*blocks your path*
Do people actually care about this shit anymore?
Life is Strange 2
They pushed the political agenda in Episode 1 too hard so nobody gives a shit anymore. Also no cute time travel lesbian cringe to save this shit.
LiS1 PERFECTLY captured the tumblrina audience.
LiS2 feels designed for the SJWs who whine and complain on twitter but won't actually buy your games
This. It pushes to the crowd who bitch and moan about imaginary problems but don't actually take action, basically a virtue signal.
It's also an insufferably shit game and I think even /ourguy/ Brote doesn't even wanna suffer through ep3.
no at all. boring characters, shitty setting, a startling lack of awareness of what people liked about game 1. not even worth watching it, let alone buying it.
what happen now
>Do people actually care about this shit anymore?
No. Bring on the dykes.
wtf is this spic shit?
Everyone stopped giving a shit once they confirmed Max and Chloe wouldn't be featured in it. Dumb fucking frenchies.
nobody buys games where generic boys are protags.
>decide to look at latest episode
>They're in cali or some shit hanging out with hippies living in a camp in the forest working on a weed farm
>Kid keeps shitting on MC and hates him because one of the hippies likes him but he won't make the first move and just keeps hanging around her instead
>Kids powers gotten incredibly strong that he can lift a massive tree trunk out of the lake with ease
>Kid keeps hanging out with the hippie leader who's a dumbass
>Kid gets told to wait outside while everyone gets paid, sneaks in anyway and gets caught, making everyone lose their payday and him and brother get fired
>Hippy who likes MC, Leader and some random christfag with them see kid use powers
>Hippy leader wants to break into weed farm and steal all the money in the safe
>Go back for farewell party for two swedes and MC and brother
>Hippy leader tries to get you to break in again, say yes or no
>Potentially fuck hippy girl
>Regardless hippy leader and brother sneak off to steal money, either with you or with you and hippy girl trying to stop them
>Get caught no matter what, either hippy leader gets killed or kid gets shot in shoulder, either way goes nuclear
>Ends on a shoot of everyone who was in the room on the ground, money and kid gone and MC with glass shard stuck in his eye
So the little spic abandons his brother to bleed to death with a fucking glass shard stuck in his eye that he caused, Ebin. Goes to show retards like don't give a shit about retarded stories, shitty writing and awful graphics as long as it has "muh purest love".
Daily reminder that Max is our girl.
Waifushit is a powerful autism magnet
>our girl.
She put up with this retard so no. If anyone is /ourguy/ it's the photographer kidnapping people to take lewd photos of them in his bunker and calls Max a stupid cunt.
The Japanese have learnt this for many decades, I don't know why westerns can't do the same.
it pretty much catered to the audience it wanted so i dont see anything wrong with it
I stopped giving a shit after the first game.
>inb4 "N-No see the first Life is tumblr was actually based!"
the west fears the breast
>tfw you can also kiss Finn
If only he wasnt fucking ugly. Shouldve found a way for him to get shot instead
All things considered, the first game was really fair in the way it handled things. Would have been really easy for the security guard and the devout christian girl to be essentially caricatures on how dumb authority and religion is, two things that would strongly appeal to what we perceive as the progressive, social justice crowd. But it was alright in the end. Only they could have handled the end and finale better.
>Ends on a shoot of everyone who was in the room on the ground, money and kid gone and MC with glass shard stuck in his eye
>It's fucking real
The first game sold over 2 million copies total. I think Square Enix was expecting a similar level of success with this season.
Only played the first season, I liked the mystery surrounding the town. Is S2 at least worth playing for the hot shota?
Wait really? I didn't see that at all, just MC being awkward as fuck about fucking the dirty hippy who gives you a shitty tattoo and then apologizing for being shit at sex.
no cute lesbians, so no
lis2 proves nobody gives a shit about ugly mexicans, and people only like lesbians if they are hot
Nothing, the 3 episode came out on the 9th and nobody gives a shit. Only people who cared about the first one was
>/u/cucks who eat up any garbage as long as it has "purest" love
Go dilate.
he was a west coast liberal tho
best character is chloes stepdad
She should've been the mc.
>Retard who couldn't handle a west coast lib photographer without a teenage girl giving him instructions on what to do
Basically this. Muds don’t actually like other muds and don’t want to see them on screen, and dykes are fit only for porn.
I forgot you fags would eat up this sjw trash if there was ugly dykes like the first game, instead you got cucked for gaybois
>people only like lesbians if they are hot
But people liked LiS1?
>lightly pushes table at dude with gun
>Goes to run right into table until he gets shot
>ugly mexicans
Mexicans are indeed usually ugly, but Daniel and Sean are cute
How do you wreck the ip so hard? Holy fuck these guys are idiots.
>teenage alt punk lesbians
>not attractive
don't be disingenuous. The audience was 95% adolescent straight males self-inserting into their tomboy yuri fantasies.
>tomboy yuri fantasies.
Sorry, not everyone is a closet tranny or cuck.
>The game sold really well, it must be because we're so great!
Literal hacks.
Can the MC be gay?
The strength of Life is Strange was "What if you played a game inside those hipster Juno movies made in the mid-2000s", without that crutch and allure they actually had to write a story and characters and guess what, they didn't.
Anyway, sacrifice that bitch so we can get the Kate Marsh ending
I bet that they're going to pull a Halloween and Life is Strange 3 will have superpowered lesbians as protagonists.
Life is Strange 2 would have succeeded if it had continued Captain Spirit's awesome adventure.
seeAt the start he's telling his friend about some chick he likes at their school though so he's bi at best.
/u/ will eat it up if so regardless of how pandering it is to sjws.
>make a critical and commercial hit
>instantly get very dedicated fanbase
>even a tv show in the works
>then you go and make this shit
It's insane.
I don't think they can salvage it. The damage is already done.
To this day I still dont get people who liked the first game. Chloe was an absolute cunt and max is the type of person I'd make fun of irl. The only thing I enjoyed about it was the porn
>Chloe was an absolute cunt and max is the type of person I'd make fun of irl
based They like it cause dykes
Well fuck I need to play episode 3 because the relation remind me of me and my brother.
I better be able to say fuck off to the junkies. I will protect the shota at all cost.
One of them becomes real buddy buddy with him and the kid thinks he's better then you. Kid's also a cunt and not worth protecting.
>Chloe was an absolute cunt
Everyone in the game acknowledges that. Chloe is so obnoxious and dumb that even Max gets angry at one point.
This whole season just felt like they lifted stuff from walking dead
they're hella stupid
Chloe is an absolute cunt but she's a well-written cunt. Flawless characters are shit characters and one of the endings requires her to acknowledge her flaws as she accepts her fate.
This, LiS handled it very well and the religious girl is one of the most likeables one, and when they catch the guy they dont sperg saying "REEEE ALL MEN ARE PERVERTS REEEEE", just THAT guy was a pervert.
They have a nice design, unlike those things of TLoU2, I dont know why they still think women are not superficial like, they want more heroines for the capeshit movies but in reality women are masturbating shipping Captain America with Iron Man.
And nobody fucking cares about immigrants
Yea Forums is
I'd dig it.
For me it's mainly about setting and atmosphere. I was really hoping they'd take the money from the success of LiS 1 and improve on everything. Like bigger, smarter and more puzzles with a big explorable school. Instead they made everything worse.
Was the porn he was watching political?
The thing about Chloe was that I still liked her despite hating everything about SJW culture.
I need to go back and beat LiS1 someday. It seemed really comfy and the writing seemed like a step up from most vidya writing at least.
We really need more games like it.
Uhh... that might be because Chloe is not a tumblr SJW character, just an edgelord with daddy issues. Even her gun control comment is a joke made right as she's being irresponsible with firearms. There is nothing SJW about her and almost nothing SJW with the rest of the game.
Judging from April Fools last year I wouldn't be surprised.
well theres a whole news channel named after the bbc
If anything, the fact that the game had a classic hardline, somewhat physically abusive parent portrayed in a somewhat sympathetic and humane light was the kind of subversion I would not expect from a game with that general tone. Makes me sad that it seem to have taken a straight nosedive in quality for the second one from what I hear, I wonder if they changed writers or something.
no but he is a dogfucker
Might sound like a meme, but for a lot of people people (me included) the game's very emotional story and the connection you form with the characters makes you almost rediscover the value of life.
You'd think a game about high school drama would be boring before you play it. But with life is strange you don't get the "boring high school drama vibe" at all, it perfectly manages to create a very powerful nostalgic vibe where you remissness about teenager stuff. It gets the atmosphere perfectly right with the music and themes like suicide, bullying, loss of friendship, growing up, etc. Constantly hearing Max's internal dialogue as she reflects on everything going on also makes her really grow on you as a character. At times you end up almost knowing everything she will say, and often feel the exact same way. As Max develops and becomes stronger you feel proud of her, because over the course of the game she has grown so close to you.
First episode is free. You have nothing to lose. store.steampowered.com
>the game's very emotional story and the connection you form with the characters makes you almost rediscover the value of life.
It should make you want to kill yourself for unironically typing that.
>nothing special and hits home
Considering that you actively talked and had common interests with half of your generation, if you had those interests(pop music and shitty yezzy/supreme clothes) you wouldn't be on this board
I had a love/hate relationship with life is strange 1. I saw a lot of SJW themes, and didn't like that. However, as I re-played it and played before the storm, I realize that actually all of the characters are portrayed somewhat fairly.
Chloe is all "girl power" and blames her problems on men. Then she goes on to cause pretty much every major problem in the story, showing that actually men weren't her problem. She is an interesting and I think accurate depiction of a leftist.
The game itself has what I consider some scathing critiques of Chloe. When she shows Max that she has a gun Max says something like "Don't you support gun control" she responds something like "Yeah, I don't want other people to have guns"
In general I feel like LIS1 did a good job of depicting a certain youth culture that existed at a certain time on the west coast. When I was younger teenagers talked like they do in LIS1, and for the lefties I would say it pretty accurately depicts how they talked//viewed the world/acted.
>powerful nostalgic vibe where you remissness about teenager stuff
>Not necessarily, I'm a dirt poor slav and I liked lis for Chloe and Max's relationship and eerie supernatural atmosphere in mundane things.
>LiS2 spacing
What's the interviewer's name? I'd like to watch some of her other journalistic works
didn't mean to quote the second part
Fuck off pasta nigger shill.
Can't be any worse than Warren