Just a heads up for PC users, if you have been playing games and having weird frame drops...

Just a heads up for PC users, if you have been playing games and having weird frame drops, frame skipping and high bandwidth usage chances are the process Game Bar Presence Writer is running while you are playing your game. It only runs while you're playing the game as well.
here is a vid that helped me fix it: youtube.com/watch?v=vUxus6g_YwQ

I seriously just want to ask why game companies do this sneaky shit?

Attached: Gamebarpresence.png (709x498, 41K)

What the fuck is ligma?

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Is this a Grand Theft Auto V thing, or a Windows 10 thing?

I don't know what Gamebar is.

Probably some retarded adware/spyware this idiot downloaded.

its a xbox live thing for windows 10. It turns on whenever you play any game

If you don't know what it is you should refrain from spreading dumb information and being the local contrarian

>using Windows

Lots of comments on the video are indicating that others had the same issue, so it's probably just a Windows 10 feature of some kind. I guess Windows 10 wasn't bad enough so they had to make it worse. I'm on Windows 7 so I've never seen this shit.

Considering it's something only you're dealing with I'm certain you did something stupid to fuck your PC up. Acting like you're smart for googling it isn't going to get you an inch on Yea Forums you retarded twerp.

>frame skipping
It’s 2019 bro

Likewise. 7 works fine. 10 just runs worse. There are no features in 10 that I need or want, but a hell of a lot of shit I don't want in 10.

I literally did this the other day and it fucking worked, the fuck is wrong with windows 10. Also disable telemetry service

lmao @ windows 10

Wangblows 10


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Anyone using Windows 10 should have disabled that garbage in the registry years ago.

>7 minute video
fuck off how about you tell me what to do in 3 lines

Check the description

Thank you OP, this is helpful.

It isn't only me clearly shown by the thousands of people who are dealing with this problem with one google search. And other people dealing with it in the comments of the video. This is just a helpful video. I came here to help the people that were dealing with this problem, if you aren't that's cool you can fuck off to another thread instead of coming here just to be the thread jackass shitting it up for no reason at all. Seriously you have no reason at all to be THIS much of a dumbass, you don't get upvotes, you don't get recognition, i don't know if you're bored or what, must be bored out of your skull to come here and act like a complete dickhead with zero reason.

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Should have used mac, bro.

Set AllowGameDVR to 0
This will disable the gamebar and everything associated with it.
Don't be a dumb nigger like the OP messing around with file permissions that he clearly doesn't understand and what Windows has permission to undo whenever it wishes.

Glad you finally posted more ways to help the situation albeit while still being the thread dumbass contrarian with a chip on his shoulder for no reason at all

If you follow OP's video Windows will just reinstall GameBarPresenceWriter.exe before too long and the problem will be back. It doesn't solve any problem just kicks it down the road.

Id you rename it after giving yourself full access it will be there, but will never activate

>windows 10 system file check happens
>no GameBarPresenceWriter.exe found
>reinstalls GameBarPresenceWriter.exe

am I dumb or is there no GameDVR?

Attached: Capture.png (953x812, 58K)

Disable game mode and the gamebar process won't start when you play a game.

Attached: 1.jpg (876x601, 60K)

but Yea Forums told me to use Windows instead of Linux because then I won't have to do hacker shit to get things done


You probably never started xbox. You can create a new folder there called GameDVR and add Dword AllowGameDVR

Windows is still way easier to use and this isn't needed to get it to work but rather disable all the bloat MS adds.

Attached: regedit_tqgYTvRMHp.png (1364x765, 56K)

I don't see it either


What the flying fuck is this?
W10 users, defend yourselves.

You have to activate it mate

when we say use windows we mean use windows 7, not fucking 10.

Be a good goy and buy that windows license user.

I tried but it just gives me the same error message

>Win 10

Just create the key and add in the 32 dword with the same values. easy peasy


>not just downloading DoNotSpy10
>not just using linux with a GPU passthrough to a windows VM
>being a brainlet

Ya'll deserve your shit geeksquad managed toasters

Good thing I own a mac then.

>windows 7
Absolute garbage that’s only a notch above 10. Use XP instead.

Settings > gaming > Record Games clips, screenshots and broadcasts using gamebar > Set it to OFF
Done, no more gamebar

>unironically using shitblows 10

Attached: 1521648521846.jpg (1056x696, 51K)

>not having XBOX shit removed from your pc
>not having windows gaming trash turned off
must be hard to be a fucking brainlet.

Who in their right mind would defend win 10, I just use it for compatibility sake

sadly modern games dont support XP by and large

I just have to deal with less bullshit on win10. if devs still made their games with win7 in mind I would've never switched to this shit stain of an OC.

i've ran windows 10 on 3 machines in 5 years and never seen this

2k was the last good windows OS

Abandon Windows and come to the light of the lord of linux my children.

Attached: 1557044317065.jpg (1200x1739, 497K)

>Not coding your own operating system
You guys are seriously too dumb to breath

to dumb too breathe*

>the tranny OS
no thanks fag, i like having games to play besides solitaire

>2k was the last good windows OS
>systems specifially made for work not games
>most of the game at the time didn't work on it
>good oc
maybe if you were a wage slave

>most of the game at the time didn't work on it
Didn't happen, but okay.

might as well use linux

But it did. Games there were made for 98, would have problems running under 2k.

I never had issues user.

Plus By the time 2k was out developers were already building on NT due to XP being known to be in development. 98 was fucking garbage.