Post em, lewd stages allowed

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Other urls found in this thread:


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I've been on a hot streak today, since I've been off from work. Enjoy.

Attached: ico windmill.png (1200x1350, 2.9M)

Oof, hot

also made

Attached: fortree city.png (1200x1350, 3.14M)


Attached: mem cake stage.png (1200x1350, 3.31M)

Attached: squilliam.png (1200x1350, 2.89M)

Last one, hope you guys enjoy 'em.

Attached: snowpoint temple.png (1200x1300, 2.8M)

Yeah, I saw that too.
Weren't you working on another one?

4 more days, too bad Gum won't wait till then

Attached: 20190512_022047_1.gif (656x368, 3.31M)

Damn that's incredible. Almost looks official.

This one is totally being used for this year´s E3, right?

I hope this makes it in the collage

This one is awesome.

This is so fucking beautiful user amazing job. Probably one of the best maps I've seen so far. How do you fuckers not hit the map size limit?

Thanks anons, most of my object limit went towards pure A E S T H E T I C on this one, with a simple but (hopefully) effective playing field. I'd also be lying if I said I wasn't inspired by OMPposting.

I'll submit it for sure and see if they take it.

there was a ralsei one i made, havent made a video or anything yet tho

Arena host now

Oh believe me, I just barely hit the limit. I think I made it close to the "this stage can only support 4 players" line just with the details on Regigigas, and the rest of the stage is just big singular fat chunks of foreground/background. But I did employ a cool trick to get all seven braille eyes on Regigigas, which you can see if you look at the screenshot on the bottom. I made a black cross shape, then zigzagged over it with yellow to create the illusion of several segmented eyes.

Shameless shilling of my stages again

Damn, all great looking stages, not only that but they also look fun to play on.

Attached: received_615381772271033.png (800x1350, 1.57M)

How do we reach Gum? I want to beg him to wait another week

That Storm Eagle stage looks sick, can't wait to try it for myself

To be fair, don't expect too much from it, all those stairs are in the foreground, the platform shape is lretty simple, I mean I liked it how it turned out but If I had to pick a favorite stage I think the GnG goblins would the proudest I am of.

NiGHTS into Dreams!
You can fly freely on the left and right sides of the Stage, or hitch a ride on NIGHTS' back... Reala isn't as co-operative though


Attached: NiGHTS into Dreams 471K1YVW.jpg (960x540, 120K)

Thats cute

Heavy Lobster! He stomps around the Halberd deck


Attached: Heavy Lobster 90SSJ6QR.jpg (960x540, 125K)

6 slots FFA, please pick playable customs only and if we get stuck on one, everyone switch.

Attached: tumblr_pmywtgZia51qlb7nao1_400[1].png (400x533, 316K)

Made two lewd shygal stages over the weekend.
Glory wall shygal & BBC (Big Bowser Cock) x shygal

Attached: 0.jpg (707x507, 150K)

>that fucking webm

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Don;t have any pics but
Fixed Mega Land (the MM2 cover art one)- 84Q4SYF9
Most ledges are now ungrabbable, plus some layout tweaking to spread things out a little
Sector X- SQ7HSJLR
This ones a real assault on the eyeballs.
Crash 2 Road to Ruin- D508735T
Updated Crash 3 Dingodile- 0CHMY7K1
The hazards kind of ruin this one. I really wish we had to option to change how long it takes objects to respawn.

we need more BBC stages, thank you.

Attached: 1557702035162.png (451x303, 9K)


Here are some not-really-lewd to more-lewd stages that I can see are still up, lower your expectations.

They more or less get more explicit the farther down the list you go, better ones listed towards the front of each character's line, double asterisk next to the recent uploads (this last week.)

