Here's your accurate Sonic tier list, bro
Here's your accurate Sonic tier list, bro
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You forgot Sonic 3D Blast. It was bad.
Wow, for once, OP isn't a fag.
i'm not saying any of these games are better than you're saying they are, but putting sonic 06/boom/4 in E tier is an insult to E tier. You need a separate tier for abominations against humanity
>Sonic 06
>D tier
D tier, not E tier
Looks good to me, I would probably knock a couple of D tier games to E or F though
i thought sonic heroes was pretty fun
you forgot Sonic and Sega All Stars Tennis
You forgot a game that deserves B-Tier: Black Knight
whats wrong with advance 2, never played it
Put Shadow the Hedgehog in F tier
I didn't change the default Tier List Maker layout, but you guys are right, 06/Boom/4 probably do belong in a tier under D.
Absolutely shit list
>S: Sonic Mania, Sonic 3 and Knuckles, Sonic 2
>A: Sonic 1, Sonic Generations, Sonic Colors, Sonic CD
>B: Sonic Adventure, Sonic Advance, Sonic Rush,
>C: Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Heroes, Sonic Lost World
>D: Sonic 4, Sonic Chronicles
>E: Sonic Forces, Sonic 06, Shadow, Sonic Boom, Sonic R
also missing sonic and the secret rings
Shadow's arguably better than Heroes. It's just also edgy as all fuck.
Forgot about those games
>Secret Rings: C tier
>Black Knight: D tier
>Mania and 3&K being so high
Fucking why? Both drag with long levels and one is just a retread of old shit.
No love for the Master System/Game Gear Sonic games? Okay.
>Both drag with long levels
Unironically git gud
Has anyone here played sonic chronicles? If so could you tell me the gist of the experience as I’m morbidly curious and only played it for like 30 minutes
>Secret Rings above Black Knight
You definitely didn't play both of them. SR is basically on rails more so than most Modern games, while Black Knight is a solid game held back by poor motion controls for sword swings with a good amount of gameplay systems that don't exist in other Sonic games, plus arguably the strongest OST in the series and the only Sonic game I'd say that has an unironically good story from start to finish.
Swap Generations with the Adventure games and it's perfect
>not including sonic at the olympic games
absolute pleb tier
I'd swap advance and Sonic 1s placement. Other than that, can't argue with this list.
Bump Colors up to B
>Colors in A-tier
>Heroes in anything but bottom tier
pretty good list although id place advance 2 in C at least
Actually not bad, I thought Sonic Colors was supposed to be good though? Haven't played it
Colors is basically "Hey what if we took Unleashed and removed the werehog?" It's based.
I don't see Sonic and Knuckles or Sonic Rush on there.
>Colors is basically "Hey what if we took Unleashed and removed the werehog and the speed and the 3D?"
>he doesn't know about the best sonic game
>hurrr muh boost2win got nerfed
Kill yourself
>Decent characterization, unremarkable story that ends on a cliffhanger that will never be resolved
>You have to use the touch screen for EVERYTHING, including movement and menu navigation
>Normal attacks almost never work
>Especially not against anything with armor
>If you dont perfectly perform your special moves (which is all done by touch screen control), you do nothing but waste your turn and PP
>Godawful graphics and asthetics, even for a ds game
>Even worse music
>Somehow still the easiest RPG I have ever played
>Somehow got a 74% on Metacritic
>shadow, heroes, chronicles, 06 in d tier
>when they belong in atleast a tier
I'm only stating the facts
Make an E tier with Chronicles, Forces, 06, Boom, and 4.
>Game Gear version
Looks like you don't either
Pretty strong, but Sonic R deserves a little better as does Shadow. Shadow is a good game gameplay-wise trapped under bad level design and terrible tone.
Sonic Advance is way better than Sonic Adventure, shitty list. Adventure 1+2 deserve to be bottom tier, with battle maybe scraping a C.
Sonic 3 is right there in S tier
>not playing on long car trips
what's wrong, can't afford 6 new AA batteries every other week?
