>server wide sharding (layering)
>cross-realm BGs
>paypig collector's edition
Dead. On. Arrival
>server wide sharding (layering)
>cross-realm BGs
>paypig collector's edition
Dead. On. Arrival
Other urls found in this thread:
b-bbb-but I though we were going home bros?
if they make it so that you cant change your layer for 24 hours then i MIGHT be okay with it if its only LOW LEVEL ZONES and only for TWO WEEKS otherwise im out. fuck this shit seriously. i forgot that its not the same company running this game anymore. zoomers dont get that the absence of layering is what forced people to group up and make friends so they could share the kills instead of waiting for respawns.
It's canceled and so is summer. I'll hold you bro
Same. If they guarantee layering will end within the first month I'll stay. If not I'm out. Not worth it imo
the problem im having is, i want to start on a fresh server, but i dont want to put in the hours and money only to find out they will change plans and keep layering and the only way to find out is to wait and see if they keep their promise. its already ruined because blizzard has so credibility anymore at this point.
The hell is "layering"?
different worlds on the same server, you cant see other players even if youre on the same server if they are on a different layer. layers are made if there are too many people on a server. anyway, im fucking out, i regret having shilled for this fucking shit of piece company for free all this time in the previous home threads i seriously hope blizzard goes bankrupt fuck them
It's what blizzard promised they wouldn't do
Basically sharding but instead of individual zones it's continent wide. Too many people in one "layer" and a new one is created, etc, still on the same server though.
>only for phase one
>phase one was the most fun phase, now ruined
>no guarantee that blizzard will keep their word
im sorry for all home fags, but it was inevitable nu-blizz would fuck it up
>blizz straight up said they were going to employ sharding to deal with the massive traffic for awhile
>homeposters homepost nonstop anyway
>blizzard announces they're going to to a less intrusive form of sharding for the first month of classic
>NOW homeposters cry and say it's over
>First month.
There's the issue.
That's too fucking long.
1-10 doesnt matter in the long run and 1-10 was always the biggest issue on new servers in vanilla, layering affects 1-60
can you now understand why homefags are upset?
Why even use layering/sharding at all?
so they can use lower server costs and avoid merging servers, both financial decisions to keep shareholders happy
>adjusting the realm population so the adults who played OG WOW can play without server crash when they get home from work
>it will have a few servers and eventually one big one, cross what?
>"paypig CE" is for the adults, not for kids.
go be poor somewhere else, son
Where do you retarded larpers even come from? Scamming and ninjaing wasn't a bannable offense in vanilla, it was only made against the rules year later. Originally if you got scammed it was your own fault for trusting a random. Kill yourself.
>everyone wants classic for the player/world interaction and server communities
>fucking kill it day 1
Does Blizzard genuinely not understand why people want Classic or are they just stubborn cunts?
you forgot to add
>so vanilla neckbeards can now play the game solo just like the retail cucks they are since they have no friends
enjoy your gimped retail experience by all means before you back to retail but you ruined it for the real fans
Fucking customers
This is the kind of behavior blizz has been used to the past 10 years. Being able to shit and call it gold. Numales buy whatever they throw in their face
Not gonna give Blizz a single penny, just because I know how badly they want my dollars.
based and redpilled
every company would get $_$ eyed if they have addicts like these in the thousands, i completely understand blizzards greed
drug dealers desu
thats pretty much what a skinner box like wow is
To avoid server crashes and 6 hour log in queues.
for fucks sake
I knew deep inside that they would fuck this up, but still wanted to believe
Jokes on me I guess fuck it all and fuck blizzard
imagine being this retarded
>summer 2019
>latest possible date that still pertains to their word
top lol !
>6 hour log in queues
thats how blizzard told you to roll on another server back then, nothing wrong with it, were full
server crashes werent as bad really, what really sucked was lag and rubberbanding but server technology should have advanced since then
great argument there buddy, how about you shut the fuck up mongoloid and go back playing with your mommas penis
wait are Leo's eyes in that movie really that blue? i never noticed before
its called "filter"
yeah but why edit such a subtle detail?
sorry to hear your game is going to suck bros
so they can filter dumb weeb posters like yourself off of my server
I'm starting to believe that the team is intentionally sabotaging the project. If the classic is a hit, sure, blizzard will get money BUT heres the thing; how will that reflect on the team responsible for live version?
