Who's the clan today, anons
3 and its Toreador
2nd for Lou
Toreador, they'll have Presence and Celerity.
Shouldnt the leak have happened now anyway?
Toreador or Ventrue.
Mystery room gets last.
Lasombra get never.
Which clan listens to jpop?
Which clan listens to kpop?
Which clan listens to shoegaze?
So how will the other Vampire game thats now coming out differ from Vtmb2?
The Ventruefags sure are quiet.
>he doesn't know
I didn't think VTMB was popular enough that a sequel would get this much attention on Yea Forums.
Then again, I'm kind of glad it is since it got me to actually play through the whole game and it was great overall
Have you never been to Yea Forums before or something? Bloodlines has always been incredibly popular here.
>I didn't think VTMB was popular enough that a sequel would get this much attention on Yea Forums.
Have you literally never been to Yea Forums before?
We have a history with this IP as long as my scrotum.
Well, depending on how your ST is feeling that night I guess
Can Kindred get addicted to drugs?
>wednesday 01:25am
>still not uploaded
maybe junkie blood
probably, though they have to drink someones blood who's under the effect of said drug, and it probably wouldn't be a physical addiction.
where is it! WHERE IS IT
>Brujah and Tremere in
>Malks, Nosferatu, and Lasombra in
>Toredore and Venture out
only in my wildest dreams....
>wanted to preorder the game but i used the money on Crash Nitro Kart in a moment of weakness instead cuz i've been a fan since i was a kid and it's looking good
time to save up again
5 for Lasombra
Ventrue daddy>>>>Torry mommy
They clearly caught the leak. Gotta wait until tomorrow.
Do they release a trailer prior to stream or only during?
Baali are based
This preordering shit better be a fucking meme
They can't.
They get seriously addicted to other cainite blood instead, that's how a blood bond starts after all.
And you can argue that some humans have especially tasty blood depending on their health and the kind of shit they're putting into their body but i've never heard of a kindred straight up getting "addicted" over it.
Just generally having preferences.
>mfw Paradox dabs on Camarilla shitters by announcing based Tzimisce
who was samefagging the Ventrue votes
Why is he so smug? What doe he know that we dont?
I want to serve this daddy. Anything he wants.
mommy Toreador is actually Caine
God i wish
Hold tight tzimisbros
It's Wednesday morning where I am. What time on Wednesday, presumably PST since Seattle setting, do they put these up?
>can frenzying vampire be dominated to do non-frenzy shit?
Theoretically yes, though the difficulty increases massively against a vampire in Frenzy
>how is blood bind "checked"? if two vamps swap looks, will blood bound dude love the vamp he's bound to or the one that looks like him?
It's about the blood.
>can v5 frenzies be interrupted by other frenzies? I recall older versions allowing shit like hunger frenzy changing to rage or fear
Not sure depends on the situation and how your ST rules it. I'd say someone in Hunger frenzy will still run away from fire.
>can vamps use torches and flamethrowers without sperging out?
Torches probably yes if they do it in a safe way, flamethrowers they'll definitely need to check frenzy
How do you even pronounce Tzimisce.
>yfw when the Voermans really were 2 people all along and Jeanette was just fucking with you in their big "confrontation"
Like Tsunami
you don't
This would win me hard. I want an out of left field wild class to play.
this coming midnight.
Shuh Meece
Apparently tzimisces are into synth
Thanks. Guess I'll catch it after work.
>tfw no cute ghoul gf to turn into a furniture
Every animal feature reduces one of your stats by 1 for x nights, where x is your bane severity, in addition to potentially being a masquerade breach.
>It's about the blood.
But can the bound tell?
Sounds like ghouls should be able to tell their vamp no matter the disguise, yet nothing in the books ever shows that.
>Not sure depends on the situation and how your ST rules it.
Older versions explicitly say it.
V5 kinda implies there might be a way, but also says frenzies protect from each other, hence the ambiguity.
Still, it sounds really stupid for a frenzying vampire to run into full sun to bash someone's skull in or feed.
I once took salvia and felt like I became my chair for what felt like hours, did I get tricked by a Tzimisce?
you mean Venture
deepest lore
No, unless you're an elder.
Only elders can heal fleshcrafting.
Tzimisce would likely not turn you back
dont play with me user
zee me tsee
I still can't handle that dudes smug fucking face in the background
Let's hope we can, user.
