Why isn't Yea Forums excited for this?
Looks based
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I honestly don't really like how it looks, looks kinda meh, plus it has worse framerates than the original game from 20 years ago.
Because MediEvil Resurrection was actually worse than the original. So why should another remake be better received?
I was really excited after seeing the first trailer. After seeing this one, I am not excited. I will still try it out, of course.
>Including 10fps frame drops in trailer
How did they not fire that retard
no thx. looks soulless
Because it's a remake, so of course there's going to be nothing but soul shitposting till the end of time.
They already remade in on the PsP, I don't understand why they're remaking it again.
It looks incredibly average.
>even the trailer has frame rate drops
They should have wait for the PS5.
Ha! better than ANY modern game.
>it's another remake
i think this looks the opposite of based, sadly
Because it's the third time they're releasing the same game instead of making a sequel.
Like your mom
Ps4 exclusive
Just kill them all and we woudn't have this problem.
But that's where you're wrong user. I like it. Don't know if it'll sell though as most that'd play it/have played it are "too old" by now and I doubt the current marker will be interested.
They made a sequel though, it was okayish.
I am playing it on psp and is not very fun. Game has plenty of charm but the combat is bad and it looks the same in the remake. They should have remade a better game like Legend of Dragoon.
The other bits they captured dropped even harder so they had no choice
Sounds like you have the zoomer sickness.
The following symptoms can be
Shit taste
Bad at video games
Likes shitty games
supports games like apex final fantasy 15 dark souls borderlands 3 mortal combat 11 the list can go on.
In a state of denial
Being a faggot
If you get any of these symptoms please see your local doctor and eat a bullet.
>game looks like it could easily run 30fps on PS3
>has obvious frame drops on a PS4 pro
Who the fuck are the devs for this? They clearly have no idea how to code properly
Because I already played it over a decade ago.
Because so few people liked the first remake that it might as well not actually exist.
And it's been 20 years since that sequel.
But he's totally right. The combat is super fucking boring and unsatisfying.
Cope harder you faggot, enjoy your 10 fps remake.
Because it actually looks like shit
The jank of the combat has its ups and downs. As tactless as it can be, it is pretty hard to get out of a fight unscathed due to how loose it all is. Gives the game a fair but moderate degree of challenge.
t.Zoomer pretending to be a boomer
Well for one, this one actually looks like the original. Looks like the original with a new coat of paint.
>I actually like how shit it is. It makes it harder!
Hmmm where have I seen this cancer before?
Are you you playing Resurrection? I don't advise that, play the first game. If you like it and want more and are willing for a step down in ways, play the second game.
How the hell is the performance that bad it looks like a Switch game
That's not really what I said. I don't like MediEvil's combat because it's hard (it's not) but it does keep the game from being a cakewalk. Plus, its myriad of weapons available made for some pretty varied approaches in combat for 1998 as well. Sure, the sword, axe and hammer will get you through nearly all of the game but the other options are fun to dick around with too.
Your a huge faggot get aids and die fuck face.
Typical Yea Forumsintendo shitting on games they've never played.
someone in a thread yesterday called Medievil a movie game. I'm not sure if they were just pretending to be retarded or if switch fanbase is really that dumb.
2fps, even in the fucking trailer...
>spamming this same thread, AGAIN
It still looks WORSE than the original, and REMOVED the little gore there was. It is SHIT
>Well for one, this one actually looks like the original
Are you fucking blind?
It did had more fmvs than your average ps1 game but calling it a movie game is a stretch...
I've never heard someone call a jap game a movie game even though jap games tend to have way more cutscenes. Just look at MGS1, it's the definition of a game that tries to replicate a movie.
Because if the game runs like shite in the trailer it's not worth it.
I've seen worse. Some idiot the other day was calling this shit a Dark Souls clone.
It's more than a stretch. A lot of MediEvil's FMVs are rather short. I'd say it's an instance of around 80% gameplay, 15% dialogue, 5% cutscenes.
>only exclusive Sonytards have to look foward too is a 20 year old mediocre boomer tier game
Yeah, it actually is that bad at present. That said,
I resent that.
>I've seen worse. Some idiot the other day was calling this shit a Dark Souls clone.
I can kinda see that though, you pay an undead and start of in a graveyard and a large part of the gameplay is obtaining keys and new weapons and dodging booby traps and so on
As faithful as the gameplay appears to be, it's the inverse. Dark Souls is more likely to have ripped of MediEvil than the other way around.
I'll definitely buy it, but what I hope more is that it spawns a reboot so we can get a modern MediEvil game.
The combat here definitely looks like it retains the jank of the original. Which isn't a bad thing, but you know.
Am I the only one that actually like Resurrection? Sure, the genie was a bit annoying and they veered a little too much on the cartoon-y at times but I felt the whole thing had a much stronger direction compared to the first game.
At least cite the original review even if it's dead wrong about the music.
MediEvil is the dark souls of
No shit, Medieval came out more than a decade before it.
Exactly, hence why calling it a Dark Souls clone is pants on head retarded.
I don't think this remake is going to garner many new fans BECAUSE it looks like it retains the jank of the original. Looks like a lovely trip down memory lane but anyone on the outside looking in probably isn't going to see what the big deal is.
>More boomercore games
Please, do give me cinematic third person shooter #35 for PS4 instead. Boomer opinion it may be but Sony's output was better in the PS1/2 days.
the remastered soundtrack is what I'm looking forward to most
Because this one is basically the original with better graphics, even the animations are the same.
>Medievil 3
>OTS camera
>Souls combat R1 to attack L1 to defend style
>skill tree
>story is about how evil British imperialism was and the villain is a Trump lookalike
Please no.
framerate looks abysmal, and idk i remember the original being darker
>i remember the original being darker
you were younger tho.
>took the original and soulful classic
>took everything fun out
>turned it into a souls clone
>I'm supposed to be excited
fuck off snoy shill
i mean liteally darker. so many remakes are scared of pure black
>the voices are the same
That's one thing they at least didn't fuck up
Yeah dude I'm saying your eyes are better at perceiving darkness now that you're older. search it up.
It looks a bit choppy
Imagine if they had remade the whole game with stop motion
The skybox of the original was fully black and the objects beyond the draw distance were obscured by absolute darkness.
In this one there's no obscure stuff and skybox ranges from blue to brown.
In the ship part for example you can actually see a sky and stars, in the original it was all pitch black, which was kind of spooky to be honest.
Hey, he's here. That one guy, with the Souls clone business.
>that framerate
oh, that may be because of the hdr, and new lighting engine.
back then every color was just crushed.
Wew, the zombie from the original intro was spooky as fuck, in the remake they're going for a full pixar style visuals.
The image on the right was from a teaser that used the zombie model from Resurrection, that was actually a "pixar style"(more like illumination or other retarded shit) take of Medievil.
In the new trailer you can see that the models are exactly the same of the original game.
yeah, i liked how unique it looked. for modern gaming everything looks so misty (except unreal and cry games usually)
It's weird for me. This and Crash were games I played tons as a kid, but can't really say I have nostalgia for them. I'm super hyped for CTR, though.