Think about it, how does it look for them when a decade old game, and a older version of your game at that, gets more popular than the current version that most of the money is being funneled to? It makes them look like incompetent asshats that get paid for way too much for way too little. A decade old version of the game made by completely different crew that was only a fraction of the manpower and budged against the multi million dollars network of people that they have today. Their jobs are on the line here. They can't afford classic to be too successful.
RIP classic
Why not just cap the servers, “you cannot create a character on this realm because it is full”. Sure, it will suck for the first few days but once people get moving it’s fine. Then when the player numbers inevitably drop, think about merging if required.
unironically this.
there are going to be VERY uncomfortable questions asked is classic gets too popular
I haven't been paying attention, what happened in the past 3 days? These threads are suddenly full pessimism.
this is tinfoil hat tier shit
oldschool runescape is almost as popular as "mainline" runescape, and the popularity of oldschool doesn't tarnish the reputation of current runescape
its simply different strokes for different folks
this honestly. im starting to think they are only doing classic so they have a valid reason to sue private servers and protect their IP, they actually dont give a fuck about classic
ff14 has no problems doing this, on some servers you cant make any new characters at certain times and on a few you cant make new ones at all, blizzard is just a fucked up greedy compay thats more concerned about their stockholders than the players
NO CHANGES lost, they are making a shitty version of vanilla wow to fit the nu-males and their casual needs
Do you have proof?
>tfw you actually believed blizzard wouldn't fuck it up
>tfw all the blue posts were hyping you up
>tfw they kept the bombshell that would kill classic for last
F R E S H private server when?
Probably desu
You sound intimidated
Blizzard have done their job well. I don't even want to play a private server any more. I don't want to play WoW at all. I want to forget this game and this shitty company. Fuck Blizzard.
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me
But ion haveacocksuck never said it was only going to be limited to starting zones, and that it was going to be around for the first few weeks, like 6 months ago when the demo came out. I can't see how any of this is a surprise to you.
because they're cheap jews, simple as that. you can have tens of thousands of players on a single server with ease, but they won't, they want to cap it at like 2-3 thousand to be cheap cunts, which is how even back then we ended up with some servers being dead
they're a) retarded and b) money grubbing faggots even though they make shitloads
read the official classic forums im not your mom
this. i think wow classic ruined every blizzard game forever for me, i dont wanna tocuh anything ever again that has this shitty company in any way attached to it
i just toook the word of others, didnt bother to check myself until today - game is dead for me.
b-but user they need the cash so they can pay off their shareholders and managers and make new games like overwatch!
So somebody explain this shitstorm to me. from what I understand
>"Layering" means each realm will have a handful of subrealms each supporting roughly the same amount as a normal WoW server. They can be transferred between if you join groups etc but otherwise you'll stay in the same layer. Once the population from each realm drops from 10-15k to 4-5k after a few weeks, they essentially merge all the subrealms into one.
This is correct?
Isn't this basically the same as opening more realms then merging them. The main issue I see is people being able to abuse layer switching to farm rare mobs aoe farm or something. I wonder if they'll add a cooldown to it, so if you switch more than once in an hour you have to wait 2-3 minutes to transfer or something. The other problem is once you get out of the crowded areas and into the higher level zones they might feel empty if 90% of the people on your layer are back in the starting zone. We need to ask more shit about this.
