What Japanese games are you looking forward to?
What Japanese games are you looking forward to?
Other urls found in this thread:
none of them
world of warcraft
having sex with a japanese person
are there any i should be looking foward to? last one i was hyped about was Persona 5. i won't be getting Royal however as its just DLC wrapped in a new game for $60.
God i wish that was me.
Nintendo games and fightan gamez
jesus christ I want to smash that bean
For real I've been considering traveling to Japan and hiring an escort for just this reason. It's pathetic. I even found an agency where all the girls are lactating.
he's cute
P5R, SMTV and a new Guilty Gear are the big ones. I'm interested in the new SamSho too, and I may get Judgment and/or Astral Chain depending on the situation with my money, especially for Astral Chain seeing as I don't own a Switch.
Don't do that.
Is it true that Japanese women crave white American cock? I heard they love Americans
Death Stranding, Judgement, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Astral Chain and Daemon X Machina
Code Vein
>I even found an agency where all the girls are lactating.
Astral Chain
Bayonetta 3
Nintendo games
i know its not japanese, but i just wanted to talk about video games but no japanese games actually make games i want to play
This retard keeps making this fucking thread with the same bait pic of a mix raced chick that is obviously not asian (they are ugly). Goddamn it mods.
>I heard they love Americans
Based. Too bad I'm not white.
Also, can't say I'm looking forward to any Japanese games. Cyberpunk 2077 is the only thing that's caught my eye recently.
wait, are you calling the bean woman ugly or asians.
That's a white girl
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
yes its technically a Japanese game
I love this bitch lol. Post more
Asians. Only the plastic asians look somewhat attractive. Why? You mad nigger?
Guys do it for you, eh?
Dragon Quest XI. Yes, I already played it on PS4. But now I get to play the version we should have gotten on Switch.
Aside from that, I'm not seeing much else on the horizon. Most of the developers I like have no announcements for upcoming games.
Who is she?
Code Vein
AI: Sominum Files
Daemon x Machina
Astral Chain
Any monolith soft's next project with Takashi on the helm
is that a bottle of semen she's holding?
Anal Chain
>I even found an agency where all the girls are lactating.
big if true
Fpbp. Japan has nothing now, they shouldn't have forgotten the way of the Samurai!
>even found an agency where all the girls are lactating
Please share
same energy
>Astral Chain
>Babylon's Fall
>Bayonetta 3
>Bloodstained Ritual of the night
>Code Vein
>Daemon X Machina
>Dragon Quest XI Definitive Edition
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Granblue Fantasy Relink
>Granblue Fantasy Versus
>Catherine Full Body
>Death Stranding
>Final Fantasy VII Remake
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>Mary Skelter 2
>Ni Oh 2
>Project Sakura Wars
>Project Prelude Rune ( I know it's cancelled but i think that SE will announce a new game)
>Project Awakening
>Project Re: Fantasy
>Pokemon Sword Shield
>Persona 5 The Royale
>Shenmue III
>Samurai Shodown
>Super Mario Maker 2
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Trails of Cold Steel 3
>Yo-Kai Watch 4
>YS IX Monstrum Nox
>Zelda Link's Awakening
Learn how to reverse image search, retard.
dohna dohna
Hopefully it has a good plot
Is it true that Japanese women love guns?
Man I'm sick of this bitch
Google gives me "girl" and "stocking" you unhelpful faggot.
Why do you keep posting this confirmed anal slut?
>good plot
>Mary Skelter 2
For a moment I read "Mary Skater" and I was instantly hyped, but then I saw the real title and that it's a CH game localized by the retards of IFI.
Ha. Gay!
what's her name?
None, unless there's a big one i'm missing
Dear god, you've done your research
so is it a guy or girl? i dont care either way just curious
I really want the new Samurai Shodown to be good. And if it is, I hope it does not end up a 100% poverty game with mandatory Discord to find matches.
>pregnant women and lactating women in their 20s-late 20s
>they're showing you pictures as proofs
Remember not to spoonfeed the retards
If you use discord you need to be put out. To death.
at least post a japanese qt instead of this ugly ass goblin you esl fuck
Alicesoft games usually have pretty good story. Rance X was kino.
That shit was just a rape simulator. How the fuck is that kino you underage?
Don't mind me, just waiting for that one roastie to see this thread and autistically screech about incels.
>most of them look like solid 8/10 or above
>price is ridiculous low
first time im regretting not being born in japan.
Have you actually played it or are you just offended by the content? It has an extremely long script and relatively few H scenes.
You now understand why I've been Gosling-posting. They'll even wear cosplay for you and even let you film them. THEY'LL LET YOU FILM THEM. FUUUUUUCKKKKK.
the last Japanese game I ever looked forward to was Final Fantasy XIII!!! My expectations are way lower than they used to be!!! They can't sell me another Final Fantasy game! It won't work! I can't be tricked anymore! so now I only play Japanese games if they're from CAPCOM
God japanese women are beautiful
Finna based
It's an RPG, not a VN.
I was looking forward to this but retarded SE decided to cancel it
Anyone knows of someone is developing something similar?
can you finna fuck em?
i wouldnt trust the japs with pictures they use 900 pounds of makeup and also photoshop
Samurai Shodown
Fire Emblem 3 Houses
Alliance Alive remaster
Astral Chain
Dragon Quest 11 with the actual music
Link's Awakening remake
Code Vein
Daemon X Machina
Shin Megami Tensei 5
Metroid Prime 4
Metal Slug 8
enjoy getting stabbed by yakuza gangbangers
But user, this girl is a Mexican!
I'll be saving this one. Jesus user, good work.
i dont give a fuck about the make up part, really, its not like you will marry a girl on those sites and have to wake up next to she when its not wearing any makeup.
Enjoy getting scammed by nigerians
>can you finna fuck em?
use google translate
[/spoiler]MY FUCKING DICK[/spoiler]
Technically, it's illegal to pay for sex for vaginal intercourse in Japan, so it's never advertised, but from the reviews I've seen, yes you can.
Yakuza care about money. There's more money in satisfying Oedipus complexes than in stabbing foreigners.
>Is it true that Japanese women crave white American cock? I heard they love Americans
They don't, especially not your obese ass.
Are Yakuza even a threat to flies. Japan's crime is so low that its hard to take any criminal organization in Japan seriously. i thought they were just loan sharks who sported spoopy tattoos and got buzzed hair cuts and occasionally once in a blue moon kill someone.
>It is a 100% Japanese escort girls delivery health shop (sexual intercourse is prohibited by law in Japan) that can gather high-level enrolled ladies because it is difficult to operate and rare and valuable shop.
you cant bang them or they are hinting some bussiness under the table?
>not looking forward to the next Etrian Odyssey
>Japan's crime is so low
retard it's low because it's under-reported to hell.
Europeans yes, but not your mutt ass.
Gross what is this shit? RPG maker?
>no DQB2
What's wrong with this board
>its not like you will marry a girl on those sites
Gran Blue Fantasy Re;Link?
google translate sucks.
the real translation says prostitution is illegal in Japan.
You might be retarded.
so they prefer Arab dick then?
You know what I meant Cleetus.
rougly in order
>Rune Factory 5
>Animal Crossing
>Persona 5R
>Rune Factory 4 Special
>Shenmue 3
>Pokemon Sw/Sh
>FF7 remake
I'm not the one playing games that look like they were made 30 years ago.
>I even found an agency where all the girls are lactating.
its more like tasting something foreing, after the first one they just dont want anymore if they are getting paid for it.
but i heard they love latinos (Mexicans to be more precise) and italians.
lol Eurofag BTFO
What game are you even talking about?
They really love mexicans for whatever reason
they don't into international news very well
It's not even announced yet user, don't be so harsh.
>whiter than you achmed
people saying it was being directed by the guy who was behind the nu-tales of series
Trivia. You can stay longer there if you come from Mexico or speak Spanish.
Absolute qt pi
Why do you keep posting this alien?
Thank you user very cool
completely forgot about this. is there a reason why?
being american, i'm completely terrified with anything to do with mexico/mexicans
Yakuza earn money by pimping out jap women to superior gaijin cock. Stabbing their customers makes no sense.
Where do you live user that there aren't any Mexicans in your city? lol Canada? Wait.
>webmaster's face when he notices the spike in traffic and referrals
I am so alpha I would tear apart any tranny's ass.
What is turning me on is the fact that I'm fucking a mentally unstable beta boy that looks like a hot girl.
I'm showing him his place in the food chain, the fact that he's nothing but a fuckin herbivore lying in a bed with the biggest apex predator out there.
We were both born the same gender, but only one of us is clearly a natural predator, and it is Me.
Eat my huge dick and spread your anus. Alpha is here. Get fucked, weeaboo!
May Sakaali. OP is a beta orbitter and he didn't want you to know about his waifu. But now you do. So he's fucked.
the yellow fever pumps loud and clear through my veins
White cock yes, specifically american? No.
None, since they're all heavily censored now
>shoes too small
>that nose
>tfw no cute /k/ Jap gf
Estados Unidos Mexicanos
She unlike other Americans here think Mexico isn't part of the fucking continent. Yet a thot does. Makes you think.
fuck bros why are legs so sexy
For real, I thought this thread would've been 404'd long by now, and my zany plans for whoring it up in Japan, long ignored. I guess the Jannies and Mods were far more based than I had anticipated.
As a black man what are my odds of getting jap pussy if i traveled to Japan? i don't look intimidating or anything but i feel like id still scare everyone away.
>people saying it was being directed by the guy who was behind the nu-tales of series
Baba produced some good games, it was SE retarded management policies that made Project Prelude Rune
Mexicans can travel to Japan without visa for six months
Japan love Mexico and they think it's the most important country in the Americas
>professional page for gaijins to come get their milky mommy fantasies fulfilled
>can probably even do NTR roleplay where you steal some housewife with your WAITO COCKU
'bout tree fiddy
depends on your negro archtype, are you gangsta or the funny black guy?, but dont expect banging each more than once, because they will only do it to experiment and more than likely regret it afwerwards, because of cultural reasons.
Wait what?
Listen, Pablo. Mexico is on the North American continent but you are not from America. Someone can only be from Canda, America, Mexico, or any one of those other Mexican countries to the south which are also just called Mexico.
End of discussion.
>cultural reasons
Girls who whore themselves out are already shamed as much as they can by others so taking black cock isn't much of a loss.
Don't travel to Japan. Look for the ones who live in your country. They're more open to experimenting.
>It is a 100% Japanese escort girls delivery health shop
I'm suffering from a calcium deficiency and this japanese health seminar could really help me get better. You think my country's national healthcare would provide a free ticket to japan since the treatment is not found locally?
My wife
>Also, can't say I'm looking forward to any Japanese games. Cyberpunk 2077 is the only thing that's caught my eye recently.
Why are you even on Yea Forums you dumb faggot?
You gotta find the ones that want to piss off their racist parents