>the literal face of TF2 and one of the most iconic vidya characters ever
>he's everyone's least played class
Other urls found in this thread:
because he's fucking boring
next question
sniper can hit him in face 3 times in 5 second and even medic can heal him fast enought
spy can 1 hit him easy
pyro wreckim him in 3 seconds if he can get close
he is helpless versus fully upgraded turrets
soldier and demoman exist
>small update out of the blue
>usual bug fixes and localization
>valve sneaks in a secret room in mercenary park to hint at the next update like youtube.com
>it's an observatory room
>you can look down the telescope and see rd_asteroid fully completed
>post yfw Heavy's Update is the Space Race update
>rd_asteroid fully completed
If it's not V1 I don't care
>hidden gem heavy
Don't tell normies that he is the best class.
Not mine... not mine.
>Heavy's Update
>he doesn't know
Because he gets the most boring unlocks. You'd think if you could give one class a bunch of crazy shit and not worry about it breaking the game, it would be the guy with 5 different hard counters. But nope! Nothing but lame variants on the minigun or food or shitty melee weapons.
Because widowmaker engie is more fun
Don't forget the most nerfs
>countered hard by sniper
>who happens to be the most op class
Guess why
hes too slow for my tastes
Why haven't they given him Soldier's banners yet?
>rd_asteroid fully completed
God, I wish. How I wish.
The issue with heavy is that he needs a lot to work properly.
You need good positioning, lack of pick classes on the enemy team, and some way to sustain all the damage you are going to be taking without dying.
Heavy is that situational class for when you want to win, only if you got a medic willing to be your healer
because heavy being able to make himself immune to headshots, have no falloff, or move at high speeds while shooting is incredibly broken. imagine heavy using fists of steel, while buffed, with the backup active. he would have 1800 health.
That's not sniper.
>former heavy main gone engie
>haven't played TF2 in years
>reinstall and notice all the changes done to Natascha
>slow effect is negligible, in the amount of time it takes to mow down a scout or pyro before they can close the distance I'm better off with the DPS of a regular minigun
Give him a reinhart wall
they wont do it though because people will freak out over tf2 copying overwatch
Because Heavy is a defensive class that is essentially a slightly more mobile sentry-gun. This gives him high value for his intended purpose, guarding corridors and leading a main assault down tight corridors, but his low speed, mediocre minigun range, total reliance on positioning and being the pre-prepared one in an encounter, and relative lack of a faster or better-ranged sidearm (Sandvich and other food items are generally superior to having a shotgun on your loadout) make him an unpopular choice for general-purpose, which is what your average pubstomper and comp goblin what. He's not flexible outside of his role the way Demoman is despite sharing a class category, and in a 6v6 competitive sphere it's not helped by most of Heavy's unlockable items that could offset his vulnerabilities (such as the Fists of Steel) being banned. This is largely due to 6v6 competitive being a self-reinforcing hugbox that doesn't like competition against the existing Scout/Demoman/Soldier/Medic/maybe a support Sniper dichotomy, but there are some legitimate bans like bugs related to the Dalokohs Bar.
Heavy is a job with a low skill-ceiling but a high skill-floor, assuming you're wanting a positive K/D ratio. You can't spray-and-pray because of the way the minigun works, but there's no higher tech to him as there is with explosive jumps. He is, however, excellent training for Spy awareness, general situational-awareness, and resistance to developing tunnel-vision, which you will not get when playing Soldier.
How long did that retarded ramp up change on the minigun stick around? And it wasn't even fully reverted.
There would have been blood in the streets if any other class had their main weapon nerfed like that. Remember when Valve tried that shit with stickies? They reverted that shit within 2 weeks.
When are they going to make the chocolate bar a viable option? It's been almost 10 fucking years
They nerfed it user due to an exploit that gave heavy infinite health.
It wasn't that bad. You just had to remember to shoot a second early before you go around corners. Demo had his damage cut in half.
It used to be a viable option when it had overheal but valve removed it because of the megahealth exploit. I'm still mad about it. It was perfect for the roaming heavy playstyle.
>tf2 copying overwatch
Because comp fags don't play heavy
Man that was fun the few days it was around
>entire game turned into teams protecting their million HP heavies from spies
Remember when Valve spent over a year trying to fix Pyro only to make him worse? Good times
>Sandvich: Heals full HP, 30 second cooldown
>Banana: Heals 150 HP, 20% faster eating animation, 10 second cooldown
>Chocolate: Heals 150 HP, 10 second cooldown, overheals up to 450 HP for any amount healed over 300 HP.
There, I just fixed the lunchables.