Anyway, what is your solution for doing the launch better? 3hr queues and 10k people in starting zones is probably never going to happen, and it'll lead to shitter server populations after the first few weeks when the tourists leave. So you need to think of another solution.
interesting how classic home threads still hit the post limit after the shit blizzard pulled with shrek "layers"
dead game, move along
The worst part is the release date
yes. its so blizzard can tell tehir stockholders that there was no "server merges" because that looks bad. logging out and in will also reassign you to a new layer by the way
>that late august release date
either they dont want zoomers to play the game or they are just totally fucking out of touch like usual and did this just so they could line it up to the anniversary to sell those CE boxes for 100 bucks
>3hr queues
There's no need for queues. You just established that a realm can support 15k at the same time - it's vastly more than this actually - so why the fuck would you need to put a queue on that server? All you're doing is layering them out so they don't compete over spawns or see each other, the server is still doing the exact same amount of work.
Queues are not remotely necessary and are only imposed by blizzard if they're ever used.
10k people in starting zones isn't remotely an issue, it's a server event, just like there'll be 10k people in silithus at aq opening.
>it'll lead to shitter server pops
No it won't, it only does when you limit your server pop so that only say 2-3k like vanilla, can create on that server then you close it.
There is no reason to close it, your servers have an upper limit they can handle that won't be reached, just as there's no need for queues there's no need to limit players per server. You simply have fewer servers, but those servers have a much larger pop. This way, when the tourists leave, you have healthy pop servers left.
It's not a complex or difficult problem to solve unless you're a) a jew or b) a retard who cares about an individual players levelling behind hindered on day 1 because instead of treating it like a server event they just want to play the normal game that it will be every day after that
It's not one realm supporting 15k. it's 5 subrealms each supporting 3k. for example. I've played enough server launches to see what 5k people in starting zones looks like. 10-15k in a starting zone would be like a player carpet.
It does lead to shittier pops. If 5 subservers can hold double population than a single big server, that means when the population dies down and the tourists leave there's going to be way more people left over when they merge them together.
its funny how smaller companies can do this without problems (like eve online comes to mind) but blizzard cant. their greed knows no bounds, fuck em
>he actually thought a summer release meant may-july
Anyone who knows Blizzard knows they ALWAYS mean the tail end of summer.
"Sharding" is a tech feature in WoW that first started around Cata, whereby Blizzard forces an even distribution of players into their own separate 'instance' in a particular zone. Sharding only activates when there are "too many" players in one area. Also, at the same time, they implemented cross realm zones (CRZ), which would pool together players from other realms if a zone was too "empty". These two factors both push and pull player populations, they're meant to keep areas from being too active, or too inactive. Blizzard wants you to have that BLIZZARD (TM) EXPERIENCE (TM) where you never have too much fun, or too little fun. Or really, any fun at all. Because you never see the same people twice. Everyone around you is constantly blinking in and out of existence in a rotation.
This """feature""" was never a part of vanilla. And Blizzard is committed to making Classic WoW play as closely to Vanilla WoW as possible. So naturally, Blizzard initially decided they would use sharding technology for the starter zones at Classic launch, and for only few days or a week after launch. And , again, only in the starter areas. The Classic community quickly protested this decision, but after a while, most Vanilla fans begrudgingly accepted this as necessary for a BLIZZARD QUALITY (TM) LAUNCH EXPERIENCE (TM). However, many prominent members of the WoW Classic community explained in very elegantly written forum posts and video essays to Blizzard, that while sharding was unpleasant, they would tolerate it for a week at maximum in the starter zones.
Blizzard then read this feedback and decided, after much deliberation, that they would like to scale up their sharding technology to THE ENTIRE FUCKING CONTINENT and are prepared to make it last SEVERAL MONTHS. Because fuck you.
EvE isn't a big seamless world though. It's a bunch of connected zones you phase in and out of when you travel between them. It's literal sharding, the main thing you're complaining about.
youre assuming that all players start on the same day, which they wont. new players will replace a lot of those that leave, slowly spreading out the population but also keeping it steady. worst case scenario you can offer free transfers or just merge the servers while keeping the name of the original server linked to the character so there wont be any duplicate name issues
eeh, well i never played eve myself but ive read about huge battles with thousands of players in a single zone so theres that.
They should've committed to no sharding or cross-realm from the start. The people who wanted vanilla would accept to downsides to not having them.
I think part of this is Blizzard's refusal to admit they got it wrong with those systems.
queues are for keeping people logged into the game in fear of having to requeue
looks good on the stats
We told you so.
