Mordhau thread
Post your mercs
If I ever see anyone like this in game I'm votekicking them.
Is this shit worth the 25 euros? Looks exactly like chivalry
Easily worth, like chivalry but with less bullshitting
Omg that's so fr*cking epic!
absolutely not
10 at best
maybe 12 as well
If you liked Chivalry and want an improved version, then yes. If you didn't, then no. Also, it's dying out pretty quick so might want to get in on it now if it does interest you before it's too late
Templars look cool, so what's the issue here?
Buy a better game like For Honor.
i played chivalry for like 3 days when it got out, got top score constantly by using the maul, then quit and never played again
alright, i'll skip buying it in that case (or wait for a sale if it's not dead by next month)
I'm also making my guy look like a crusader but yours looks like shit. Everything is too white. Let your guy get a little grime on him. He doesnt even look like hes ever cleansed a holy land of heratics before
based spooky ghost knight
>got top score constantly by using the maul
kek, it'd be the same story here for you then, the maul is an instant kill if you hit anyone in the head no matter what.
This game is too easy, whats the worst weapon in the game?
shit game
r8 my halberd guy
training sword
Training sword, blacksmith hammer, fists
You're a brainlet
Maul is fantastic because of the slow wind-up and high damage. Everyone always tries to block early and end up eating a hammer to the face, I love it.
>Tfw finishing someone off by throwing the Maul at them
Anyone did a Black Knight yet?
>Game shines in single combat
>Release game without an official duel mode
What did they mean by this?
Training sword build comin up. I will not stop using it till i get first in a full FL game.
As a chivalry nerd, I must say I love this game
Its no longer a move reading simulator which actually makes it fun
I mean in Chivalry you could start an attack, accelarate to fool the opponent into blocking, the decelerrate to avoid his block. Or you could fake a reverse overhead then do a 180 rainbow and hit him in the leg. Mordhau seems to have gotten rid of that bullshit which is pretty nice, and added customization, fun gamemodes and horses and chambering.
You havent really played chivalry unless you learned how to do reverse overheads , proper dragging and body feinting
Dragging is still a big part of Mordhau
Man executioner's swords are cool as shit, shame few games have them
Pay for the update, goy!
Yeah but i'm not about to fork out 30 bucks for Chivalry 2 : Less Feints edition
It also reeks of flavor of the month
If it was like 10 bucks i'd take it
Look it's the witcher guy!!!
WELP, i feel like it should do more than 3 damage while poking someone in the face with a metal bar. Even if it is for training
>if it was 10 bucks I would take it
Damn it must suck to be THAT poor
real crusader nigger hours
>not throwing away your money = being poor
if i didn't think it was worth a dollar, I wouldn't pay a dollar for it
>starting a folder with all good Mordhau fashion
>only pic is pic related
wtf guys give me GOOD fashion
r8. kinda want to get checker gambeson it might be better for this
>Scapular being worn outside of a monastic abbey
Got a guy just like that named big dick
If you say that you would buy it if it was X dollars, but instead its X+10 dollars and you dont buy it it means you are either one of (((them))) or poor
Rate my spear faggot
Digital-only games are worth $7, tops.
Why would I be poor if I think the game isn't worth 30 bucks but rather 10? I'm not following your logic
You do realize Monkey Island was made in a time when videogames had shoestring budgets?
>Ukrainian symbol
>not blue and gold
suka BLYAT
Completely lost my interest in this piece of shit after hitting the 100 hours played mark.
I just can't take it anymore, it's fucking obnoxious.
Fun while the novelty was still on but now that it wore off you end up noticing all the retarded broken patterns of unbalanced messes left over in this game. It's nothing that hasn't been already said and until they fix any of that shit, i'll still remain a bad game after you've finally gotten used to it.
You are the poorest faggot ever
20 bucks is like 1 hour work at most (as a starter)
That's the developer's problem, not mine.
The industry as a whole has been wildly overspending since 2007 or so.