It seems inviting though, like "You're one of us now homie"
>Tzimisce neonates turn people into furniture
>Tzimisce elders turn themselves into furniture
What a wacky clan.
Brujah - hip hop
Nosferatu - classical music
Ventrue - they loathe music and don't understand it.
Toreador - literally everything. also they're poptimists
Tremere - post-punk, emo, new wave, math rock
Malkavians - choral music sung by the voices in their heads
Gangrel - Sunn O)))
I tried that leak thing and it doesn't work anymore. They knew
What are the odds that this game actually turns out great??
I blame r*ddit
Depends what you consider "great"
none, it will be decent at best
It's Paradox so 1/10
No matter what tho, the gameplay will be better for fucking sure compared to VTMB's garbage combat.
>Brujah - hip hop
I think you mean punk
>Didn't include punk for brujah
Peanut-brained cunt
gameplay wise there is no way it can be worse than vtmb
I expect solid but nothing special.
Paradox is pretty good at consistent "worth playing"/10, but they don't excel.
no guess work needed my dude
It'll be alright, I'll get quite a lot of hours out of it I reckon
>he isn't playing a Ventrue who is also the frontman of a metal band and can only feed from his fans
>he doesn't have a herd of groupies
Not good, but it being decent is all I'm asking for.
Best you should hope for is Deus Ex: Human Revolution-tier.
Was there any tzimisce that wasn't an asshole?
probably Ilias
what the fuck am I even doing?
just got to Hollywood
Even the youtube community knows the truth.
>only 1 dot in Fortidude
Jesus, I don't know either, user.
Needs more gun.
Put a bit more into firearms buddy. Go see the guy in the cemetery of Hollywood too.
Next clan reveal is Ventrue. You're welcome
>feed from a fan
>vomit immediately
Please put my three eyed bois in this game
never gonna make it
How do i join?
Where do you live?
if tzimisce hypothetically invited you for a dinner, you would never be more safe
formal invitations are sacred
how fucking random huh
>that feel when doing a second playthrough with stats all maxed
>metal fans satisfying the ventrue curse requirements
bran castle
tzimisce take their homes very seriously
Post IRL people, others guess their clan
Have they mentioned if they're going to make 2 anymore easy to mod than 1?
It's going to have modding tools come with it I believe.
think theyd be probing you to turn you into a chair few days later?
So no leak boo
>Post IRL people, others guess their clan
How can the clan with the most dull gameplay from the first game be the most popular, people just like being wacky?
So with the leak dead, when is the stream/trailer happening?
What makes their gameplay anymore dull than the average?
Faith 9 hunter
guess this fuckers
Their disciples, they got auspex which is not interesting, invisibility which is very nice and dementation which is just reskinned domination, none of these really help a lot in combat compared to what other clans get
>that one time a guy got threatened out of a bar by 'vampires' and he came back in an edgy vampire hunting outfit
>wearing cloves of garlic around his neck with a sword
>larpers left him alone after that
>the bartender's face when
This guy literally looks like male malk from the first game. Only the haircut is off
Good thing combat doesn't encompass the entirety of the gameplay then.
Tzimisce would be way too radical. If only it would be a DLC clan.
yeah, much better to have the amazing writing malkavians get
>not enjoying the secrets and whispers of the world and what lies within
>not suiciding motherfuckers like kimble the serial killer or hunters left and right
its like you hate fun
>changing the UI
Was cage a fishmalk?
I'm hoping they allow it to be extremely mod friendly
no, he's merely pretending
Elon Musk is a malk
We all know Ventrue listen to death metal when no ones looking.
is this what prosopagnosia feels like?
I never got to catch what the voices were saying since they talk same time while you're in a conversation with someone, also what do you mean suiciding people? if you're talking about dementation vision of death it's cool but in the end of the day dominate is the same if not better which ventrue and tremere have and they also have disciplines which makes one very tanky and other has thaumaturgy. I want to like them so I'm interesting to hearing more people sell me on them
so no leak?