Meant to say that the Banana heals 200 HP
remember when they merged v_models and w_models for a significant graphical downgrade, called it an optimization, and it didn't actually do anything because the problem is there are no low-level of detail models for a majority of hats and other cosmetics
What if Heavy could still use buffs but they only affected his team?
I guarantee this faggot only played TF2 after it went f2p
>twitter screencaps
If Tf3 were to come out would all of the classes have one distinct loadout again? Would we end up having several sub-classes based on weapon loadouts that the developers felt were fun? I've spent over 1,000 hours in TF2, but it's been several years since I last played consistently. At this point I'm kind of waiting for TF3.
it would be okay then I guess but nobody would use it
Present day Valve isn't known for their creativity. I imagine they would go the Overwatch route and have locked loadouts with Mercs being added in as content updates.
TF3 will never happen and even if it did it would probably be shit because nobody at valve plays the fucking game or understands it even at a basic level.
What if they stopped updating TF2 and actually announced they were beginning production of TF3?
>Made in Source 2
>Pay to play
>Same characters, just new storyline
>Cosmetics carry over from tf2
I hear people talk this way about present Valve a lot. I must have come in right before the spark left the company. I loved Valve back when l4d and TF2 were big.
It would change the meta too much imo
>It wasn't that bad. You just had to remember to shoot a second early before you go around corners. Demo had his damage cut in half.
It was pretty bad when the ramp-up would reset every time you stopped firing.
The idea of trying to balance a game for an audience that bans or ignores most of the game's content is complete insanity.
Heavy is fucking boring and for years in the early part of the game's lifespan he was seriously OP for the casual environment. Seriously play Scout for an hour or even better Soldier or Demo if you're competent at explosive jumping, then try switching to heavy. You're so god damn slow it's just mind-numbing. But this is an important part of his balance, so it's not like you can change it. That's why GRU was considered OP and a must-run for all those years before they nerfed it.
It will ruin TF2 economics. Valve would never do this.
>It was pretty bad when the ramp-up would reset every time you stopped firing.
Yes so you just didn't stop firing while enemies were nearby. It was a nerf no doubt but it didn't make heavy unplayable.
I have an idea for "TF3"
>Takes place in the dystopian future of the 1990's!
>The only returning TF2 mercenary is Scout simply because Scout's voice actor is always around for work
>Scout is like 40-50 years old and has robot-cyborg legs
>He's the leader of a new batch of mercenaries.
Honestly I'd be into it.
>reinhart wall
>when TF2 and Tribes did the same thing before OW was even in idea
Is it true that the Scout is the highst skill ceiling class in the game and can 1v1 everyone in the hands of a master?
Cuz I play Soldier and I fuck them up pretty easily
Sniper is the highest skill ceiling class. A sniper with perfect aim can destroy any other class.
master scouts would pound you to dust.
you'd only ever see him when you're at a disadvantage state or catch a glimpse of him after he dropped your med from out of nowhere.
Master Scouts are terrifying.
>The idea of trying to balance a game for an audience that bans or ignores most of the game's content is complete insanity.
The majority of nerfs have been for pubbers what are you talking about?
>Dead ringer
>Short circuit
>Eviction Notice
>All the demo shields and swords
>Loose cannon
>Reserve shooter
>Black box
>Disciplinary Action
Yes, it's true. The sad truth though is that you'll very rarely find a good Scout in casual.
>market garden
>play scout
>play w+m1 pyro
>play demoknight
The amount of things it shuts down is insane.
what does horny on main mean?
desu giving soldiers banners was the 2nd worst thing ever. That combined with nerfing all the fun weapons is only TF2's population is like 5k-10k when you remove all the bots in idle servers.
Bixnood for "openly horny" I think.
>try to defend TF2's inflated population saying it's not just bots, there's a ton of people here
>see the same names in various gamemodes every single night
>gotten to a point we just say hi to each other on a daily basis because we almost always all get matched together
I guess TF2 is just a game for losers with nothing better to do, because I'm bored as shit literally every day.
When someone is "horny on main" it means that they have retweeted/liked/commented on sexual images on their "main" Twitter account, usually the one tied to their actual identity.
Sandvich made solo heavy so much better before they nerfed throwing it down.
You could throw it around corners and jump on top of it to take some extra damage. I was able to take out heavy and medic combos because the burst heal surprised them.
The mother fucker is Slow and a big ass target
>phrasing your own disorders as others'
No other class had to shoot at the air before they could shoot at the enemy.