>10-15k in a starting zone would be like a player carpet.
Except those 10-15k people are over the course of a day, not all at minute 1 second 1.
And that's not a problem. Stop looking at it as a fucking normal day of playing where you should be able to progress at the same speed. It is an EVENT, like any other major event they would run. Inconvenience to all for 1 day for a superior community and memories and more fun is perfectly acceptable.
And it's still one primary realm server. Those subrealms are all still the same server.
Also this isn't 20 years ago, 3k is not an acceptable cap for an mmo, private servers were like triple that or more for a reason, it's easy to do and it's vastly more enjoyable for the players
Yes, EVE can ramp up or down their servers to handle essentially any number of players on the same server at any time and not resort to queues and absolute dumbfuck jew ideas
EvE has a system called "time dilation" where the game slows down (to like 10%) in big battles in order to reduce loads on the servers and stop people from being lagged out or disconnected. Hence why those really big battles in eve take like 20 hours. I don't think that would work for WoW
You greatly over estimate how popular classic could ever be. I mean, sure in this fantasy scenario of this happens they would have an egg on their face but current wow has 1.5 million users. There's not a snowballs chance in hell that classic gathers more than 200,000. FFXIV is roughly 800,000.
Yes, but that's to support an astronomical number of players and ships in one zone, a number wow would straight up never reach. Their servers can still handle all those players just fine in spread over separate zones without time dilation
>but current wow has 1.5 million users.
Because current wow is dogshit. They peaked at like 10 million if you remember. There are plenty of people out there who will play mmos that are good
Thank god for layering. I don't actually give a shit about it since it's consequences are being blown way out of proportion but I'm glad it's triggered enough people on here to the point where they're no longer wanting to play. Does every else a favor if it keeps you autismos out of the game.
>Except those 10-15k people are over the course of a day, not all at minute 1 second 1.
Are you for fucking real? Have you never played a private server launch? Literally 20k people try and log in at the same second. People wake up in the middle of the night to play the second it opens.
3k players in starting zones on launch =/= 3k players after everybody has spread out. 3k players spread across 6 zones is still going to be like fucking woodstock.
The largest EVE battles have been 5-10k players. big WoW pserver launches have that many people in the starting zones.
Yeah and there are plenty of MMOs and also private servers that provide this.
Those that really wanted to play classic have played in a private server. You can't name a single valid reason why you would rather pay and use Blizzard's classic server that will be released in August with the cancer of modern wow when you have unlimited access right now with no costs.
You realize you need to buy BFA right? Of you don't have that it's $60 JUST to play classic. Nobody is falling for this.
>paypig collector's edition
The CE has no implications at all for classic; who cares. Plenty more people spend more money on even more stupid shit.
>. big WoW pserver launches have that many people in the starting zones.
and then they all immediately split off in 8 different directions, shocker.
>Have you never played a private server launch? Literally 20k people try and log in at the same second. People wake up in the middle of the night to play the second it opens.
Are you a brainlet? Yes, hardcore people will do that. Yes, there are a decent amount of them. Private servers launch with fucking no servers, so they're all together more. Actual official servers by devs always launch far more, and quite obviously because of this they'd be way more spread out between those servers. Christ almighty lad.
>You can't name a single valid reason why you would rather pay and use Blizzard's classic server that will be released in August with the cancer of modern wow when you have unlimited access right now with no costs.
How about the fact that private servers aren't actually like vanilla was at all? From the formulas, calculations, stat values like armour and resists, monster abilities, and dozens of other things. It's all fucking guesswork on the private server end. Yeah, no, I don't really want to play a close approximation, I want to play what I actually played down to the very last digit in 2004/5/6
you must be an absolute retard that has no idea about vanilla to not just be able to 1+1 to figure out what the consequences for these "improvements" will be, but the youre probably a retail cuck who just wants a "throwback" expansion while he waits for 8.3 or whatever
There are private servers that are 1:1, you just don't want to believe us and would rather spend your money needlessly. I don't care to convince you otherwise because you're obviously a fucking shill for Blizzard.