I think if any clan would be calling people child molesters it would be ventrue
malk gameplay provides deep and meaningful insight never seen anywhere else
have no experience with domination, but dementation really is fun, having aoe down the line, and gets plus the original interactions and distinct conversation options
and you can still just melee everything any without difficulty, without even lvling up obfu which however gets you more xp during sneak missions
John Cena is a ventrue that has maxed out fortitude
Is it possible to do get any of the stealth bonuses like stealing the briefcase for fat larry without obfuscate? I'm trying it now as Toreador and it's super hard, do I need like 5 points into sneaking?
nice derail you fucking nigger
but it isn't?
how is it not?
I don't remember exactly how many points I had in stealth but I think it was two or three at max with my Ventrue and I was able to do it.
>reviled by those around him who understand that even though he looks and acts like a human he isnt one
>not particularly special beyond strength and survivability
Thinblood for sure
addicted no
can you get high game mechanic wise? sure
feed off somebody who is high on drugs (which is frowned upon) or do drugs while using blush of life (which I imagine would be frowned upon even more)
usually the only reason why vampires would be doing mortal stuff like drugs or sex is purely out of mental reasons and to fight off the beast and stay more on the humanity side, depending on what kind of person the PC was while alive of course
>only normie social clans get booted
0 chance
>nosferatu not listening to industrial edm
what the fuck nigger
>scholarship that high
clearly you know what you are doi...
>those combat stats
I'm confused
>those combat stats on ventrue
>this is the only channel you get
Have Malkavians gone too far?
TV man...?
1000% Ventrue or Toreador. They need to highlight some sort of social play, social abilities
Pretty sure they said every discipline will have at least one option for combat, movement and social
The fuck you have both brawl and firearms but barely any charisma/seduction on a fucking Ventrue
They have showcased a warrior, a mage and now it's time for the "thief" class. Either that or as you've said, a "social" class.
Based on the order of the images my guess is that it will be Toreador todya/tomorrow and Ventrue next week.
Theif..not sure who. Nos, malk are not gonna be in the base game and they're the ones with stealth abilities.
Order of images don't mean a thing. "Toreador" has been sitting at the first spot for ages yet Brujah and Tremere got revealed first.
Image order has changed from week-to-week, hasn't it? I'm pretty sure the first week the image of the Toreador haven was still the first one shown off on the site but we got Brujah anyway.
>trailer shows this room
>after a moment the room becomes more and more deformed , furnitures gain human look
>tzimisces are in
How hyped are you?
I don't know man I wanted to do firearms but it hits for 12 and is less accurate than even in other source games so I just punched my way through the game so far
I sure would like to put more into social stats but I heard the sewers is really difficult and social stats are useless in late game so I've spreaded my points really thin
fortitude hasn't been too useful either and it costs blood points so I haven't leveled it
I've played a male Ventrue using melee weapons my first playthrough. Also I opened it.
What should I do my next playthrough to get the most "different" experience?
Where my Toreachads at
>the most "different" experience
Tremere, Malk or Nos I guess
>Not only the best clan gets annouced but also Toreadorfags are blown the fuck out
a lot
You gotta do every fucking sidequest you can get, get all the artifacts you can, at this point you should have some at least. Firearms get better I promise. Ease up on dominate, focus on your other disciplines, try not to spread your social around too much, you don't need to be good in all of them
It can't be tzimisces. It would mean we're Sabbat
Which i would be ok with
My guess is Toreador. They will probably leave Malk for last.
What makes Tremere so different?
Do I have to go to that Tremere house a lot if I play Tremere? Because I kept getting lost in there.
>What are antitribus
That's why I'm inclined for Nosferatu, they're the ones who fit in that role. Seeing how they call certain disciplines like Potence to be signature disciplines, I assume they'll make Obfuscate exclusive to Nosferatu as they need to hide their disfigured bodies unlike other most other kindred.
I believe Malkavians fulfill the Malkavian slot, they're just unique in that aspect and are a better candidate to be DLC clan. That's my take on it at least.
Yeah you should before the plague quest, before a gargoyle quest. Just keep trying the passages, there's one correct route.
Not something that will be an option
>joining the same sect as Tremere ever
No fucking way malk is main game.
god i want to suck her fucking toes
Why not?
