Is it just me or has /vg/ been invaded by tumblr?
Is it just me or has /vg/ been invaded by tumblr?
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True respect for this guy. Really tough putting such effort into something so beautiful, big respect for such people who have such skill at their craft.
Looks like the same shit as ever to me.
Tumblr is unironically dead and they dispersed throughout the internet. Mostly to twitter but the atmosphere here is surprisingly similar to tumblr and it actually isn't that big of a change to move.
generals are the safespaces of Yea Forums
Was it ever not?
Explain, I never go to /vg/ because it seems like it devolves into waifufagging and blogging loosely around the video game of choice.
Imagine if Yea Forums was completely women instead of men.
Now imagine that instead of women, it's men who act like women.
This. Just call them fag or tranny and they're gone.
it’s literally always been filled with trannies and waifufags.
Does that not happen here?
How about building a real one instead of some kid tier crafts and hobbies project?
/Vg/ is exactly what you described waifufaggots and weebs,annoying tripfags and people of a low skill level.
If you are competetive in an online game don't visit vg,it is just weebs and bad players in 98% of cases.
It definitely does but at least its avoidable and there are still threads where you can discuss the game itself with people who might be just as interested as you are because they haven't been in the same general thread for years.
Tumblr is just a buzzword that indicates a bluepilled shariablue numale soiboi kuck discord tranny libtard NPC
People who would exclusively use tumblr would never come here because the anonymity and the negative and altright perception this place has with the media.
How about fuck off nigger
Namefagging or attention whores in generals ruin everything
The fuck is shariablue
wouldn't it be shariared since sharia is like uber conservative islam
It depends on the game really, /fgg/ is a bunch of all talk no bite pussies but the smash general is engaged with an endless tourney war against itself
im sure he would if you paid for it
When you have a circlejerk, people tend to stop being anonymous, and when they’re not anonymous, they’ll censor themselves.
already exists
name one board that hasn't been invaded by tumblr
it's absolutely disgusting
if you want to see it at its worst, look at Yea Forums
look how sensitive those pathetic Yea Forums mods are
I swear, they much be women or trannies, I bet you £50 they are
Truly a beautiful design.
Too bad the jews won't let it be reality and instead try and make it out of glass while making "money" out of tourism. Remember that Jesus flipped tables because people were doing business in temples.
It's been the cross-site section for tumblr for long as I've been going there, and is probably responsible for the actual blogging that goes on there. Wouldn't be surprised if more people parked there since the tumblr disaster.
Still unironically better than the redditfags somehow, but that's a pretty low bar. I think they either learn to deal with the bantz or fuck off to CC from there, is what it is.
Yes,ofc I can't talk for all threads and game.Some genres and games don't fall under this.
But in my experience it is massive shitposting from retards(who are bad) and muh waifu.The waifushit is just to autistic for me,so I don't visit /vg/ anymore.
everything that isn't my own special brand of conservatism is far left.
Muslims count as leftists because together with liberals they make up the forces of evil.
Should /vg/ be limited exclusively to multiplayer games?
tumblr is fucking dead
/vg/ is just what happens when you take anonymity away from this site