Choose your fighter.
Choose your fighter
>there are very clearly at least five women
What did they mean by this?
How many of these guys did Vivec fuck and get fucked by?
I forgot.
The Daedric prince's canonically have no gender and can take whatever form that they choose be it male or female.
They can swap any time they want.
Jyggalag considering that he raped the other princes so badly they needed to turn him into a schitzo
Literally who?
Hircinechads assemble
Shoo, furries.
I want to shoot things with the wabbajack and laugh at the results.
Would Sheo be a dual fighter with Jyggalag as a stand/ultra-form or would they be two separate fighters?
>Be Sheogorath
>Shoot self with Wabbajack
>Universe implodes in chaotic fury
Molag Bal.
Jyggalag, he's so OP all the others had to nerf him. Arguably the only one more powerful is Hermaeus Mora.
mommy Azura
Hermaeus Mora, I get to chill in my book dimension and lead humans to discovering forbidden knowledge if I feel like it
gonna have to go with my boy sanguine
Nocturnal is bae, and her lore is awesome.
Isnt Nocturnal the manisfestation of the void itself. And didn't she create the most powerful daedric artifact?
Jyg would be his low HP auto transformation.
Peryite. he’s weak now, but come the next kalpa he’ll be OP
Sithis is the void
Thats the wabbajack for ya.
THE WABBAJACK: curing boredom one magic bolt at a time
>next kalpa
play the game again, user
t. todd
You literally can't kill alduin. The only thing the Dragonborn did was delay the inevitable.
Sanguine desu
true but even then Alduin doesn't want to end the kalpa he'd rather rule it like the asshole he is
so do we call them trannies now?
I mean, it i's 2019, after all.
I'm pretty sure Vivec fucked Molag Bal and had to kill the baby.
Me in the middle.
won’t the godhead wake up if the kalpa lasts too long?
Who knows tis the will of Todd at the end of the day
Mephala because her dialogue in Skyrim makes my pee pee hard
Does Kirkbrick have any cuh-razy explanation for this title? Who is King, Lorkhan?
So what happens to the Dragonborn's soul if they pledge themselves to every single daedric prince? Do the princes fight each other over who gets it or does the Dragonborn's soul merge back with Akatosh and the princes get a fat load of nothing?