There are no tzimisces antitribu, there are only Sabbat Tzimisces with Vicissitude and Old Tzimisces who are Indipendent
You'll get a clan by diablerizing someone
Might as well just get lucky and succ out a sabbat priest. Tremeres would be seething but they can't do shit since vienna got 404'd
anything more than 6-7 persuasion is pointless unless you want to 100% nail one quest in Giovanni mission, also domination beyond 3 doesn't do anything for social either
guns don't do damage because all the good guns are, well, after Hollywood and accuracy goes up as you put in points into it
there's also a gun skill trainer in cemetery which you can do a quest for since your stats for firearms is low enough
and once you try to "punch" your way through sewers with ventrue that has no fortituted points you will want to kill yourself so start seriously dumping stats into those defensive attributes and guns
though you can skip like 70% of sewers with high enough hacking and using the nosferatu shortcut
you dont have to but you can get some benefits by doing it, including claiming the loft by the front door as a haven
blood magic and guns is pretty different from a melee playthrough
looks like your typical nosferatu nigger to me
I find it hard to believe, they are probably few just like some noted tzimisces that worked for camarilla
The only cam tzimisces were cam for like a week for personal reasons, there aren't any that stick around
Baali bros report in
Wouldn't that be a caitiff tzimisce?
The image on the far right is an insane asylum. There's a window in the far back, so it's not underground. Cell door panels with green lights on the right, massive cell doors on the left. 2nd image shows what is likely a cell in the same building. Cracked mirror is a Malk reference. Blood comes from the sink and a river of blood floods the hallway, which are likely Malk hallucinations, a plot point, or both. The fact that they both occur in these shots also reinforces that they are the same location.
Considering they're in as a starting clan, Malks will probably not come with the cryptic dialogue they had in the first. There's no way any dev would let a player do that as their first experience, too many people would get confused and drop the game. My guess based on the trailer is that the player Malk will probably be more heavily focused on visual hallucination than foresight or speaking in mumbo jumbo. Maybe you'll see things nobody else sees, etc. That's likely the extent of it.
I feel like I've typed this exact post about a dozen times.
There are so few that they will never be a playable faction in a VtM 5th edition video game.
I'm not getting the game if Nosferatu aren't in it. I don't want a faggot simulator for sucking cocks, I want a fucking vampire game. Vampires are monsters god damnit.
About 1:100. This game is more likely to be a pile of janky, monkey paw shit.
Caitiff Tzimisce is a contradiction in terms, you smart retard.
More than Yea Forums gives it credit for. Also this
>I feel like I've typed this exact post about a dozen times.
You have, I almost hope it is Malkavian just for the sake f your dignity and mental health
no matter how "progressive" and "sensitive to representation of mental illness" the devs are they are not leaving out one of the most iconic clans in both the video and tabletop game
Does someone have a vtmb [laughing girls] edit for this?
The Baali are a myth.
Can't wait to see your mental breakdown when it turns out to be Lasombra
Not all caitiffs are clanless though.
some just got embraced but lost their sire before they could learn anything of meaning
>still no video
>Not playing a obese nosferatu afraid to leave the house.
>Not constantly screaming for his sire to bring him his ratties.
>Not constantly shit posting on shreknet about the tzimisce conspiracy to turn all the caitiff's into trannies.
>Not blaming Jewish wizards for not having a hot girlfriend.
>Not burying yourself in a pile of bodypillows when you go to bed.
Not just that, but malk and nos seem far more suited for a replay. They both need major work to be incorporated (Malk with all the dialogue/hallucinations or such, Nos with making sure the quests work with it, sneaking in the sewers and such..) I just think they'd be suited to dlc.
john wick has the perfect aesthetic for a VtM movie, the music too, themes and all that as well
Why would I want to play as myself?
I mean, I see no argument for any clan other than Malk. The evidence is so unbelievably in their favor. The only thing I hear for any other clan, especially from noscucks, basically just comes down to "well actually you could be wrong." It makes sense that not everybody would be up to speed on the shit we do every thread. If we ever moved to /vg/ I would just make a pastebin because I don't feel comfortable doing that shit on Yea Forums, but my guess is we probably wouldn't last long there.
Caitiff is a title not a type classification.
>We got a dying clan of tremere instead of returning cappadocians
I mean I initially thought it was Lasombra and made that enormous 3 post long rant. I ended up being right for the reasons that I stated that it likely wasn't Nosferatu but it wasn't until that other user looked at the trailer that we figured out for sure what the building was. Lasombra would be cool but they'll probably be one of the last DLC clans if we get them at all. I wouldn't be surprised if they're concerned about releasing clans that aren't from Bloodlines 1 and making people assume one clan got shafted specifically for another.
