Now that the dust has settled, was nu-Assasin's Creed ahistorical approach really neccesary?
Now that the dust has settled, was nu-Assasin's Creed ahistorical approach really neccesary?
Other urls found in this thread:
Both of these pictures are fiction you eternal mongoloid
I fail to see what makes one secondary source any more or less faithful than the other.
Have you ever seen an old greek man who spends his days asking annoying questions out in the sun?
Why does he look like a pedobear?
>actual socrates
Nigga that's a painting
you realize that reminiscence painters drew everyone as italian white dudes because thats all they knew how to paint, thats why jesus is an italian white dude in every painting, if anything, AC:O is more historically accurate
The Death of Socrates was painted by a French guy named Jacques-Louis David in 1767
It has about as much to do with the "real Socrates" as the video game depiction does, which is to say; nothing.
>actual socrates
>thats why jesus is an italian white dude in every painting,
Jesus was Cesare Borgia
>reminiscence painters
kill yourself you sack of shit
I don't mind most people in the game looking mediterranean, considering the setting.
I mean, there's like 5 actual black people in the game.
He meant "Renaissance" and he has a point. Most illustrations during the time period did little to portray historical figures as they would've been in their time - it's why paintings featuring the Fall of Troy had guys with lances and steel mail attacking a castled city.
have you ever seen a sun burnt middle aged greek uncle before?
the video game picture is surprisingly lighter.
greeks used to have a nordic ruling class before the turks invaded. after that they interbred with the balkan population making them a lot darker
He might have been painted white on purpose to signify more wisdom.
they don't look Mediterranean. they literally look like middle eastern arabs. fucking americans.
Greeks are Turk rape babies. They definitely are not white
>Greeks used to have a nordic ruling class before the turks invaded
You mean Norman, right? Because if we're talking 14th century Greece than you had the whole mess of petty Crusader states that ruled their own slices of what used to be the Byzantine Empire. Before that they were all absurdly, unequivocally Greek - Asia Minor itself used to be absurdly Greek until the Seljuks swept in and the process of forced displacements and migrations drained the Greek populations from the region.
Source: /pol/'s ass
>renaissance painting
>actual Socrates
Also, the real Socrates was supposed to be extraordinarily ugly, so neither of them got it right. They both look too normal.
Isn't Socrates supposed to be RIPPED /fit/izen?
big deal, his dad or grandfather probably met socrates and told him what he looked like
I thought they just had a few colony cities on the east coast
>a painting made 2000 years after he died
>actual Socrates
you're thinking of his cousin, Swolecrates
Here's your Socrates bro
lol this.
no, I mean nordic
socrates was part of the ruling class, not a field working slave. he was racially distinct from the rest, just like cleopatra was from egyptians
here's a source
before the 20th centaury people didn't know how to effectivly build muscle, he had functional strength but he didn't look lie we expect a bodybuilder to look today
>actual socrates
were you fucking homeschooled
Here is your Herodotus.
Do people actually care about Assassin's Creed? The first one looked okay and I played a bit of it but not much. It was hardly must-play material. I'm amazed they're still making them when it's basically the same shit over and over again, just in different time periods. I guess some people must buy it though.
> Is Russia the Key to White Survival? By Dr David Duke
>Category: Articles/News
Nice blog post tier source
Your source is not a peer reviewed study. What you're doing is the equivalent of niggers saying "WE WUZ EGYPTIANZ N SHIET"
I can't distinguish if this is shit bait or supreme bait. The line is often blurred between the two.
source that isn't white supremacist leaning if you don't mind.
I study greek and roman history at a university
this guy is right you're fucking up and proving yourself to be a retard
>I don't like that source because it hurts my FEEEEEEELINGS
too bad, facts don't change to suit your fragile feefeees
> Is Russia the Key to White Survival? By Dr David Duke
>this guy is right
>this guy
Nice try samefag
Keep cope posting to make up for the fact that Northern Euroniggers have zero accomplishments to their name other than being barbaric savages that lived in literal mud huts similar to actual niggers
Here is your Hippocrates.
Why are you complaining about a game you didn't play?
Can't provide a verified source then?
you're essentially larping as someone who knows what they're talking about
No, left one isn't because it's a portrait based on his described features.
Also, blonde hair was very common in ancient Greece. Modern Greeks only look dark and hairy with dark hair because the TURKS LITERALLY CONQUERED AND RAPED THEM FOR 500 YEARS RECENTLY.
>if anything, AC:O is more historically accurate
Objectively false. Read any descriptions of people or populations written by the ancient Greeks themselves or by Romans about the Greeks, and they are described as typically blonde haired people. They sure as fuck were not dark skinned either, why would they when modern Italians aren't either and they live as close to the equator.
They literally do not look like Mediterraneans in the game. This is the skin tone of an Italian woman for example.
Ubisoft are literally trying to rewrite history to make it seem like southern Europeans are not and never were whites, when they 100% are in reality.
