What are the best games to play with your girlfriend?

What are the best games to play with your girlfriend?

Preferably not versus each other.

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You can play any game you like with your right hand

There's a Prince of Persia game that was practically made for couples.

The masculine one in the relationship plays the prince and the feminine one plays the girl. They have very different roles.

2 player couch co-op games: Metal Slug, Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, Dragons Crown
Comfy RPGS: Persona 3-5, Final Fantasy 7, Grandia
Mario Games (bitches love mario)
Rough, unprotected anal

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FFXIV - see a lot of couples

Resident evil 5

Cookies and Cream on PS2 except you will hate each other on the piano part unless someone is good at hearing and repeating tones

No man sky

Kirby's epic yarn
Yoshi's wooly world
Super Mario 3D world (this one was great)

All on the wonderful Wii u. Dong country frozen ape is good too but sort of hard and frustrating for a casual gal

Obligatory 'I'm such a loser, I never had a gf or a girl take interest in me even though I'm 27 already, etc etc etc' post.
It's all true though.

I was eternally single til i was 27, you never know when you're luck will turn around. but it won't happen if you don't try, fren

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Vouching for this. Lots of females are into MMORPGs
Also vouching for bing bing wahoo in my personal experience like Smash and Kart. Personally unsure of the other games you mentioned though

im only a few months before i get my wizard powers. we're gonna make it bros... become a wizard

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portal 2
lara croft and the guardian of light
resident ebil 5

Not every girl will be into JRPG's; you've got a point. But theyre long and generally comfy, and you can hand her the controller and tell her what to do if shes an idiot, so its a fun way to play something "together". If they like it, you can spend a lot of quality time gaming like that. co-op games are good because you can carry them if they suck, but they'll feel like they helped
my gf plays everything and will try whatever if i suggest it; these are just the things we play the most

I like to play mind games with my girlfriend. On any given day I'll give her a simple task to do, such as make me chocolate milk, or fry up some chicken fingers in my deep fryer. But, the catch is that I'll tell her that she didn't do it how I wanted it every time. For example, when she makes me a cold cut sandwich, sometimes I'll ask for ham, but when she brings it to me, I'll tell her something like "that's too much ham", or "that's not enough ham." But I'll tell her it's all good and go about my day. This makes her want to try to impress me harder, which usually benefits me. She'll give me presents, but if I come down too hard on her, she'll go back to her house and not speak or text me for a while. I guess she's crying?

Anyway, we've been together for 3 months, and things are steadily improving. She's a lot more obedient than my last couple girlfriends, though she has picked up some weird hobbies since we've been together. She collects soda can tops, even though I've told her that it's a disgusting hobby that only homeless people worry about. But, she insists that it "is good for the Earth," or something like that.

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you're something of a sociopath, if you weren't already aware.

Is this pasta fresh and GMO-free?



Why haven't you gotten /fit/ yet? You'll have a better change of having a gf.