How the fuck are grenades deadly? All they do is release compressed air, at the most all they should do is push you back a bit.
How the fuck are grenades deadly? All they do is release compressed air...
user, I...
He has a point, you know. And I've legit never seen an actual grenade used IRL.
Compressed air is actually very toxic if you breathe it. If you don't believe me, go snort some compressed air and come back.
The grenade dilates very hard.
So what you are saying is that all you need to do in order to survive a grenade blast is to hold your breath?
Shrapnel, and the shockwave can rupture organs. Clears people away from an area and the noise disteacts them. Also has a psychological effect but i suppose its no worse than already being shot at.
the force of the explosion is enough to send any man reeling or flying backwards
plus the shrapnel of the grenade itself is actually the deadliest part, sending shards of metal and plastic cutting into flesh and bone
Fragmentation grenades have more shrapnel than HE grenades (which have minimal shrapnel but more explosive force)
they actually are deadly because they release nerve gas
Yup. Or even better, jump into a large body of water like a pool or lake if you are near. The air can not go through the water so will be safe.
How Do People Die From Grenades Ahahahaha Just Walk Away Nigga Hahahaha
Its the sharpnel that kills you idiot
to survive a grenade you should - take cover - if cover is not around then get on the ground with your back to the blast in the hopes that whatever armor you have on will eat the shards of shit that is coming at you - open your mouth and exhale while you cover your ears - this allows the air in your lungs to be expelled by the shockwave easier while providing "some" ear protection - if you hold your breathe it will make things worse as the force will fuck you up from the inside like you're a balloon
>All they do is release compressed air
Like those airguns at the fair?
What if I jump on top of the grenade? Like Captain America did?
I thought going prone minimizes your profile and gives you more of a chance to avoid the oncoming shrapnel from the blast
you're pretty fucked in an enclosed space though
Where does the shrapnel come from retard? Is it magically created out of thin air?
Wow. Nice spoiler asshole. Use spoiler tag.
the entire grenade is the shrapnel
they're not just filled with explosives, the casing itself is the most dangerous part of it, even
You'll save your friends but definitely die. Your body will prove an effective shock absorber as you are reduced to a chunky paste.
You know how loud sounds can rupture your eardrums? Well imagine a REALLY loud sound and instead of just your eardrums it's your guts and brain. Along with that, shrapnel flying everywhere and shit in the environment being launched every which way.
>The entire grenade is shrapnel
Yeah, just like the entire bottle of a molotov cocktail is fire. Served two tours. Don't make shit up.
>force of the explosive is strong enough to obliterate a human body
>shockwave will rupture organs
>casing becomes sharpnel which will kill at a greater distance than the actual explosion
if anything, most games don't properly represent a grenade.
even the tiniest bit of shrapnel can cause havoc at appropriate speeds
there's a lot of tiny pieces of shrapnel in grenades
the casing just helps supplements the shrapnel by being MORE shrapnel
That sounds like the better option. Sacrifice yourself and die as a hero. At least when the alternative is to suffer from very heavy internal damage and suffer immensely. But I wouldn't do it if I had a family.
The casing doesn't just disappear when it explodes you imbecile
> Served two tours. Don't make shit up.
No matter how good a tour guide you are, grenades seem outside your field of expertise, come back once you have been in the military.
Fucking idiot. Just press RB and throw the grenade back, retard.
shrapnel is deadly when propelled at high velocities.
What do you think happens to all the material containing the so called compressed air?
yes this is true - you just want your back exposed to the blast and not your stomach and sometimes laying flat isn't an option depending on the gear you are wearing or the weapon you have or the terrain/building you are in - in any case, back to the blast so your ballistic armor takes the brunt of the force, either prone or tucking your legs in front and head down to make as much a ball as you can with your back to the blast so the plate takes the brunt and you protect your eyes/face and chest area
You served no one but yourself and the MIC
american education everyone
>served two tours
This only lowers my expectations of your intelligence.
american education
>served two tours
Alright, Gomer. Just stick in the back with the desert queens while we clear this shithole.
>Yea Forums doesn't know how grenades work
>american bragging about fighting for israel
im shocked really
>americans dont know how grenades work
>one guy doesn't know how grenades work
>all of Yea Forums jumps in to correct him
>"nobody on Yea Forums understands how grenades work"
Same. Can confirm grenades are a joke, mostly just used to scare people into abandoning their position. I remember chucking a live grenade under the new guy's bunk and the look on his face was priceless as soon after it went off.
american education everyone
american education everyone
>All these third worlders crying about american education
Best economy on the world, best military, best education. Cope.
but I'm american and even I know OP was wrong
american everyone education
american education everyone
Why don't you just move with the shrapnel? If you run at the same speed of the blast the relative momentum of the bits can't hurt you.
american education everyone
>tongue in cheek thread
>retards like you feel superior for correcting jokesters
Congrats for posting obvious bait and getting all these morons and obsessive autists replying to correct you. Well played.
