Why doesn't Yea Forums like Dragon Quest?

Why doesn't Yea Forums like Dragon Quest?

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it's a boring, paint by numbers, run of the mill game.

Dragon Quest fan here
Fuck you.

it was better when it was dragon warrior

I'm 40 hours in XI and I'm on the verge of dropping it.
It was absolutely charming at first, now it's really boring.

He's right you know.

Yea Forums likes Persona 5. Should show you how bad the taste is on this board.

the battle music when you win is ear raping. i couldnt stand 2 hours of it let alone 40

I enjoyed XI, but found the combat system to be too generic. There's not really much to it that makes it stand out.

I love it.

it's a good game

infact its the only jRPG I can stomach anymore because ironically it's incredibly unique when it's meant to be as generic and traditional as possible.

Can't wait to play this 100+ hour RPG completely in 2D on my switch, it will be like playing an old FF for the first time again.

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I can't beat jade on draconian and i'm stuck, therefor it's a shit game 2/10 its kinda good.

Better franchise than FF, Tales, Persona, SMT and Ys

I had fun with it.

I do though. XI In particular is great. Might be my favorite game of the generation despite the midi music. It genuinely surprised me.

The game has a lot of charm, but it's literally basic bitch game 101. As an adult you should be engaging in high art or works that will mentally challenge you. It's time to grow up, OP.

I have an exclusively aesthetic complaint; I don't like dragonball. Hire a better artist than Akira "NEXT TIME ON DRAGONBALL Z" Toriyama next time

The dragon quest fan? Yes he is.

>nintendo has orchestrated music while psbros have to listen to that godawful midi


because i'm not an autistic 5 year old nipponese

It felt too linear. I know the games are linear but if you look at the DQ8 it has this massive world and a real sense of scale to the adventure. XI just feels like another on rails JRPG

PS4 BTFO by Switch and PC chads

>mentally challenge you
First off, there is challenge and strategy in dragon quest. That’s besides the point, though. I have a fucking job where I have to think and make decisions in a high pressure role. I am paid to address fucked up challenges all day. Not looking for that at home. Not sure what kind of adults you know. There is a time for high art but this is not it.

Yea Forums doesn't like anything

I do, just glad it’s getting more talked here after XI

They're fun but there's nothing really special about them

Play DQXI on hard mode

DQXI is the pinnacle of musical composition.

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a gigantic waste of time to even play 5 minutes of this
but i will admit the wiggling cucumber monster made me laugh the first time

Honestly I think it’s for the double dippers. The switch version is going to outsell the PC and PS4 version if I had to guess, with a solid chunk of that being people who’ve already played the game.

Right, keep telling yourself that. You do you.

Video games aren’t exactly Proust

this but unironically
another one of Sugiyama's great works.

Because I love it

I killed Mordefaggot and got alittle into the true ending segments I think to the point where I had to make the true sword of light or w.e. I just didn't care. Every character is flat as a board and boring as shit. Your character has no reason in this day and age to be a silent self insert when no choice matters and he had a child voice actor when he meets his past self. The combat is shallow as Square games can get minus a few nuances. A lot of bosses just one status gimmick and then shit.

Combat sort of reminds me of Strange Journey with no weakness exploit mechanic but the world and characters aren't 1/100th as interesting or original.

Where do I start if I wanna get into the series?

The presentation and characters look nice, but the whole premise is extremely boring with no payoff on the horizon, the battles are super dull, the soundtrack is garbage on PC, and all of the cool features that could redeem it are locked on the switch. TL;DR: It's extremely boring

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You had a stupid post user, it happens to all of us but usually we stop.

Play dragon quest

Its literally a worse FF. The only reason FF has bad games compared to DQ if they true different things that fuck them where as DQ just does the same boring no nuance turn based gameplay and same generic character design for DBZ loving faggots who enjoy a bad art style.

You didn’t even get halfway into the game did you.

Stay delusional.

>a worse FF
but the only good FF game is 9. DQ games are consistently good-great.

Ok but it’s not an argument, you are objectively wrong.

>Create a okay but not amazing story where there are sacrifices backstabbing comebacks and the good finally beating the big bad who took over
>Haha okay now true ending is just time travel to basically end everything on a good side has no sacrifice or loss note because normies cannot understand the depth in dealing with grief or the growth to it.

Its all so tiresome. Why do people hate losses? It adds some weight to the world that nothing is permeant.

New Tekken character looks good

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I'm playing 8 right now, I'm enjoying it. Seems pretty simple, which has its own charm.

I wish, bitch. I’d be playing vidya all day.

I dropped it at the jungle level. fucking hated that level especially.