No, he was white. Ancient Greeks were white just like Italians are white... Holy fuck Americans should just stay quiet.
Are you too stupid to figure out that Turks conquered Greece 500 years ago, but the game takes place 2000 years ago, long before the Turkish race even existed? Literally all of Turkey at that point in time was populated entirely by white Greeks mate.
Americans, shut the fuck up. You have clearly never been to any Mediterranean European countries and have absolutely zero clue what those people look like. The characters in that Ass Creed game look nothing like Europeans.
I wonder if anyone will pick up on it?
The survival of the white race and western culture depends on it
verified by whom? academia? they probably think ancient greece was a le mutliculti racial diversity paradise with black kangs
>I study greek and roman history at a university
this actually makes you LESS qualified to talk about it than a regular person since universities are controlled by academia and they're controlled by literal marxists
ACTUALLY educate yourself for once and leave the brainwashing centers
>Ancient Greeks were as pale as Northern Europeans
Yes people living in a Mediterranean climate with heavy sun for most of the year are pale as snow, fucking retard
Isn't crazy how some people actually believe this?
Italians arent white.
Why do Amerimutts think that you can only be a blonde and blue eyed nord or a black sub-saharan?
Modern Italians have sunscreen though.
What's your evidence though? Most peer review studies agreed that the greeks of old look most likely the same as they do now. The main question was never Nordic but moreso slavic influence based on Fallmerayer's papers that have since been mostly discredited.
Besides a few /pol/ tier transcripts that attempt to translate their language into English (literally impossible), there's variations that had them claiming to be blonde haired and blue eyed to bronze, but the reality is that these "translations" were actual garbage and impossible to truly decipher how they described themselves.
For example, although we in English would consider the ocean to be blue, the Odyssey continually refers to it as "the wine dark sea" implying that their concept of that particular colour for the Greeks covered a different spectrum.
So what actual peer review studies do you have? Because the consensus goes against your claims
t. I actually have studied Greek history, unlike you
what are you trying to imply
I'm just speaking out on what most are too afraid to admit
I feel bad for you. Being a retarded, right-wing snowflake must be hard
/pol/ btfo once again
Jesus fuck, why is the rest of the world also seething over Americans? Are we really that awesome? I though us being enviable was just a meme, but you people really do talk about us all the fucking time.
I don't even fucking know whose in charge of your country.
Ignore the guy saying ancient Greeks had a Nordic ruling class, it's complete bullshit. But equally bullshit is Ubisofts depiction of Mediterranean Europeans.
Ancient Greeks depicted themselves as typically brown or blonde haired with normally green or blue eyes.
The modern brown eyed and brown skinned Greek is actually a Turk. However, there are a minority of real Greeks left even today, and if you look at them, they look just like any Europeans whose countries were never conquered.
Here's another example of a Mediterranean European, Monica Bellucci.
ok bro
Ubisoft love their progressive revisionism.
typical tricks
nothing wrong with giving him a mediterranean tan
Read the Iliad my dude. They are blonde haired and blue eyed. The Iliad was the foundational story of the Greeks, they would not be portrayed differently from what they were.
As for Socrates, accounts were that he was in excellent shape and would put younger men to shame. I doubt he was a doughy lardass like Odyssey portrays him.
because they have been raised by the same kool aid people like ubisoft keeps dishing out since 1968
>described features
You got BTFO kiddo
Remember when people used to march for things they believed in? I hope all internet warriors die in a car bomb.
>t. I actually have studied Greek history
if you mean """studied""" like they do in a university then refer to
it's because the average american's knowledge of geography and history is laughably bad.
t. american
>The modern brown eyed and brown skinned Greek is actually a Turk.
How can they be Turks when even Turks themselves don't look like actual Turks from Central Asia you moron?
>/pol/ ignoring this comnment
>nordcuck cope
yeah, it's fine. different perspectives is good.
yes, Ubisoft games are ahistroical garbage fires, that somehow is used in schools as historical accurate teaching tools.
oh, this thread is shitposters talking about how Europeans were all black, nevermind.
You ever consider that what they think as blonde and blue eyed isn't the same as what you consider blonde and blue eyed? As stated, modern civilization would typically say that the ocean is blue in color, but there's absolutely no method from the ancient greeks that would allow for wine to have that shade.
>Literally all of Turkey at that point in time was populated entirely by white Greeks mate.
On the western coast yes, but the rest of Anatolia was populated by the Persians. Based on what we know though, I think the Persians were fair skinned too.
But yea the Turks came much much later.
and making him less athletic and changing his hair type and color and giving him body hair nothing wrong with just making him look like a fucking hobo
>Italians aren't white
>even though they are racially similar to other Europeans
>even though their country has never been conquered by non Europeans
>even though they have the same skin tone than Europeans in the north
I know you're probably just meming but whatever. Italians are definitely just as white as Germans or Finns.