Palutena: LTSKX2H9
Cammy: DGFXHX9X, 658TJHLV, 78J0WDSW**
Roll: 77L1D5K1
Zelda: QHL8N07J
Bowsette: 1Q768PB2, MS04WK98
Lana: DDL04VBG
Shygal: 5PVB2WWX, 4SK56958, DTW95RFT, 8Y1M0N5F**/47MYT0XM**, PBYCB8XV
Shantae: DV1W1SXM**, 5W7Q9J8T
Rosalina: 00K9T00W, NGFW4PK0, RP653X9F, 9JCY6Y4Q/1NTVR2YD
Renamon: 5QRCR5VB, GYKL90RS
Felicia: J0TN8MQ3**
Giga Mermaid: FGCYNS0M**, CPMXRJKX
Braixen: 1DN3P69N
Mew: F15F0TD6
Lucario: G65545FR, KP77T8KW, CD79JRGK
Zoroark: K3RNJ88K
Rouge: LCBR87T9**
Jessica Rabbit: NXPG2NRJ
Risky Boots: C5MGQFTK**
Isabelle: SJ46LKW4, 2MH6V5BM**, M32SDGJB
Lopunny: B1N76TXQ, 5K7BCNX2, B2DVTT8Q
Misc: JT325BRK**, RNP5WS0C, BHH5C0JC**, B51KFJR8/4QNN0C2W, FOQYJLJB, 11180C3Y**, 73VN62LH, 5LWSYYQ1
Duck Hunt: 09JNB73X
Ice Climbers: LF8M7J2G
Pichu: 0TF4GQ43
Ahegao: 6KG35P3F**
Cynthia: QYKS0RRN

I also don't think I posted Ripper Roo and N Tropy stages I made.
Tropy- C71GYFJR
I've already updated the layout for Roo, and will probably update N Tropy with larger moving platforms so its less of a "whoever can stay in the air longest wins" clusterfuck, so I'll probably post improved versions of these soon.

Based. There's been a disturbing lack of shygal stages.

One more because I keep forgetting shit
Crosshairs- 10NHN535
Attempt at a Duck Hunt stage- the stage itself is just a tree with a pretty basic layout, but a crosshair travels around the level in the foreground with a lava "sight" in the main layer that damages anyone who gets caught in the crosshair.

I usually don't even bother with stages from games that I have no attachment to, but god damn that GnG stage looks awesome.

4 more days till what? I've been out of the loop


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Great ZSS from SoldnerKei got taken down really quickly after it was put up yesterday, damn shame

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FML, this looks so fucking good, i hate that I missed this.

Waddle Copter

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Do you plan on ever uploading these or are they for personal use only?

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Cranky's Cabin

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Pix (Kirby 64)

Attached: thumbnail_20190512_220942.jpg (1280x960, 227K)

I've been out of the loop for a few days so I completely slept on this. Shit sucks.

Pikmin Shorts 1

Attached: thumbnail_20190513_215811.jpg (1280x960, 204K)

I tried keeping up with the threads, but they kept dying before reaching limit, definitely didn't see this posted.

Wario & Abigor

Attached: thumbnail_20190514_234947.jpg (1280x960, 181K)

What the fuck i was here yesterday, was there a thread i missed?

>Butt stage with zero grabbable ledges
No big loss.

Spooky Boardwalk

Attached: thumbnail_20190514_183441.jpg (1280x960, 201K)

Flip-Swap Galaxy

Attached: thumbnail_20190514_234857.jpg (1280x960, 183K)

Neo Koopa Castle

Attached: thumbnail_20190514_183212.jpg (1280x960, 249K)


This pleases my dick very much

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And that's all the new stuff I have. By the way, I need a song that sounds like evil clown... but it can't be Vs. Marx. Any ideas?

I recognize GnG and Death Rogumer, dont know what the third is.

Attached: DeathRogumer.jpg (1533x917, 491K)

Need ID


It's called Banshee Boardwalk, stupid.

Yes, but that doesn't fit the space you are given. You have to be creative. Just like It's Neo Bowser Castle, not Koopa.

Amazing btw

Thank you for this, i managed to get 2 "good ones"

Based list, thanks user!

I wish there were more Etna stages.

i could wait for you if you want. gives me time to play with Yea Forums irgins for a while

n-no... it was a misunderstanding.