>TF2 still top played on steam
>Never gets updates
>Artifact has Has devs constantly working on it
weird way to say you posted/liked porn on twitter. I feel like tf2 only became furfag central after f2p was implemented
>see the same names in various gamemodes every single night
>bad thing
There's a reason why people look back on community servers at their peak fondly. I hate how nobody fucking talks in online games anymore. A more apt comparison for you zoomers would be how Halo lobbies in Xbox used to be full of banter and trash talk, now everyone hides in their private party chats or discords.
I'm not saying it wasn't dumb, it just wasn't that big of a nerf.
Why the fuck does it still cost tour of duty tickets. It shouldn't cost real money to play this fucking tower defense mode. Not played it since it came out and I'd completely forgotten how bullshit that was.
P.s. how does compet work? I see there's a new ranking system you gotta unlock to play
Competitive is dead, don't bother.
I love dota but Artifact is a fucking joke, im glad it flopped.
Pretty much, yeah. Around the time of Portal 2 is when they were well and truly tapped-out, really it's arguable as to whether they even had any good ideas outside of Half-Life on account of a large number of their developed and published vidya gaems being student-projects (Portal, Portal 2) that got absorbed from company takeovers, or mods that they published like Counter-Strike and Team Fortress.
Countered by everyone
Counters no one
>tfw replaying through Half-Life 2
>the gravity gun still feels amazing to use
>but I also know that when I get to the end of Ep. 2, the void will kick in again
I don't even care if it doesn't live up to the hype. I just want closure, damnit.
Competitive is dead because the mode forces your graphics-settings to an arbitrarily high standard for the stream kiddies, which means players invariably get disconnected trying to fiddle with major system-settings mid-connect and rankings don't count for the match, so it's pointless to continue playing. ~50 players on Competitive matchmaking is its peak count in recent months.
Try Black Mesa, they're threatening that it'll finish up within the next couple of months with Xen now comprising a very large portion of the game. There's enough different from stock HL1 that it felt "new".
probably because they nerfed the shit out him because he destroyed every other class
>give heavy buff banners
>swap the maneuverability of pyro and soldier (switch the effectiveness of flare jumping and rocket jumping, basically)
>let spy shoot blanks while disguised
>rebalance everything taking into account these changes
there, I've fixed tf2.
I'll just repost the actual reason Comp mode is dead.
>A: The only minimum requirement is DirectX 9. However, certain graphical settings will be enforced in order to ensure a level playing field. Players will only be able to modify graphics settings that are available in the Options and Advanced Options menus.
This one retarded rule is THE reason why most Comp games don't start. This is THE reason why that message of "A player has abandoned the match. It is now safe to leave" pops up. People with fps configs and a Direct X 8.0 setup are unable to load the fucking server, and if they removed this restriction, you'd see the play count for Competitive skyrocket. There'd be a much lower rate of people "abandoning" matches. The indirect effect of this is that even more people would begin queueing for Comp since the rising player population would allow for quicker, more balanced matches.
The main reason Comp mode is dead is because people get tired of queueing for half an hour, only to join a match that never starts, all because of a stupid config/directX restriction, which leads to lower player numbers, which leads to longer queues, which leads to less balanced matched, which leads to less players, and so on ad infinitum.
Wow that's really embarrassing for valve
Fan games ain't the same for me. It's why I don't give a shit for all the fan projects of Epistle 3.
Because however good they are, it still won't be as good as it could have been if Valve would have just struck while the iron was hot, while all the people who made Half-Life what it was were still there.
Same. Dota itself already has enough issues, but nope, gotta focus on a shitty card game propped up by a universe that nobody in the playerbase cares about except idiots like Slacks.
>turbine in the map pool
>locked cvars and dx9
>team push is on
>can't do rollouts
>no class limits
>no weapon limits
>rampant hacking
>matchmaking doesn't match players of similar skill
>ridiculously long queue times
Because going slow is for homos
>if you've ever played popular video game you're either one of these disgusting fetishes or have an extremely common sad mentality
>swap the maneuverability of pyro and soldier
dumbest thing I've read today
personally, I believe everything I read on the internet.
Especially when it's said by a guy who has been making 3 "source leaks confirm half life 3" videos a year for 10 years
>give heavy buff banners
While sensible for his actual speed and capabilities as the team vanguard it's going to interact very poorly with the rest of his kit, such as the Battalion's Backup interaction with the Fists of Steel noted earlier in the thread. Heavy receiving AoE banners would necessitate both the removal of Soldier's banners (already stated) and the total redesign of banner effects to revolve around the Heavy and not the Soldier.
>swap the maneuverability of pyro and soldier (switch the effectiveness of flare jumping and rocket jumping, basically)
I hope you're prepared to give the Pyro the rocket-launcher for that to even remotely make sense. Equip the jetpack, it's what you're after.