>"Egyptians aren't black. Here's why"
>The Greeks were Nordic, thus white. Here's why"
what does /pol/ even mean in your context, what is this fucking thread.
>Read any descriptions of people or populations written by the ancient Greeks themselves or by Romans about the Greeks, and they are described as typically blonde haired people.
From an ethnic point of view, Roman authors associated blond and red hair with the Gauls and the Germans: e.g., Virgil describes the hair of the Gauls as "golden" (aurea caesaries),[82] Tacitus wrote that "the Germans have fierce blue eyes, red-blond hair (rutilae comae), huge (tall) frames";[83] in accordance with Ammianus, almost all the Gauls were "of tall stature, fair and ruddy".[84] Celtic and Germanic peoples of the provinces, among the free subjects called peregrini, served in Rome's armies as auxilia, such as the cavalry contingents in the army of Julius Caesar.[85] Some became Roman citizens as far back as the 1st century BC, following a policy of Romanization of Gaul and Lesser Germania.[86] For instance, Gaius Julius Civilis, a prince of the Batavii, was a Roman citizen either by birth or naturalization (as indicated by his name).[87] Before the Constitutio Antoniniana, which granted citizenship to all free men of the empire in 212 AD, entire auxiliary cohorts were occasionally granted citizenship for their performance in battle
>Yet as late as the 4th century AD, Ausonius, a poet and tutor from Burdigala, wrote a poem about an Alemanni slave girl named Bissula, who he had recently freed after she'd been taken as a prisoner of war in the campaigns of Valentinian I, noting that her adopted Latin language marked her as a woman of Latium yet her blond-haired, blue-eyed appearance ultimately signified her true origins from the Rhine.[91]
we wuz medz n sheet
>actually knowing about history is wrong because it doesn't conform to my version of history
Only because there are more important American things going on. Most of those things don't matter, and the bits that do are easily accessible.
It's alright Achmed, you're white to me
My god you retard. You're aware that people age, right?
>What's your evidence though?
What’s your evidence? You just completely ignored the other user’s evidence because you don’t like it.
>t. I actually have studied Greek history
Sure you have
"white" doesn't mean anything at all so the claim can be pointlessly discussed for as long as you guys like
Egyptians weren't black though. It doesn't take a /pol/tard to know about it.
finns are mongol rapebabies. Germans look nothing like italians.
wow, I have actual studies (with original reaserch) and you have a YIDF infopic prepared? almost as if there is an organisation to halt the spread of truth online...
You are just as wrong as the guy you are arguing against.
>Most peer review studies agreed that the greeks of old look most likely the same as they do now.
Absolutely zero peer reviewed studies exist that prove anything of the sort.
How could you even claim anything like this with a straight face, didn't you just claim you study history? Then surely you are aware that Greece was enslaved by Turks for about 500 years and they gained their freedom just a hundred years ago again.
Are you for some reason denying that 500 years of sex slavery enforced by a different looking race did not influence their appearance?
Why would you lie so? This is just as outrageous a lie than saying that ancient Greeks had a Nordic ruling class.
You are both idiots.
There's no point dealing with these retards, they don't care about facts, let alone history. They're usually pathetic bunch of genetic waste, who want to feel superior one way or another, with their pseudo history.
america is the world police, and american voters determine foreign policy. if the average american can't point to london or paris on a map then that's a problem don't you think?
lurk more newfag
Stop parroting debunked """""translations"""""".
>wow, I have actual studies (with original reaserch)
He's saying that anons say Egyptians are not actually African even though they are in Africa but uses the same logic to say greeks were Nords
You're literally talking to someone who's arguing that someone is inferior because they're not white, and nitpicking about who is white. Here's a hint: if he thinks they're good, magically they'll be 'white', and anything he considers not good will magically be 'not white'.
>yes, Ubisofts Assasins Creed games are not very well historically reasearched on any higher level than a high school history report.
>thread devolves into Europeans do not really exist, everyone was black, no u blond and blue eyed.
He said blacks not Africans. And not all Africans are black.
Nope. You are the one that got BTFO. You literally do not have an argument in that rant of yours, you even made a claim as laughably bad as "modern greeks look the same as ancient greeks" even though they literally got perpetually raped for 500 years by a brown skinned Turkmongrel race.
There exists a 0% chance that current Greeks look anything like the real, original Greeks.
>You're aware that people age, right?
ah yes, and when they age they change their race?
>Italy has the highest average IQ of all European nations
How embarassing
No. It's stupid. Every single time I see a 'bandit leader' female, I burst out laughing.
t. samefag
>There exists a 0% chance that current Greeks look anything like the real, original Greeks
you have zero evidence to back this claim up.
That's a painting. They clearly based his appearance on the bust of him in the Lourve.
>replies to his own post to enforce his political propaganda gaslighting
The history is on my side, has been this entire time. You have done nothing but post laughably absurd historical revisionism.
Now you are literally trying to claim that Turkish people are not Turks. Not looking good for you kid.
