"Buy our game, bro, it's totally like Quake"

>"Buy our game, bro, it's totally like Quake"
>it's actually Half-Life disguised as Quake
>user reviews: Overwhelmingly positive
>"Amazing game, very similar to good old Quake!"
Haha, silly boomers.

Attached: dusk.jpg (1280x720, 175K)

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Is this game worth picking up since there are three episodes in total so far?

I pirated Dusk and was glad I did. It was a thoroughly mediocre game. It had decent atmosphere but other than that there was nothing interesting going on in terms of gameplay or level design.

Half Life was made in Quake

It's neither Quake NOR Half-Life.
It's actually a mix of serious sam and blood.
I get my quasi-Quake fix elsewhere.

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Yes, it's pretty good.

It's fun

The weapons feel and sound satisfying, The Riveter gives that Duke3D feel of blowing things up. The Music is nice and gets the blood pumping on some levels while the more ambient tracks get things nice and cozy on others. I like the level design, Some people think the first Ep 1 is meh and only really gets good at the later half of Ep 2 while I think it's pretty nice all around. You're gonna have to decide if you like the graphics or not.

If you want a shooter that's fun to play this'll definitely scratch the itch.

yes its worth it. if you feel conflicted just wait for a sale or pirate it and decide from there

I just want a shooter with lots of different unique guns, tons of different looking enemies, and continually weirdening environments from spooky as fuck to just plain nonsensical. graphics have to be atleast doom level 3d and optimized in a way to not fuck with my motion sickness (usually having no means to change fov or having bad fov like Minecraft makes me so fucking sick, don't get old)
is it too much to ask for bros?

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Amid Evil.

looks neat...ill check it out, thanks ano-
>early access

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hl was better than quake and doom and all the other wolfenstein clones

It's almost fully released. Only one more episode left and they did a first look of it recently, meaning it should be out in about a few weeks.

HL1 is worse than all the popular 90s shooters, namely all the big Doom clones, Build big three, Quake, Unreal, even Turok.

i'd be fine with either of those being true OP

dev is jewish and has jewish opinions. worth a play, not worth a buy

It's fun but I will wait for the level editor to come out first

>HL1 is worse[...][than] Turok

Do you even drums?


That's quite fantastic. But more to the point, HL1 is still unique in what it accomplished: Taking the ages old idea of the experiment gone wrong and inviting evil into the world and grounding it in a realistic setting. It's only worse or better depending on one's preferences.

Objectively false

>It's only worse or better depending on one's preferences
So there's nothing to discuss. Post more music, I guess.


release it on gog already you fucks