Vidya graveyard

post dead games you wish werent dead

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My brother and I used to play that together. I liked the little poison alien, i think it was Gnaw

>Block N Load
Man, i had so much fun in this game.
It's always satisfying to kill Obi Juan Shinobi's with landmines

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It's dead if you aren't a third worlder

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Lead and Gold

Too ahead of its time.

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Soul Calibur

Risk of Rain 2 is alive but declining rapidly due to literally no content

Nosgoth... I miss It so much

>Soul Calibur


Im glad its dead

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Oh I guess by dead you mean literally 0 players, ok then I guess not

great game.


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i don't know how people are still playing, the servers shut down 2 years ago

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I'd legitimately be surprised if one person on Yea Forums recognizes this game. Chrono Magia was a mobile card game by the creators of Puzzles&Dragons, it had a generic but serviceable anime artstyle, and it featured amazingly bad English dub. I whaled $100 into this game right on release, but the game was pretty much dead-on-arrival. I just wanted to kick ass until the end of time.

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Now This is dead on arrival. 44 hour peak is fucking pathetic.

Battlefield 1942

>kill the game to shit out a pay-to-win sequel, which promptly dies
What were they thinking?

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Oh fuck I forgot this game existed. It was so fun and had very engaging gameplay. It's such a shame that it died. I really thought it was quality enough to survive but I guess not.

uh, money?

I still can't delete it from my library. Was a pretty fun arena game.

good riddance, fuck that game

>valve being upset over a low effort cash grab failing while their real cash cow is still going strong after a decade
who made this dumb image?

I feel bad for anyone who didn't get to experience this game on launch. Death ball was some of the most fun shit I've ever experienced in a beat em up style game period. This game was too fun for it's own good.

categories/hide from library

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artifact was pretty high effort

tf2 is not valves cash cow, dota makes far more money and csgo makes far more money than that

steam support will remove games from your library on request


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Is TF2 even worth playing nowadays? I quit maybe 4 years ago and never gave it another try.

It wasn't even worth playing 4 years ago, I can't imagine how bad it is now.

No, matchmaking killed the game entirely

Please do not mention Firefall in my presence
I am still fucking triggered by this shit
>you will never log in at a watchtower and take a moment to admire the comfy world around you before gliding down to your first mission of the day
>you will never do another double squad thumper in the melding with your bros
Feels fucking awful man
Firefall and Global Agenda were both huge losses

Battlerite was so deeply mismanaged it amazes me
Especially when a tiny studio made a battle royale mode a standalone game and asced 20$ for it, abandoning the main game completely

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That game sucked, which is why it died
Balance was trash

Lawbreakers so that we could make fun of it some more.

Bro what? I literally just reinstalled a few days ago and have been finding several games.

... thanks, But i will keep it anyway.

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At least it birthed SFM of the Major

My friends and I actually liked it. The balance was pretty terrible and there was basically no content for all of launch period, combined with stupid management decisions.

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it all went down with bloodline. The devs truly deserve to go bancrupt

tribes ascend? Absolute banger that was

Probably the best team shooter I've ever played, really a shame...

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I will never not be mad

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It was the greatest...

>nedroid hasn't been updated since last august
what the fuck

I will never forgive Hi-Rez for killing this in favor of some ASSFAGGOTS clone

>jump through a shitton of hoops to get multiplayer working via GFWL
>use Cheatengine to get unlimited cash
>unlock everything in the game
>play through the campaign with my boys

It was so fucking worth it, this game is a co-op masterpiece

was it like one of the first games you ever played? Built your first PC and checked out some random shit? I can't imagine anyone who's played more than a few video games their entire life would ever have anything positive to say about it, considering how many hundreds, if not thousands, of other shooters (ones almost identical, or can be modded to be that way) exist, that are far superior and are quite alive.

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Yep, my favorite as well. I put about 1200 hours into it.

Why did this die so quick? How did they manage to throw away all the potential chiv had?


All of these games have shut down or are going to

>Driveclub (Closing March, 2020. A fucking PS4 game.)
>Blacklight: Retribution
>Just Survive
>Evolve Stage 2
>Marvel Heroes
>Drawn to Death
>Mirage: Arcane Warfare
>Deformers (remember when that faggot Dunkey shilled this?)
>Ghost in the Shell
>Super Monday Night Combat
>Radical Heights
>Demon Souls
>Age of Empires Online
>Ace of Spades
>Batman Arkham Origins online (online on PS3 and 360 still work)
>A lot of PS3 games like MAG, PSABR and Twisted Metal
>Literally anything powered by Gamespy like older Battlefield games


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just play fortnite lol

>>Literally anything powered by Gamespy
Oh fuck, there could be thousands of games about to go offline forever, haven't heard about this

>Evolve Stage 2
I was going to post this. I can't even find it on steam

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user, I...

How the hell do these games have 0 players?

It already happened, Joe.

I have 200+ hours in Evolve Stage 2 and have nothing to show for it after it shut down - multiplayer games are such a waste

Stop mismanaging multiplayer games to death***
Almost every game in this thread died to bad decision making, not because they were bad games. Good managers and lead designers are something the video game industry is severely lacking.

