Cities Skylines

Rate my city Yea Forumsros.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Your city is bad and you should feel bad.

user, please

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Has been described as "one of Hitlers failed highway projects"

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Im playing on console and I'm not sure how to make the curves

>Im playing on console
delete your life
get the PC version
download "move it!" from the workshop

rate my city

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I cant still figure out how to play it, I need a tuto right now!!!

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Always wanted to see what Detroit looked like from the air


Why all the roundabouts to nowhere?

>bridges that pass over nothing
why do people do this?

Anyone else like watching videos on youtube of people fixing cities with 5% traffic flow in them?
Iunno why but its oddly satisfying seeing a city go from absolute gridlock to perfect traffic flow.

>All that wasted unused greenspace
Why, OP?

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Barcelona blocks are suffocating.

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i think it looks neat

>polluted industrial zones littering the entrance of city
>elevated overpass for no reason
>roundabouts for no reason
>roads placed so buildings have a ton of nothing behind them
>coal plant in such a small city


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this is probably the best I've ever got a place to look, and I think its because its not using the horrible US assets

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still looks like shit in that pic though just realised damn

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Still looks way better than the one in the OP.

Why does this game still look like such ass?
Why do the devs keep creating shitty dlc expansions instead of fixing the graphics, traffic, and population density issues?

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its easier (and cheaper) to copypaste codes for dlc that fully making 4k textures from scratch

because they never bothered to optimize the fuckin game.
it looks like a 2007 game while tryin to melt your PC through your desk.
but apparently looking like a 15 year old game while running your CPU at 92 degrees C is the current fad for vidya these days.
I'd play Cities Skylines more often if it didnt take 10min to load and didnt run like shit while looking like shit.
At least Simcity 4 and hell even Simcity 2013 look better.

I've actually been doing that recently.

Any examples? Sounds right up my alley.

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just look up 5% traffic flow or whatever on cities skylines and you'll find a whole series of videos by about half a dozen youtubers

those highways dont even go anywhere they just loop

Remove everything else but leave the four rings area. looks comfy to me.

Is it because the devs are retarded Europeans?
Sim City 4 came out in 2004 and looks way better

Awful congestion, also the public transport seems to be badly designed

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what are mods like for skylines? Haven't played in a long time.

i haven't played this game in ages

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they all fall either into assets or unlocking constructions which the basegame doesn't let you do. network extensions and road anarchy are pretty useful to get around the minimum angle shit

call me autistic but I don't like Cities Skylines because it doesn't have a grid to align things perfectly

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>playing on console
skylines chugs when you get to fun-size cities on even the beefiest cpus what the fuck kind of framerate is a hyped up 8350 going to get?

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>it doesn't
it does, you're just not forced to follow it.

but it has one

Yes it does

>after playing for like 3 months could not help but making grids

How do i stop doing this? i feel like thats the most efficient way to play to get the most out of your educational/gov buildings but traffic is a bane to this method.

I only know how to make grid based cities. Are there any guides on how to make more unique cities?

I could have sworn it snaps to align, normally

def a must have. at bare minimum having traffic manager, move-it, autobulldoze, road anarchy, tree brush tool and such the bare minimum.
then there's thousands of custom buildings for either making city look nice. asset packs to make your city look european, japanese or whatever plus workshop is full of custom maps.

>don't know how much congestion road will have
>make it six lanes
fuck I hate this so much everytime I see it adding more lanes doesn't equal better traffic flow

Only functional interchanges work for this game

I-I was only pretending to be retarded

>building grids

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>sorry boss, traffic

just dont have more lanes than you need. it's pretty much that simple.

remove the traffic lights

>oh man, look at this congestion. That's because there's a pedestrian crossing
>let's fix it by removing this crossing and forcing pedestrians to make a 1km detour to get on the other side of road
>yeap, congestion is gone! It's all fixed! Please remember to like this video, subscribe to my channel and fuck pedestrians!

Fucking americans. I can't even understand how you leave in those shitty boring square blocks. The real city should be a clusterfuck of crooked streets, non 90% angles and unusual interchanges.

start playing maps that have almost no building space due to water and/or mountains. Crna Gora is a good map for that.
Watch videos on youtube to learn about how to make realistic looking streets, districts and suburbs and not just grid sprawl.

Can't fault the man for loving how Simcity 4 did it


You need the traffic mod that forces the retarded AI to use every single lane-change properly.

