>you spend all day playing video games? Wow that's all I ever wanted in a man!
You spend all day playing video games? Wow that's all I ever wanted in a man!
I shouldnt reproduce anyways
that fucking bitch would never consider me a desirable man anyways. fuck her and women in general.
she deserves someone better than me anyway
>You browse Yea Forums? That's pretty weird...
It's a good thing I'm not interested in women.
>a fucking kraut
Does she wear a ring for every refugee that has raped her?
Wow, you make this thread every day to feel surpirior over others ?
Lmao'ing at your life assclown
I will eventually outgrew video games
Not now tho
Why are there so many human failures in this board?
I also jerk off and watch anime.
my gf is prettier
>tell me more about classic wow
>I think it's sweet that you still live with your mother after graduating college
>you don't even use social media. I like a mysterious man.
>I really admire your intelligence. It takes a smart man to read wikipedia articles in his free time on subjects that no one cares about.
I feel superior over you because I can spell the word "superior".
>you went to college for liberal arts and spend all day scrolling through instagram stories and gushing about the latest normie faggot show of the week while cuddled up with a disgusting dog you call your "baby" ? wow! this is exactly who i want to spend my time and money entertaining so I can stick my penis in you!
>But I'm gay...
We JUST had this thread
We'll bang later
>manchildren who play video games past the age of 20 are losers
wow what a surprise
based kevin perjurer
nigga you're retarred
We'll bang, ok?
>not just being attractive enough to get away with it
lmao, idiots. should have tried harder when you were born.
youre here too, were all in this together
I want to fuck a girl from Yea Forums
or at least trade lewds
what if i have a job and only play for 2 hours a day?
That's not all, I watch anime too.
Nigga why tf are you even here then?
no you dont.
t. seething uggo
yes I do
hum sorry sweetie, I don't actually play them, I just talk about it.
I'm not some kind of nerd loser.
He's like the patients at my job. He's not here because he's "one of us failures". He is here to point and laugh at us because he is not a failure like us, not realising that he is in fact spending time and posting here alongside with us.
He's a basket case m8. Just let him think he is in control. And talk shit about him on his back. That's what we do at the mental hospital at least.
Because they're worse than the manchildren they mock. They're addicted to shitposting.
I dont need 3d women to make me cum. I got a skeete sheet to prove it.
>girl talking to me
>”so user you got any hobbies?”
>I uh play video games
>”oh do you do anything else?”
>I watch anime
>”do you do anything outside user?”
>”do you have any friends user?”
>”what’s their names? How’d you meet them?”
>w-why does it matter??
>you spend all day playing video games? Wow that's all I ever wanted in a man!
>implying im emotionally mature enough to handle a relationship
stray away harlot! im not giving up my wizard's dream now thats so close
Her boyfriend is taking the picture user. Those are his tapes.
>I like to go for walks and read about (thing)
>yes, mainly from work. My high school buddies fell out of touch unfortunately.
It is literally that easy.
>People ask if you saw the latest episode of some meme show
>"Nah I don't really watch TV a whole lot"
>"Oh, are you a GAMER?"
Why is this the normalfag flowchart?
I haven't spoken to a woman that isn't completely fried on drugs or fucked up by alcoholism in the past 5 years. I don't trust the bitch you posted.
>her boyfriend plays video games and watches anime all day
thanks for giving me hope user
Oh, also
>recently I've started going to the gym
If you dont, then you can start after saying so.
you spend all day obsessing over your appearance? Wow that's all I ever wanted in a woman
I want to tape over a girl's precious movie collection with recordings of me fucking her arsehole
>I'm ready to settle down with a nice guy
>Perfect Blue
how do I find a qt with great taste in anime
>You're so handsome, user.
henriette and "genevi" look cute
>sit down for dinner
>"What are your hobbies user?"
>mumble out mostly incoherent things
>says she's into hiking and tennis
>keep ordering water for some reason
>talk about how I don't need food
>she keeps asking increasingly probing questions
>suddenly asks for my fingerprints
>figure it'll get me laid so I do it
>look to my right and see she's also taking blood out of my arm
>think the nightmare is finally over when the waiter brings by a slip of paper
>catch glimpse of it before she snatches it
>it has my ssn and credit card information on it
>look down and realize my arms and legs are now gone
>feel sleepy
>now husk
I'd have to see a body shot but Henriette could maybe get it.
ik, im just too fucking ugly inside
And your pizza not so much, I make better ones myself.
I pity those poor fucks who gave up their favorite hobby just for a normie roastie.
I married a gamer girl and here we are playing a little bit of Tetris 99 before I pump her up full of cum.
Do you think flattery will stop me from noticing you hogging that 'za you skin damaged street rat?
Henrietta would be a potential maybe if I wasn't 100% certain she was fat with that camera angle shot.
she looks like the most boring person I've ever seen. probably lays there like a log during sex.
Maybe stop marrying all the good ones bro
Probably a coalburner. Stay away from women in general though.
>y-you too sweet pea
this fag gets it, thanks user for being based and ending the thread.
what a stooge
Is there anything more fucking rage inducing than that cute filter on snap
I don't think so
>camera angle shot
Do you expect to find human successes here?
Lol. No, we aren't.
I spectate from the side and laugh.