>let spy shoot blanks while disguised
Half the point of Spy is that his disguises aren't perfect.
Did you read the leaked HL3 spoiler? It was legit and did not have a happy ending so to speak.
Who the fuck has a Twitter account tied to their actual identity?
Normalfag zoomers.
I did, user. I was there that day. It was a cloudy one, too.
Now we've only got to wait until the same happens for the script of the final Issue, because Valve never fucking finishes things.
The one time I tried competitive I had a dipshit demoknight on my team trying to imitate his favorite youtuber. Yes we lost.
Let me guess, SolarLight
Make flamethrowers a single elongated cone hitbox.
Reduce the time of Engineer's dispenser/teleporter deployment.
Buff all classes' movespeed by 10%.
Which class should I play to learn the game with? It's been forever since I last played TF2. I kind of want to get back into it, but I'm completely awful at it.
Soldier's always the best answer. Pretty much anybody can be somewhat effective with him and you can get back to gripes with both projectiles and hitscan if you don't use Gunboats.
Definitely Soldier. Low skill floor, high skill ceiling. Has projectile and hitscan. Can sink thousands of hours into it and still have things you could improve on.
Replace TF2 with Overwatch, and it's perfect.
You can never have too many Soldiers on a team. He's the most versatile.
RD sucks and the only good thing about it was that it inspired PD which is legitimately one of the best gamemodes ever made.
As much as a loath soldier players, he is definitely they best class overall.
>pinkie out
don't listen to soldierfags, there's only one correct answer and he also makes people explode
asteroid v1 was really good
asteroid v2 is 2fort in space
jesus christ the vaccinator is fucking cancer.
Yes, they are specifically designed to to be the best at 1v1 encounters but suck at holding down.
It's why they are OP in 6v6 but decently balanced in normal 12v12.
I always mock shitters who whine about >muh crutch or >muh OP loadout, but yes. The vaccinator is the one weapon in TF2 I can't stand.
>Is it true that the Scout is the highst skill ceiling class in the game
Demo has the highest skill ceiling
>and can 1v1 everyone in the hands of a master?
>Cuz I play Soldier and I fuck them up pretty easily
Hard to play + Weak in 12v12 pubs + Random bullet spread = Very few good scout players
A scout who stays far enough back that he can dodge rockets on reaction while still hitting you consistently for 50 damage over and over is terrifying to play against.
>B tier
Compfag detected.
healsluts LEAVE this is a DPS thread
Compfags would probably have him even lower.
>No nigger on my team wants to play Medic
>I am an acceptable Medic
>Therefore I heal
It is not difficult.
>have to choose between healing and dps
>the rest of my team is playing sniper/spy/engie
yeah but thats the point of his character. you're rarely in a complete 1v1 situation in this game, and other classes have greater benefits in other situations.
you're a cuck, real men demand that the weak switch to medic. And they always do, whining like the women they are...
That's when I go Soldier and try to one-man army it. If we have a good medic, but no DPS, I'll go Heavy. If we have a good DPS, but no med, I'll go med.
I sketch shit in paint sometimes, does that make me an artist?
Being a Medic when there is no DPS or even a Heavy is about as useful as being the third Spy.
When going through that scenario always pick Soldier or Demo.
>join Badwater pub
>pick soldier
>do decently well
>someone goes medic
>get majority of the heals since I'm usually the only one on the frontlines
>frag harder thanks to the medic doing a good job
>other team starts to predictably whine about tryhard soldier with pocket medic gf
>continue to annihilate enemy gamers who are now targetting us
>crocket wipes out 3 of them, switch to my whip and k-THWACK a spy coming in to stab our medic
>chat is seething
>capture the objective and win
>say, "great med" in chat
>"medicmain07 wants to be your friend"
>Not being a huge fucking piece of shit and joining in on engie/spy piles when there's a shitton of them on one team
Coincidentally, when I'm not playing Medic, I'm playing one of those three. Usually because everyone else is.
>Not enjoying getting to play God
>Not enjoying getting to decide who lives and who dies
>Not enjoying the ability to pick when to push and when to turtle by rewarding good behavior with heals+ubers and punishing bad behavior with no heals or ubers
>Not operating on a different level
It's like you hate fun or something.
>Medic is only useful when he's pocketing a damage nozzle
Trash medic detected.
>other team starts to predictably whine about tryhard soldier with pocket medic gf
now I know this didn't happen because badwater is filled with soldier mains
>>Not enjoying getting to play God
wanna know how I know you are a sub in bed?
any decent player knows where healthpacks are user
>Medic is only useful when he's pocketing a damage nozzle
No, Medic is useful when you have a well balanced team filled with many offensive and defensive options.
Is soldier the literal only example of "easy to play, hard to master" to ever exist?
Halo 3 came out before TF2, and everyone played CSS as it was most popular in 2007-2009.
valve, pleeeeaaaaaaaase
>medic is only useful when the rest of the team is full and doing their jobs anyways
support characters, everyone
>There is no use for a class that can overheal three classes with some of the lowest health caps in the game
>Especially when there's a lot of them
Okay, so you do hate fun. Just checking. Truth hurts, but I don't expect you to understand.
Because he's russian
the age of fun weapons died years ago. we only play because we have nothing better to do.
>your main
>class main with the worst people
don't do this to me, user. i've been wanting a motherfucking chainsaw primary since the war update: i've never really understood why they decided to make a melee subclass for demo instead for heavy
>There is no use for a class that can overheal three classes with some of the lowest health caps in the game
Maybe if there are multiple God like Snipers it might work but what the fuck is the Spy and Engie going to do?
Spie's whole purpose is to constantly be way out in enemy territory so you aren't going to be too much for him and Engies are meant to defend and area denial which is useful in a defend map but if actively trying to cap points he's essentially a fish in a barrel.
>sniper because of edgelord cosmetics or pyro because of how furfags seem drawn to him
>wanting more demoknight bullshit
>any support category class
>one of the most iconic vidya characters ever
Going a little overboard there friend.
whatever sissy boy
>most pick classes tend to have really autistic players that get salty in chat
>get to class selection
>press 1
>play scout
heavyknight would be tons of fun tho
>6 years ago
Weapon can be held out for as long as the heavy has fuel. Can pick up fuel from ammo boxes. (lasts around 10 seconds)
Deals 30% less damage
Hold down mouse one to attack
Is loud
Deals 60% less damage
Instead of doing lots of damage a second its now three ticks a second
80% slower holster time
Fuel now slowly recharges instead of picking up ammo boxes (takes 30 seconds to fully recharge)
Overhealing a spy is like overhealing a scout. You give them a little boost, they thank you, they're on their way, and that extra boost in health can be the difference between winning and losing in sticky situations. The 125 classes are the ones that benefit from overheals the most, in this way. Spies are also not bad choices to sit on for a minute healing if a) they're already outed, and b) they're good shots. As for engies: healing a battle engie is a no-brainer, and overhealing turtling engies can be the difference between them living to keep smacking their children or not, for most of the same reasons discussed above.
Under normal circumstances, you're not going to pocket any of of spy/sniper/engie, but saying that medic is categorically useless if your team is nothing but is fucking stupid. Everyone benefits from a medic.
to be fair, pyro's jungle inferno weapons has like 2009/2010 valve stats
>6v6 cucks complain that not all classes are viable in all situations
>6v6 cucks also complain when a class is made viable in all situations
This is why nobody takes you seriously.
This. Whenever I give a spy a quick buff before he cloaks away, he always says thanks.
Artifact is on life support.
Because the real comp are the tourneys published on the official page.
Absolutely based and positively redpilled
>medic is S tier
And thats a bad thing, just delete overheal.
He needs a primary weapon that lets him move at full speed. Like playing Fat Scout.
I just realized something. You know how z+2'ing is considered a taunt after you kill someone? All this time that I've been saying, "Thanks" after getting a kill, I've been unintentionally taunting the person I killed when all I'm REALLY trying to do is thank the teammate that assisted me in getting the kill, usually the medic healing me.
>playing Nightfall
>no-cosmetic blue badge Sniper with Spic name joins
>immediately starts using voice chat, is barely comprehensible
>plays for a while and says dumb shit nobody understands, gets no points
>starts insulting our Medic for not pocketing him, dies while yelling at the Medic
>says, and I quote, "I will rape your mother"
>start a kick for scamming and insult him over voice chat
>it passes
What are the best feelings in TF2, Yea Forums?
>melee weapon
I was thinking something similar to how Pyro got the Dragon's fury
Give Heavy and Pyro a 4th slot.
>Heavy gets a shotgun and a sandvich slot
>Pyro gets a shotgun/flare gun and a jetpack slot
This would make them a more attractive pick and differentiate them from the Scout/Soldier/Demo generalists who only have 3 slots.
>shitty melee weapons
eviction notice made not terrible when?
>Not C+7
>be Soldier
>Demopan charges at me
>shoot feet to knock him off course
>he has chargin targe, so no effect
>crits me for 195
>hit him with a direct rocket at close range and blow myself up
>schadenfreudes and C+7s
>Play heavy
>Scout comes out of nowhere
>He can two shot you without even getting crits
Lmao what a joke of a class
>sniper misses me on the 2fort balcony
>look directly at him
>seconds pass
>two shot you without even getting crits
>two 100 damage shots
>300 health
I want this so much.