>You realize you need to buy BFA right? Of you don't have that it's $60 JUST to play classic. Nobody is falling for this.
You don't need to buy BFA though. You just need the 15 usd subscription to WoW. All expansions through Legion are included in the base game which is free.
the people that will play classic still have their old wow account. they'll simply reactive it and continue playing, without needing to buy BFA.
not sure when the rumor started that you need to purchase bfa to play classic.
Please tell me what the consequences are going to be so I might be as enlightened as you and quit the game that I've waited years for.
>There are private servers that are 1:1
No there aren't, literally none exist because nobody outside of blizz has the code and calculations for half the shit.
If you provided a vanilla server that had no owners selling gold and doing dumb shit, was 1:1 in literally every regard, and was guaranteed to stay up for the next 5 years, I'd play then. Doesn't exist though.
There are private servers that are 1:1.
Bullshit, name one, nost. was the closest and that wasn't even close.
Where's this idea coming from that you think people will flock back to an old game after 13 years? The 9 million people who played it and reached that peak number isn't coming back. And you're surely going to be alone.
You're underestimating the general autism of the classic/retail community.
They don't shoot off in 8 directions, you tard. 3 horde races condense into the same fucking zone. At most the population in those starting zones is reduced by 15-25% when half the players move onto the next tier of zones and are replaced by new players making characters. I've done this shit enough times to know.
Anyway, I don't think this layering is a good idea, it might even be worse than sharding.
My main problem is that people are probably likely to try and abuse/workaround this system in order to get on the good layers. What happens if you get to hillsbrad and somebody in general is going "This is the layer for Tarren Mill vs. Southshore, everybody join my raidgroup to transfer and then do the same for your friends so we can all get on the same layer" or if you arrive in a zone and it's empty on your layer, you ask in general chat for somebody from the "main" layer to invite you into their group so that you are in the main version with everbody else. I'm really worried this is going to create zones where there's one dedicated layer everybody in that zone wants to be in, while every other layer is going to be a ghost town because people don't want to miss out.
But so far I'm not hearing any suggestions from anybody how to make this launch work that isn't just "let 10k people try to zone into starting zones and let it crash lol"
I'd honestly be okay if they added in guild-banks.
>3 horde races condense into the same fucking zone
People choose to level in other starting areas, that's instantly 3 different starting areas from level fucking 1, and they only spread out more from there as they reach the 10 and 20 zones, they come back together for barrens and then all fuck off in different directions again. You're talking such garbage user
It won't crash either, it's not a cheap private server, servers are not what they were 20 fuckin years ago lad, it's very fucking easy if you put some money and technology into it that you can easily support thousands of players without crashing
Meanwhile keeping the sub at 15$ because they need to pump up their modern WoW sub count.
You guys aren't actually fucking stupid enough of niggers to do this right?
>You can't name a single valid reason why you would rather pay and use Blizzard's classic server
private servers are liable to get shut down at any moment while blizzard's server will not be. there you go.
August 26th is my birthday. I dont care about wow or this thread but i wanted to tell you guys
check here: us.forums.blizzard.com
im too lazy to write you a paragraph like these dudes on valid concerns how its shit, lets hope you have enough braincells to understand some of these concerns - look for a neutral thread on this topic made by a dwarf, he made a great pro and con list
happy birthday in advance user
happy birthday for august 26th when it comes buddy
There aren't an exponential expansion of zones with every tier, they don't "shoot off in every direction". Every race gets a linear progression of zones, you can level in other ones but there's still roughly the same number every tier. And every time players move out of zones, more move in. They don't spread out, it's more like trying to stuff a stocking, you're pushing players down a linear path from one end and hoping it spreads out evenly. You should really know this already.
>it won't crash
That's funny because modern wow servers can't even handle 40vs40, but that's apparently more to do with how much information the game generates these days ( probably combo'd cheaper servers thanks to sharding)
happy birthday nigga
>Every race gets a linear progression of zones
This is not remotely true, if this was the case the world would have like half the zones in it that it does. There are zones you never need to visit in your entire levelling experience if you don't want to, but if you do want to you can level in them at an appropriate level that you could also level elsewhere.