Stay dead, cappy
literally the worst clan that got diablerized by the best clan
No you dingus. Caitiffs are those vampires with uncertain affiliation to a clan because they don't possess the trademark disciplines or lack any specific clan's curse.
You can't be a Caitiff tzimizce, you can either be a Tzimisce or a Caitiff
you are such an astronomical fucking brainlet i really hope this is bait to make me angry
Its also a title for outcasts
VTMB's pc was a Caitiff because it wasnt in the group (for example tremere pc not being in the pyramid)
not entirely
dick-rips-out-of-pants hyped. of course it will never happen. fuck them
What was his clan?
i played bloodlines several times and people called me a lot of things, but never caitiff
dont open it lol
At that point he might as well be Caine.
i laughed
Were the Sabbat redpilled?
Tzimisce obviously
No, anarchs are.
How do you feel that in 15 days we'll know all the playable clans? What aspect of the game you want to know at that point?
I remember this one time i tried to listen to it as a teenager and didn't like it for some stupid reason. Damn, this sounds good!
There's still the DLC clans, tho
I assume they'll be showcased after the release.
It's Paradox, we're gonna be flooded with DLC
Would you be fine if we got swarmed with dlcs but we'd get all of the clans eventually?
Name me one Lasombra that was shown in any way for vtmb2. Just one.
Is this the Thinblood guy being fed blood?
same can be said about Malkavians
I'd like to see some actual game play, and not just canned spell animations.
Id have no choice but to accept it, doesnt mean Id have to buy it tho. I just hope it doesnt turn out that way
Literally on the main poster.
Cool catch. This is probably the mass embrace actually.
prove it
Wait is that Lillian in the back left
That's Toreador Antitribu.
Are...are you fucking dumb man?
Seems that way.
>haha he likes killing people that must mean he is insane
Have you played VTM?
maybe, why?
I feel like we found something juicy but do we actually know her role in the game
Well the fact the women are actually attractive gives me some hope.
Oh in v2, thought you meant in v1, nevermind, I am the retards
Next reveal
Didn't fags say that was Vandal? Ain't that guy a ghoul?
which is a shame
Well in the PCgamer's article, it's said that;
>We first glimpse Seattle as we emerge on the waterfront beneath Pier 57, its iconic Ferris-wheel illuminated in neon-lights (Bloodlines 2’s Seattle exists in perpetual night, much like the first game’s LA). Moving toward the pier, our vampire encounters a man holding a mobile phone, which begins to ring. On the other end of the line is a mysterious woman, who instructs us on the basics of feeding.
>a mysterious woman
I feel like she's going to play a gamemaker role in the events of the game.
A ghoul and a loser, yeah. Knox was the true og
delete this
Nope, he isn't.
That's just anons shitposting. Although, I'll admit that comparison makes for some haunting image.
What was his clan?
Fuck Knox. Patty was the true og.
Ok... That is fucking creepy.
>Kindred, I'm Camarilla
my mans doesn't even have red hair though,
thats literally just the light from the ferris wheel, he has light brown hair
So what are some weirder stuff from the greater WoD you hope make it into VTMB2? Basically stuff like the Nagaraja, Kuei-Jin, wereshark, wraiths, gargoyle, etc, from the first game.
I'm ready for them to reveal some special crazy OC for 2.
Like a kindred who has the abilities/curses of all the clans.
Anyone else hoping Malkavian will feel a bit more mentally ill that they are supposed to be? Don't get me wrong I love malks in 1 but I feel like that their gameplay is just different shakespearian dialogue and voices which you can't hear most of the time bit lackluster, meanwhile Tourette have the twin personalities and Groust with him seeing visions much more interesting but may be harder to make it into a playable standpoint
>that picture
Vandalbro here, thanks for this
I'm thinking this will convince everyone that HE'S IN
God Vandalfags are fucking stupid
Malk of course
Come on, man. That's incredibly obvious.
He's a Lasombra.
This is fucking cursed.
I see exposed thighs on the girl to the left of him
Nope. That image is cursed, but that doesn't mean it's him. There are lot of contradictions AGAINST IT.
I think we figured something fucking cool but it doesn't matter cuz this thread will die and only we will ever read this nice.