But if we ever get a TF3, it'd likely have a new cast, which would be shit.
I think a good plot would be Grey's daughter hiring the Mercs for something after the comic storyline ends.
I was rounding up
The fact that I can hear this reply shows I play not enough TF2.
*distant moo in the background*
Just hire soundalikes.
>the dystopian future of the 1990's!
So it's a TFC reboot? I like it.
just aim at him better than he aims at you and he'll die faster
heavy is the worst class in the game if you don't have a pocket medic up your ass
You're supposed to spam C+7 during the fight, not after
Heavy is a defensive class. Otherwise use cover/walls and stick with teammates for backup.
There now he's good
You too have fallen under the impression that Heavy is an assault class and not a defender
what does he do as a defensive class that a demoman can't?
use hitscan on fast moving enemies
take more hits
stay in a fight without reloading
>Like playing Fat Scout.
fat scout as heavy is garbage shitballs because you're so slow
the master race is powerjack pyro with shotgun
as long as theres two people left on the planet someone is gonna want a golf trophy
He's far more effective at guarding an area over time instead of needing to set up another trap, has insane DPS at his effective range, has a much higher health-pool, has a hitscan weapon, and doesn't need to reload
We just need to move Pyro and Spy to B.
wrong sir.
god i wish i was those hotdogs
Would fit Pyro better.
I heard an idea for it ages ago on Yea Forums.
Does more damage and causes bleed, and has a leaf-blower tied to it, but airblasting with the leaf-blower will stall the engine and require a taunt to restart the engine.
The Pyro already took all of his melees out of the garage, so it'd fit him much better than Heavy. And causing bleed makes sense and would replace burning well.
Hear me out
>replace mad milk with scout hocking up and spitting a loogie projectile with the same effect as the milk
>is in character for scout to spit in your face
>could lead to funny player interactions
It's funny how the only exception to heavy being bad on offense is Payload.
Riot shield.
>tfw can only do wall jumps and regular pogos
How do I learn how to speed pogo and do good rollouts?
Pyro would be better split between flare guns and shotguns plus the gas can & jet pack.
The lengths I would go to in order to get with Ashly if I knew it was a guarantee of actually happening.
Best anti air class in the game. Can tank ubers. Doesn't have to reload.
I don't think he's that bad in pubs. He's ideal for clearing out last with his high health/damage and never having to reload. Soldier and scout don't have enough ammo to kill 12 people. Likewise good offensive teleporters can easily win games. I would swap C and D. I never want a pyro or spy on my team.
What Heavy needs is a primary which shoots a fast-moving projectile every .05 seconds that flies straight for a certain distance and then drops.
>horny on main
what the fuck does this mean
>give heavy soldier's banners
use with buff banner, now heavy's a sniper
that'd be pretty funny though
makes sexual posts on his main account
im mostly an engineer guy
hmm, i agree.
I might take to editing it. Pyros and Spies are usually useless.
why does this have a tripfags name on it? or is it a coincidence
just give heavy different fucking banners then
Personally I'd rather see him get some unique weapons
>Deployable wall secondary that blocks all projectiles from one side, taken down after 750 or 1000 Damage or so. Can be sapped to slowly drain health
>Passive item secondary that grants more health and headshot immunity, but gives fire vulnerability
>Minigun that transforms into a fucking turret with a chair. Has double the standard ammo, reduced bullet spray and gives backstab immunity, but the chair has a setup delay on initial firing. Delay is comparable to a mini-sentry setup. Heavy can stop shooting and revving whenever he wants but stays seated and cannot take any other actions unless he dismounts using the special action key.
>Minigun that has to rev to charge up, then fires a huge as fuck laser that deals massive damage in a single shot.
>Melee with the ability to pick up allies. Allies can be carried around or thrown, and take reduced damage while mounted on Heavy. Using on enemies will result in Heavy grappling them.
>Passive item secondary that makes all effects on Heavy affect a small AoE around him at a reduced effect. This includes good effects like healing, kritz, Ubers, and bad effects like Burning, Slows, Stuns. Ubers deplete twice as fast when using on an AoE Heavy. Kritz on Heavy become Minicrits for everyone around him, etc.
This shit isn't balanced at all but they're just some ideas
>2 shotting a sniper with the crossbow
Remove random bullet spread and crits
t. uncle dane
Good argument
Nobody wants to play as the guy who moves incredibly fucking slow.
Remove autobalance and keep random crits.
thanks i worked hard on it
If you're not in the yellow square, your opinion is shit.