Dawngate QQ

look at the 24hr peak, somethings fucked


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Anybody remember that furry autist who thought Evolve is the greatest game in the world?

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Jagex is still updating this pile of shit? Goddamn thought they'd have pulled the plug ages ago. I remember them hyping this game up via Runescape ages ago via a livestream and it was DEAD. Pretty sad. You could see the sadness in the employees.

>How the hell do these games have 0 players?
I think cause steam is down today or someshit, either way look at the monthly metrics and things still don't look good for Dirty Bomb.

it should've died* rather. paragon could've made them fortnite money if they actually fucking tried

>Almost every game in this thread died to bad decision making, not because they were bad games.

I agree, but how many online games must I enjoy only for them to be torn apart like Arkham Origins online or Evolve Stage 2?

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No, I've played a couple of games before it.

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Because they already lost all their good will with the Deadliest Warrior game they made then they went and made the same mistakes over again

>vr game

it was the only good looking mech vr game. Too bad fucken no one gives a shit about mech vr games for some reason

I hope that titanfall vr game is real

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these games with Yea Forums were fun

it had potential

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I remember the threads when this got announced, was it any good?

Everyone always says this but I keep checking and the game is still up

At least a few it seems. Not to spit on your passions; I just cannot see how anyone could possibly enjoy such a shoddily chunked together mess, but I suppose if you're sitting there going to town with your pals it's probably a good experience, like many a shit game.

no, the matchmaking is shit, you can't even circumvent with the server browser like you used to, and all community servers fall into about 3-4 categories: 24/7 instaspawn 2fort, mvm, idle/trade, or completely abandoned and empty with no population ever. fuck valve for murdering this game.
oh, and that 50k players thing is bullshit too. check for how many people are actually in a server, playing the game.

Only popular VR multiplayer game out there is Pavlov, and for good reason

a lot of people are really salty it didn't turn out to be wh40k: planetside
on its own, it's an okay-ish shooter

that peak can't be accurate, is it because it was in its peak before the stats were being tracked?

I loved playing it back on the PS3, but they quickly dropped support soon after.
They nerfed Moltar to the ground and it was never the same.

Yeah Steam charts is pretty newish, it was up post New Vegas so we don't have accurate FONV stats for example

Such a shame to see it go.

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makes sense

I'm not saying that the game was great by any means but I had fun with it. Yeah, my friends and I were always playing together on voice so that may have helped. It could have stood a better chance if it was more polished.
I've played several arena shooters, so the low gravity and movement acceleration of the physics and prediction of projectile weapons was enjoyable to me.
Also I am convinced that the evil Medic guy is the same voice actor as Volter from KF2.


I...I see...

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fuck devs and that fucking cracked server that wont give out their source code

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>playing fighting vidya on PC

Came to post this

Even my Obsessed TF2 friend abandoned the game for Warframe, which isn't much better but it speaks volumes when they were on that game 24/7 for the last few years only just now coming to a total halt.

Coco was the best.

Gorgon was the 2nd best. Wraith was the best, but people would quit out if Wraith was picked sometimes.

Aisling was the best.

I played this for a week. I didn't like it and was average at best. 90% of the machines looked ugly and the good ones were weak as fuck

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yeah it's a good game, there isn't a lot of seated multiplayer games that people play unless you can play it with other non vr people like war thunder or something

I remember playing the original game's beta and shit stomping as monster for giggles and then never buying the full game because it looked like trash. Did the meta change or did the game get killed some other way?

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Games got much faster in Stage 2 due to everyone having the tracking system, not just the hunter

to add to this, I've had this game installed 24/7 on every computer I've owned since 2011, amassing 4600 hours, and even I went and uninstalled it.

>Project M was killed over this

>removed from steam store

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that means you played AFTER the ascension update, where everything went to shit, and the mechs themselves were made out of paper mache.

Literally overwatch done right. What a wasted opportunity

Just delisted

overwatch is MNC done wrong*

Revolution 60

Probably that

Stop falling for the PC meme. Most Fighting Game players play on the PS4, especially now that is has official stick support.

I still can't believe it didn't even break 20 sales. Wasn't Brianna Wu the center of attention during GG?

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>Yea Forumstards once again show that they know nothing about fighting games

Most of those games you listed died due to shitty management.

Wildstar and Ghost in the Shell both had great promote and a fandom hyping them up, but lack of updates+shitty shop prices turned people off on them.

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even with the p2w features, it was still pretty fun

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your ass is about to have stick support

trying to enter their homepage
it crashes the browser tab
-wtf hahaha what a fucking loser game

I'm still mad they managed to fuck up this game so bad.

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Well that's only fair because that was what the devs PROMISED that the game would be.

nobody gives a shit about vr period.
>800 dollar headset that requires a 2000 dollar computer and every game is a 60 dollar tech demo at best

>Radical Heights
I am still fucking pissed about this. I wish it was brought out by anybody than fucking Shitty B and that he would at least sell the fucking IP so someone else can continue it
It was unironically fun as fuck, had a good aesthetic, and could have been something great