People who are not poor think of 30 bucks as something that is worth while if you have like 1 hour of fun
You most probably had at least 1 hour of fun if you played it. So it is worth at least 30 bucks
>20 bucks is like 1 hour work at most
I've been continually surprised that Warhammer never had a Khorne worshipper with one.
Are you poor, old, old and poor, or young but working at a bar or some retarded job or something? Do you live in america on minimum wage?
What is your problem?
>blocks ur path
>Be rapierfag all my life
>It's literally the most fun style in the game alongside maybe getting 3 random smol weapons and using them as throwing weapons instead
>get called a bitch for using a rapier
Fuck you niggers
Shields are also gay
Edgy but cool
Rapier is acceptable if you don't use a shield. Anyone crying about it at that point just needs to git gud
Based Dutchfag. Kanker wat goed
I make between 100 and 150€ an hour. still wouldn't pay more then 20 bucks for a game in 99% of the cases. I only pay premium if I really want to support the dev.
It is their problem, but we wouldn't be getting games with visual fidelity, mechanical complexity and sound design as good as they are these days if they did not start spending more.
So the choice is either paying more for your games or getting games that are vastly inferior in terms of features and visuals/audio. Or you could do the third option and pirate, but that's not sustainable in the long run.
Accidentaly came up with this trying to make a zweifag build, pretty neat looking imo and the build is perfect for me.
bandages >>> bloodlust.
>cant use nordic skirt with the chainmail coat
Fucking WHY
You make 150 an hour
that is 1200 a day
6000 a week
24.000 a month
And you call 20 bucks premium?
Your story does not make ANY sense at all
>visual fidelity
That there is the problem.
The point of diminishing returns was ten years ago, now budgets need to inflate logarithmically to squeeze out 0.0001% improvement that will still "look like shit" to the average graphics fag almost immediately after.
Realism needs huge art teams to pump it out in a timeframe that will keep idiot investors happy.
Huge art teams can't maintain a consistent style, so they need to be herded into still more realism so at least everyone can agree what they're looking at.
This creates a vicious cycle of ever inflating art teams, and ofshoots a second vicious cycle of conceptual artists who need to keep providing photorealistic compositions for the asset teams to draw from.
The solution isn't doubling down on graphics faggotry, it's scaling back to visual fidelity of ten years ago when production wasn't batshit insane and could be accomplished by teams of human beings working reasonable hours instead of sweatshops full of unpaid interns being sucked dry and disposed of in a revolving door or hiring and layoffs.
are you retarded?
since when is a games budget related to it's quality?
Should I get Rome 2 or Dominions 3? Tomb Raider Reboot or Dwarf Fortress?
Fucking commie
>wear gauntlets
>blocking with fists doesn't block weapons
But why
rome 2 and tomb raider
>Generic Templar
OP knows how to get the party started
not when faggots use the spear or rapier. I hate those weapons
well to be fair 80% of the time I can only charge 100, since we have socialist medicine in my country. then there are the costs for running a private practice...
but the main point I don't think the majority of games are worth anything. So 20 is the cut off for me. If the dev is based I have no problem paying significant premiums. I paid way over 100€ for Dwarf Fortress or AI War for example.
But why should I subsidize some pink haired faggot in Cali?
Why is it like this ahhhhhhhhhh
fuck off propaganda tard
congrats on the worst taste award
cause thats a path thats meant to be broken with a weapon to delay attacking/flanking. there are more than 1
I heard the game was going to be getting women.
That shit better not be true.
i love the battle axe, need more level 2 helmets though
>Fighting someone
>Notice that I'm within one mile of a chair
>Character does the mantle animation and I'm now defenseless
>Having a really fun match
>Steam decides to take a shit and Mordhau disconnects
But why
Just crouch while you're swinging and it'll clip their legs, if they're idiots and stacked perks over armor (like a majority do) then they rarely have any leg armor and it'll do a fair bit of damage.
Guys, is there a better feeling than staring down a horse rider one on one as he charges at you, hitting him off his horse and then stabbing him on the ground to finish him? It seriously might be one of the best feelings I've had in a multiplayer game. Now whenever there's an enemy horse on the map I try and set myself in his path to take out the rider when he charges at me.
rapierfags are absolutely fine in my book so long as they don't carry a shield too.
