>Top 3 releases in 2019 on Steam are Japanese games
>Two of the eight games are indies
>The two flops are western AAA
And I thought MK11's release was bad...
>Top 3 releases in 2019 on Steam are Japanese games
>Two of the eight games are indies
>The two flops are western AAA
And I thought MK11's release was bad...
Other urls found in this thread:
WTF is risk of rain? Looks like a flash game but it’s super popular for some reason
cause its fun
>Concurrent player counts for single-player games
Those don't mean shit you retarded faggot.
>Those don't mean shit you retarded faggot.
Good thing those aren't the concurrent player numbers then you actual retarded faggot
it is made by an user from /vg/
fun games can do surprisingly well without mo grafics and muh politics
Yes they are you retarded faggot. Those are the number of people who have played the game at the same time.
some game I regret buying. I'm not saying it's terrible and I understand why people might enjoy it, but I fucking don't. Too bad I played 3 fucking hours and steam declined my refund request.
>Good thing those aren't the concurrent player numbers
What did he mean by this?
how did yakuza kiwami 2 do? I assume not very well
Yeah they're the peak numbers, nothing to do with the ones currently playing you retarded faggots
western devs are run by a hyper-entitled, anti-consumer SJW cartel who actively attack and shit on video games and the customer. It's not surprising a pack of manipulative corporatists and useful idiots would be btfo by superior nippon developers.
>tfw you took the mordhau, ror2, dmc5, REmake 2 pill
Very well.
owned kid. get scammed
user, almost all of the games on that list are SP games aside from MK11, Mordhau, RoR 2, and Dragon Ball FighterZ.
wait till 1.00 releases
Yes, but those numbers don't tell anything about a game's success if it's a single-player game.
>Yes, but those numbers don't tell anything about a game's success if it's a single-player game.
Except it does
Risk of Rain 2 has given out their sales numbers and it's a huge success, and its peak is pretty high up on the image.
Yes they do.
Generally speaking, if a SP game has a higher peak playercount than another SP game, then it probably sold better.
>WTF is risk of rain?
the good shit
It's a budget borderlands meme game for counter-culture autists on Yea Forums. Literally zoomer-tier bullshit.
Valkyria Chronicles has sold over 500k copies on Steam yet the peak concurrent player number is only 5000. Those numbers don't tell shit how games are selling.
Valkyria Chronicles also came out 5 years ago you fucking mong, the image in the OP is comparing games that came out this year (with the exception of Dragon Ball FighterZ).
>7 peak players
>0 current ones
>Sold 300 copies
Peak numbers are a good way to gauge a games success
Valkyria Chronicles has also been in tons of bundles, sales, etc while these games haven't (for the most part)
How was mk 11s release bad when its peak time was much higher than mkX?
Because FighterZ beat it