Play original Japanese version

>play original Japanese version
あー!あなた… あなたはだれなのか。
>play US version

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Other urls found in this thread:

One is soulless, one is soul.

i wish i could read moonrunes, this shit would be alot easier if they just used romaji

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no it wouldn't retard


romaji is actually harder because you're used to english.
example being Cu sounds different in both Cube and Cub.

Imagine wasting your time learning an insect language

Thats Chinese not Japanese you racist fuck

this is a thread about japanese, not chiense

doesn't jap only use eh ee ah oh ooh sounds?

>play original japanese version
>play US version
Have sex

Kana is ridiculously easy to learn, its just 46 characters for Hiragana and 46 for Katakana, both using the same sounds.

Now Kanji. Kanji is tricky.

You fools! Japan pulled the "MY HOMEWORK NOW FAGGOT" on china and STOLE THEIR LANGUAGE AND ALTERED IT! You're all brainless historylets! BRAINLESS!

it should be セックスしろ if you're telling us to have sex, idiot. Learn to conjugate.


I really need to learn to read moonrunes. I understand most of it when I hear them talk but I can't write it, speak it or read it and it's sad as fuck. Playing ffxiv now too so I'd have use of it even outside visual novels and such.

Blame google translate i dropped jap after learning kana

I don't think you have any idea how much of a faggot you sound like.

Attached: yikes.gif (498x498, 1.28M)

much better
also you may not have guessed but I'm actually a hugless kissless virgin who can't get laid

t. latin thief

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the post is all kana so you have no excuse


めのぬ われね はほま

That's all hiragana, that can be learnt in literally 3 days.

lol get fucking good scrub

you can easily distinguish most if not all of these
unless they're hand-written
fuck hand-written japanese


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b d p q
I l m n
Q O 0

This word is pronounced 2 different ways and both have completely different meanings

this unironically. japanese prose is dogshit

>unless they're hand-written
or some crazy ass font

You could learn hiragana in an hour if you were able to put the tiniest amount of effort towards anything you worthless lazy fucking bitch

Look at mister jlpt n5 over here haha



>Japanese person greeting a stranger like this

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>play international version
I'll kill you!
>play original Japanese version

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>this thread


3 hours*


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Fuck these three in particular.

people use it when they haven't introduced themselves yet though?

>Hurrr durr learn an useless language to play generic videogames

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>tfw I was learning Japaneas to play games and such but mostly because my gf and I said that we were gonna go to Japan for our honeymoon and me knowing Japanese would have made it a lot better of a trip
>tfw she left me two months ago and I entirely dropped Japanese as a result

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All of them are insects weebcucks

>an useless

Attached: download.jpg (272x185, 11K)

If you can't tell these apart you are literally blind and retarded.


That's what you get for trusting 3d, normalfag.

reaction images are not meant to be used as avatars

>he fell for the gf meme

only Yea Forums would look at the OP and criticize people who play video games


i did this with Swedish since my ex bf was from there
not like it mattered since his English was good

Forgive him. He’s american

I've beginning to realize that this site overstates the issues of everything in order to feel superior that they don't have to deal with said issues.

Honestly, kanj isn't that diffucult. The difficulty lies in how grindy & time consuming that shit is.


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>learn a language only used by a few people on a small island in the middle of the pacific ocean

no thanks

Yeah but you're just so above it all, right?

So if I treat kanji like an NES JRPG I’ll get it eventually


You have to be retarded to learn Japanese in the first place.

It's the third largest economy in the world, retard


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I just don't care about it all.

learn a language only used by a few people on a small island in the middle of the altlantic ocean

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>he says while speaking a language used by a few people on a small island

in 2-3 years time

fuck it's 2 am and I can't spell for shit

>all these lowQ posters who only know a single language


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>Being able to beat off to untranslated doujins

Attached: dekinai.jpg (258x196, 7K)

>american woman in porn: moaning and enjoying herself

>japanese woman in porn: annoying squealing and crying

Is that with constant grind or on again off again grind? Please be the latter

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nigga they all use the same vocabs. google translate them. jesus christ

and both are fake

You can already do that though.
The vast majority of doujins are simple enough to understand through images alone.

I literally can't do anything
would moving to japan for a while speed things up at all or would that be useless too

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It's more like a year if you're going constant.

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>that rush of pleasure when you finally understand your first doujin
I came like I've never came before.
All the もっと, おちんぽ & 早く made my dick feel things it never felt before.

Attached: year of the orinrinrinrin.gif (1120x880, 338K)

Your Japanese is shit. SHIT.

This is no lie, I busted the fattest nut to the first 22 page doujin I could read all the way through.


pretty sure someone has posted this in every dekinai thread and every time someone has told you that this shit isn't actually helpful. Plus it shouldn't take you one week to learn Hira and Kata, at most it should take 2-3 days.

>moaning and enjoying herself

I really like comparing game localizations to the original text. The only reason I'm at all interested in the FF VII remake is for that purpose, though for that one it's more comparing the old localization to the new one. The worse the localizations are, the more interesting it is.

>onii chan

That’s reassuring. Still a monumental challenge


It is helpful. Reading and adding things you actually run into to your anki deck is a very good way of learning, you learn by immersion and practice not by grinding and never applying it. 1 week is a max for those that are slower.

Both are annoying as hell. The thing which made me drop JAV however was that not a single one lives up to its cover and it's always a massive fucking disappointment. Nowadays I just fap to dojinshi and eroge like a true degen.

>write each character 10-20 times
>test yourself by forcing yourself to write out the entire chart
>redo it all every single time you get one wrong
that's how you learn Hira and Kata, it doesn't take long.

