Trying to build my first pc, looking for advice.
Want to keep my budged around $300-$350 max, trying to grab things off ebay mainly.
Currently aiming for a gtx1060 3g, b450 mobo, 500W power supply. Eyeing 2x4gb ram stick on amazon, unsure whether to go with 2400 or higher. Can't decide on chip, first thought about ryzen 3 2200g, but I've seen posts suggesting 1200/1300x isn't that different (but would be 20-40 bucks cheaper). Don't know anything about overclocking yet, but willing to give it a try. Computer should be able to handle Doom, Warhammer 2, Dishonored 2 (all on high settings, 1080p if possible) and Minecraft with fancy shaders. On the not-gaming side I want to use Photoshop and maybe dab into some Blender modelling/rendering.
Build thread
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If your budget is that tight, consider an RX 480 instead. It's within an overall performance margin of 3%, but it's roughly $30 cheaper.
Wrong board faggot, but:
>gtx1060 3gb
Might as well burn the money, that GPU is shit. Get a 1070ti or a Vega 56/64.
>b450 mobo
Check RAM compatibility, don't buy 2133mhz shit, go 3000/3200mhz or bust.
>500W power supply
550W minimum.
>2x4gb ram
16gb minimum, 8gb won't get you nowhere in 2019.
>Can't decide on chip
R5 2600x has the best value for gaming nowadays, the extra cores will be useful for your rendering needs plus a bit of future-proofing, as 4c/4t CPUs are outdated and 100% in pretty much all games nowadays.
Get 2400g(vega 11 is actually decent) and save up money for an actual gpu.
Huh, good tip, thanks.
What about the ryzen processors? Is it worth going for the 2200g if I go with a gpu anyway?
Low budget gaming for PC isn't worth it. Get a console
>don't do this
>do that
>end by barking like a dog
Go be a dumb enslaved fanatic somewhere else.
sauce on this qt?
Dude fuck off. This guy has a budget and he wants to adhere to it, nothing wrong with that.
D'awww, did they hurt your little feelings?
Potato pc is more entertaining than any console.
Go buy your low budget ''best bang for your buck'' wallmart tier hardware then, don't complain about low frames, stuttering or your ''new'' gaming PC being unable to play new games. Good shit has its price.
>"if u spend more money you'll get a better pc"
>550w is minimum
Fuck off, dont give advice on pc building anymore
False. I’ve been using the same rig for a decade, if you play your cards right and aren’t picky a toaster can do wonderful things.
nvm got it
>Check RAM compatibility, don't buy 2133mhz shit, go 3000/3200mhz or bust.
i usually say RAM is just RAM, but this is important, just get some cheap but reliable vendor, dont go for "gaming" stuff, any 3000mhz is good.
also invest into a SSD for OS installation, its worth it.
A good 550W PSU is enough for any average gaming PC.
Wish I could say for certain, but I don't know.
I've heard good things about the 1600, but you can't overclock it, which may be a problem for maximizing performance in certain titles(namely, naughty 1/2 core games like crysis, if you care, that said, performance will still be acceptable- just not a constant 60fps, but this isn't a huge deal, imo), but the price point is certainly attractive- $120 for 6 cores.
If I was you, I'd wait for zen 2 to drop in a couple months, you'll either get good sales on last-gen parts, or a new cpu that btfos the old ones.
Not much harm in waiting, if able. It'll give you some extra time to snag other good deals in the meantime.
Mainly trying to find out if going for ryzen 3 2200g is worth it if I use a gpu anyway.
That CPU is literally worthless.
Probably not enough money. You should be willing to bump yourself up to 500 at the least.
If you can, double your RAM, and video card-wise 3GB really isn't enough anymore. Aim for a 6GB card. You mentioned eBay. Are you trying to buy used? Otherwise give it two weeks and wait for Newegg's memorial day sales. You might be able to assemble your parts (or maybe even buy a basic prebuilt) for a bit cheaper
The guy is looking for a pc for 1080p/60fps.