Somebody say it
>Hey look
>There's stuff outside
Fucking Ventrues, I wanted to look at that gold cube.
Agreed. That isn't him, but image is indeed ... "interesting."
Can't wait to betray him and leave him staked for the Second Inquisition
Not even gay, but i'd side with this chad over the hag Toreador.
What clan is this guy and his ghoul?
I can almost smell the cum on your breath
like putting your DICK in DRYWALL
Right here lad
Well screw them. This screenshot also made me curious as a Vampire stuck in a burning building would probably go rötschreck frenzy but then in V5 it's said that Thinbloods can't frenzy by themselves unless they're made to through external supernatural means (like a certain power of Animalism). I wonder how it will play out, assuming this is the courthouse that's attacked in the article.
I'm just craving for every single piece of information I can get out of what we've been given so far.
>tfw I originally created that image comparison to shitpost
>tfw I originally did it because I was bored
>tfw fags unironically are latching on my shitpost about Vandal
>cant be a neet necromancer scholar who's ugly as shit but still overall a nice guy
Fuck the Giovanni
look what you did!
>implying she doesnt blush it to prime tightness, hymen included
Fucking Ventrue!!!
Serves you right.
You dipshit
Yea Forums is the place that turned VTMB into a cult classic to begin with
Same with Dood Sex, KotOR II, and New Vegas
I wish.. there were some way to compile this information so other future anons could read about it without having to retype it every single thread
I want a stealth clan that isn't ugly or insane bastards, when will we get Assamite?
Careful not to end like me.
Explain? What went wrong with that?
I shitposted the most stupid headcanon to mock theorists and my shitpost there became a reality that actually happened in the game. That's what went wrong.
>tfw finished bloodlines like 8 times now
>even finished redemption after having to restart twice because the final boss is fucked
>now have no way to scratch the itch
We''ll see who's laughing when she betrays you.
You played every VTMB mod imagineable?
You could do a vampire playthrough in Skyrim
DXHR was a pretty good game, but ultimately failed to live up to the original
An apt comparison
You must be secretly malkavian.
>he thinks daddy Ventrue won't betray him
You clearly have not been paying attention
Unironically have a higher chance of making it in than La Somberos
Damn son, you deserve a prize. Impressive.
Have you tried The Final Nights & Clan Quest mods?
Vampyr if you're really desperate
>all these people thinking its Ventrue
He doesn't have a reflection. Look harder
I haven't heard that the VTMB mods make the game better, they just add more stuff of questionable quality
am I wrong?
i already disliked some of the changes in plus patch
>YFW they skip both Ventrue and Toreador and go straight for the big "'mistery' clan while shitting on every popular option around here.
Hopefully, the same story won't repeat in my case.
Luckily for me the odds are in my favor.
who else fell for the jewish tricks?
Why am I not surprised that Ventrue was behind this mess?
>implying I'm not pirating and getting all that shit regardless
We've already figured out it's Malk. It's not a fucking mystery. It never really was.
I'm just waiting to see if they will announce a phisical version, would be cool to actually have the soundtrack cd and a few bonus like art book to put on my shelf. If not, well yeah, i'll end up falling for it as well.
why do you think i put "mistery" between " "?
shit, how long does it take to do these on the site?
I hope they'll release one in my country, a DRM-free gog version would be sweet. In that case I'll cancel my online preorder.
look at the floor lasombrainlet
This mess wasn't my intention at all.
I just did it to shitpost out of boredom. It's no different than saying that Cain turned himself into big tiddy Toreador.
This was the same thing. I just did random Vandal comparison to shitpost. I never thought that people would start theorizing the shit, unironically.
>It's no different than saying that Cain turned himself into big tiddy Toreador
he did tho
that makes it even more confusing
To the sunlight with you.
What country, user? I'm in Brazil, it's probably weird to my peers that i want to buy a game instead of pirating it.
Finding the blood packs takes a minute at most. The unique one is in the pre-order page.
It's not confusing at all, it's just the makers being incompetent.
>It's no different than saying that Cain turned himself into big tiddy Toreador.
Some artfag do this right now
Turkey, where Blood Moon edition goes for $21. I pulled the trigger without hesitation.
I wish I wasn't living in this shithole though.
are the banu haqim the muzzies
>It's no different than saying that Cain turned himself into big tiddy Toreador.
