Ashly Burch > Laura Bailey

Ashly Burch > Laura Bailey

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Burch is the only reason I won't get dancing all night. I can't stomach her. She has none of Laura Bailey's charisma as Rise.

Your loss, it's a pretty fun game.

I love laura bailey so fucking much that it hurts.

God you're pathetic.

, he says as he creates a thread riddled with bait that I took.

laura burch

Glad you fell for it friend.

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OP is still a faggot though

Night or day I always try to heed my summons.
What's this have to do with /tg/?

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Right back at you.
Probably has to do with Travis Willingham playing DnD

>He's never been on a Critical Role thread

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Oh. They both played it though. It makes me very sad that I could never ever be in that position.
I don't really visit /tg/

I hope we get another DAN game sometime, I enjoyed it a ton.

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It'd be nice if we got a new one with the same level of effort of 4.

said no one ever

CR threads are (or at least were when I started lurking on them) basically just a bunch of incels wanting to either cuck Travis, cuck Laura, or pay to watch the to of them make love.

I don't think I'd like that, I just wish I could've been the one to marry her. But I wouldn't cuck Travis, he's the one she loves.

But I said it right now?

Fair enough. But seriously, if you like them maybe you should check out Critical Role sometime for yourself. I hear it's pretty good.

Last time I watched them play D&D I just got sad. Maybe I'll give it another shot.

>There are people in this thread who think Ashley Burch is anything above terrible

Laura Bailey isn't the greatest, but she's still a pretty good VA with the exception of Lucina.

>I just got sad.

Cause I wish I was Travis but I'm not.

>with the exception of Lucina

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Why did they change voice actors?

What you meant to say was Chun-Li.

>Implying you can't still at least masturbate to her or her voice

I'm sorry, but her Lucina sounds like a man. I her to be my wife, not fix my cable.

Also acceptable

No, that's wrong.

>but her Lucina sounds like a man
Wasn't that really the point with her being disguised as Marth

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Oh come on, people fap to married celebrities all the time. She's a public figure, she probably expects it, and if she doesn't, she'll at least never know.

>with the exception of Lucina
That better not mean what I think it means

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I used to be like this and now she’s sold out and in every fucking triple A game and ditched reprisals for all her old anime and game roles. She’s just a used old whore now.

I don't 'lust' her for her voice, I 'love' her for who she is.

it's really good to binge watch it
watching it live on twitch is awful because you can't pause to take a piss

>Mask comes off.
>still sounds like a plumber

Might as well roll the end credits at Chapter 13.

>Your loss, it's a pretty fun game.

Lying should come with a harsher punishment.

Who said I'm lying? Game is actually fun, maybe you should try it before talking.

>shit > diahrrea