>remove autobalance
>reintroduce manual vote team scramble
at least with scrambles I can do it when the game is a blatant ROFLstomp
Gimmie that blue baby.
It's the rules of tf2.
This isn't how these types of charts work.
for me, it's the red quadrant
who the fuck made this shitty chart
switch the boxes around so that it's at least consistent by the axis
it's either blue or you're a nigger
>Left Column: Remove random crits
>Right column: Keep random crits
>balancing is on fucking diagonals instead of being top row/bottom row
consider suicide
remove random spread
Add scramble, remove crits and spread (for shotguns, rework it on pistol, smg and minigun
There's nothing wrong with random bullet spread. Change my mind. Shotguns and miniguns shouldn't be perfectly accurate. Sniper rifles? Sure. Spy's revolver? Sure. They're assassin classes based on precision.
With that said, remove autobalance and random crits.
Am I the only one who can't go ahead and sell his old unusuals? I have like $500 in unus I made trading back in the day, but they hold such a big sentimental value. Fuck man, I miss playing tf 2 after college.
fuck all this shit just give a classic version of the game with no extra decor or weapons
There's nothing wrong with random crits. Change my mind. TF2 shouldn't be perfectly serious. Call of duty? Sure. Battlefield? Sure. They're mature games based on hardcore values.
Spy's revolver isn't perfectly accurate by the way, genius.
I don't know about shotguns but yes auto's like the snipers machine gun and heavy's weapon should be random. Don't want CSGO weapons in my TF2.
I never said spy's revolver is perfectly accurate, but that's one weapon that should be. It's also why I hate the amby nerf.
TF2 is a mature game too, genius.
*equips thermal thruster and braps on you*
Remember when people thought that taunt would destroy TF2, and here we are almost 2 years later and you never see it cause it sucks.
Why is Spy the worst class?
>All of his knives nerf him
>All of his guns nerf him
>All of his sappers nerf him
>The hitboxes nerf him
>The way backstabs vs latency works is truly awful and makes him unplayable at certain points
>The class he directly counters can take out his sappers
>So can the class that directly counter him for some reason
Spy needs a MAJOR rework to be fun in modern TF2.
How does spycicle nerf him?
>>The class he directly counters can take out his sappers
Imagine playing engineer and not being able to remove sappers. That's a hell I don't want to impose on anyone.
That shit was way before overw*tch
>place sapper
>pop engi 3 times with your revolver as he goes to remove it
Wow, so hard
>bad spy mad that engineers can fight back.
A mental trap that lures in bad players is thinking sappers make spy an 'anti engineer class' when in reality all they do is provide Spy with some means at all of fighting sentries. Without them he'd be mostly helpless. Spy is not a substitute for a Demo or Soldier at pushing past nests.
You cant pop engineer 3 times, only one you can do that with is the Ambassador and even then the nearby pyro will kill you and destroy it.
I was making a point about how the engineer can do it, but so can the fucking Pyro, who directly counters the Spy and negates any effort the spy makes towards killing the engineer
It takes away his knife for a set amount of time, and any pyro who isn't braindead will know how to kill you immediately after it procs
engineer vs spy is fine with the exception of the homewrecker, what you should really be complaining about is the razorback which should never have been fucking added to the game.
Razorback is fine, but stunning the spy for like 10 seconds is fucking awful
>You cant pop engineer 3 times
Revolver's max ramp up is 60 damage per shot. You could 3 shot even a gunslinger engi with that.
>2 classes can kill 1 class when working together
>2 classes can kill 1 class when working together
You know what user? I stand corrected. Not that it'll matter cause the engineer will be in the middle of all of his friends and you'll die anyways negating all your progress
he can literally turn invisible and kill you in one hit dude. rapes pubs if you have a quarter of a brain
Maybe 8 years ago this was true, but sure as hell isn't today.
That's why I still think spy needs a buff.
He's inflexible with his default load out, any extra item is almost always a downgrade and at best still doesn't make up for any particular weakness outside of extremely specific situations. Very easily countered by any mediocre played using any other class, basically only strong against himself.
Very slow, not only his walking speed, but everything he does, he does it slowly; so it falls out of tune with an online fps which allows other slow classes fast movement options to keep the pace.
Heavy is only good when he has the full support of his team, even in the golden days of the game that was a rarity, and even in such situations winning is less exciting when playing as heavy. So it's always either a hard lose or easy win and neither are particularly fun.
yeah, there was this old server that was almost always alive and full with players of all skill levels but sporadically frequented by a sniper pro, whenever he joined the game almost all the usual players on the opposing team would leave and even some in his own, so all the people left were the clueless casuals or other pros looking for challenge, they always failed.