There was no word strictly meaning blond in Ancient Greek. Golden-haired might refer to blond but might also have meant with golden highlights! which many light to medium brown haired people have. There are some genetic studies regarding the physical characteristics of Ancient Greece (Deineke's anthropology blog keeps up on the latest).
Most Greeks, in terms of what the consensus is, looked like Mediterraneans
>greeks = romans
you are an amerifat, right?
which is about as accurate as the painting
I imagine spending 75% of your day outside/in the sun will change your appearance pretty significantly, user. A tan white person is still white.
Nice cope lmao
Finland has never been invaded by Mongols dear retard. The furthest they ever got was Russia.
I'm agreeing with you you fucking retard lmfao
Do you need every line drawn for you? You're aware that when people age their hair can turn grey, right?
Blonde haired Britons destroyed Rome.
Blonde and blue eyed Whites forced Christianity, an Arab religion, onto Rome to replace their European religion.
>"modern greeks look the same as ancient greeks"
That's the consensus though
You can disagree with it, but then again, who cares what some user on Yea Forums thinks.
user, op is talking about his skin color
this thread is shitposting, gotcha
and the bust looks the same
what's your point?
I'm sorry you're visually impaired.
>Cesare Borgia
you wuz kings
? What are you saying
No, because knowing a geographic location isn't indicative of knowing about the particular issues revolving around that location. You can know about the things going on in London or Paris without knowing where they are, and if knowing where they are is important to your life in some way, then there are various easily-accessable ways to get that information (if they don't already know it).
Besides, saying the "average American" can't do something is just a generalization that doesn't really make sense in America. Whatever an American can't do, they hire someone to do for them.
sure, his hair might have been grey when he was older
doesn't explain the fact ubishits are trying to paint him as a sandnigger
Yes I appreciate the correction to detail, it's true that Persia had also been expanding westward. Also true that ancient Persians looked pretty much similar to Europeans (except with quite different noses) and nothing like modern Iranians (as Persians over time mixed with Arabs).
Turks are a result of Mongolic invaders mixing with Arabs and several other races, resulting in the ambiguous mutt race of Turks, which then conquered Greece and changed Greeks appearances for forever.
>Thinks I'm samefagging
lol you deluded retard, it's well known that modern Turks are just Anatolians, and Turkified armenians, slavshits and Greeks, with some actual Turk admixture.
Sorry kiddos, but Greeks looked the same today as they did back then
Back to /pol/ you go I guess
>Whatever an American can't do, they hire someone to do for them.
And then proceed to bitch and moan about how those someones are stealing all their jobs, right?
are there any mods that remove the levels or something? i want stealth kills to matter again.
Sorry, but could you get a reliable source user? I don’t like the source so it doesn’t count
>tfw 5'10 half italian half slav with a big weenie, 140 WAIS tested iq, curly blond hair, green eyes, and boyish good looks
>tfw not a lanklet brainlet dicklet snownig
it feels good bros
holy shit, this is a step above the african we wuzzing, nordcucks are delusional
you dont have a history of your own besides living in mudhuts so you decide to steal someone elses
>156 replies
>67 posters
Hmmmmm. I wonder who is behind this shitposting?
>Middle East
>not the first post by this IP
speak for yourself, nigger
I fucking hate snowniggers so god damn much.
>>tfw there's much to do and many unknowns on the horizon
I said nothing about red hair at any point mate, learn to read.
>we wuz medz n sheet
Oh no, you're actually retarded. Literally never said anything about us Nordics being Mediterraneans or whatever you are on about. Take your medicine tranny.
I literally just pointed out ancient Greeks typically described themselves as blonde. I said nothing about them being bright blonde haired, their definition of blonde was more like this Greek olympic athletes hair tone. From a Nordic persons perspective this is closer to brown than blonde hair.
>american geography
>it's another Germanics larp episode
Why isn't the British, German, or French empire around today? Why does the US, China, and Russia rule the world today? Because the rulers of the world change every few centuries. Germanics were barbarians when Roman society existed in its peak. Stop having a god complex just because your shitty mongrel nation sacked and threw shit at civilized societies until they crumbled. It's like having pride you were a part of the Genghis Khan barbarian horde that destroyed civilized China and took over its society.
whitewashing at it's finest
North Africa is culturally and racially part of the Middle East unlike the rest of Africa, its grouped in there because of shared ethnic, linguistic and cultural ties.
>not MENA
Got a reliable source instead of your biased Cultural Marxist revisionist site?
not even in your dreams, Putin
>wine dark sea prices the Greeks have a different color spectrum
I don't know who believes this, but that's completely fucking disingenuous. Read a book, like
>Blonde haired Britons destroyed Rome
>Christianity, an Arab religion
god what a fucking idiot
>Ancient Egypt
>Culturally and racially part of the Middle East
>"white" doesn't mean anything
>at all
This statement alone tells everyone just how little you question what you've been instructed about in life.