>He can't outrun a grenade blast
Euro PE, everyone.
why don't people just pick up the grenade and then cup it on their hands real hard, if you don't let it break apart into shrapnel then it can't hurt you
>lol just run at the speed of sound bro
>just like go really fast
Thanos dies, Ironman uses the infinity gauntlet to kill him
All humor is people pretending to be retarded. Deal with it.
Based retard
I always just figured I could look away from the blast and it wouldn't really hurt me.
Ah I see, carry on.
That's why you run backwards while yelling. Your sound waves will push you forward.
american education everyone
kinetic energy = 1/2 * mass * velocity^2
>A grenade is actually a bullet you throw that explodes into a bunch of bullets
you fucking absolute idiot.
Came into this thread expecting hilarity. Now I'm just angry.
What a waste. They should fill the entire grenade with explosive instead.
Did you just wildly click on posts to reply to?
Half the time people use this, it’s because they’re too autistic to understand dumb jokes and double down on their retardation. Even if a normal person didn’t know how air pressure works, they’d still understand that grenades do more than just blast you with compressed air.
You don't have to run THAT fast, just fast enough that the relative momentum of the shit being flung at you is soft enough to not hurt you.
american education everyone
antartican education everyone
>t. actual retard
Hey fuck you too buddy
the USMC ran trials on that with McNamara but found that the great monetary and timewise costs of the troops' stamina training outweighed just letting them die in the rare event of an enemy grenade landing close to them
Typical European education.
Facts don't care about your feelings. Snowflakes.
My dad died in Antarctica you fuck, fell out of a guard tower
Reminder that they're called fragmentation grenades for a reason, not shrapnel grenades. They are not the same thing, kind of like how people misuse clip and mag.
>this fucking thread
Everyone shut the fuck up or I'll do it. I'll kill us all!
/r/ShitAmericansSay called
they want your upvotes back
>Reminder that they're called fragmentation grenades for a reason, not shrapnel grenades. They are not the same thing,
Okay I'm following you.
>kind of like how people misuse clip and mag.
You lost me. Those are the same thing.
>explosion is strong enough to turn a metal sphere into several bits of metal traveling at a high velocity
Yeah, I'm sure it's actually perfectly harmless to any nearby persons.
(You) need to go back.
*takes the gunade and yeets that fucker the fuck outta this thread*
Get fucked lmaooooooooooooo
are grenades even real
I've never seen one in real life so it's hard to believe
That's it! Now you're gonna get it!
is far superior to american education
>put shoulder stock on pistol
>suddenly has 3-round burst
So dumb when video game devs make up upgrades with no realistic sense.
>this is unironically what Euros believe
whats the difference between fragments and shrapnel?
the grenade is made to be easily splintered by the explosion and sending shrapnels into your rib cage
The main charge that's packed into the interior is removed for that inside view.
>female soldiers
*siiiiiiiiigh...* when will they learn...
One is a fragment, one is a shrapnel
but like effectively, whats the difference? they both go into your skin and make you hurt real bad.
>Leon and Matilda
get it? GET IT???
The same difference between getting a flu shot and getting pierced with shrapnel. They both go into your skin and make you hurt real bad but one is worse than the other.
Then you'll be assigned super soldier serum, provided you're still alive.
It's kind of like the Sunnys, and the Shits. If you're not a muslim, it doesn't make a difference.
I know you're trying to cute, but in case somebody gets tricked: This guns literally is designed to function in burst mode once a stock is attached to it.
Clever mechanical design.
You can legit feel your body shake from 40 away through a concrete wall. The concussion alone if your close enough will rupture organs and bones. The fragments are even more deadly.
And if you think compressed air isn't dangerous take a compressed air hose, touch it to your skin and pull the trigger (don't actually do this).
holy fuckkkk losin my shit haha, that turkey totally munchin down on that pizza
The shockwave alone will turn your insides to jelly, especially inside a building
You wouldn't think that if you had ever had a blowjob.
So you can just wear a noise cancelling headphones to survive a grenade blast
BASED Yea Forums posters smarter than /k/ucks
gamers are the most powerful race in the world
Aren't you forgetting the shrapnel? And the fact that grenades use TNT?
fuck off sonic
if grenades use TNT why cant you make them in minecraft? checkmate libtard.
I'm not even getting into the hyrdostatic shock either. Grenades will kill you dead.
