How are they going to handle the Overworld in the Remake, what with random encounters not being a thing?
How are they going to handle the Overworld in the Remake, what with random encounters not being a thing?
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ff15 open world for overworld
There wont be any overworld/open world.
did ff15 have towns scattered around it like ff7 does?
Enemies will just be there for you to fight (or not fight).
I dare you to post a better track from FF7.
I'm curious to hear what it's made of.
Its episodic, so no overworld.
Damn, I really hope not.
15 has like one actual town not counting italy since that's like its own thing disconnected from the world
The first game isn't going to get out of Midgar.
At best the game will end with a FMV cutscene of the escape sequence.
probably some shitty cop out like FFX where you just choose your location on a menu
game still has random encounters every room is a box where you fight enemies
That's ridiculous. The first game is supposed to be 40-50 hours. Midgar is like 5 hours in the original.
They won't. It will be cut. Majority of the game will be cut.
Why does nobody seem to understand this game is EPISODIC.
>episode lets you explore world map
>doesn't let you enter junon
Why is this so hard to understand?
I assumed that meant in the way the original was split into three discs. We just get the full game in parts. Right?
My penis isn't going to have any skin left on it when this game drops.
It is episodic, just like FF13
what do you mean by t- oh
just have visible encounters in the overworld. problem solved.
If I was a betting man it will episodic like Hitman, which Square Enix also published.
No overworld.
I have a feeling the game will be in like 5-6 episodes, maybe less.
>Midgar up to the first jenova fight would likely be episode 1.
>Mt Coral up til you obtain the tiny bronco for episode 2.
>Wutai up til the end of disc 1 for episode 3.
>Icicle Inn up til cloud wakes up from his coma for episode 4.
>Underwater reactor up to the very end of the game for episode 5.
I expect a lot of areas to be made shorter and sidequests to be cut out with a few exceptions, fort condor will probably not appear until it's relevant in disc 2 and I won't be surprised if Gongaga is completely skipped as well as a bunch of optional areas or just made into cutscenes as they travel between each location.
first part needs to end after the northern crater and Meteor is summoned
You will just select from a list of areas like in FFX.
This remake is going to suck donkey balls.
use the same exact format except a lot nigger and with on screen encounters
>did ff15 have towns scattered around it like ff7 does?
If you count a gas station + diner + 2-4 buildings you can't enter (and some didn't even have hotels) as towns, then yes.
Outside of the Power Plant and Hammerhead there wasn't much in terms of towns on the overworld. I know there is the Venice like town but that is so far away from the world map it's basically it's own island.