Funny meme from some seething American mutt probably, but in reality there are literally hundreds of huge castles all across Scandinavia.
>Greeks are Turk rape babies. They definitely are not white
All Christians are white in the eyes of Jesus.
>alexander wuz blonde und scheisse
>Ancient Egpyt
>not culturally and racially part of the Middle East
They weren't Negroids and are part of the same stock of Casucoids with Hamito-Semitic origins. Same way Berbers, Maghrebs, and so on, retard.
I, too, am retarded. Nice to meet you.
>this thread
did I just stumble in 2012 /int/ where everybody's obsessed with being white?
Please explain why north africans are dramatically and racially alien to Sub-Saharan africans and share many genetic overlap with Semitics from Western Asia like Assyrians, Arabs, Phoenicians, etc..
You're retarded cunt, literally no other Nordic person than that poster believes that.
>you dont have a history of your own besides living in mudhuts
Sorry Christopoulos but objectively speaking Nordic people have advanced science and technology hundreds of times more than Greeks have. Just a fact.
Lel it gets even crazier.
Rosenberg (NSDAP theoretician) wrote a book called Myth of the 20th century, where he proposes that Ancient Germanics lived in the Doggerbank, when the sea levels were much lower. When the ice age ended and the water destroyed their land, they traveled all over the world on their boats, bringing knowledge and technology to other peoples. He proposed that these people built the Olmec empire, became the Brahmins of ancient India, were predecessors to the Han in China, etc. And of course the Pyramids. There is even a lost north american indian tribe that rosenberg believes were Germanic. He also proposes that Jesus was Germanic
Don't say that, the /pol/tards are going to complain about minorities lowing their score
Have you been in a coma or something?
Just curious, how does this game fare against the rest of the series? I enjoy this time period but never been an AC fan.
>ancient Egypt
>not part of the Middle East, past or present
> academia is controlled by literal marxists
While a big school of thought is marxist history (see E.P. Thompson as one of the main inspiration), a shit load of historical circles is filled with conservative and right-wing history. Being an historian is mainly being an interpreters of the past. Thus, political leaning of an historian isn't a big factor as long as the methods is valid. See the Historikerstreit for reference.
"Academicians being marxist" myth is one of the funniest shit. Each university's department has their own cultures and political opinions. For every left-leaning departments or laboratory, you'll find another right-leaning. There's five university in my city. One is left-leaning, two others are center left/center right and the last two are right-wing.
t. completing my master degree in history
Cheers mate.
it means nothing, otherwise how would you continually redefine it to suit your political purposes. the second it starts meaning anything is when you can't use it any more. it's like you think I don't know how agitprop works.
First, in support of the OP, I will list all of Socrates' direct quotes:
both of those are true. The Britons constantly sacked Roman villages, and the Germanics converted to Christianity. Rome itself is the one who crucified Jesus. Stop larping.
>According to the Max Planck Institute, DNA taken from ancient Egyptians shows they carried more Middle Eastern DNA than modern Egyptians and they carried less Sub-Saharan DNA than modern Egyptians.
fucking hell, that cant be real
germanics are so pathetic
the only thing Nordic people advanced was their pussies on my dick lmao
Sicialians are the swarthy moorish rape-babies. Northern Italians are white.
>it means nothing
This just in: niggaz is huwite
Cheers bruh
Those only date back to the 13th century, which are garbage compared to their peers. Before that?
oh nononono NO
>it's another /pol/ mutts tries to steal history again
What if Greeks drank blue wine?
Not everyone. Most of the time, people's complaints here are just a way to get dumb people to follow their political agenda. I can't remember the last time I unironically heard someone complain about their job getting stolen, the truth is he was just shitty at his job and someone better came around. Probably not even for cheaper.
>/pol/fags "we wuz"ing like the niggers they are
>retards attempting to counter retardation with more retardation
>this whole thread
without greeks, you wouldn't even know what science is, shit cunt. im not even greek
any middle schoolers can name five important greek philosophers and scientsist
can you even do the same for nordics without asking wikipedia?
yes that's correct you got it. it means whatever you want it to, so it has no meaning. very good user you get a gold star.
Wow this sure is VIDEO GAMES!
That's because we always were mongolians, no need to invade our own country
Just read that and nowhere did it debunk what he said
>fucking americans.
>game was made by the french
you seem confused, my obsessed friend.
You could have picked any historical Greek that actually had dark hair, but for some reason you chose Alexander the Great who is known for a fact to have been blonde.
"They say that the most amiable and beautiful amongst the Greeks was Alcibiades; amongst the Romans, Scipio. It is reported also that Demetrius Poliorcetes contended in Beauty. They affirm likewise that Alexander Son of Philip was of a neglectful handsomness: For his Hair curled naturally, and was yellow; yet they say there was something stern in his countenance."
De Natura Animalium - Aelia, Roman teacher from the 2nd century
" painting him as wielder of the thunder-bolt, did not reproduce his complexion, but made it too dark and swarthy. Whereas he was of a fair colour, as they say, and his fairness passed into ruddiness on his breast particularly, and in his face."