I don't even mind shieldfags, so long as they carry something other than the rapier.
a rapier on its own is like bumblebee, but when you add a shield suddenly it becomes a wasp in the sense that it doesn't fucking die after trying to stab me once and instead can stab me as many times as it wants and never fucking die no matter how much I swat at it with my axe.
there's already female body models available in the configs
you lost
People are buttblasted over normies killing the deus vult meme
Why do you give a shit?
I already met some ballerinas. Not as hardcore as chivalry though.
>implying i won't just firebomb the ever living shit out of anyone playing as a woman
It's only just begin, cunt.
Like what you mong?
Shitters use firbombs, they dont even do damage on direct hits. Im gonna crush your white male character with my black female character's maul, firebaby.
>make game about medieval warfare
>add women
Why won't this game let me hard purple hair and a ak47 as well?
>screaming female characters ruined bf5
>now they're going to ruin Mordhau
guess ill just make a firebomb class
Maintenance literally every single Tuesday since forever. It just came back up.
>implying i won't beat you into the fire with my fists until you burn like a heretic
Can't wait.
sorry, you're a race of pests
fucking dairynigger
>they don't even do damage on direct hits
...You don't actually play the game do you
this isn't fair. I can't fight well with a boner.
>Not fighting even better with a boner.
How much damage do they do, firebaby?
go back to your discord, tranny
>game about medieval warfare
>have shit didn't happen like blades passing through plate like cloth for the sake of gameplay
>oh no dont harm my delicate insensibilites aaah dont change a character model please
Your boner should empower you to beat down the female knights for the celabratory post-victory rape
mad tranny mad that people don't want purple haired dykes ruining the game
5 on a direct hit, seems to be consistant across armor types.
Crossbow in this game is fun, beartrap too
The steam mods make ours look based and redpilled.
White males using spear, rapier, bow, shield, horses, catapults, ballistas and throwing weapons already ruined the game.
i lol'd at your reply
edit: thanks for the gold, stranger!
These are always fucking obnoxious and I don't know why.
Chivalry had less feints on high level players.
I did some duels in mordhau and pretty much all high levels use feint, which honestly shocked me. Its way more of a gamble fight than anything.
I had ike 6k kills and 300 deaths in chivalry and never used feinting freely nor did i meet many high levels feinting.
I prefer draging over feints.
Im getting the hang out of executioner blade dragging though. Feels like my trusty messer in chivalry
Is there a list of all weaponry damage/speed/reach?
I can't for the life of me do customization that looks good. I'm just using some random stuff that I bought but have no idea where to go from there
I got kicked out of a match today by this UK cuck after I wrote ''nigger'' in the chat, completely out of fucking context just because 2 dudes were arguing with each other in the chat and I wanted to break tension or some shit, I don't know what I even expected out of that or if I expected anything at all but I really wasn't ready for some dumbass to pass a votekick on me for that.
dont make /fa/ggot builds, make something funny looking
That's pretty based desu
That's what you get for spouting retarded Yea Forums memes outside of Yea Forums, faggot. You are cancer.
Is it possible to knock a rider off his horse if he has a lance coming straight at you? I can pretty much always knock a rider off if he's using just his normal spear or whatever when I'm using some kind of pole arm, but I just could not get the timing down to kill a lance rider. Seems like the lance is so long that it hits you before you can stab them off.
You must have felt really hurt user. Are you ok?
Dude you can't just say the n-word. Wtf were you thinking?
>that one retard that types like he's on Yea Forums everywhere
l always cringe
>consistently getting ~30k players on average
tf you talking about
Any other high levels chad just rocking first pick standard equipment while getting first place each match?
I simply dont bother with the customization
Try not being an immature faggot.
How many bear traps can you put down at once, do they disappear after death? Im making a builder build
friend gave it to me and some other friends because they gave him multiple copies somehow, we all played it once and haven't touched it since. It just feels like such a brainless repetitive game.