It's not linear at all, you have a whole bunch of options all the time after your first couple of zones from each particular starting area.
>That's funny because modern wow servers can't even handle 40vs40,
What they're willing to say they can handle and what they could ACTUALLY handle if they put tech, time and importantly an amount of money into it that made them not retarded jews are very different things.
It's a standard case of trying to maximise profit everywhere even at the expense of the games quality, instead of providing a quality service as best you can for a reasonable price and being satisfied with the huge mounds of profit you make from it
modern wow servers are built on modern wow technology; meaning they were designed in a way that requires sharding to work properly - no way blizzard is developing new server code and build new machines for classic, so the classic team is forced to somehow make classic work on curent server technoloy blizzard has - which is in every way and form made to provide the service retail needs while keeping costs as low as possible. even if wow classic team wanted to deliver the original wow experience, they cant - they have to make it work on what management provides them with
Happy birthday, enjoy DoA game.
Ok here's some mental gymnastics to help you figure this out
There are people who want to play classic since basically cata was released. It's been basically 9 years now. Only in the past year did we get an official classic announcement.
So for about 9 years now the people who have really wanted to play classic HAVE been playing classic, or have stopped caring. The autistic retards who keeps spouting the "ITS NOT EXACTLY THE SAME" are a completely new phenomenon that have come from blizz shills. You don't care if there are any changes, you're just stuck in a fanatical brand loyalty mindset where you only ever want to serve Blizzard for eternity. I mean you hate current wow, and you hate current Blizzard, but you'll fucking wait a while summer to back to THEIR classic server for a cost when free servers are online right now?
how "free" are these provate servers really tho. they need to make money somehow... so whats the dark secret here? brige GMs for gear or some shit?
It is, you look on the map, every race gets an assigned "path" of leveling zones usually next to eachother. Each race gets about 1 zone per 10 levels, sometimes 2 races get a shared one like ashenvale, and sometimes there's a unique one like shimmering flats or STV but generally it holds true
Teldrassil -> Darkshore -> Ashenvale/STM -> Desolace -> Feralas
Tirisfal -> Silverpine ->Hillsbrad -> Arathi -> Badlands -> Hinterlands -> Plaguelands
After 40ish it becomes more muddled because you start getting more neutral questing hubs, but you still get roughly the same number of zones per tier.
Donations retard.
not to say that people will change zone and level somehwere else if its too crowded, never had a problem in vanilla outside of STV gankers with leveling (yes the real vanilla on a populated US PVP server) theres usually enough to do any enough places you can go to
that sounds too good to be true. you really believe this? you must be really oblivious user
My point is it's not a huge branching web of zones. It's more like a sausage that's roughly the same width the whole way through, You can and will swap between zones, but you'll always have the same number of choices throughout the game. You're pushing shit in from one end and hoping enough moves up the sausage so it doesn't all get clogged at the entrance.
did you donate user? because i sure never donated in my whole life, user.
you will only eat part of that sausage tho and fill the gaps with dungeons or whatever else comes up and both of those will vary from player to player depending on their situation/class/guild/timeslot etc so in the end people wills till have a very different leveling history
Donations are voluntary. I've never donated, meaning you can just play.
Now stop replying to me and let this shit thread die.
so you didnt donate and i didnt either. whos this mysterious individual donationg for our private servers? santa clause?
dungeons are the gravy for the sausage, and the community is the buttery garlic mash potato the whole thing sits on
I just watched this interview and it feels like this dude does a better job of explaining the layering at 3:54.
>at the start have many versions of the starting zones
>as people spread out, merge a lot of those layers over the first few weeks
>after a few weeks, merge all of them into one layer
thats pretty bad. it means the crowd you level with will change drastically. good news is that if you met a cool person you might meet them again, if they wont get drowned out in all the newcomers thanks to the merge, or just team up with someone else instead of you. yeah sure its better than retail sharding but still worse than just vanilla
Is that different from leveling with a gigantic crowd right from that start though?