>no salubri
>I wish I wasn't living in this shithole though.
I know that feel.
I'll be doing to old Paradox standard. If the game is good I'll buy the base game and pirate the absurd amount of DLC.
>still no video
At this point I think they've wizened up to change the path for the video, or sending the video to PCGamer directly.
>tfw Argentina
just get me out of here bros
Not bullshiting
Time to make use of that Paradox account I suppose
he just knows Lou has a big fat futa cock
Is there a being in this universe stronger than Caine?
Does god exist?
Are you retarded?
God cursed Caine
It's like New Vegas in that it's a buggy mess that requires patches to run properly but it's well written for a video game and a good rpg, no shit Yea Forums would love it.
I was told by a user when I asked this that they can get similar highs by drinking blood of people who are wasted and shit but no idea how right that is.
Let me rephrase this: Does god play an active role in the universe?
>tells others to look harder
>misses the reflection at the dudes feet
Yep, God cursed Caine and part of that curse is keeping him from having the final death, which basically means you can't kill Cain because A: he is absurdly powerful, to the point it's actually hard to differentiate him from an actual god; B: God, the actual God, will destroy you for trying to stop Caine's punishment, old testament style destruction.
Then he must be a Malkavian with a particularly strong case of delusion
Are we getting a new trailer now or something?
that's a pretty extreme case of projecting user
Yes, later today the Ventrue reveal trailer will drop.
You're right.
New clan reveal isn’t officially supposed to happen until tomorrow. We got the last clan early through SchreckNet but the CIA caught on to it
I bet reddit did this
God is basically retired in WoD. He gave up on the universe a long time ago and now just follows Caine around trolling him 24/7.
Best character
If there exists any protrusion, it springs from the mind and certainly not from the mountain of Veneris
I didn't understand shit but you too
I am no longer here.
No, it was actually discord technically
Godspeed based Malkfag
Then where does the God juice that Hunters use come from?
this is my first build. is it shit? I went through the hospital to get the boss some morphine and it felt like I couldn't really do anything without lockpicking(with bloodbuff) and/or computer hacking skills.
Yeah it's shit
I'd probably put more into persuasion stuff as opposed to appearance. Also try to get your firearms skills up. Celerity is your best discipline too
>3 dots in manipulation
>2 dots in finance
>prioritizing auspex before celerity
Oh no bro...
It's salvageble. That many points in haggle will make buying ammo a lot easier
Do what you want just remember to respec when you hit that point. You'll know the point I'm talking about when you get there
nigga what
Still no spoilers. You faggots told me there'd be spoilers at night. Where are they? At this point official video will drop faster than your supposed spoilers.
What the fuck is even the point of a vampire dating app
My guy's name is gunhaver, I'm trying to focus as much as I can on his gun-having skills. is celerity worth more than the buff to my gun stat? and should I still bother putting points into lockpicking/hacking or will persuasion help solve that?
Cheat, user. Just cheat
you're the one that let us down Nosbro
What happened to Schrecknet?
Gets vampires walking blood bags on delivery
fellow homestar runner patrician
Celerity eventually becomes bullet dodging stuff, it's for sure the best skill in the game. Auspex is good too but I would prioritize celerity over it. As for hacking and lockpicking... they're alright I would probably put more into hacking due to bloodbuff, although with hacking the passwords are typically (but not always) close by. Persuasion is one of those things that helps with a lot of stuff over the game, extra money, quest rewards etc.
Try to have like 4 persuasion by the time you leave santa monica and get another dot in celerity and you should be good for now. wouldn't hurt to get the dot in hacking/lockpicking since it's so cheap.
Celerity amplifies your gun fighting skills by slowing down time to a rate where you can dodge their bullets and empty a magazine into them before they get 2 rounds off. Auspex provides a raw stats boost that helps ranged combat but Celerity is still an overall better choice
Lockpicking and hacking are both very important through the game but Hacking you can cheese since the passwords never change so you can just type them in if you know them, aslo its boosted by auspex. Manipulation is generally a dump stat because it only lowers shop prices, it doesnt grant any persuasion boss, I'd change the points in it to charisma for actual persuasion
Nice get
>want lockpicking and computer/hacking skills
nuh uh nigga leave that to the nosferatus, go increase your persuasion skill LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO