I just woke up from a 3 month coma, did we finally do it Nintenbros? Persona 5 S was the only thing keeping me going before my tragic accident.
I just woke up from a 3 month coma, did we finally do it Nintenbros...
It's a Dynasty Warriors clone. Now go back to sleep.
no you weren't, and even then, you're about to go right back into a coma anyways once you hear about 5 S
What do you get by posting this shit? Oh no, the Switch didn't get the game! Who the fuck cares, emulate it or buy a fucking PS3, or bite the bullet and get a fucking PS4. I wouldn't complain if I only had a PS4 and SMTV wasn't on the system.
Wh-what? My m- my heart ughhh........
Switch is fucking useless
nintenbro here. Just get a ps3/ps4 op its okay to play in other consoles too
N-Nooooooo but i'll betray nintendo!!!!
Maybe you should go into an actual coma OP. The world would probably be better for it. I know of a few ways to do it. Try taking a fist full of ambien.
>"Persona 5 will be 3DS exclusive"
>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later PS4
>"P5R will be Switch exclusive"
>P5R teaser starts with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal confirmed as an RPG and listed as PS4 only on the main site
>"P5S will be a Switch port"
>It's a Musou spinoff
>"W-Wait for E3!"
Fuck off stupid false flagger.
Cuphead isn't on PS4.
it's okay switchbro... we lost
>got the exclusive with actual gameplay
Hell, we're got the games where you can play as Joker with actual gameplay.
so why the fuck did they add a persona character to smash if that game isn't even playable on anything but a playstation? nintendo are fucking retarded
>implying cuphead hasnt been on PC since before the Shitch version
Sure thing kiddo.
Because Nintendo doesn't have good games anymore, they have mario and zelda
y-yeah you're right who needs Persona 5 Royal when we got Smash r-right? haha....
wait ...............for................. E....................................................3
Anyone that isn't a shitposting faggot already played one of the best jrpgs of all time on ps3/4. If you want to play it to get a ps4. It's that simple.
B-But on the go....
Switchfags don't want the game because they wanna play it. They just want it for shitposting. They won't even play for because it's not on their console
this, it's what I did
It's the same with every other console on the market right now. The bulk of noteworthy games come out for PC. Which begs the question, why even get a console in the first place
inb4 "buh buh portability! buh buh Bloodborne!
Literally no games come to pc you are delusional. Exclusives are what sells consoles.
>Literally no games come to pc
Holy shit you really have been in a coma. Games like Nioh, Cuphead, Nier Automata, Devil May Cry 5, and Sekiro are all available on PC.
So? All the best games are console exclusives.
Fuck nintensois are the biggest cuckolds on earth. They let a character from a Sony exclusive into their 1st party brawler and advertised it pretty heavily to boot (my friend showed me his Switch home screen and it had Joker right there as coming to smash news), only to receive absolutely nothing Persona related. Pic related, cuckoldry at its finest.
They also took down all ROM/ISO sites, but oh no sony are so bad for censoring literal pedo groping games
They just really want you to buy that muso is all.
they just want to make "nintedo won fuck snoy snoy snoy xD" threads
its getting a persona spin off game user
He is in PQ2 which is actually a 3DS exclusive.
>"Well actually there's PQ2 and P5S could be a spin off"
>Persona 5 doesn't get ported to Switch
>"Nintendo are cucks for adding Joker to Smash"
wait e3.......
who cares when the definitive version is on pc?
lmao portbegging roleplaying ;)
>Unironically posting "Wait for e3"
Actual fucking bro right here
>"yeah im not mad s-sony isnt going to e3"
>"y-yeah I dont watch e3 a-anyway"
Im at the casino after 70 hours (hard). Dont fall for it. It has a lot of style and good 3d models, but you will be trapped in cutscenes for in-game weeks. I barely keep playing for fusing and encountering new demons (personas, whatever), but Im not that interested in it anymore. Get a 3ds and play every SMT you can.
I just can't fathom being unable to buy 3 consoles and a PC over the course of like a ~5 year generation. How useless can you be as a human being.
It’s literally a dynasty warriors game...
Except at having good games, where it absolutely murders the PS4.
then who pressed post??