That's what makes it so much more infuriating coming to these threads and retards putting six lanes everywhere

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guess which american city this is

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saves trying to get planning permission later

it's unironically the dev's fault

that's generalizing a bit. 8 times out of 10 it's a "oh look the player didnt put roundabouts off his highway turnoffs" episode, or they just dont use public transport at all.
some people just slap down random 6 lane roads everywhere thinking it's the solution.

unfortunately this. in the vanilla game traffic will back up 10 miles down a highway but only on one lane. part of it is just that pathfinding is still incredibly taxing on modern CPUs so the algorithm they use doesnt try to check alternate routes or change lanes mid-journey.
pic related is how Dwarf Fortress pathfinding works (the most CPU intensive part of the game that eventually makes it run at 2-3 fps) and wouldnt be surprised if Cities Skylines works almost the same way.

still makes more sense than pic related

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>Fucking americans

You're a self hating mutt and I know it

When you understand how the AI picks lanes, you understand why using six lanes is retarded for every road

and looks like shit

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OP here. I actually made them high density resedential zones. They were developing when the took the screenshot.

Looks like it's No idea how they managed to fuck it up so much.

watch Sam Bur videos. he's an aussie town planner who plays cities skylines and uses his RL knowledge from his job to make realistic looking road layouts and suburbs.
he has a few guides on how to make realistic looking towns and how to avoid grid syndrome. his builds are probably the best looking of any Cities Skylines player i've seen 2bh.

>pic related
clever if intentional

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lol but this is actually what I meant to post

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that looks pretty and organic even though the typical retard driver will probably drive off that sharp highway ramp

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You are like a little baby. Watch this..

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Thanks, no thought was put into how it would be to drive through it, it just had to have the shape of a banana.

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>should we invest in public transport?
>nah lets just dump all the money into a temporary solution to the traffic problem instead
>brilliant! then we can make some other cunt fix it 20 years from now so we dont have to

god america is retarded, same as canada, if only we kept our fucking trains and trams up to speed.


Modded SC4 cities just feel so cozy

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I really really like this image.
Do you mind if I save it?

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how do you like this?

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>Boot up skylines
>go to make a map
>highway tiles are barely functional and locked into single directions for some reason
>making practical interchanges that aren't spaghettified is borderline impossible
>connecting highway pieces to the rest of the map is always an ugly ordeal
>burn out and close the game

every single time.

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Those look like the shit I sometimes conjure in c:s
Looks like I'm ready for public service, my education is finished

>use someone's pre-built highway interchange from the workshop
>use move-it mod to move around the roads so they connect smoothly with the highway and look natural
mate just install move-it already

Me too! Save it, it's all yours user.

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need recommendations for good maps to play C:S on. Just got done playing on Crna Gora, looking for similar maps with lots of mountains and water with little building space.
Also if you guys had to pick just ONE DLC to get which one would you get? Mass transit? industries? Can you just pirate them like other paradox games (ie: click n drag into the mods folder like in CK2, EU4 etc) or should I wait for a steam sale?

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I'm starting to think Sonic city levels aren't so crazy

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looks fresh out of Eurotruck Sim 2

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I wish this game ran a little better.

Maybe I'd play it more.

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OP here. This is another city I made.

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Attached: Cities_ Skylines_20190514210028.jpg (1920x1080, 352K)

looks comfy as fuck. 10/10 would live in a house on the hill and go camping every weekend

i like it but the random polluted bridge of death into the hillside made me chuckle, dunno why

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another pic

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>Having roads in your city.
>Not having subways+foot/bike.

yfw Shit gets LIT

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Take a drive IRL and pay attention to how the roads curve.

The game runs fine for me, once it loads of course, but I keep running into memory issues all the time and have to purge assets.

There was also one time where I had traffic that was off screen congestheavily, but fix itself when I put the camera on it

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it really triggers me how theres no ramp to the parking lot

What country is this?

bruh, not trying to be mean or anything but these look like shit. look up some youtube vids or something so you can get some ideas on how to build cities

US. It's called a diverging diamond interchange. looks dumb as fuck and unintuitive but actually works great

rate my shitty

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looks like gta san andreas lmao

help, every time i start this game i
1. build a single, long road off the main highway
2. place shops close to the intersection, then residential, then industriel far away
3. pipe in water (from upstream) and sewage downstream to the street
4. bring electricity from industry zone
5. nothing happens, nobody is happy, i go into debt, and close the game for another 6 months
what am i doing wrong

what did he mean by this?

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Anyone else here use the first person/freecam mods? Shits cash

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get on my level faggots

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One day I'll start a new city

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i don't know, do your buildings have enough power

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I just watched a guy make a no cars allowed city on that map.

>NPCs travel miles across my mega city to get to one exit/entrance
>Create several new ones closer to where they live to free up congestion
>They ignore all those completely to go to the eternal traffic jam

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>that Booster Juice

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If you have a traffic mod that can reset traffic, that might fix it for you, since all the cars in the jam haven't updated their path after you put down the entrances/exits.

You can also forcibly do this by upgrading the road the jam is on, to another one and back again, as it forces the AI to find new pathing.

thats impossible lol it was a map i made that i never put on workshop

then I guess it was some other generic "lots of islands" map that just came with the game.

