Okay I ran the numbers

Okay I ran the numbers.

An infant can (and should) drink around 25 ounces of breast milk every day. I read some pregnancy websites and found that the average lactating C-cup woman can hold around 3.4 ounces at a time per breast. This might not sound like much, but keep in mind women lactate like a river and not like a lake and the whole supply replenishes in around 2 hours.

Now based on Tifa's endowments (estimating around E cup) and the high amount of estrogen she must produce, I'd estimate that each of her breasts can hold around 8 oz. So 16 ounces per feeding. This means she can provide one infant with their share of milk in a feeding session and a half.

In 24 hours (again assuming she's fully drained and replenished of her supply in 2 hours, as is the norm, and that she's overflowing to start) she can produce a whopping 208 ounces of milk. That's enough to fully feed 8 babies. Of course, such a scenario is unrealistic, but even 12 hours lets her feed 4. That's a lot.

Some fun facts about 208 ounces of breast milk:

-It would weigh around 13 pounds all together
-It would fill roughly 24 cups
-It's incredibly rich in calcium, vitamin A and vitamin B, giving well over 200% DV for each
-Drinking that much would account for 206% recommended calorie intake

Additionally, if you were talking in terms of sheer breast volume (as in, her tits entirely filled with milk like balloons), I estimate each could hold 33 ounces, easily enough to feed a baby and then some.

These numbers are a little rough but I feel they paint an accurate enough picture. I hope this helps. Feel free to save this and use it in your own research.

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Good post, but not relevant just because you mention Tifa

Breasts expand after birth, you're not accounting for that.

Small time.

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you have one faulty fact here. bigger breasts do not store more milk
t. med student

shut up and post more milkers

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This, it's based on lots of factors and genetics.

Not sure if I should be concerned...

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I just finished fapping to her

Now based on Tifa's endowments (estimating around E cup) and the high amount of estrogen she must produce, I'd estimate that each of her breasts can hold around 8 oz. So 16 ounces per feeding. This means she can provide one infant with their share of milk in a feeding session and a half.
Her breasts would get 30-50% bigger if she was lactating. Though I don't know how much bigger the actual mammary gland would get.

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okay doc but more fat = more estrogen so more milk
ain't that right

Based and milkpilled

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>no subtle blue vein

Thanks op I've always wanted to know about titty milk

Here's what she looks like after pregnancy.

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>bigger breasts mean more milk
Titfags are retarded

More milk storage

How come dedicated vidya tits threads get deleted yet this stays up?

This is a FF7 thread you retard

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Because Tifa is magical.