Life of Alexander - Plutarch, Greek philosopher
Nothing east of the Rhine or south of Calais is white.
You're fucking English speaking Muslims, that's it.
That's just a link to /pol/, user.
>you get a gold star
i knew you were /pol/ all along
go back
Germanic mutts don't go to /his/ because parroting /int/ memes doesn't work as a form of argumentation there.
didn't you know everyone before 1500 was black?
wh*te "people" are a recent genetic mutation that's been trying to pretend they were always there with historical revisionism
I bet you think Jesus was blonde or something
Fucking Americans, lmao
>They're both white
Why you so mad?
There is nothing wrong with this, if anything right would be more accurate aside from being a bit on the portly side (not that we know).
10/10. Even if this was true, Socrates was a freeloading hobo, not a ruler of man.
The world is nice to take in the story is okayish theres tons to do but it'll get repetitive after a couple hours the ship combat is fun I'd fuck kassandra
I'm not the same guy, but please think long and hard about what you said about Christianity being an Arab religion.
user, you're making sense, this thread is for shitposting
OP is american
Visigoths sacked Rome, not Bretons.
Christianity isn't an Arab religion, it's Roman Judean.
Fucking troglodyte.
>Stop larping.
As what? My previous post was the first in the thread, retard.
2 more idiots lmao
who the fuck plays that trash anyways ?
>this much delusional about his genes actually meaning anything
>curly blonde hair
My condolences btw.
I'm glad you're wasting the rest of your perceived heritage on this shithole, keep it up
The sad thing is that all of those /pol/ niggers who got absolutely BTFO will ignore this thread and carry on reposting that garbage in another one in the hopes that they don't get called out in the next thread.
I wish we got more Mesoamerican and South american shit in vidya and media in general, it's a shame that there's like an entitre third pillar of human civilization alongside the East and West that nobody ever talks about or uses in fiction
pic related is a comfy Maya city
do I detect a tinge of passive aggressivity? user, surely you are better than this.
also before 404, guess what happened when the Christian converted Germanics who invaded and lived in Rome(similar to how refugees invade and live in Europe) changed the culture and religion of the local population?
Rome fell. These are not opinions.
shut up with your we wuz medz shit Adolf.
Aren't all Northern Africans (morocco/Algeria etc) Middle Eastern in ethnicity? Genuine question
Socrotes and almost every other greek ruler was never real.
If you want to complain about AC Odyssey being ahistorical, complain about the multitude of completely imaginary or exaggerated monuments, the sheer number of women working as mercenaries, women competing against men in the Olympics, the unrealistic naval combat with archers and javelins, Sparta having a navy at all, the lack of battle formations and phalanx, the number of statues left unpainted, and the complete glossing over or glorifying over most non-PC elements of Greek culture.
And that's not even mentioning all the magical abilities the player gets, as well as the literal mythological beasts.
If you want an AC game that's practically identical but actually respects history somewhat, play Origins instead.
do i detect a hint of autism unable to catch a joke?
I hope you don't think Arab means Muslim you fucking twat.
i'm sorry your immense butthurt at being corrected made it come across as "no u"
Its a shock that ubisoft still made him whiter than 90% of americans.
>assumptions: the post
Is this the infamous power of american education?
lol, retard alert
>/pol/ proving once again all they do is blindly believe conspiracy believe-tier bullshit from obviously biased websites that pander to their beliefs and literally don't know shit about shit
Lots of people call Yea Forums the stupidest board on this site but they're sleeping on /pol/. These guys are literal caveman tier brainlets. The fact that they spread the NPC meme is so incredibly ironic I lose my sides just thinking about it.
enjoy your dead kike on a stick
As a Dane, I've literally never heard anyone else refer to the Greeks as our ancestors, besides in the sense that they contributed massively to our modern society.
Is this some some northern German bullshit agia-
For fuck's sake Germany, you're not fucking nordic!
You people are so pathetic, grasping at straws this hard just because there's a SINGLE sperg in the thread that claimed that ancient Greeks were Nordics or some shit.
You're actually super mentally retarded if you think literally 99.999999999999999999999999% of Nordics do not denounce such a belief.
You even go so far as to use Rosenberg as a falseflag to try and claim that more than 1 out of a 100 million Nordics would believe something like that. Truth is, he was a retard that was only tolerated in the Third Reich, not respected.
Literal Adolf Hitler quote:
"I must insist that Rosenberg's The Myth of the Twentieth Century is not to be regarded as an expression of the official doctrine of the party. The moment the book appeared, I deliberately refrained from recognizing it as any such thing. In the first place, its title gives a completely false impression... a National Socialist should affirm that to the myth of the nineteenth century he opposes the faith and science of our times... I have myself merely glanced cursorily at it."
The book failed to be popular in Nazi Germany.
