What's worse? Smashfags or Homefags?
What's worse? Smashfags or Homefags?
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Yea Forumsfags
Wtf is a homefag?
Worse is me not having Eva Green sitting on my face right now.
Bethsedafags and Soulsfags
Newfag spotted.
The retards who don’t know how to filter
Blizzard shills who think official vanilla WoW servers will make their lives stop sucking
smashfags, its hilarious how upset homefags make the xiv/wow trannies seethe
Classic WoW has at most one thread up at a time whereas Smash can dominate half the board depending on the day.
It's not even a contest.
it's like he's trying to eat a sub
based gooseposter
Homefags honestly. The smashfags at least get hype about stuff that could potentially happen but the homefags just sit there clutching their purses crying about shit that will never happen again.
The game ain't the problems bros, get over it
Is this what footfags dream about doing? I've never really thought as far as to what they wanted to do with the "cute feet".
Some yes. A lot of footfags could be considered 'secondary' by media-related in-terms used on Yea Forums or Yea Forums because their fetish is more akin to an appreciation of legs + feet in view and not the prime focus, however.
Some footfags are even fascinated by the smell of the barefoot individual akin to a fart fetish. These people are the true degenerates. I can understand wanting to do stuff with something clean - be it a foot or a pussy - but when shit's dirty; shit is dirty.
To sum it up: All fetishes are disgusting but hey you like what you like. Footfags just like to bring it up a lot. Not as much as furries, but getting there on Yea Forums at least
Yeah, I'm thinking he's based.
Eva thread? Alright.
Sure thing senpai