He doesn't need an OC, nitrogen-cooled 9900x with sli rtx 2080 TIs and a terabyte of ram.
Hijacking this thread, hopefully some user will help.
I know nothing about pc gaming, is this build worth a shit and will it be enough for the next 3-4 years of 1080p gaming?
Ryzen 5 2600
Saphire RX 580 8gb Nitro
MSI B450 tomahawk
16GB DDR4-3000
Corsair C600M psu
The guy at the store picked these for me when i told him i want to game at 1080p for another 3 years at the very least but i don't know if i should trust him. Help.
>Are you trying to buy used?
Yeah, definitely. Should mention I'm in Europe too, so Newegg won't work for me.
That’s more than enough for 1080p60 for the foreseeable future, especially since amd cards tend to increase in performance over time with driver updates.
>Ryzen 5 2600
Go for the 2600x
>Saphire RX 580 8gb Nitro
>1080p for the next 3 years
Impossible with that card, get a 1070ti/Vega 64 instead
>MSI B450 tomahawk
>16GB DDR4-3000
>Corsair C600M psu
Modular PSUs are great for cable management
2600x is a good recommendation, only a little bit more than the 2600. The rx 580 is fine though, a vega 64/1070ti would be overkill.
is the 2600x that much better? guy on the store told me it's only slightly better but i should go for the 2600 because it has better overclock potential, is he bullshitting me?
>a vega 64/1070ti would be overkill
It really isn't if you're trying to get the most out of it for that long.
True, but saying that its minimum, esp for budget build, is just wrong
The only one that matters is your opinion. How much fps you comfortable playing? How much compromise would you willing to take on graphics settings? That is a good build, but a build's lifespan depends on the owners preference on the gaming experience
That's fairly close to what I'm putting together -- replacing a 10 year old system with a moderately priced build for some welcome performance updates.
As long as you're not looking to play Ultra on everything for the next decade, it'll be alright.
user PLEASE save just a little longer, you can not build a PC for that budget if you care about playing anything new at a decent frame rate.
Scrape together at least 600 or so, buy a used 1070 (or better), second gen Ryzen 5 and RAM with at least 3000 (ideally 3200 mhz).
You're throwing your money away by getting anything cheaper, trust me.
just buy a used workstation and put a GPU in it if your budget is that tight
>I've heard good things about the 1600, but you can't overclock it
But that's wrong
2600x is a waste of money. You can overclock your 2600 and get literally the same performance
Ah yeah no Burger sales for you then. If you can wait then as other people have said, let those 3rd gen Ryzens come out and you should have a wider, cheaper range of CPUs to look at. I'd say get a 5 over a 3. The rest of what I said still stands. 16GB RAM if you can swing it, and video card wise you'd want no less than 6GB. Even at 1080p recent games are pretty fucking hungry. Anyone selling complete builds on there? You might be able to start with one and swap out parts as needed. It may get you a cheap case, drives and PSU if nothing else
This guy's a retard user. The only difference between the two is the x has a higher base clock and is binned so it should overclock better. This doesn't mean that the non x will be shit at overclocking but it might not go as far as the x would
>decent frame rate
I'm fine with stable 30fps
Autistic retard
>dude spend more money lmao xD
2600x will boost clocks higher than the 2600 without OC, and it also comes with a better cooler.
2600X also comes with a better cooler and overclocks further, also he can't overclock efficiently without a good motherboard and cooler.
Stop giving shit advice, 2600 is only like 20 bucks more for 7-10% better stock performance, absolutely worth it.
>than the 2600 without OC
*with OC
Ahoy, is AMD + Nvidia a bad mix still or is there nothing stopping me from crossing the beams?
Different user but PSUs are always super cheap. There's no reason not to at least try and future proof. I personally would say 600+ is the minimum, but if he needs something now I would say 550 would be just fine.
Nah you're good. I'm rocking a ryzen 1600 and a gtx 1070
No problems at all, don't pay Intel tax, go AMD.
Guess i am going with a 2600x then since the majority vouches for it. Thanks anons.
