Cracked in less than 24 hours

Cracked in less than 24 hours

Attached: denuvobtfo.jpg (960x540, 89K)

As Denuvo becomes more common, specialized tools will emerge to crack it. Just like any lock its only so good for so long

Don't care. Still looks like crap.

The hilarious part is that it wasn't even Denvuo. The Bethesda Store page version didn't have it, only the steam one

Much like that polygon writer's cleft lip.

another open world shooty shooty bang bang game... riveting

To be fair, it's not everyday you get open world shooty shooty bang bang with ID software shooting...

it really was a last second addition then

this is hillarious

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At this point Denuvo is used only because there aren't any alternatives.

worth a pirate or nah

all fps gameplay is the same and it's all shit

But that's wrong you retard.

From what I've heard the open world is beautiful but empty and quest design is very meh. Shooting and combat is apparently fantastic, no doubt because of ID Software's development. Really a mixed bag, but at least you aren't paying $60 for it

They could try and make games that are worth buying.

Joke's on you fags. Despite denuvo being stupidly expensive, the amount of money they managed to make from the pirates who buy games if they're not cracked within the first 2 hours demographic, easily makes this a net positive

t. Satisfied Bethesda customer

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Great. Another cracked game that I have no intention of ever playing.

>pirates who buy games if they're not cracked within the first 2 hours
Those aren't pirates. Those are normal customers.

fuck off shill

If someone doesn't want to pay for a game, then they are going to wait until its cracked.

I can't believe people like that. The vast majority of games are cracked within the first 24-48 hours. If you can't wait that long then I don't know what to tell you...

Try argue that to a room full of execs who could care less about quality.


Pirates don't give two shits about how good your game is or what anti piracy software it uses. The reason people pirate is because they don't want to pay for it, and anyone who says otherwise is just trying to justify their stealing.

t. piratefag

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Still looks like shit though, wouldn't even waste my time with pirating this
