So i'm about to play this game for the first time. What should i expect of it?
if you can't defeat an enemy just run past them
Don't eat the yellow snow
Dark Souls but not as good
dark souls but better
if you can't defeat an enemy just run back where you came from and try again
Gehrman dies
The doll dies
You are the moon-star
>Caring about the nonexistent plot
some kind of an early access dark souls 3 experience
Fun. Probably the best souls game.
DLC is a must though.
The best Souls game by far
Nah, DaS3 was like if DaS1 and BB had a grotesque rape baby.
A very good game
Assuming you aren't bad at it.
Also my tips.
Dont isn the starting weapons the whole playthrough. Pick up somthing else along the way.
Also armor is actually useless. It's purely a fashion thing
a good game
Can someone explain how the DLC works? I bought the complete edition and I don't know how to access it or if I even have it.
I recently bought a PS4 and this is like the fifth time this has happened with DLC. It's absolutely fucking retarded that the PS interface and the game don't make it clear what the DLC situation is.
It’s overrated shit. You’ll probably have fun for the first third of your play through and then drop it.
Kill Amelia. Get the eye of the blood drunk hunter, an item that spawns in the Hunter's Dream after defeating Amelia.
A whole lot of fun
Do explore as much as you can. You can easily miss out on alot of shit
So how long will it take to complete the game if i don't bother exploring each level?
Its pretty easy, just use the pizza cutter and you'll breeze through the game.
a really good game with excruciating load times that, around the 30 hour mark, will eventually break your will and cause you to drop the game forever.
if the fucks would port it to PC we could get the load times down from ~50 seconds to around 10, but nope, exclusivity cunts won't allow it.
Don't feel bad if you have to grind a while to get some upgrades to get more comfortable.
Also, take your time. This may not be as slow as ds but that doesn't mean you can be super aggressive and be fine. Know when to attack and when not to. Also, learning to counter is very good to know early on (I usually fire it once the animation is half way through)
despite the "all weapons are viable" meme the game is actually full of trap options, I feel sorry for any sad faggot who actually picks the threaded cane on a first run because dex builds are the equivalent of late game energy weapons/big guns in fallout, if you don't know what you're doing you're in for a fucking butt pounding. it's even worse for arcane and bloodtinge (blt literally only has 3 right hand weapons that are all locked behind late game content, and guns are not going to carry a noob through the game), really the game is turbo shit at explaining itself so unless you go strength prepare to read some wikis. but many people refuse to accept that muh soulsbornes have any flaws despite being great games with huge downsides. I like bloodborne a lot but it's full of stupid shit like the unexplained arcane scaling, serration, righteous weapons, beasthood, and so on, so that you end up having to read about it online or risk wasting a bunch of time.
Or play it safe and do a quality build for your first run.
What Dark Souls is more alike to Bloodborne? Sekiro?
after you get the eye of the blood drunk hunter, go to the place in the cathedral ward where you picked up the top hat/capeless hunter's garb and just stand there for a bit beside the fence. an amygdala will grab you and take you to the dlc.
when you pick it up the message says "The Eye of a Blood-drunk Hunter beckons hunters to the Hunter's Nightmare. A deformed creature will whisk you away outside Oedon Chapel." but this is cryptic and doesn't actually tell you what the fuck to do
>not exploring the levels
I hope you never do this.
It really depends on how good you are with souls games. Base game is generally 20-40 hours. As other anons have suggested, it's highly recommended you do the DLC too. Get into the DLC between BL60-70, more if you're struggling. Try not to exceed BL90 when you're finished with the Old Hunters. Try to read item descriptions too.
DaS3. Undoubtedly.