I wish I had the "can't see FF as shit" gene

Picked it up on PC. Loved the intro was having a blast and then I saw the Switch version with exclusive content and then I refunded my game and now I'm just waiting.

SMT has more good different games then DQ does. Persona is SMT for kiddies so I don't care to defend it and Tales has like 2 good games so you got Tales fags there. Congrats when other series try other things well your dog shit for manchildren power of friendship and love series with the same formula in every game does the same shit for 11 games that are all mediocre besides maybe 8 then yeah of course the average will start to belong to you faggots.

Its like saying From makes the best video games because all of their games are decently playable with a few good ones. But they all besides Sekiro which was mediocre have the same formula so its deceptive.

The story gets engaging around 30 or so hours in... it’s a hard sell, but it was completely worth it for me. I get it though. 5 and 8 have a clear goal after a few hours in, and those are easier to recommend.

Same for you I wish I had the "no reading comprehension gene" I don't even think FF is a good overall series. Im saying DQ follows the exact same formula for character actions/story/combat every single game. Its decent at best every time and gets boring as fuck to people with some taste.

My point was FF started experimenting leading to more bad then DQ because it smashed its average into the ground through those. But if someone though DQ 11 was exceptional I know im arguing with a fucking tree so it doesn't matter what I say.

Some of them are a quite dull. I couldn't finish 7, it was just boring. I didn't finish 9 either. I finished 4, 5 and 8. Waiting for Switch version to play 11.

It's based.
I picture some bumbling fat man knight who comes in and brutalizes the monsters while returning to the kingdom to his harem of woman with barrels of wines.

i like when sylvando's introduced and he just pushes the bitchmade prince's face away while shittalking him

What are the switch features?

I found it charming at first but the lack of apparent turn order or % to proc any sort of effect really killed my enjoyment after about 40 hours. That shit was fine for trash mobs but I don't care to trial-and-error or wiki what effects actually apply to each boss.

I doubt he's that involved in it these days. Probably designs a couple of characters and then other people do most of the work

XI is a solid entry point, I'd check out IV and VIII as well


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Every party member gets an expanded scenario, there's a bonus mode where you visit the older DQs and do some quests, full Japanese voice acting, 2d mode and there's rumors of a new party member too.

oops ignore me, i thought you said pcbros. i forgot the ps4 existed and you should too.

it's painfully bland

i agree turn order should be shown and the game should be commensurately harder

i love it, especially loved XI.

So is XI considered a good title in the series by its fandom?

I loved it. Gonna get it again for my Switch for the extra content.

Almost every jrpg I played does shit like this, e.g. dead characters getting magically resurrected through deus ex machina.

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I see you played FF4 as well.

m8 what the fuck are you talking about, the Hero literally left the entire party and went to another timeline

>game kills off a party member permenantly
>it's the best character in the game

Krile sucks.

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>Why doesn't Yea Forums like Dragon Quest?
fuck, call me a pleb, but I've always been turned off by Dragon Quest because I hate Akira Toriyama's artstyle, but as of late I've been beginning to appreciate it a bit more, especially his monster designs. They're this perfect blend of cool and cartoonish that I can't describe very well other than it oozes charm.

The generic JPRG story + Turn based combat doesn't really turn me off though, in fact it I find it quite /comfy/. Genuinely might pick up this game during the steam sale, or if I can't wait I'll just pirate it at some point this month.

Honstly everyone's trying to be Final Fantasy now.

The generic JRPG story is basically a story by this guy that starts THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO and ends with all of existence being either replaced or rewritten. Nobody does "hey, there's a bad guy, go kill it and have some cheap laughs along the way" anymore.

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I just bought IV and IX for $10 total. Almost bought XI on Steam but am waiting to see if the bonus stuff the Switch version is getting is coming to PC or not

XI has the worst soundtrack of all DQ games
Sans VI, that's debatable.

DQ was better when it was 30 hours long. Every DQ game since VII (with the exception of VIII) was boring af too long just for the sake of being long, and just not fun to play.

Music is terrible in quality and quantity while the two songs you listen to the most are terrible in composition. Just an all around audio abortion of an effort.
Game is easy and boring, the extra "difficulties" just add tedium/grind because there is little to no tactical depth to such a basic system.
Story and MC are milquetoast as fuck. I don't get the point of having next to no character customization but then also making him a 0 personality silent protagonist.

This game is more basic than bleach and anyone trying to pretend it's some kind of masterpiece should probably drink it.
I've never played any of the Persona series but 5 must be a fucking roller-coaster of adrenaline compared to this 100+ hour slog of bare-bones JRPG gameplay.

I like it, but I hate the music.

Marcello was right