Sonic 3 is standing in for S3&K. I don't feel like ranking S3 and S&K separately, but if I did I guess they'd both be in A-tier. As for Sonic Rush, try looking a little harder.
I prefer a resolution where I can see the obstacles coming up
They are in a tier. They're in D tier
Yes I agree nostalgia holds it back, but it was still plenty of fun.
Who plays all the Sonic games?
Maybe a few are fun but all?
List in OP isn't even remotely close to "all the sonic games"
Even worse, who in their right mind finds more than 1-4 games of Sonic fun and endearing
put sonic farces with them while you're at it
t. little zoom zoom
Sonic Lost World shouldn't even be near that low
Non-bait tier list thread? First time for everything. Good taste OP
Where would you put it? I could consider putting in C-tier but realistically I would probably just keep it in D-tier while moving the worse games like 06/4/Boom to a lower tier
I guess that makes more sense
Honestly the worst offense of Lost World is not leaving it a full 3D Sonic game.
The actual platforming balanced with speed was refreshing
Sonic 06 not release as a buggy Alpha would be one of the greatest games prove me wrong
Even if you fixed the insane load times and overabundance of glitches you'd still be left with a nonsensical, dogshit story and mediocre repetitive gameplay. It needed more than just bugfixes, it needed like two more full years in the oven.
can you feel the sunshine?
does it brighten up your day?
Sonic Heroes doesn't belong down there, it is at least a B. Also Sonic Boom should be shoved down a notch to an E at least. Other than that good job, I like it.
sonic heroes and shadow the hedgehog was okay
Is it okay to like Sonic Adventure 2 again now that ProJared is dead?
Pretty accurate, I'd move Sonic Generations up a tier
>Advance 3 better than 2
No. Advance 3 is the worse Advance game, with a clusterfuck level design with a bad implementation of team mechanics. 3 also forced shitty gimmicks
Advance 2 had a much better level design with that "gotta go fast" that mixed things the right way.
I feel like Shadow, Heroes, and Advance 3 should all go up a spot, but otherwise your taste seems impeccable so whatever. Well-done.
I love webms like this
Here you go user, I fixed it for you.
kill yourself
Sonic lost world wasn't THAT bad. Fun was had with that... r..right guys?
A real shame that no one included this s-tier game
A Sonic game with a run button just feels wrong to me, no matter how many good arguments you could make for it. I feel like the Parkour system had potential but was never utilized to the fullest (this webm is from a fanmade custom level)
OP here, I disagree but can respect your opinion on every count (even highly questionable ones like rating Advance 1 on the same level as Mania or S3&K) except putting All Stars Racing Transformed in C tier is unforgivable sorry.
sonic labyrinth?
>Sonic Rush in D
>SA2 better than SA3
Go fuck yourself
Sorry user, I just don't like racing games...
Stop rebooting your copy of Sonic 1 and play the game already.
Nope, it's alright to me, part of me kind of wishes Sonic games went more with a traditional platformer playstyle instead of a gimmick about building up a top speed. On the other hand, when their games are bad, they manage to be extremely enjoyable for all of the wrong reasons.
>S3&K on Average
>Advance games on Good
>All three Advance games in the same tier
>Sonic FORCES in the same tier as S3&K
Why.... why did humans have to be born with free will? It is the cause of all mistakes. It would be better if individuality didn't even exist and everyone could just have my correct opinions directly downloaded into their brains
3 was sold as an incomplete game, Knuckles was sold as an incomplete game. Advanced games were all good (and complete) gameboy advanced games. I should put them a tier higher.
Where the fuck is & Knuckles
Bump Advance 3 and Battle up a tier each and I'll approve
But it's not an incomplete game anymore and they're each still the best Sonic games respectively. You're entire opinion is a meme.
I'm rating them as stand alone games though, sorry.
DAE love Bridge Zone XD?
>Sonic 1 in A tier
>Shadow not in SS+
yeah no