Attached: 20190515_002433.gif (201x113, 403K)

New Stage, for any other Matsumoto fans in here


Attached: Galaxy Express 999 SMR9TRWP.jpg (1280x720, 202K)

But will he upload it?

It was the only thing that came to mind when making a stage based of that short. Sorry user.


Zurashi, if you're gonna do another lewd dump, do you think you could make a futa alt for the Roll, Lana or Ashley stages? Or the inkling ones

but that's how she looks like or how she used to look like.


Thanks! I love Galaxy Express 999 so much, it's one of my favorite series

Very good list but DTW95RFT is not up any more.

I've been trying to make a fully animated Regice Running stage but dealing with all these rails and gears is fucking brutal. The legs and body are exactly how I want them, but I just need to fix the range of motion for the arms. Something's seriously wrong and I can't figure it out right now, I have to do it tomorrow or some other day.

The funny thing of course is that this stage won't be any fun to play on at all and will exist solely for novelty's sake, so I might as well not even be wasting my time, but oh well, I'm more than halfway through and fully committed to finishing it now.

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Keep at it man, it's gonna be worth it in the end
Get some rest for now, you made a lot of great Stages today

>Entire game crashed after playing on that FD that caused the game itself to chug

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Why do people make lewd stages? Aren't you worried about Nintendo banning you and then you have to buy an online subscription again?

im tempted to upload them but i dont wanna get banned again so i'll just keep them for arenas

Then you should have went with B. Boardwalk or Banshee BW.

Not the other poster but I've been thinking about trying that series for a while. Since it's so long I was wondering if it's mainly episodic or does it actually have a continuous plot like LoGH? Not that it bothers me either way, I'm just curious what I'm in for before I start.

You forgot the lewdest stage of them all, that's been up for a while now: 5XTBT6YD

Attached: Chad Stride.gif (500x350, 1.62M)

Why the fuck is that literally who Shantae mermaid so popular?

Just found another stage of her by sort by date: 496CFVPY

Yeah, now that you mention it, B. Boardwalk sounds a lot better. Well, If I ever update it, that's the new name.

I dunno, maybe because she's a fucking giant woman with huge breasts?

It's pretty episodic, there is continuity but it's generally something that would be in easy syndication. Most episodes are a one-off adventure of the week story, but there are many times that Episodes are multi-part ones.

Attached: Conductor.jpg (778x518, 356K)

is there any nazi germany related stage
yes i will go back to /pol/

any pumpkin hill stage?

What's the point without the music?

Keep going user

Plenty, just search by key words.

damn, you are right, I thought this song was in smash

what words?


pass 147 LK89Y
custom stages only
no lagging third worlders

Pumpkin Hill


I actually made one earlier posted it in the last thread but it died.

Attached: Pumpkin Hill.jpg (768x432, 67K)


good to see blargen and meme around still desu

like the emerald

ima make a nova ( Kirby)

Feels good to be back man

Hey dudes, I know it might seem like I only show up to shill my own content, but I do check out and sometimes download your stages too. Let me know if you want any feedback or tips regarding your content.

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I dont plan on uploading them since I already got banned once. Also, you only get banned off smash online, not the entirety of online. My subscription is still there.

Sweet mercy that's cool.

im still proud of this mii

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>all 4 final smash meters fill up at the same time

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Fuck BBC stages, we need more multicultural orgies.


How embarrassing.


Keep doing what you do man.


This is pretty cool.

hotdamn i still havent gotten around to playin the second game for this yet

What is it?

>mew ass stage again even though i didnt select it

Well, no update means the infinite-same-stage-selection-even-though-everyone-picked-random bug is still rampant.

Jesus Christ I did not think that Omnislash through

Why aren't they at right angles
Why do they rotate slightly out of sync with each other
You're triggering my autism hard here

wait is gum going to dump stages?


Here's Flying Battery Zone, ID:6KMFPCKK
There was more I wanted to do, but I hit object limit
The decorations took a ton of work, anyone who's ever tried to make objects with holes in them can feel my pain

Attached: FlyingBattery Screenshot.jpg (960x540, 99K)

alright anons after next match im closing the arena, need sleep

Thanks for the fun matches!

