How would you react if Randy assaulted you?

How would you react if Randy assaulted you?

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It's not assault if I want it to happen.

Was that on his USB?

I would scream in pleasure!

>Almost killed Sega
>Set back the Aliens franchise by a decade
>Introduced internet memes to mainstream video games
>Tried to screw over Obsidian
>Tried to screw over 3DRealms
>Tried to screw over eduke32
>Screwed over several companies who worked with his company
>Almost ended his company multiple times with his retarded ideas
>Can never take criticism for anything, even things that are his fault
>Never takes responsibility for any of his screwups, all of them get pushed onto other people.
>Uses armies of lawyers to sue competition into oblivion even when he is wrong.
>Won't disclose agreements without lengthy court battles of which none of the people he signs contracts with can legally fight
>Removed all Duke Nukem games from GoG
>including the sidescrollers of which you cannot buy anymore, meaning piracy is the only way to play them
>Lied about winning the Gearbox name by beating Gabe Newell in a poker game
>Re-released a half-baked chocolate duke port to Steam ten dollars more expensive than the Atomic version that runs like ass because none of his developers have Build engine experience.
>Is probably a massive piss fetishist.
>Has an odd number of pictures of himself on toilets or bathroom floors
>Sung a song about how asshurt he was over a twitter argument to hundreds of investors of his company
>Dropped a USB stick with company files and totally not underaged at all squirting porn at a Medieval Times event
>Tries to defend the porn claiming that the act was like a "magic trick"
>Claimed that Borderlands 3 won't have microtransactions when it actually does

I'd be pretty pissed off tbqh

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Fuck off

no, it's on mine though

No fuck you Randy

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What the fuck is that?

Don't forget "created a Battleborn Rule 34 subreddit and then acted as if he'd just happened to stumble across it"

I'm convinced Randy has actual Autism. Hearing the story about giving an employee a fucking wet willy makes me feel this man has actual mental problems and a lack of social understanding.

I was reading some comments at some articles and people are claiming shoving isn't assault. It's simple assault, and if the guy was actually injured, it'd turn into battery.

his wife

He's a real cunt isn't he

post his son

wtf the fbi is coming for me now

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whyd he marry such an obese woman? he can do better with the money he has

Utter disgust.


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I want to fuck it.

>doc we've been trying to have a baby for 2 years now I don't know what's wrong
>I wonder if one of us is infertile?
>You've been fucking her folds Randy not her pussy

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The Pierce Brosnan of vidya

She was hardly overweight when he got with her, they were high school sweethearts. I'm sure some user has the prom photo somewhere

o well marrying your high school sweet heart is kinda cute, he should encourage her to lose weight though, her husband got rich due to his shady practices and she got lazy and started eating one too many dinners

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like most women, the second she got a ring on her finger she knew she could finally get fat, and if he leaves her she'll be able to take everything

Being autistic doesn't explain most of his behaviour. This must be a Chris Chan situation where he has autism on top of some other mental or personality disorder.

>"I'm a little on the spectrum"
That's just him saying he won't apologize for being an asshole

How dare you sully the Architect's name.

No kidding. I feel worse for having a fat fetish now that I know I share it with piss drinking Pitchford.

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all of this sounds BADASS

fuck randy and his bullshit, that useless motherfucker HAS Duke Nukem Forever 2001 and it's 1000% completed with 200 levels and 24 hours of gameplay, one of you useless 4channing fuckin niggers go out there, shoot randy in the nutsack clap trap, and STEAL IT. fucking tired of this bullshit.

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What, if that exists why wasn't it released in 2001?

Because George Broussard is an imbecile.

It was a joke.
You must be a riot at parties.

because george broussard didn't have any shells in his duki nuki shotgun to blow his fucking brains out with how retarded he is

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I don't go to parties anymore, I only fuck your mother now. We've been very antisocial lately. Would you like to go out to dinner and me and your mother? I know we don't really get along, but I feel like if we can get past this hurdle, I can be a good father for you.

>Tried to screw over Obsidian
Is this about the aliens rpg they were making?


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choke him

Someone shop a dick pissing on his face

Assault him back. It's not illegal if we both come.

Do you think Randy gets off on feeding her, or is she just fat because of her own poor life decisions?

Punch his teeth down his throat
Also, post yfw you are not him nor any of the other infamous trio

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>Thought it said "300 pounds of DRUMPF"
I need to get off this fucking site

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