>It's called a gun not a cannon
There's no functional difference between shrapnel and fragments aside from semantics.
>he doesn't use mods
>he doesn't make tnt cannons
>hydrostatic shock
The fuck? Do grenades electrocute you? Where does the static and shock come from?
Are you fucking retarded?
>the force of the explosion is enough to send any man REEing
Why do /k/ fags always take the stupidest bait? I swear to god every time someone even breathes the word "clip" you get 2 gorillion fuckers coming out of the woodworks to write a dissertation on why you're wrong.
Are you?
>weak minded Yea Forumsedditor cannot understand superior /k/ommando bait tactics
Kill your self, faggot. Your kind is not welcome here.
How do you reload a grenade?
I lol'd
why aren't grenades just tnt it will dig a grave for whoever it kills?
hydrostatc user. It's water based electricity. Like when an electric eel zaps you.
Single digit IQ thread? Not for me. Cya losers.
Whoa. Is the grenade filled with electric eels?
Well, I was, but then I kicked your mother out
>trying to pretend there aren't people on this board that dumb
Honestly man some bait is indistinguishable from actual zoomer logic
This is the funniest shit I've read in weeks.
Yeah, grenades are really just metal waterballons filled with eels.
T b h grenades arent even that scary. We wont even hurt you if you give proper distance for yourself when they go off. Try inviting one over for dinner sometime youll see that we arent that bad.
Nice try, grenade. Not falling for that again
>t. grenade
god i wish that were me
>grenades posting on MY Yea Forums
>if anything, most games don't properly represent a grenade.
we're getting faggot ray tracing before based ricochet (fragment tracing)
fuck you shitty casuals
What a shitty thread
*hits pipe*
Are grenadiers the biggest cucks in military? Imagine carrying all those grenades just to throw them and remain with nothing at first sight of an enemy.
Chad Pipebomb vs Virgin Grenade
/k/ is full of newfags, boomers, underageb& and retards, but then again, so is the entire site these days.
Yup, came here during the 2016 election, have seen it all, nowadays the site is being ruined by discord trannies and redditors.
Holy shit, a fucking weapon to surpass metal gear
I genuinely can't tell if you're joking or actually think 2016 isn't the worst year of cancer.
I don't even know why I'm here anymore.
>nothing here but us tre-
>, came here during the 2016 election
You're art of the problem
Why would that be a joke? I've been here for nearly three years.
Tannerite is pretty cool
>I've been here for nearly three years.
And rode into town on the biggest wave of diarrhea the site has ever seen. Also, you don't get to claim oldfag status until you've been here a decade. Come back in 7 years.
that's why people from all over the world come to study at our universities, right?
Bet you're another newfag pretending to be an oldfag.
I have been here since the site first began in the 90's.
You have nouthin on me kiddo!
You mean you have actually been frequenting this pedophile den for more than 2 years? Holy shit how pathetic
I bet you like anime fag
I've been here since 2006. I have S class oldfag status.
>Also, you don't get to claim oldfag status until you've been here a decade. Come back in 7 years.
Nobody gets to claim oldfag status if they aren't already an oldfag. Newfaggotry is eternal.
Why is that black cripple in china?
>Nobody gets to claim oldfag status if they aren't already an oldfag.
I hear what you're saying, but it's that kind of dogshit logic that lets /vr/ pretend like no games after 199 are "Retro"
t. Found the site last week linked from reddit
Yet it's true. Newfags are and always will be newfags.
Don't actually do this, it creates mustard gas
Why the fuck don't they put bullets in the grenades? So when it blows it shoots actual bullets?
this entire thread have so much bait in it it's not even funny anymore
Why don't they just make grenades bigger? If they're filled with air and light just make them the size of coconuts.
newfags are actually just the people who don't "get" the old culture/humour of this website and believe everything here is genuine. True oldfags never out themselves, because we understand what goes on here
Because then the explosion would be less compressed so it wouldn't be as strong you dumb guy
I've never held a grenade fragment in my hand but I imagine they're probably larger and certainly more jagged and fucked up than a rifle bullet.
>as he says the cringiest thing in this thread.
Okay, then why not shoot grenade fragments out of guns?
Yes kek absolutely cring my dude well meme'd rofl
because bullets need to be aerodynamic
grenades are relatively short range, their fragments are comparable in power to handgun bullets, they can be stopped by kevlar
does that mean if you coated a grenade in kevlar it wouldn't explode
That would be silly. You wouldn't be able to aim the bullet after throwing the grenade.
>true oldfags never out themselves because we understand what goes on here
Wow sensei teach me more of your venerable Yea Forums ways.
the pressure would rupture the kevlar but it would probably make it less destructive yeah
Congrats on your atom bomb.