make leather with.
>Juat farm cows

Either I spawn and there are sheep every where and no cows or cows everywhere and no sheep. Usually its actually just pigs and chickens.

>make leather
Since fucking when
And I'm talking about the base game itself, mods making something useful doesn't justify it being pointless trash normally

You're a fag, I just started a new world on a cool island in the middle of a mega ocean and I got my ass on a boat, sailed for ages, and didn't come back until I had a cow. Then I did it again. Then I found a mushroom island and replaced those cows with mooshrooms.

>Is there a more fucking useless thing in the entire game?
Yes. Diorite, Andesite, and Granite.

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>Drops tp items

>Not having granite countertops
It’s like you enjoy being poor

At the VERY LEAST you can build with them, though
You can make smooth variants and stairs and all that
Rotten Flesh ONLY serves to make you hungrier by eating it and who the fuck would want to eat rotten flesh anyway

you need a mod

If I need a mod to make an item useful, that means it's a bad item

If you have enough of it you can trade it with purple robe villagers for emeralds.

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It heals your doggos so it’s not completely worthless. I’m say the Poison Potato is worse.

Okay that is valid

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What would be a better drop for zombies?

Unironically the feathers they dropped originally, as nonsensical as it was for them to drop, it made sense for arrows to be crafted with a resource you got from actually fighting things

In a pinch, it can recover some hp. Say you are corpserunning

>farming zombies for feathers to make arrows
>when you could just farm skeletons for arrows
Nobody actually crafts arrows, do they?

Ironically, a MC beacon would be the most useful item in real life.

This is true, and even then feathers would STILL be a more valid Zombie drop. That's how worthless Rotten Flesh is.

Poisonous potatoes, at least you can trade rotten flesh for emeralds

>Not using an infinity bow

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Is Minecraft worth getting on the Switch? I havn’t played it unironically since like 2012 and I guess it would be cool to have but I can’t decide.

Not him, but I'd rather have mending than infinity

>down in a cave mining for literal years
>no other food source
>sustainable as long as you aren't strip mining
That's why

Really that comes down to two questions
>How much do you care about mods?
>What do your friends play it on?
If you like mods, or your friends play on PC and you wanna play it with them, get normal Java version for PC instead. Otherwise, Switch is fine.

its the best portable version of the game, so if that's something you're into it's worth it

*blocks your path*

Attached: Poisonous_Potato.png (150x150, 468)

Never said I farmed arrows, I'm just saying if you wanted arrows then crafting them is a shitty way to get them.
>using a bow at all when tridents exist

bats are just cool

>implying I have any friends.

>Eat three or Rotten Flesh
>Gain 6 hunger bars
>Lose 2 1/2 after
Net gain of 3 1/2 hunger bars with some health gained possibly. I wouldn't call that useless.

I don't like granite so i have andesite countertops.

Tridents do less damage than bows and crossbows

Bats fill up the mob cap which is really annoying for making farms so they're just a nuisance

This thing when pressure plates exist.

Attached: Tripwire_Hook.gif (150x150, 12K)

Yes, the hunger bar itself.

>he didnt capture a few bats, use a nametag on them and bring them to his zoo

At least we can all agree that diorite sucks

you can put tripwire in midair with those.

Fucking this, poisonous potatoes are truly worthless. You can't even craft potions of poison with them.

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the real question is how do we fix it? it would be cool to use it for brewing instead of a last resort for food or cheap dog meat.

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I bought Minecraft a few days ago because it's on sale and, as a long-time Terraria player, it feels incredibly sparse. Did I fuck up, Yea Forums? Should I go back to Terraria?


what is the Yea Forums certified mc server

I use it on my dogs, usually go out of my way to get it from chests for that reason actually.


I got out of spawn on 2b2t with rotten flesh alone, It's useful in dire situations but not much else. It's not even close to being the most useless item in the game.

The game is the widest puddle you'll ever play. Try setting a goal for yourself then decide if you want to keep going after accomplishing it.

you can exchange it for emeralds

does 2b2t live up to its reputation or is it full of elites?

Seriously, don't listen to fitfag or other youtubers. There's no epic elite kingdoms, no super griefers, and you will not make history. outside of spawn 2b2t is essentially laggy singleplayer with chat, and at spawn it's nothing but fags with backdoored instakill swords, unbreakable armor, and crystal combat. The only redeeming factor of 2b2t these days is exploring the map and finding old bases and signs people left. It's not worth paying 20 bucks a month for, play on 9b9t or constantaniam instead. You're basically 5 years late to the party.