>when you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all.
I like my fps's fast paced and he is the slowest.
sincerely, a scunt main
The only problem with spy is that you can't score actual points by actually doing what he by definition should be doing, which is messing with people's heads.
You keep the enemy team paranoid and confused, spy checking random corners and each other every so often, breaks their teamwork and leaves them vulnerable, and your only reward is being on the team that wins.
I think that's made up for by the fact that Spy gets 2 points for every backstab. The highest score I've seen in a pub was from a good spy who was going on rampages, getting 3 or 4 stabs in a row for like 10 points in a matter of 5 seconds.
Give him quad-shotgun.
Make banners replace minigun
Don't use FPS config then.
>need dx9 to play comp
fuck that, I don't wanna look at weapon skins
people here talking about its cause hes bad and has nothing to do with how boring he is areretarded
Pub snipers get like 1 kill per hour and that class is still spammed 2 death . big dumb brutes are always overlooked in favor of leaner charters visually too
spy and pyro probably have lowest hours of playtime among players on average
or judging from public servers since 2013- fucking medic
What was meant by the
>people say he's shit
>join any match and mow down entire teams
>quickly top score and have double the points of the highest from the enemy team
I know score doesn't mean shit but god damn Heavy is fun as fuck. All you do is W+M1 but no one calls you out for it and all you need to do is trace enemies and you just destroy entire teams.
lame tank class literally designed for newbies that never played an FPS game before. also this
>It takes away his knife for a set amount of time
Meanwhile spy with every other knife is 100% dead, and waits for respawn+time to get to the front line+time to get behind the front line.
he's slow
tis so weird in any other game if you said something bad was good because you stomped players who just installed that week on a pub server they would call you retarded
but not in tf2
literally fucking WHO?
Heavy's the odd one out because he's the only class in the game that requires consistent tracking. In a game where single shot weapons + movement are king, it's no wonder why the slow guy who has to hold his crosshair on someone is unpopular. In truth he's a very powerful class, even in offence, but his gameplay is so fundamentally different from TF2 as a whole that it's rare to see a potent heavy main.
I personally used to play comp as a scout/sniper main and still pubstomp to this day but force me into playing heavy and you'd think I'd have never played FPS before and have parkinsons. The only people who can even handle playing heavy well in my experience are former quake players who were born into the lightning gun lifestyle.
Give Heavy a lightning gun
I track as Scout thanks to the pistol
I can track with scouts pistol a little bit but it's mostly aim through movement which you can't do as heavy
When you aim with your movement, you become a bit more predictable in my experience
>that font
oh yeah absolutely. I rarely get the pistol out, only when it's for the 6 hp roamer or something like that
I use it whenever it's got ammo, like for preventing crit heals or just unloading on someone between scatter shots
ramp-up is insane
In vanilla, if you had a pyro and medic watching you, and it wasn't 2fort, he was one of the best classes. Item updates ruined him, but you needed at least one uber/medic back during launch. It was just the meta.
>biggest and easiest target to hit
>giving him something that draws even more attention to him
Please stop. He’s suffered enough
-20 per shot is amazing but I just can't handle the tracking. It's far easier for me to just reload 1 shell and get the -80 from close-mid range
this but unfortunately this you can easily triple everyone else's score and win every game by just holding left mouse over the enemy
unfortunately that's about the extent of his gameplay.
Because he's tactically the worst class in the game. Soldier is better on offense. On defense he's about equal to a level 3 sentry.
>Bald white dude
Fuck that, give Pyro a lightning gun.
i mean everyone generally plays on the same community server they have done for 10 years now.
of fucking course you'll see the same people almost every night, you dumbass.
cant improve on perfection
The Heavy update will drop along with his trailer for smash
what a massive faggot
Engineers are all furry pedos
I'm guessing this retard is all of those things and desperately wants to not feel alone as a walking psychiatric gold mine
I recognize that ass(male)
>cant improve on perfection
yeah you can
4th cosmetic slot when
source me
i've been playing this game for years and after meeting a fuckton of people i can say this is true for at least half of the players
you'd be surprised
that. is fucking. funny.
Gotta love matchamking
I'd love to see a heavy defencive banner desu. Like. The battalion would be perfect on him
He, more than any other class is reliant on a good team.
>Don‘t have a worthwhile counter sniper?
>Team doesn‘t spycheck enough?
>Don‘t have a good medic?
How do you play Demoman?
Heavy's actually starting to make his way up in my most played classes list. He's actually pretty damn powerful because of the ignorance of the other mains. Why? Some people think they can outsmart me. Maybe, *sniff*, maybe. I've yet to meet man that can outsmart boolet.