MAde these a while back, what do yall think?

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Attached: 2019051303302300-0E7DF678130F4F0FA2C88AE72B47AFDF.jpg (1280x720, 196K)

Thanks for hosting!

Wow I am in love with the attention to detail on those floating platforms, I know how much work those stupid holed platforms are too, so good job with your patience. This turned out incredible

Cute as hell
Amazing! That's the best Godzilla stage I've seen, you make really cool atmospheric stages

Shoot i used the wrong kirby stage

I updated it so it looks like this

Also have 2 more stages

Welp im off to sleep, love from hawaii anons

Attached: Made at 3 am by Nuclear808.jpg (1271x2121, 667K)

Best boi

Attached: morgana-smash.jpg (563x688, 43K)

Wait, Morgana is a boy? But Morgana is a girl's name.

Anyone else annoyed by the lack of an orange-colored material? Wood is the closest thing. There are two blues (three if you count ice), two greens, and at least one of every major color on the spectrum except orange.
I strongly doubt they would do such a thing but I wish they'd add a few new materials in an update.

Yes Morgana's a guy, don't question it.

Attached: Ominous Morgana.jpg (784x737, 58K)

I got another 50 dollar eshop card and a request if anyone is up to it

I want a stage of Nui grinding on Shulk's cock as he's locked in chastity

I'd also like to see what stage's you've made.

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It drives me crazy too, lots of stages I want to make would necessitate orange. It's okay and manageable to just get by with sand sometimes, but I have one OC stage I want to make that would need yellow and orange in it so it's a real issue


You would pay someone FIFTY DOLLARS to make that stage?

I think it's actually respectable for Nintendo to stay out of politics.

you dont know how much this drives me crazy. there are 3 fuckin shades of blue but no orange or true yellow

I guess it is too much, maybe i should change my request to Nui getting spitroasted by two dudes, or animals perhaps.

I also offer a 25 dollar amazon giftcard.

I'd give both cards for cuckold porn where the guy is struggling, i just love sadism.

I don't know if anybody would be up for that though because it's more of a /pol/ meme now

Attached: __harime_nui_idolmaster_and_kill_la_kill_drawn_by_hirundo_rustica__b52004736da0705210ca16b705ff0e0b. (800x481, 80K)



Attached: D5CP0rWUUAAjSZh.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

Aside from the Pumpkin Hill stage, here are my other stages to shill.
Give me some ideas on what to do next, was thinking of Tarrey Town or something from Botw for one.

Attached: Stages.jpg (1025x984, 341K)

>nigger dick
cuck shit

Fucking based. Will be playing on this one a lot.

Attached: 1475335558265.jpg (640x480, 45K)

I would like that chastity stage though, yeah

>nui beastiality fag is also a cuck
Not even surprised


Cool stage but the bottom part of the main platform has grabbable ledges

I wish Morgana was real and not a generic kpop-looking motherfucker.

Attached: morg.png (1000x722, 610K)

I like it for watching men struggle, not self inset purposes, why do you think i like Nui in the first place?

Attached: __harime_nui_and_kiryuuin_satsuki_kill_la_kill_drawn_by_yidajuanfei__sample-8eb6907414d76eedf762668b (850x1073, 204K)

When does Nui ever make a man struggle?


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High tier moistness, the way he looms over the battle is fucking cool af

Amazing job m8

She's a sadistic cunt, she makes everyone suffer.

Attached: tenor.gif (400x224, 1.6M)

Fuck, I never noticed that. I swear I dealt with it but maybe it either got accidentally undone or I just imagined it.
Though I was already thinking of maybe making a v2, this is a good excuse to actually do it

Would you be up to taking my first or second request? or should i come back on the weekend?

Attached: __harime_nui_kill_la_kill_drawn_by_charcoalo__af5ceeaf1be47c39bfe7490dd91e51dc.jpg (788x700, 69K)

I'll ask Gum to make it, we're pretty close friends.

what? who are you?