How is mine

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looks pretty nice user

I like building elevated highways through my cities, with roundabouts underneath them connected to the on and off ramps. Does any country do that in real life?

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>Download the DLC
>Can't play anymore because of RAM

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this ones pretty good

How come America can't into a proper road system?

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How do I into aesthetic non-grid cities

CS is one of my favorite games but the new DLC looks like shit. I hope the next one is better.

>thousands of miles of prairie
>absolute garbage trains

we could have bullet trains going from toronto to Vancouver all day. sad part if if they tried to build a decent cross canada rail some lib assholes would throw a shitfit because it would cross naitive lands

It would be awesome to watch a really severe earthquake tear all this down

Short term thinking

Problem with traffic? Make more roads. No more surface? Put them in the sky.

Americans infrastructure is a complete joke and one of the worst of all developed nations, iv seen African countries with higher populations and better roads its just embarrassing. Doesn't help you have so many states operated by complete morons (see the entire south)

Car companies in the US actively prevent this kinda stuff from happening. I hate how bad public transport is in most of this country.

this, also in vanilla they'll prioritize the "faster" roads. use traffic manager to change some speed limits, put give way signs in so main roads have right of way, turn off traffic lights pretty much all the time, put in roundabouts in place of the busiest intersections and where ever the traffic comes on/off the highway.

also pedestrian paths and bike ways are amazing. NPCs will gladly walk 5 miles to where they have to go, just use the pathway tool (turn off snapping) and connect everything so they have back alleys and a place to walk.

Bullshit. If you love public transportation so much, then go live in a city. Enjoy.

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Japan does. They build highways elevated above the city and build their commercial underneath, sometimes parks and parking lots.
then they just have off-ramps every so often to give access to the town below.
that being said, they mostly use trains for moving people around. a good majority of people just use trains because you can literally go anywhere on them, plus your job is legally required to pay for your commute.
you can get to even the most butt-fuck remote villages in the mountains by train, it's nuts.

pic related: JR kept a station open for literally one school girl who was commuting to high school from a remote village. once she graduated they closed the station.

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God I hate niggers.

>supposed to look like a ghetto
>houses all have solar panels

Loop de loop

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I think the eurofag assets are hideous. especially the offices and commercial zones

>Toronto to Vancouver
ask me how I know you've never been through the Fraser Canyon

>not knowing govt pays you most of the cost of installing the panel
>not wanting free electricity

post the worst Yea Forums skylines creations

whitey deserved it

Maybe so, but I still hate Niggers.

there's a memory leak on the linux version. I crashed with 32 gb of ram after a long play session

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I wish this game wasn't made by europeeons so we could have right on red by default.

i gotchu senpai

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Hey that's my city, just off screen below is a Michigan U-turn

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fuck my ass
>intersection looks slightly wonky
>use move it or other mods to neaten things up, everything looks the way it's supposed to
>there's some weird invisible glitch in the road and this is the result
>to fix it you need to make the intersection look like shit again

>In my college's starbucks passing time for my next class
>Decide to Watch a cities skylines video while eating an overpriced sandwich
>The guy builds 9001 blimps that lag all over the place and cause so much noise pollution that people die
>laugh hysterically and almost die from choking on my sandwich

Haven't played it in a long time.

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God I love making A E S T H E T I C roads

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Merging is the only way.

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It hurts to even look at.

That's some sex right there.

>tfw I don't have an aesthetic bone in my body

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it's okay user I have the same problem. No matter how I try I'm incapable of making things look nice ;-;

This one is pretty noice, also last.

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2/10 redo

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Get on my level

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>2 lanes existing into 3
It looks nice at least.

You're like a fucking Captain Planet villain. Jesus man.

>ask for directions
>get shot

Rate my city too, plz

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the biggest I ever got my city was about 200,000 people, Then It became a chore just to run the day to day stuff.

Industry next to residential
shit land value = shit city

B-But it's high tech industry!

Attached: High Tech Industry.jpg (1920x1080, 442K)

What doesn't make sense? These things are brain dead easy to navigate when actually being approached at on the surface level. Are they ugly, and not an efficient use of space? Certainly, but you would have to be retarded to not be able to traverse one.

That is quite nice, user. SC4 is still the city building king imo. Skylines is fun to build roads with, but awful when it comes to actually managing a city.



This shit actually works really well. Fuck the haters.

Looks like hell. Nice job. Slum cities are pretty fun.

I love shopping districts.

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I assume the purpose of this is to eliminate the need for cloverleaf on/off ramps and to allow the flow of traffic to be as fast as possible for everyone except those just crossing under the highway.

American roads are shit because most of them were built before WW2, modern highway standards weren't adopted until the late 50s. Modern mass transit standards aren't adopted at all and aren't planned to be. It's just a unique condition America has.

>thinking those are bad
stick to riding the train, eurofag

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