Grow up.
wtf I hate blonde people now
>Greek Ruler
>Never real
dumbest post I've seen today
im talking about the poster you utter mongoloid
Sure if by Northern Italians you mean literally the 100% entirety of mainland fucking Italy and 100% of their all other islands, then yeah, "northern" Italy. Because the small island of Sicily is the only region of Italy that was ever conquered by Moors or any non-Europeans.
i'm not even the same user, but you making a gold star remaark and thread being /pol/ shouting, it was a joke user, i haven't called anyone a nerd in a long while but you sure fit the bill, you nerd.
what is /pol/ what does it mean, are you just saying nazis? why not just say nazis
Those are pictures of structures from antiquity you retard not high medieval castle after some faggot Italian standardized measurement
Jesus christ i hate germanics
FUCK YOU, this is now a Black Flag thread:
>how DARE the fucking JEWS not pander to my fragile white nordic delusions
The absolute state of /pol/nords
but he did
Kind of fucked up that Americans treated Italians like subhumans while we also based a large majority of our constitution on their history huh?
>nu-Assasin's Creed ahistorical approach really neccesary
Historical accuracy has been a staple of AC games since the first. Op is a fag
>blondies are always stereotyped as dumb and ditzy
>blonde and blue eyed girls always sleep with black men, rarely do girls of other hair and eye colors sleep with them
it all makes sense now
Socrates was an old man at his execution. Even though he was a soldier and was probably still in decent shape for his age, he did NOT look like the painting of him unless he had ubermensch genetics.
but flags aren't enabled on Yea Forums
American education?
British people are worse than muslims in terms of aggression.
There's literally one, ONE (1) person in the entire thread that claimed that ancient Greeks were Nordics or some shit, and there's even no reason to believe this was not classic bait just to throw the entire thread into chaos, and you fucking retards fell for his bait.
Could have been a good thread about Ubisofts historical revisionism about the Greeks otherwise.
I hope you don't think Arab means Muslim you fucking twat.
Do you? I honestly can't understand what brought you to say something like that. Perhaps you think that the entire middle east is populated by Arabs? You could have said that Christianity is a semitic religion, even a jewish religion, but you went for the group of people that lived almost exclusively in the Arabic peninsula at the time. At least try to make sense with your baits, dude.
See above
It’s a whole thing that Italy pushed in the 40s to explain that nooooo, we definitely aren’t a non-Nordic people
you can usually spot an american by their ignorance, no need for flags.
>unironic we wuz posting from the whites
Oh my lord
Never change, Yea Forums
to be honest most of those italians were subhuman
what if anyone on the planet that isn't Scandinavian thinks Ubisofts games are bullshit?
i guess that's impossible, fuck what if there are GREEKS out there that thinks this game is bullshit
Why was it important to Italians? Nordic people were irrelevant shitholes for most of their time
Delet this.
How can I feel good about being white if suddenly the sub categories of being white matter?!? What am i supposed to feel good about now
Dude, the left one is obviously far more accurate even if it's somewhat inaccurate, at least he has Greek facial features and such. Socrates in the game literally completely lacks Greek or ANY kind of European facial features.
sounds like obsession to me
No. Nordic people were still in animal skins dancing around fires.
Those are Egyptian portraits from Fayum you retard.
What "all of those /pol/ niggers"? There was literally just ONE person who claimed some "we wuz" shit. You are no different from him as you claim historical inaccuracies such as that ancient Greeks would have resembled the games Greeks even slightly, when they look more like modern Greeks (Turkmongrels).
Your side got the most BTFO in this thread, and you completely refuse to acknowledge that.
user, the world’s first automatic rifle was the Italian Cei-Rigotti.
They were leagues ahead of the British in Brittian, and when coming to America the British took a fuckton of Italian inventions to use.
>No. Nordic people were still in animal skins dancing around fires
What's wrong with that, sounds comfy.
>copy of an original painting depicting him with brown hair isn't true, the one or two quotes i found on google prove my point because cognitive dissonance
they said the same about Roman emperors being blonde, pic related
big cope my dude
Germanics didn't control Rome until the last few centuries when it lost all of its territory and collapsed.
It was said Alexander had hair like a lion's mane. Most people believe he was brown haired, but based on the descriptions it was most likely similar to pic related.
Nazis don't believe in any historical revisionism, only in historical facts. Don't lump in some basement dweller Americans that LARP as Nazis, as if they were real Nazis.
>Ever under roman rule
Are you stupid, or do you think that the southern germanic areas count as Nordic? Because then you're still stupid.
>academia doesn't count
>because I assume a bias
sure thing retard
The ancient greeks weren't nordic but they were much lighter. Modern greeks have semitic dna from the middle east. Ancient Hellenic greeks went extinct.
No matter how much you hate us, we are better than you and that's why you hate us. We have achieved more than you and done far more for scientific and technological progress than any other tribe of people.