Is anyone here collecting all the lewd stages and also able to dump their save data so the ones who missed their chance would be able to import them?

Oh, that'd be lovely, but wouldn't i have to wait for his dump? i prefer to get my hands on it as soon as possible so it doesn't get taken down.

I have like three niche ones from outside of this thread i could post, but not sure how to do the save thing without hacking the switch.

Attached: 46948139_p5.png (500x500, 45K)

Hey that's me
I put a bunch of removed stages on and I'm planning to probably put them on a mega once I get them all organized on my computer

also, discord?

Stages are individual files, you don't have to dump your save data to share them.

Don't do this

Attached: 1556101939390m.jpg (576x1024, 47K)

Attached: smash ultimate stage compliation resized.png (1432x1560, 2.87M)

I guess i don't need it, i'm satisfied with the Nui Horse stage.

If a drawfag wants to make a drawing of my cuckold request though i'll give him the 50

But anyways, ciao!

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not any of them, ill do it but only if you promise to post the code in a thread for the first lucky Yea Forumsirgin to grab

was thinking of making a toriel stage, what should it contain (keep it up to suggestive and not flat-out NSFW)


I will, but you have to make the drawing before that.

Omega Flowey tentacle raping her with his vines.

aight. my art aint exactly the greatest, but id say in decently competent. dont expect too much though. you want specifically just the cuckshit, or you want me to do somethin else?

People here actually paid money to use Nintendo's shitty server just to download stages?


I decided to make a v2
>bottom platform no longer grabbable
>should now be impossible to stand on the lower part of the moving platforms
>spike platform appearance updated
>spike platform isn't quite as close to the ledge
>back steel layer now scrolls up to extend off-camera

Attached: v2.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

Cuckold stuff, her getting fucked by a black man while a blond guy is under her pussy as she takes it, whilst he's locked in chastity.

Attached: __harime_nui_and_kiryuuin_ragyou_kill_la_kill_drawn_by_sushio__5171d93881b7ab390043177a95e6f737.jpg (690x900, 214K)

Any arena up?

i fuckin hate cuckoldry and i think its legitimately a degenerate fetish, but hey, one of you faggots gets free $50 out of it. plus i need the practice anyways

aight. ill drop it in a thread whenever im finished with it. dont worry about missing it though, ill also throw it on the Yea Forums drawfag booru

Thanks! need any references? her name is Harime Nui by the way.

prolly just of the pose you want her in

Okay, give me a second

something like this, but with each character visible, i couldn't find a good enough pic but this is the position

Post yfw you're not Nui guy

Attached: screen-shot-2018-08-08-at-15-25-36.original.jpg (953x508, 41K)

scalies are pathetic too

Attached: image.jpg (749x375, 32K)

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You thinking of uploading them tomorrow on the 16th at all? that's when Gujms ban ends and he plans on doing a dump of all his mii stages. Good chance to get them out


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I, too, love Yumi.


So very tempting... you're waiting for my dump too? Not sure Rice wants me to get her banned again though

i just want that drossel stage my man. im fine if you dont wanna get banned again though

Attached: img000004-9.png (1605x1600, 1.85M)

Who is Drossel?

I just wish I knew what happens after the 14 day ban... you should join the Discord

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Post the discord

If there's a thread this weekend, I've got lots of new codes to share!

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see you then user

What's up with the crying girl?

She's laughing very hard

Just her in her chair reading a book about snails.

Oh. For some reason this correction was enough to make me realize it's Takagi, isn't it? I wonder why.


It is

Has anyone seen or made any good Granblue Fantasy stages? I tried searching a few things in both English and Japanese but didn't find anything of note. But I know this board has a ton of GBF fans.

The only GBF I'm a fan of is Gundam Build Fighters.

I'd hope not, after what Try did to it.

Did I put a "Try" in my post user? No, no I didn't. Try can fuck itself.

Good, good. GBF was a legit 10/10 and Try somehow completely ruined it.