I guess if you saw them again it'd be like bumping into somebody from your small hometown in the city.
These memes are getting out of control
Pls don't stop, they are hilarious
Isn't this kind of like maple story? You tuned into a world you wanted and it was a good system that worked well. Otherwise you are left off with a bunch of dead servers that are just boring.
well i guess we gonna have to wait and see. i sure wont waste any time and money on an experiment, ill wait a few months and see how it pans out before im gonna dedicate anything to wow "classic" at this point i just dont trust blizzard anymore to not fuck this up with further "improvements"
no you cant chose your "world" you get put in whatever world isnt full, which will change all the time
Guild Wars 1, Maple Story, Phantasy Star Online, and many more MMOs use this kind of "instance" technology. But these MMOs are so inferior and stupid, because they ALLOW THE PLAYER TO CHOOSE THEIR INSTANCE. How silly, right?
Blizzard is too smart for such primitive technology. Blizzard instead FORCES YOU INTO AN INSTANCE WITHOUT EVER TELLING YOU AND DOESNT ALLOW YOU TO CHANGE YOUR INSTANCE
I imagine people will figure out how to work around it. enter hillsbrad, "/1 invite to raidgroup for most populated layer pls"
if blizzard would allow you to chane instance everyone would chose the populated one, making more than one instance useless to begin with - look at wow servers; theres like 2 or 3 populated ones and all others are dead, same story
can someone redpill me on this? I dont know why this is bad
thats how people do it in guildwars 2 but im not sure how this could work in wow, was there a party finder? also in guildwars there is a hard cap so at some point you will get "instance is full"
same. 3 months max but if its any longer i will stop giving them money for wow.
look for threads that read like "why layers are bad"
It would probably make more sense to allow people to decide how many people they wanted to play with ala runescape. Having trouble questing? Find a less populated layer. Want wpvp? stay on the biggest.
I know it's only going to be for a couple of weeks but it still feels annoying.
>everyone would chose the populated one
almost like people care more about that shit than whatever shitty qol comes with sharding eh?
>3 moths
wew lad. if its more than 2 weeks im out. this is more crucial than you guys think it is, people level faster these days
Its like LFR but for entiere world
seriously, people prefer laggy servers with huge pops than QOL shit, just look at retail servers
>if you give people a choice, they would make a choice and be happy, so instead we should force them into situations where they have no choice and they arent happy
Blizz employee detected
Why do you hate money? Why?
yeah if they use it for log enough the first guys reaching high level zones will abuse this shit to farm mats and destroy the economy
maybe we just dont want YOUR money
Hazzikostas promises it'll only be around for "the first few weeks" at like 5:30 in that interview. whether or not you trust him or not is up to you
if not enough people leave they wont be able to merge the layers all into one - if too many leave even with just one leayer will feel dead, chances are that things wont go according to blizzards plan and you end up with one of those
oh whoops, i forgot to link the post with the video
Man this sucks.
The best thing they could have done for this game was to kick off summer with a game to play to bring back memories of summer vacation as a kid.
What is that guy going to do to that squirrel with that rock in his hand?
man i cant believe wow classic is dead. such a shame, i was really hyped for this.
Any other anti-social autists secretly happy about this? I don't want to have to make guild friends again.
No, none of us are shut in neet nigger kike like you. Fuck off to reddit and ESO
>have ten days of vacation time I could have used any day except between last week of August til mid October
>horde characters on illidan
>alliance characters on stormrage
it's just safe this way. why would anyone roll shit low or med pop when most of those servers have zero raid scene.
>tfw literally the most demanding and difficult semester of college so far starts the exact fucking day classic launches in NA
i'm genuinely cursed
Better save up your NEETbux for that special edition, goyim.
I wanted classic specifically because its so easy to make friends
I went back to retail in wod and have not made a single friend all the way until I quit in bfa. Fuck adhd zoomers, fuck gearscore and fuck raider.io
Final year of law school starts for me on 26th. I hate blizzard.
enjoy your retail experience with a classic skin i guess?