Paint fades over years, user. That's why the left looks paler than the right
Okay so this is how it goes
The French have galaxy IQ brains and are genius inventors
The Italians have enlightened IQ brains and have built a system that creates amazing inventions and allows for personal enlightenment
The British have an animalistic beehive and basically stole every real invention from the top two and then created a country
I said most not all, those who left the country were either desperates or brilliant minds
Fucking hell you're a dumbass.
So then who, if not people who research and study it, and publish heavily in that area?
You and your feelings? Are you retarded?
Actaul Socrates*
*as depicted by a European
>his delusions have gone so far he is now defending Ubisofts historical revisionism whenever anyone brings it up, because ONE person in a thread claimed something outrageously false
Stop jumping at shadows you cuck
Give it a rest /pol/, you've gotten so blown the fuck out in this thread they can see your blistered ass from space.
>a European depicting a European.
stop the presses
But most of great scientific Italian inventions during the area of Italian migration, and even the 100 year period during was still in Italy.
Many Italians did migrate due to a desire to participate in capitalism and turn a profit for their inventions, but the actual country of Italy itself?
Booming and prosperous.
The first home desktop computer, he Programma 101, which some consider the first Desktop computer, was designed by a small team led by Pier Giorgio Perotto of Olivetti, between 1962 and 1964 and launched in 1965 in Italy.
You mean inaccuracy
Bait post but I'll answer it regardless.
Blonde and blue eyed people are quite literally, statistically the least likely to race mix out of all the races and tribes on this planet. It literally is practically nonexistent among Nordics and Germanics.
Also, the countries with the highest concentrations of blonde hair and blue eyes also have the highest average IQs on the planet, out of all countries. Interesting.
And where does the "blondes are dumb" meme come from? Hollywood. Who runs Hollywood? Not blonde white people for sure, but Jews with black beady eyes.
>implying there was a word that meant blonde in Ancient Greece
based /pol/tard
>The first home desktop computer, he Programma 101, which some consider the first Desktop computer, was designed by a small team led by Pier Giorgio Perotto of Olivetti, between 1962 and 1964 and launched in 1965 in Italy.
Meant to say that this is exploratory to entertaining the idea that Italy was actively competing with the west in terms of large market driven experimental technology, and continuously did so throughout history.
>big cock soc
>not /fit/
Both representations are trash
Academia is full of leftists. If you think otherwise, then you are probably so indoctrinated that you have forgotten what rightwing academia even looks like.
I guarantee that any political science class will include far-left shit like Rawls.
>tfw you will never go to an elite school for aztec nobility and be taught by aztec philsophers, theologians, and poets
is there a more cucked thing in the world than being obsessed with racial politics
>Academia is full of leftists. If you think otherwise, then you are probably so indoctrinated that you have forgotten what rightwing academia even looks like.
He actually fucking said it.
>t. wewuzing snownigger
Here's an actual study for you
Those verses aren't half bad
Based Diogenes
This is the funniest shit I've read all day.
Meanwhile Mongolia is ranked 6 in global IQ. It's almost as if after barbarians invade and conquer, they live in peace and prosperity afterwards since there are no enemies left.
The actual problem with Ubisoft's Socrates is not his skin or hair or face it's that he's not fucking ripped
this colored shit looks like fucking clockwork orange
he said his hair was yellow which is a fucking color, which I'm sure the greeks had a name for even back then
jewish mind poison, don't blame other americans, we're just too ignorant to tell them they are wrong. So what if you can look at any statue, painting or halogroup map kikes are currently saying everyone was negroid and if you disagree you'll never work again
Imagine needing to determine the whiteness, or lack thereof, of videogame characters, in order to know whether or not you can like it. Fucking idiots.
>ever existing
Nice try, Plato. It's been almost 2500 years, get over it.
>That one user was fucking right though^
No he wasn't, ancient Greeks did NOT have Nordic ruling class
Yes, that was my post. You mean this one Indeed no one has disproven it and no one will, because any written depictions of his appearance from back then did describe him as blonde.
But that doesn't make Alexander Nordic. Greeks and Italians can have naturally blonde hair and it's not even that uncommon. Or rather, wasn't that uncommon for the Greeks, it is now after the Turkish conquests.
But if you look at Italians, a very similar people, there are a large proportion that are naturally blonde.
Keep growing those delusions, that's totally not bad for your mental health dude. It was me that absolutely wrecked your historical revisionism, I was the one who actually knew what they are talking about.
Of course there was... why in the fuck would you think they did not have a word to describe light colors? Are you fucking RETARDED perhaps? No civilization has ever existed that didn't have a way to describe light colors like YELLOW.
Why are you replying to bait whose poster literally disappeared from the thread the moment he made that post? He was here just to start a fire, stop feeding the flames.
>*masturbates in your path*
LOLLL retard
>old socrates
>younger socrates with a tan
I don't understand the problem officer.
I just got here desu.
You crackers do know they're different shades of white right?
The problem is OMG maybe not as white as I imagined him! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE