It's basically Dark Souls for kids 20 years ago.
It's basically Dark Souls for kids 20 years ago
I'm a big fan of Dark Souls and recently played OoT for the first time the other day and I felt the exact same way. It feels like Dark Souls for kids.
not really, Ocarina is piss easy
not saying DaS is hard but it's definitely on another level of difficulty
It should feel like playing a basic version of most any action game or action adventure game of the last 20 years. That's kind of what makes OoT relevant in the long term.
This, but unironically and reversed
Dark Souls is OoT but for kids.
ocarina of time is easy as fuck though
it has no casual filters, just fear filters
as a kid I couldn't face dead hand or the shadow temple
Not every difficult game is the Dark Souls of it's genre
and this is some basic shit, it's obvious that Dark Souls is OoT for kids
i am convinced someone is testing their bugshit neural network sentence generator here and i am using this thread as an example. you all sound like fucking robots.
Dark Souls was good tho.
>It's basically Dark Souls for kids 30 years ago.
>z targeting
casual mode engaged
And you sound like one of those "targeted individuals" schizotypicals
seems plausible
nice catch
thats what (((((they))))) want you to think.
>he knows
now we have to erase you . .
the CIA coming after me has nothing to do with your inability to be cool faggot
They should really bring the Deku back for the next Zelda. The scrubs and the babas. Octoroks on land seemed lazy.
Nah this is just the dark souls of metaphors meme that's infecting people recently.
Except combat is braindead
Judging by the replies in this thread, the thread is full of underageb&, and they may as well be bugs with how rotted their brains are by social media and feels guy tier meme trash.
Dark Souls borrowed a lot from Ocarina of Time
These games wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for OoT pretty much inventing lock on combat.
Unlike OoT, Dark Souls is garbage
>Octoroks on land seemed lazy.
But Octorocks have been on land since day one.
OoT is in no way difficult.
But OoT isn't difficult
OoT is the old lady candy of video games, old fashioned but still good
Have you seen american kids recently? They're 90% robot even if they're alive and breathing.
and ALBW borrowed back
>he thinks Shadow Link was taken from Dark Souls
Is Dark Souls the OoT of new generations?
not Shadow Link itself but the way the fights work in ALBW
>get "invaded" by another player's character via Streetpass
ITT: user discovers that the NPC meme isn't actually a meme
Zelda II was the real deal.
No, Breath of the Wild is the OOT of the new Generation
MM Legends did it in 3D first
Is OoT the Dark Souls of Zeldas?
Dark Souls is Zelda for edgy teens
Is Skyrim the Fallout of Dark Souls?
Dark Souls sucks ass. It's like someone gave a 5 year old a bunch of art assets and he dropped them all in unity with the default 3rd person character controller.
If your game does not have the controls of Ocarina of Time were pushing a button makes the action happen instead of pushing the button an animation playing and you have to wait for it to end, then it shouldn't exist.
oot is an 8/10 souls is 9/10
>my weapon swing takes too long
so use a faster weapon then, like a rapier or a dagger
Dark Souls? I find Jak II to be more challenging and fun.
>work around a shitty game
>can't adapt
not my problem