Why are her eyes so far apart, duo is so much more based.

>*hisses through teeth*

you won't learn anything through dualingo

Agreed. And free

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How do you keep up with the context in which to use the characters when writing?

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have sex

that's Kanji, not Hiragana or Katakana.

lets learn together user.

よく 寝れましたかレックス?
ど、どうしてホムラガ 俺のベットに!?

Attached: Capture.jpg (1167x590, 121K)

Based and redpilled

>Who's dis nigga? Yooo! Who's niggas is this? Come get your mans!


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>tfw still fuck these up even after ten years

Based and Chinesepilled.

this is how you give up

They aren't so bad when typed, but they can still be a pain in handwriting, especially when it's bad.

>doujin has furigana for every single kanji
what did they mean by this

>write each character
this is how kill peoples motivation.

>Having to do work to learn something kills motivation

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>these motherfuckers seriously can't even write hiragana or katakana

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Kanji seems like bullshit just to keep filthy gaijin guessing.

you can achieve the same effect through flashcards. you dumb fucks. realkana that shit instead

in-context katakana and hiragana is better than just grinding them

there's a reason why the retards over at /djt/ have trouble remembering katakana

It is.

I miss japan bros, it was so much fun. I want to go study there .

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who even is this loli pedo character you losers constantly post

>Yea Forums subhumans seriously struggle with learning katakana/hiragana that can be memorized for life in a week
absolute state of this board

>sounds different in both Cube and Cub.
What does that have to do with romaji? That's an english problem.



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her name is dekinai chan, she bullies you until you know japanese.

you will never etc


kanji isnt even that difficult you just spot the radicals then piece it together. maybe dekinai chan was right about you.

Good work user, proud of you.

>OMG look at me I know another language :))
Faggot weebs
I bet you don't even use that knowledge for anything besides beating off
Fuck you

You fuckers are able to remember all Pokemans and their effects, kanji should be dead easy for you.

WHat is up with all these niggas pushing dekinai-chan since a fortnight ago?

by practicing writing though it becomes ingrained, the reason why people say it takes a week to learn hira/kata when it should take a couple days at most is because people like you tell them that you can memorize them by just looking at them instead of developing a muscle memory with them. Same thing is true for a lot of kanji, you won't understand a single character of kanji until you have practice writing them out and writing them in the proper contexts.



tfw graduating soon and going to have to start self studying, as well as focus way more on kanji
we're all going to make it, right bros?

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Well at least you don't start every sentence with 私

>ever using 私
>ever using 僕

>learn kanji
>each have multiple on and kun yomis and some with many meanings meanings
>some compound kanjis fucks me up like 予想 means to expectation
>予 = beforehand 想 = concept

fuck. ill be foerever DEKINAI

Attached: 1390320552379.gif (264x320, 944K)

stop being jealous user and learn another language too

>Not using 儂
>Not being an anime old man

desu the kanji were easy learning at a steady pace
for me it was the vocab that snowballed out of control

Don't learn readings, learn vocab.

>not using おら

ayoooo what's japanese for "ugly old bastard?"


I remember reading a story about a guy who introduced himself as Ore-sama wa (name) when he went in Japan. I think you know how that went for him.

Can you tell me I won't learn japanese? I don't think I can.

If writing is your thing, go for it. I would not suggest learning to write a bunch of kanji, as it will just slow you down. I would focus on reading. Unless you really, really want to hand write it.

Good thing I'm not using ore, but ora.

What did he mean by this?

Mary is cute! CUTE!

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>Mastered Japanese but not interested in anime or Japanese culture anymore


I'm not jealous
Go back to Yea Forums
Fuck you

handwriting for a large majority of people is the easiest way to memorize things. especially since a lot of kanji get pretty complicated, you're going to need to be able to learn some of these things pretty quickly if you want to really get anywhere.


How quickly could someone learn nipponese purely to understand it being spoken? Could you hypothetically ignore runes completely?


>Google translate

doesnt even deserve an answer desu

Imagine wasting your time being American


I learned hiragana out of boredom, it says
a-anata anatawadarenanoka?
I don't know what that means though, probably "who are you?" because dare means "who" i think

Are you thinking of Ken-sama?

> Could you hypothetically ignore runes completely?
Sure, if you want to make it much more difficult.

I'm sure you could learn vocab with romanji. Not impossible.

yeah that shits pretty funny to me, once I started learning Japanese I basically stopped caring about most of the japanese shit that originally got me to start learning in the first place.
>basically stopped watching anime outside of the new season of Mob Psycho
>barely even play a lot of video games any more, though that's more due to the time I'm dedicating towards learning stuff
>got over my yellow fever
>basically gave up on the profession I was originally studying Japanese for to get more opportunities in
honestly at this point I'm just along for the ride and seeing where learning Japanese will end up taking me.

>I think you know how that went for him.
He was laughed at? That's what usually happens when you speak anime.

What's the difference between のか and ですか?

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The amount of time it takes you to learn how to write kanji outweighs the positives. The fact it's complicated to write makes it not worth it. You typically use the shape of the kanji to identify it easily. Some are similar, but you just need to look at the radicals. Reading and seeing it in context will help you a lot faster.

piggy arimas?

>The amount of time it takes you to learn how to write kanji outweighs the positives.
t. nihonlet
absolutely not.

if you learn a bit of kana so you can look at vocab and sentence structure, you can technically use those to understand it as spoken language, and completely ignore kanji.
that being said, it will be very difficult for you to read stuff with kanji in it


the only faggot here is you. you can literally learn both hiragana and kana in two to three days with no problem, you peanut-brain fuck.

please give me the most best go-to guide for learning that doesn't involving reading 5 different books or grinding core 2k/6k for 2 years

Waste your time dude, not my problem.

Three years and still can't burn any of these in wanikani

I heard smashing your head against a wall is pretty effective.

>please tell me the best way to do it without actually bothering to do it

Move there and be a toddler.


Read a grammar guide. Learn vocab + read shit in Japanese.

You actually waste time by NOT writing them you absolute moron. The stroke order and muscle memory are especially valuable when getting to your 1000th kanji.

Everybody on this thread interested in learning Japanese, don't listen to this absolute retard, you will regret it bitterly.


its basically a guessing game

Duh, he said he doesn't want to learn.

The state of EOPs.

I dont know what some of you think when you learn that japanese takes years to learn.

>NAAAH theres gotta be an easier way!

there isnt, it takes a long ass time just to become intermediate. It takes hard work.

Dont bother trying, if youre looking for an easier way and you havent even begun, then theres absolutely no hope.

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And these niggers are like "ayoo writing kanji is a waste of time".
I'm like yeah let's talk about it next year when you will have given up.

They really are not you fucking moron. You're wasting peoples time telling them to learn to handwrite this bullshit when it will not benefit them at all. You can memorize kanji easily without writing it. Good job wasting your fucking time learning to handwrite bullshit. Write a handwritten letter to your Japanese pen pal to make yourself feel better.

it's like people can't understand that learning an entirely new language takes a really long time. People like to pull up comparisons with shit like English -> Italian/French/Spanish/German but people seem to forget that those languages are naturally easier to English speakers because of how much of English is rooted inside these languages. Same thing is true for Asian languages, the time it takes a Japanese speaker to learn Chinese would be a lot shorter than it would be for an English speaker to learn Chinese. These languages have centuries upon centuries of development and expecting yourself to be able to go in and just pick it up no problem is just ridiculous.

Doesn't handwriting help with memorizing? It worked wonders for me with kana. If I ever actually stop being a lazy shit and get to learning kanji I'll probably write down at least the radicals 20-50 times.

There is a fucking reason why grade schoolers learn how to write by hand you absolute, drooling cretin. it eases the learning process by a HUGE margin for the overwhelming majority of people.

If you are SERIOUS about learning a FUCKING language, of course, you should write it by hand. What is wrong with you niggers, do you even have a brain? Are you even serious about learning a language?

Kanjis share a shitload of radicals. Once you’re used to writing the radicals you don’t have to write the kanjis repeatedly to remember them.

I know the answer, but I'll never tell a cancerposting wojakshitter like you.

Yes, you are kind of right about that. If you are half serious about learning the language (like, using it for trashy visual novels or eroge).
However, it still greatly eases up the learning process to write them by hand.
If you actually want to truly learn Japanese, you should do like everybody else does: write by hand.

>2-3 days to learn kana

This is how retards end up taking forever to read and write. The average person can't sit down and memorize Kana and reproduce them flawlessly in 2 to 3 days. The first thing you do when you learn Japanese is take the first week to learn Kana, first Hiragana and the Katakana and practice making words with both of them until you can read and write them without pauses. You'll never lose that shit if you do it that way and you'll never forget stroke order or have issues with other people's hand writing.

ノ is super easy though

Definitely not. It was in a thread in an old forum I used to go to. One guy was telling a story of one of his weeb friends when they both went to Japan for an exchange program. He pretty much went to a group of his then classmates and said "Ore-sama wa kakoii desu ka?" and they laughed their ass off.

I do write by hand. I just don’t think it’s necessary to write them 50 times to remember how to write them.


you're right that its possible to memorize things without writing them, but writing is a big help, even outside of learning a language
sure maybe you dont particularly like it or prefer it, but dismissing it and calling it a waste of time for everyone is fucking retarded

I'd go even further and tell people to take a whole week for Hira and another for Kata.
The time you lose at first, you get back when you practice reading the language.

They learn to write it because, they live in Japan and have to handwrite it, you chode. Are you seriously arguing that the only way to memorize something is handwriting it? I don't need to draw a fucking cat to be able to identify a cat. You are much better off just reading.

do whatever helps you learn user. if its one thing ive picked up in the months ive been learning its, people have different ways to learn and you should do what you enjoy.

that being said , writing kanji is super low on my priority list. I could either spend hours upon hours learning stroke order, OR spend that time learning vocab + new kanji.

for some reason I literally cannot retain Japanese vocabulary, I think it might be the kanji fucking me over

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You're not doing enough reps.

I don't need to draw a fucking cat to be able to identify a cat. You are much better off just reading.

Attached: ain't gonna make it.jpg (225x225, 10K)

you act like the process is super difficult and while I'd agree that it's the building blocks for learning Japanese, really it is 100% doable to learn them flawlessly in 2-3 days, it's not like you're being asked to write the same character 20 times in 10 seconds or anything, just write it that many times in however long it takes you(took me about 4 hours with no breaks to do this with Katakana)

As with learning anything, dedication and commitment is everything. Unless you're a genius with photographic memory.

Grade me
>(I'm glad it wasn't Hikari)
>Good morning, did you sleep well?
>Homura why are you in my bed?!

Reminder that
>Learning Kana is 10 weeks minimal
>Grammer is 24 weeks minimal
>Full comprehension is 8 years
>Fluency is impossible for non native

Write the kanji by hand.
Or at the very least, get a phone app and practice the stroke order with your finger while commuting

you have to be reading not just doing flashcards

Attached: 1519703104444.png (491x565, 448K)

Some people have a lot of issues with learning languages, and japanese is in top for being the most man hour intensive language commonly spoken in the world, it's estimated in takes 500 more hours to reach proficiency in Japanese than Chinese.

If you can't retain vocab I would suggest learning to write the kanji and then trying to immediately put it into a sentence

Never written a single kanji stoke in my life and can read 95% of manga and VNs no prob. You tactical kinetic or whatever guys must have it tough.

Attached: cholygot.jpg (201x236, 16K)

>Fluency is impossible for non native
Wrong, it's possible in 12 to 20 years depending on your hard work and genius.

i learned all the kana Yea Forums, do i know japanese now?

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I, too, am a connoisseur of fine memes.

Yeah, I went to far with saying it's a waste of time what ever you like to do to memorize kanji is the best. It really isn't rocket science.


Yes user, all is over now. No pain, only dreams...


Attached: 1557613056928.png (526x547, 394K)

You merely got a fitting pair of boots for your climb.

>tfw studied kanji for like 3 months
>stopped because reasons
>can read most doujins and play dating sims just fine
>anything with real PLOT is tough though
Timed choices in games are still the bane of my existence though. Or when they deliver exposition dialog in rapid fire with no way to pause or read a log later.
It's so hard to find the motivation to start crunching again, particularly since I can get by alright most of the time on the bit of knowledge that I've amassed so far.

Thank you! I was sure I got that last one wrong. I stopped practicing a while ago so what i usually do is use google's shitty translation and then fix it based on my little I know.

Lots of people have trouble retaining information they learn rapidly. You can't create a teaching system that only benefits the top percentage points. I learned Kana in about 5 hours of the course of two days, but that's not normal for most people and attempting to do the same would cause relapses in memory, especially for someone who is attempting to learn the language on the side as they continue to lead a normal life.

what was that one VN of feudal japan with all the hyper rare kanji that anons used to dekinai? anyone got the screenshot?

Attached: noa 1.png (1920x1080, 1.14M)

I learned hira and kata while working every night and being in 8 classes at uni, most people do even less than that and still can barely understand that stuff.

I learned kana in 3 days and I could've done it in one if I tried just a bit harder. And I'm saying that as a retard who is really bad at learning symbols.

lets have another one.


Attached: Untitled.png (1176x672, 663K)

Muramasa here I come.


Attached: 1557736441459.png (195x312, 96K)

So how do I learn Japanese?



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this is proof that no user here will make it
just fucking dekinai right now everyone ITT

Yes but Japan makes anime and their idol bitches are cute so fuck you.

No need to hide it, it's going to be alright. This is a dream after all.

I feel violated putting it in English.

>we cant translate it because its up and down

>conceal carry not needed ok
>what! this duwang...!
>cuz we in a dream

Depends. The easiest way is to try with a normie-tier program like duolingo to get a grip along with the Tae Kim grammar guide, then study kanji on your own.

Kanji isn't hard. Grammatical particle usage and conjugation memorization are way harder.


Attached: smile.jpg (360x270, 10K)

>at the point where I know enough to read stuff without a dictionary and be able to guess the words I don’t know from their kanji and/or context
It feels so good to have made it over the hump. Now it doesn’t feel like learning, I’m just consuming weeb media like I was before. Keep at it, anons, it’s worth it, and some stuff just reads better in the original language.

K I'll try duolingo, download that tae kim pdf and later pirate rosetta stone. Thanks.

Wanikani/Anki in tandem with Genki I and I + workbooks. Passive drama/anime watching is good too.

I'd learn a hundred more kanji before having to wrap my head around another [ga]

rosetta stone is fucking useless for nip. Skip this


That's Chinese.


Does anyone have a reccomended study guide/book for the JLPT 3 or 2?
I've been studying at a university for 3 years and I'm not sure which one to take.

Attached: 1551409177184.jpg (600x1080, 82K)

here's the hiragana reading for this btw

You guys say you are so good at Japanese, but I bet you can't even write the following sentence in Japanese.

I would have had to have had money, had I had to have had a ticket.

Reminds me of that fansubs comparison pic.

If you want listening practice while having fun watch dubbed Western movie on niconico. Have some tags

My nigga its the e that stretches a cub in too a cube same with dog and doge
Do you spelling words at shcool idiot motha fucker

Attached: 1507887902535.jpg (1440x795, 161K)

>I have came
oof, my dude, oof
Maybe you should work on your English.

>should be studying for N2
>haven't studied for a month


I can't even write that in English.

If you're so great, try and deduct what my native language is, based on my mistake.
Or are you an EOP?

I'm debating rereading the Haruhi novels, but I'm wondering if I should wait till I can read the original japanese version instead. Just how bad is the YenPress translation compared to the original?

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Anyone know the correct way to make those Japanese abbreviations for things like anime titles or couples? For example, Oreimo is the abbreviation for Ore No Imouto Wa Konna Ni Kawaii Wake Ga Nai, or Donki for Don Quixote convenience stores. What's the process?


>What's the process?
There isn't

Gonna guess either Spanish or Brazilian Portugese.

oreimo = ore imouto
donki = don quixote
it's like bro = brother
shit just happens

Maybe you'd find more motivation in something that's not translated? That's how I usually feel, unless a translation is really bad.

There are no rules. Niconico and 5ch come with something up and agree on it.

lmao learn2latin

Process is: whatever sticks on the Japanese part of the internet.


K, thank you. Wish me luck!

So I'm assuming all that text is just a long ass description of someone, like some important Lord. Like how in Game Of Thrones, everynone is some guy, Lord of some place, ruler of whoever.

how easy is it to access japanese netflix?
do i just need a vpn service to switch over and i can use my current subscription or do i need make a new subscription while "connected" from japan?

Attached: 1535324623735.jpg (1024x1004, 291K)

quick rundown

it's a bunch of insults

Sega is one of the best at translating stuff and even Yakuza Kiwami 2 doesn't miss fucking up at least one line
>Actually says in near hysteria "It's because i'm a woman isn't it?!"
>Translation tries to pretend it's a coolly said "Is this some kind of chauvinist BS?"
Not a big deal but at this point i'm ready to pick up nip when even the least bad ones start showing the smallest signs of it.

Attached: what did he mean by this.gif (600x600, 1.99M)

Thought that's a Chinese translation at first.

I recently found a site with h-codes in Japanese which made me wonder how many Japs actually used a texthooker for that game.


Attached: 320px-BlusterKongDKA.jpg (320x320, 20K)

Look up "past participle" and "perfect tense"

This left me confused until I realized you just weren't using kanji.

Unless you have a real reason for learning it other than for playing non-translated games or unsubbed, unpopular anime, you'll give up. A good motivator is women. Meet some Japanese chicks on those language exchange sites, and get their Line. If you live in NYC or SanFran, you could hang out at bars with them at bars and stuff. Japanese women love alcohol my friend. Alcohol and guys who can make them laugh, which isn't hard if your English native.

Yakuza translations add a bit too much shit. Like random profanities which weren't present in the original.

That sentence structure isn't a common mistake in romance languages.

Yeah I forgot

>duolingo porn
thanks for the new folder
see you in three days

>past particle
>perfect tense
>not participium and perfectum
oof, yikes, cringe, desu

Guys, I'm scared. I can read this. And I'm scared because I never learned Japanese before.

Except it literally is even for native speakers because everyone's fucking stupid. South Americans permeate this site like fungus in a dark cave, and considering anyone could make that mistake it's the most reasonable guess.
So, what, German?

I've read a number of official release translated light novels and honestly they're fine for the most part.
You'll always find that one turbo autist on amazon complaining about something not being perfect, but if someone knows both english and japanese languages and uses that to read both versions of the same material just to complain that the english translation didn't press tab on page 229 and give it two stars, you should probably take his opinion with a grain of salt anyway.


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cope, try ctrl+c ctrl+v next time kid

Attached: big oof.gif (500x500, 1010K)

Duo is excellent for the basics, at least for Japanese.
Of course, it's very limited after a time, but it teaches you to read kana and kanji way faster.
Duo practice is better than no practice at all.
I'd recommend Duo + Tae Kim + Kanji practice on the side for any beginner.

I had trouble with these early on.

You were right, I'll never learn Japanese

So how do you guys learn kanji? Do you just keep reading Japanese and remember whatever come across?

core 2k/6k on anki
and yeah just keep reading and look up kanjis on jisho

コイシ を相手にするの戦うよリ疲れるわ

Attached: Untitled.png (1185x875, 721K)

Grinding anki for over 2 - 3 years while reading stuff. Nowadays just reading stuff.

Learning Kanji and learning vocabulary isn't the same thing, at least not initially.

i use wanikani. some of their examples are a stretch but most of them are comprehensible.

Attached: dekinai.png (1076x872, 513K)

You could even start with the Core 1250 if you want to start reading quicker. It has the most common shit you'd see in VN and manga and you can just naturally build on that as you go

The only people that complain about kana and kanji are the ones who don't know any moon.


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tfw it costs money

use the anki wanikani deck in /djt/.

Attached: wani2.jpg (447x600, 150K)

yes, 10 dollars a month. Ive been using it for 8 months now.

dont hurt crab gator

I meant the way you talk you sperg, I was in no way saying what you can do is impressive, autist

I fell for the duo lingual meme.

Knowing one language is fine enough. English is king.

Reminder that with your IME you can type ltu or xtu for っ, le or xe for ぇ etc.

thanks. switching from hiragana to katakana is a bitch.

Attached: duo.jpg (800x450, 96K)

Лoл, дoлбaёб

Actually, it would be セックスして or えっちして. I would be careful calling others idiots, larper.

what is it exactly? it looks like a bastard child of rosetta stone and wanikani.


Whats with all the retarded Japanese threads recently? You guys started to regret learning a dead, useless, and terrible language for your untranslated hentais and video games? Shame...such a shame!

Really? On my micro$oft IME it's just ctrl+shift to switch between jap and english, and then shift+capslock and alt+capslock for hira and kata respectively.

I genuinely hope you're just pretending to be retarded.

Te form is not an imperative.

Both work, しろ is just less polite

For those who learned only hiragana and katakana and are starting Kanji, what do you fill in your mind when you see a kanji in the middle of the other stuff you know how to read? Is it possible to sort of take a guess of what the kanji is based on knowledge of verbal vocabulary and context of the hira/kata around it?

And? Unless you’re a beginner you can’t really mix these up.

Duolingo is good for basics but you move on after it or even during it.

>セックスして or えっちして

Attached: dios mio.jpg (226x258, 9K)

its because if i fuck up pressing alt+caps lock t locks up wordpad until i press alt again. pretty annoying.

>there are actually retards learning nipspeak and defend themselves to death how worth it is despite they will never use it out of cuck porn

What? I'm saying it's useless to learn two languages. English is fine.

Can someone explain the purpose of くて in this sentence? Is it to segue from じゃない to よかった? Or is the actual word じゃなくて?

bruhs... all my friends out there wanting to learn japanese.... these dudes out here feeding you all this bullshit when all they've done is anki flashcards and realkana... sit yourself down with Genki and just read, ok?... you'll learn so much more... and you won't be embarrassing yourself posting some half assed sentences in all kana... trust me.

I learned Japanese to play video games and now I live in Tokyo, and I even have a real job (ie. Not English teaching or random translating). I'm pretty happy with it.

stop spamming you retarded language coping threads here

Post proof, no balls.

>read everything in the characters voice
It's the best.

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The ctrl+shift isn’t working for me though.
What fi I don’t want this wide text and want normal english text. I can switch between kana fine though

I wanna go user. I went there on vacation with friends and it was the highlight of my life.

I think il drop 10k and study there, seems worth.

what kind of job you got

English is shit. It's ugly, it makes no sense and it's the language of the *ngloid.

Real niggas lear russian to play slav games and chat with best teammates online
Учитe дaльшe cвoй япoнcкий, лoхи

Attached: InDk9P8i1Bc.jpg (600x451, 68K)

I don't play weeb shit

To be fair we have to learn japspeak to prepare for the direction the vidya industry is going that we want no part of
We'll seal ourselves away from the horror to come with japanese games

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Janai yokatta is grammatically incorrect. It'd be like saying "I glad not Hikari."

Come anywhere near Tokyo and we'll get lunch today.

Why would you pay to study? I went to grad school for free.

Why do westcucks get so butthurt when we talk about learning japanese so we can play uncensored uncompromised non SJW c(_)cked games?

I mean look at this fag
Enjoy your trannies and ugly dykes then.


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>He's just memeing, this is Chinese

Attached: AAAAAAA.png (366x401, 69K)

Literally “it’s not Hikari AND I’m happy”
くて is the AND in this case

You can see if you can change it in the settings of the language bar.

Nobody actually gives a fuck, stop spamming shitty threads where you show off your shitty knowledge of a gook language. Go back to your containment board you insufferable faggot.

what the fuck is that? no way thats japanese.

>"Even if I DIE..."
>"mouth flaps for a good 5 seconds"
>"..I will DESTROY YOU!"

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Japanese is pleb tier
Imagine working in intl business and having to go to hong kong
Like what the fuck even is cantonese and why?

>ding lay de fai!

As much as I wanna learn Japanese, I'm glad I know English because all the best stuff is written in English.

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Fucking kill yourself SJW apologist.

Learning Japanese is how we will prepare to face the upcoming dystopia in the united states of americuck.

I like to imagine this was done on purpose to spite future foreigners. Crafted to be impossible to learn.

Don't give explanations of your grasp of the language is tenuous.

I know that feel. I watched some Jackie Chan movies in cantonese and I'm pretty sure they're just making it up along the way.

Te form of nai and/or inai

Nobody cares. Go back to what ever zoomer fucking forum you came from. Nobody will ever care that you are learning a dead language. Nobody will be able to see that you're learning a dead language, and you will fucking die trying to complete it. Fuck off.

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I’m good at japanese grammar. I’m just ESL and shit at explaining.


>He doesn't learn through immersion in dota

>buzz word buzz word buzz word
now THAT's some serious cringe.

Weeb holocaust when.


Translators are horrible!

t. butthurt americuck



>doesn’t bother with stroke order
>complains about impossible similar Kanji
Please guys, you only have to learn in the beginning Kanji are predictable

It wasn't and in that sentence, it was because. I don't think your Japanese is very good.

Learn English before you correct his Japanese

whats worse grammar or kanji?




Anyone else learn conversational Japanese due to watching subbed anime for years?


>do i fit in yet guize???
Once again,
Nobody cares for these threads. Nobody.


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Do you think you're clever for pretending a simple and obvious typo is the same as explaining grammar incorrectly? Serious question.

Fucking kill yourself. I already said the reason why Japanese is needed to be learned now.

We are living in a dystopia of SJW ccks.

Stop responding to him already you retard.

No, you're not there only person who thinks they know conversational Japanese because they watched a lot of subbed anime.

More like:

>Look you little shit

fuck no. how the fuck can you if you don't have a basic understanding of grammar? i only know isolated words that everyone knows.

ESL detected

This adventure has helped me to understand the te form. Thanks, anons.

Literally just grind a spaced repetition deck at first, then start reading what you can. It's not hard, it just takes time and dedication since you have to do it for around 30-50 minutes every day.

someone learned something from these dekinai threads? impossible

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That’s why I said "literally"
In relation to the phrase it works as a cause but the て form is overall the equivalent of and in English.

Hes saying English people reading romaji are gonna read it wrong because they’re used to English rules.

Which part of that made you think I'm an ESLfag? People pretending they understand basic Japanese because they watch anime are retarded.

Pok gai

Why would you try to find an equivalent English word when it's functionally not equivalent in that case and most others? He wasn't linking adjectives.


It's simple if you have triple digit IQ.

Characters often say "Ni" when translated subbed text refers to locations. Words like Ageru and Morau are often used when characters are giving or receiving things, tangible or metaphysical, esp. in shounen anime. Words ending in "I" are often used when characters are describing things. Observing and listening to all that in context of the various situations portrayed, it isn't hard to learn at all.

The problem lies in the fact that the coarse manner than shounen characters speak isn't how actual Japanese men speak at all. Their spirits were beaten down so much by the Americans that they can only pretend to have balls in make believe cartoons and walk around using keigo, even with women. It's both sad and hilarious.

>You anus-licking crotchsniffer
>Hey fuckface
>Who's this wangbreath?

>romaji is actually harder because you're used to english

>tfw chinese american and cantonese is technically my first language
i suck at it but i can understand most of it

interestingly enough, there have been some similarities in pronounced words between japanese and cantonese (for example - telephone: denwa -> dien wa, in both cases its basically electric-word)
feels good not being a gwei lo

He said English not amerimutt

>t. Mangagamer translator

It is though. て form is used a a LOT to add several clauses that don’t necessarily function as a cause/effect.

I promise you that if you tried having even a basic conversation about where the nearest bus stop was, you wouldn't understand anything the Japanese person speaking to you was saying.

Maybe if you proofread your post instead you'd understand Mohammed.

>Incorrect usage of "You're"
>"A lot" does not exist in the English language

Now try again. This time take your time and think, just like when you took your citizenship exam.

Being a Chinese American sucks, the white right hate you and the left use you as schrodinger's minority. Although I guess in a way if you just ignore everything then staying perfectly neutral works out.

ngo yak hok yut mun. ngo hui goh yut boon gay chi la.

Except it is constantly used to imply cause and effect, or a temporal relation. Trying to say that it's just and is stupid.

>using only ひらがな

>tfw learnt Japanese from watching anime
>can watch anime raw
>played multiple games in Japanese with no problems
Why study when you can just enjoy your time and passively learn the language

Attached: Untitled.png (216x311, 7K)

>black people bad
>asian people good

Attached: ce8.png (621x702, 56K)

>"A lot" does not exist in the English language
What the fuck am I reading?

I never trust subs to learn shit and neither should anyone. its okay if there is a T/L note teaching you things


>games in Japanese
And how exactly are you reading them?


>meanwhile on the left
>black people good
>asian people bad

>Except it is constantly used to imply cause and effect, or a temporal relation.
I never said it wasn’t

Pretty ironic that SJWs claim to hate racism but then are extremely racist towards asians.

Eh, not really

Asians, or at least westernized ones, also jump on the "we're oppressed, fuck white people" bandwagon

How long did it take you to get there?

Kana are easy as shit and I've learnt a lot of kanji from having to look them up multiple times. Then there are ofcourse text hookers and OCR programs for a quick way to look up kanji. Half the time I can just guess how to read the kanji from context and vague memory

Then saying it's equivalent to and is wrong. It means because and then more often than it means and.


They're the dumb ones who don't realize the moment their culture disagrees with the SJW narrative then they immediately turn their backs on them. See: Peter Liang.

i kinda like being chinese american, but as you said i stay sorta neutral and say whatever the fuck i want about every and any culture

i dont have a lot of experience reading even romantizied cantonese so that took me a bit to read but im planning on vacationing in japan later this year
ive spent 2 years in uni japanese classes (4 semesters, and one reading comprehension class) so i have a lot of grammar and some vocab down, but i need to work on my kanji

You could pronounce it earlier - although, speaking from experience with people like you, probably wrong - , but it wouldn't make it easier to understand.
Learning Japanese is far from trivial, but it's a worthwhile time investment.
Hiragana is easy mode anyway.

These were my favorite.

That's pretty bad

English, you third world scum. "A lot" isn't a noun nor verb and quite literally does not exist in the English language. Just because niggers and roasties use it doesn't mean it exists. It's because of faggots like you why terms like "folk" and "y'all" have continued to permutate and debase the White man's language.

>It means because and then more often than it means and.
I disagree strongly but you seem so hellbent on making me look like a retard I won’t try to argue anymore. I was just trying to tell the user that the form he was pointing to was the て form of ない and you jumped at the chance to try and feel superior on an anonymous imageboard. Just fuck off.

>OCR programs
What's this? And are text hookers limited to VNs? Like if I boot up a snes emulator is there something similar that works the same?

>learn moon for 3 years while in school
>start working and don't read at all for a year
>huge skill rust
don't be like me, don't get lazy

Attached: m'lady.png (803x652, 512K)


>Like if I boot up a snes emulator is there something similar that works the same?
you could try cheat engine with hook any text


>read stuff for a few days
>it all comes back

yeah the wade giles and jyut ping is confusing as hell when seen or read especially online. Japan was fun. I enjoyed my trips a lot and I didn't start learning Japanese then either. I look forward to my next with hopefully at a glance hira/kana reading and basic kanji and of course being able to speak it too.

>started learning nihongo 1 month ago
>learned the kanas in a week easily
>stuck on the vocabulary/grammar loop
I haven't learned shit, the vocab doesn't stick with Anki and reading is hard as shit since every 2 words there's a fucking kanji that I forget the next day

Yeah probably, I'll get around to it eventually

I have heard of text hookers for emulators but I don't know if they exist or if they are any good

OCR is short for Optical Character Recognition. I use KanjiTomo which just lets me point at kanji and it tries to recognize it. Works on images but it doesn't always recognize kanji, especially on weird fonts or handwritten text

if vocab doesn't stick then you should switch over to learning kanji for awhile instead of the core deck.

>"A lot" isn't a noun nor verb and quite literally does not exist in the English language
Please tell me this is brilliantly crafted bait.

Watch 10000 hours of anime

thats pretty cool user
i don't think i'll be confident enough to use only japanese when i travel, but i hope i'll get some sort of pay off with my studies
good luck on your studies, we'll all someday turn できない into できる!

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Honestly, literally everyone has done you a great disservice by not saying that you should learn the radicals first. You aren't a Japanese schoolchild so telling you to learn like one, where you write down and memorize each and every single kanji, is stupid. Kanji work as a sum of multiple parts. Learn the parts and you'll end up being able to guess 80% of Kanji you come across.
Alternatively, find something you enjoy and just keep reading. You'll be slow as shit at first but the longer you go the more will stick.

You disagreeing has no bearing on what it actually means. Your Japanese grammar isn't that great, and the explanation you gave him was just wrong. What do you read in Japanese; manga, books, games, news, technical writing? Try finding any source of real Japanese text where it means "and" more than "then", "because" or "do this."

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I'll tell him.
の is a hard to translate particle here, so it's kinda like the explanation particle.
So like "What is the explanation for who you are". In "noka" it really just empahsizes the person you are asking the question too. It's kinda a personal way of asking a question.
ですか is just fancy, though a bit robotic, why of asking a question. You are familiar with it already I'm sure.

Lot is a space of land. Such as a parking lot is a lot used for parking cars. A lot is used for general units similar to a bundle or a bunch. Stop pretending you know English. You'll confuse the ESLs.

That shit sounds complicated. I'll give it a go though.

What's that Todd-kun? You want me to pirate your games?

>Taking advice from someone who complains about moon and was stupid enough to major in it

>see dekinai thread
>add it to my bookmarks so i can check back on it for help if i need it
>repeat the next day and the day after

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Same way English people create ship names

Fuck off, pedro

best way to start learning is playing a game you played a billion times in japanese. you'll have a basic idea what some words might be and it will be easy to just google it.

What the fuck does したら mean

If (someone) did/does something.

for what purpose when /djt/ exists?

>something that 4 year olds learn to do is extremely hard and borderline impossible

come back to me when you take a random signals and systems class

Name calling? Did you run out of fake rules to help you keep pretending you knew English? How disappointing. I was hoping you were skilled enough to keep the bullshitting back and forth going a bit longer.

so basically it goes verb/shitara/thing receiving the action?


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Attached: トッドハワード2.jpg (665x665, 296K)

Based poster.

I feel sorry for people taking advice from posters who've spent more time discussing how to learn instead of actually learning.

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So I heard that if you can complete the JLPT at an N1 level then you're basically than most Japanese. On Kanji, at least. Is that true?

Give an example of where you've seen it. It'll be easier to explain.

Attached: 1428055001647.png (3458x2103, 1.15M)

Not even fucking close. Only third world shitposting retards from /jp/ who pretend to be Japanese cultural and isn't experts pretend that test means anything other than "you can kind of read some Japanese."

I learned a new verb. thanks Toddo-senpai

This is so wrong I spent a while thinking if there could be a second word pronounced したら that you could be asking about.

>tfw play it in Japanese
>Primrose tells this guy "クソ喰らえよ" (basically outright saying FUCK OFF)
>english version a whole bunch of this shit like in pic related

I'm glad i only saw this as my friend was playing it, seems the writing is hella cucked in the eigo-ban.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-05-04 at 06.38.01.png (763x406, 552K)

I like the translation. It's cute.

JLPT has 0 speaking and writing sections. How do you think it compares to natives?

>outright saying FUCK OFF

Attached: 1550674911790.png (1637x1088, 1.31M)

/djt/ seemed kinda shitposty/circlejerky

Dore ni shitara ii ka wakaranai,

If only you knew.

Here is a comparison only ESLs will get.
Passing N1 requires less than passing TOEFL.

>getting advice from Dekinai threads
Have you seen the “advice” that’s shared in these threads? Don’t take tips from N4s

"I don't know which one I should go with." Something ni suru means to choose something in this sentence. Shitara ii means which would be good to choose.

I don't think you know what romaji is.

>"I don't know which one I should go with
You sure it isn't "I don't know how much to do"?

That would be dorekurai. Dore means which.

>/djt/ seemed kinda shitposty
and dekinai Yea Forums threads isn't?

Attached: 1557598078383.gif (255x191, 2.71M)

Sure, but other aspects of the game are worse in the English release. The battle dialogue is a lot more varied in the JP whereas they seem to have trimmed it down substantially. IIRC the only "turn start" Primrose dialogue in the EN version is "I am ready" whereas she cycles through other shit like 「出番よ」「行くわよ」「踊ろうかしら」「さ〜て」, and this is true for all the characters.

It's not a "big deal" but it's pretty goddamn lazy and there's no excuse for this, and a lot of other problems with an otherwise solid 7/10 game.

くらい isn't necessary for how long/much/etc.

honestly nowhere near as much as /djt/

It is when you're talking about Dore. Dore by itself means which.

I had to look up TOEFL and some sample questions and holy shit, that's considered an acceptable standard for English??

I was expecting some solid points, but when you start bitching about fucking Katakana, all your points are moot immediately.
What a low IQ faggot.

>no speaking or writing part
>only multi choice questions so you can just guess if you don't know and get it right 25% of the time
>only need to score like 60% to pass

The one on /jp/ is a literal shitshow. Go check it if you want to see what uncontrolled autism looks like

look at this retard
he can't even learn a language
like fucking babies can
imagine this fag in a mathematic course

Yeah you're right. I'm thinking of it as an adverb like どれ長い for how long and shit.

Yes. And it is actually harder than the English test Japanese people use as their test, TOEIC. Every Japanese person says TOEIC is easier than TOEFL.
TOEFL by the way is what most American colleges ask for from foreign applicants.

I still don't know what したら means....


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its the たら inflexion of する
look it up like just type たら grammar or something

The word "do" conjugated for the if/when form of dependent clauses.

I can read Japanese just fine, but I have no idea how to speak it.

I regret nothing.

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