>DMC1 enemy design
>DMC3 combat
>Dark Souls 1 atmosphere and map designs
>GoW finishing moves
DMC1 enemy design
>switch between Dragon slayer, Iron fist, and some degradable weapons like normal swords, axes, spears, etc.
>Also, sub weapons like the crossbow, mini bombs, throwing knives, and hand cannon
>Berserker armor DT with a whole different moveset
>adapt from post golden age to current arc
>DMC3 combat
No, what the fuck
>finishing moves
>not just having a wide variety of dynamic death animations depending on how you kill them
Why did berserk have to turn into shit? The Golden Age is so fucking kino that its hard to believe it was once that good when reading anything post-conviction arc.
really? what went wrong? I heard the art had a downgrade. I also haven't reached the ship arc yet
Let me fix that for you,
>DMC1 map design
>DMC3 atmosphere
>Dark Souls 1 finishing moves
>GoW enemy design
>Undertale combat
Yeah, fuck just give me Revengeance with a bigger slower sword
>FFXIII map design
>BOTW enemy design
>DmC combat
>GOW Camera
someone being a fan of dmc and berserk is a huge faggot indicator
Literally everything is good except fucking undetale combat
Note the absence of DMC5 because that game brings nothing new and memorable to the table
It's changing from grimdark fantasy to high fantasy and everyone is unsure what Miura is planning because the last issue ended with yet another cliffhanger and showed the beginning of a Griffith Arc and everyone expects that the manga will hit yet another boat situation.
sorry, but Lost Children is peak Berserk.
>showed the beginning of a Griffith Arc
oh shit. What a trash.
DMC5 combat would be too complex for a Berserk game, you ass hurted faggot.
t. eats dick through the ass
now that sounds better
>DMC3 atmosphere
>not DMC1 atmosphere
>slower sword
Stop this fucking meme.