>How much fps you comfortable playing? How much compromise would you willing to take on graphics settings?
I've never had a gaming pc before in my life because poorfag and i only own a base ps4 that i got for $150 so even solid 30fps at 1080p would be amazing to me although i was hoping that i could play some games at max settings just so i can live the dream for a short while.
That said, ps4 struggles to hit 30fps and some of my favorite games have dymanic 900p resolution so anything above that would really be great to me right now.
If budget is super tight you could always go with the b450 mobo and a cheaper first gen ryzen, then upgrade to the 2600 later when you can afford it
>cheaper first gen ryzen, then upgrade to the 2600 later when you can afford it
This is just stupidity, just keep saving, don't buy old shit just to have something. Get a better CPU later when you have enough, Zen 2 will be shown at computex in a week, 2600x prices will most likely go down to get rid of the stock.
It's going to be very hard to go back to 30 fps gaming after experiencing 60fps. Everything feels 'choppy' at 30; even if you experience zero FPS spikes.
Though it doesn't take a monster to play 99% of modern titles at 1080/60.
Welcome to the mustard race, and watch out for things you may not expect 'draining' performance you paid for (i.e. Ram clocked lower by default than what it and your mobo can handle, power saving settings turned on when you want maximum performance, drivers out of date and dragging performance down)
And my dude, as someone who has killed at least two GPUs with (modest) overclocking: do not overclock your gpu ram- if you intend to use this same gpu over 3+ years, that is.
Overall, tweaking your games for maximum performance/enjoyment is one of the best parts of pc gayman.
Whoops, this gif sucks, have the webm version.
A $300 computer? You mean a fancy toaster?
Thanks for all the good advice my man, will keep all this in mind. Can't wait to play at 60fps for the first time after almost 15 years, i think it was dmc3 on ps2 iirc.
I guess? Better than my current laptop with a 950m graphics card.
You're welcome, glad I could help.
You can totally do that again if you wish, with better graphics via emulation with pcsx2, just make sure you own an actual ps2 to legally copy your bios over ;))) and stay away from those vile, nasty iso/rom sites (but seriously, be careful and maybe stick to torrents)
i dont mean to brag or anything but i literally just have a minimum wage job and im able to afford top tier pc parts (intel i7 9700k, gtx 2080) so unless you dont have a job, or live in a shitty third world country idk what your excuse is. again, im not bragging, just curious
me too and europoor, but some people here went with the girlfriend/family meme
He might be working with a severely limited budget as a student/breadwinner. I have a pal who's '''fiance''' no longer works, and they have a baby. It's kind of hard to support yourself and two extra hungry mouths to feed.
Expenses are the factor user. If a person is living rent free with their parents or something even a minimum wage job can go a long way. But when you gotta pay rent, various bills, food, and any other random thing like car repair or something it all adds up. Saving up for a kick ass PC might be pretty low on the priority list compared to most other expenses.
>Want to keep my budged around $300-$350 max
just get a console
Holy fuck I just want the Ryzen 3000 to be released already.
that's true, and yeah i do live rent free myself which may be the reason why it was so easy to save up.
you will only get garbage for that price, it's not worth it
at this price point save up 250 more dollars youll have a much better performing and long lasting system
High mhz RAM is a meme and isn't needed.
Heck I've been running my gaming rig for years on 798MHz RAM and I've literally seen no performance downside.
You don't really need b450 mobo, consider buying b350 decent one, most of them will support zen2, and you will save some money.
If you planning on buying GPU dont buy CPU with G prefix, go fo 1200 or 1300.
Gtx 1063 only if you find very cheap one, otherwise is waste of money, search for RX 480 or maybe even RX570.
>RAM with at least 3000 (ideally 3200 mhz).
You realize that you can overclock pretty much any RAM to 3200?
Picking b450 cause there's more people selling it on ebay, cheaper too from what I can see.
I just built a ~$800 PC myself just last saturday, OP. Let me tell you, the money you invest in your PC is worth it. I'd save a little more if I were you. But definitely don't skimp on a good mobo (B450 is good) and a good CPU. I got a 2600 (non x) and it does everything I want it to. Also get an SSD for the OS, forget about HDD. Use only HDD for mass file storage.
▲ ▲
Its not meme for Ryzen
[Alt0129] doesn't work anymore?
Yah, I was planning on a 240gb ssd.
>which may be the reason
of course its the reason you fucking idiot. don't come in here telling people what they can and can't afford when you don't have to pay the basic living expenses most people do.
2600x is waste of money
This user is probably right. Especially since saving up would mean waiting awhile, which just so happens to coincide perfectly with the imminent ryzen 3k release.
Put together a build for around $150-200 more than OP's budget, but still workable, and with room to expand, please note that the actual GPU would be a ~$90 rx 480 from somewhere, the quadro is only a price placeholder.
Thoughts? Tried to make it as cheap as possible, but there are perhaps some...'questionable' parts(from makers I have zero experience with).
Please critique/input, but let's keep it friendly.
This is of course if OP has the luxury to drop an extra $200. I think he'd be happier with his buy in the long run, but the choice may be ~$300, or nothing.
God dammit.
>that GPU is shit
Ist is not faggot you are shit
It's a card csrd for a good price
Everything this faggots says is wrong
Don't listen to him op
Wtf is this GPU and mobo?
Wait for the Ryzen 3000-series of CPU's. They're right around the corner.
>claim someone is wrong but don't give the right advice either
fuck off
>the choice may be ~$300, or nothing.
OP here, unfortunately, this.
Gonna try to make do with the 1200 and overclocking. The reason I can't wait is cause I got an Amazon prime account for one month testing, which as far as I can tell makes some items hugely cheaper (such as ram).
I've had a Ryzen 1600 for awhile now, but because all the aftermarket coolers required a new AM4 bracket I had to wait for like 4 months to get mine. So I put the build together without bother to overclock it still, is the jump noticeable? It was for my 2500k which was my last CPU
The Mobo is admittedly a lot worse than the first glance would suggest, but what's wrong with the rx 480? It may not max 'every' game at 1080p/60fps, but it'll let you crank up most settings and still look and play better than any current console, and used, it's a monster in the price/performance league.
If you've just done it once, you can almost certainly do it again. If you don't abuse it, they're pretty generous with the free trials(I've had mixed results with making new accounts and using alternate credit cards, YMMV). If nothing else, you can save your one-time $1.99/week prime trial for a later date, but only if you haven't used it in the past 12 months.
Click on 'see more plans', you may have a preview of if the option is even available to you.
Based retard
I'm starting my first PC build, here's what I've selected so far.
I'm still new to this, if there's anything noteworthy or anything else I can add, or any first time pointers, I'd appreciate it.
Instead of evo 860, consider the following:
Building for my brother. He is studying meme-design, and he likes to game on console so hopefully he could play some 1080p no-ultra settings with the following build.
My guess is rx470 (or a rx570 on sale) could be enough with ryzen5 2600.
Was the GTX 1060 3GB the way to go or should I have gone with a RX 580 8GB? I have no idea how this VRAM shit scales with actual performance.
Eh, I'd rather just go ahead and get the parts I can use now and grab the others from other sites.
You can get a much better GPU. a 580 is around the same price and performs much better.
I'm not too sure about prices where you live, but around here and quite a few places I've heard, the RX580 is sweet deal.
Not all games use 8GBs of VRAM, but 4GBs is common now. Should've gone for the 8GB, user.
Besides, from benchmarkings I've seen, the RX580 usually outperforms even the 1060 6GB, although not always.
Overall, the RX580 is great card, especially for how much it usually goes, holding up just about anything at 1080p 60fps.
480 was a great gpu if you could get it before miners fucked the market
now you should be able to find deals on vega56 around $200-250 this is like a 1070 for $100 less
Avoid Kingston SSDs.
Get a MSI B450 Tomahawk.
Get a EVGA G2 or G3 or Seasonic PSU.
Remove the 212 EVO get a Freezer 33.
Remove thermal paste.
Get a MSI B450 Tomahawk.
Get a EVGA G2 or G3 PSU or a Seasonic PSU, Avoid Corsair PSUs.
Remove windows 10 home, pirate LTSC.
>You can get a much better GPU. a 580
Tried to, no luck. Every 580 was above $200
>Avoid Kingston SSDs.
I don't think it matters, its only for win10 and zbrush desu.
>Get a MSI B450 Tomahawk.
I'll look into that one.
>Get a EVGA G2 or G3 or Seasonic PSU.
Actually, got pic related for $180 + division and wwz as a combo. Saving some bucks so cant be helped. I guess no overclocking for us.
>I don't think it matters, its only for win10 and zbrush desu.
It does when there are better options for the same price.
Check ADATA SU650, BX500 or WD Green for decent cheap SSDs.
SU800, MX500 and 860 EVO for real SSDs(SSDs with RAM cache instead SLC cache).
Rather than durability Kingston SSDs have reliability problems, they are the cheapest SSDs around for a reason.
The PSU is the last part you are supposed to cheap on since that part will tell how much your build will last.
>Gigabyte GPU
Return it
Google "Windforce problems" and get a idea why they are so bad.
Shitty heatsinks and loud fans for the same price of other brands.
When did we turn into /g/?
aim for an RX 480/RX 570. I'd imagine a used 570 goes for a really good price these days. Avoid the 1060 3gb at all costs. It is NOT a 1060, that card is practically a scam. With Ryzen, it will NOT hurt to get an APU right now and upgrade the gpu later. Yes you will lose out on the Apu portion but the processors are perfectly fine for 1080p games. I personally would recommend an 2200G over for the 2400G because the CPU difference isn't major, it's the GPU so if you decide to get a graphics card that'll be money down the hold. As someone said earlier, if you can wait for Zen2 it will be smart. It's become a meme at this point but if there's one thing that 7nm will absolutely have a huge effect on, it's APU systems. Also at $300 just get 8gb of RAM obviously.
Honestly, if you are running games that you tweak yourself specifically for the best performance, 1080p 30-60 on medium-high settings is perfectly achievable and don't let people tell you otherwise. Most people gaming on PC are obsessed with ultra settings and 5% gains, when in reality the biggest advantage the platform has is the ability to optimize everything for what you have.
You should have gone for a 1060 6GB or a RX 580.
If you just bought it return it and get a 1660Ti.
>Want to keep my budged around $300-$350 max
Buy a used Thinkcentre M91p or M93p.
Put a RX 570 or a 1660Ti on it.
1660Ti replaced the RX 580 a while ago.
Ryzen eats those MHz, though. If it was Intel, the hell yeah. 3000 MHz is highly recommended for Ryzen.
Not as big of a deal on their APUs as it is on R5-up
In Ryzen it matters.
>Buying now when Zen 2 comes out in a few months
at least wait to see prices/specs for zen 2 you dum dums
Thanks, I'm looking into those and making adjustments.
>650w psu
no power issues at all
at best a 6% increase over current gen, with the higher launch price. if Yea Forums only cares about gaming, they could pick up a reasonably priced 2600x and burn everything on ultra, provided their ppu can keep up. if they do more than that, the 2700x is listed under $280 these days, while the 2700 below $190. both are future proof ready for everything you could ever need.
Zen 2 will also cause current ryzen prices to drop further.
there's nothing worse
Reminder that Intel cpus will have hyperthreading disabled to mitigate the latest vulnerability.
praying for AM4 chipsets
>disabled to mitigate the latest vulnerability.
explain why the i9 still has it
you need to update your OS
It's really funny how /g/ has the nvidia/AMD war like we have console wars.
Nah this last season it has been
>Buy a RX 570, 1660Ti or wait for Navi
RTX cards suck for the price.
Vega GPUs suck for the power draw and price.
The intel/amd shitposting wars are much worse than Nvidia/amd
reminder that it's only a small performance hit anyways and 10th gen will fix it