Yes, the billhook will always knock horse fags out of their horses
okay tranny
getting mad over mechanics
oops forgot the pic
I love movehau and loved 5honor, both are great
Xth for nerf executioner sword.
rent free
>brother is in Boston
>I am in the UK
Will we be able to play together?
We tried on Insurgency and we can only play quickmatch if I add him on my team.
We can't browse the server list (he is US East, I am Europe).
Probably a super ignorant question for 2019 but we are trying to decide if we can get this.
you wanna know how I know you're trash?
Horrible fucking community as well as players.
Why would they nerf a shit sword?
Painted sallet SOON.
you can but if your ping is any higher than 100 the game's netcode completely shits itself and makes people stab half a meter next to you and still kill you because of lag
I'm getting mad that you faggots use realism or accuracy to wave off things you don't like. Just say you don't like women or you don't want them in your game, just don't fucking lie or guise it as something it's clearly not.
Rate this one too.
>waaaaaah they're using legitimate, logical arguments against which I can't say anything or I'll look like a fool. Better convince them to use ad-hominem arguments so I can make them look stupid!!!11
If you have each other on your Steam Friends list, you/he can right click his/your name and Join whatever server one of you are connected to.
100+ ping is somewhat hard to deal with (I get 120-180 in servers when I join friends who live overseas), but playable if you stick to team fights instead of a duel where you're a lot more timing dependent.
>Exe sword's strength is that it can 2 shot you with swings but the swings are extremely telegraphed
>Stabs do shit all for damage so you can pretty much expect a swing 90% of the time
Try working on your situational awareness user.
Insurgency Sandstorm can take it up to 120.. Over this I lose him..
What could we do? Try and hope for the best? Or play at obscure hours..
>females in war breaks my immersion
>lute playing knights and naked peasants with pans do not
get a gf
Fuckk off it's just a faster and longer maul for niggers.
Not him, but women in a medieval combat game just stick out like a sore thumb. I don't want to hear feminine screams and constantly see faggots roleplaying as women. I hope it's a toggle at least.
is that why my weapons are literally phasing through the enemies while their daggers are 2 feet from my face and i'm still getting killed? and why basic button presses sometimes don't even register so i just stand there while someone just does a basic swing and my character doesn't even block?
hahah UK faggot, i play on Dallas Texas servers and everyone calls each other niggers
>get a gf
>mom look I used the "you're an incel" inult, am I getting my tendies now?
i'm actually married but sure, can always get a second woman i suppose. also bards are cool you colossal faggot
Mauls can one-shot 3 head armor, Exe sword can't. Exe sword might be OPed if it's stab was worth a damn, but it's not.
wish i were playing on american servers and not eu ones too
have sex
No, it's not you retard. The maul is the only weapon that can one shot every tier of head armor. The exec sword is just a zwei with lower reach and shit pokes.
probably. netcode shits itself at 100 ping or over in 1v1 situations
>i'm actually married but sure
you have 5 minutes to post a picture of your engagement ring before I add you to the list of liars I have exposed today
maybe later
>engagement ring
lmao what
You guys play as a blacksmith, right?
i play with dicks
fucking idiot
The fact that the swings are so slow are a point for the weapon, not against it. It means more efficient dragging and later feints/morphs.
I can't wait for female characters so then I can decapitate their waifu they spent days making in one shot.
>bards and lunatics make me mad
okay tranny
>falling for the "games are more expensive to make now" meme
Retard. Games have literally only gotten cheaper to make.
i would but i hate the fact that the hitbox for the hammer and buildable items is messed up horrifically
I literally can't imagine caring this much but I play for fun. Sorry it makes the game less enjoyable for you.
Do you mean realism? We've established this game isn't. Accuracy? Plenty of inaccuracies already, why not one more? Its not like they're adding guns. It changes nothing about the game. I encourage you to make a logical argument.
>average smug animegirl posters profile
I predict it's playerbase will halve by September
update when
blacksmiths use wood too, double retard
What the fuck are you on about? Whatever modeling software the Mordhau team uses probably cost more to license than the entirety of Monkey Island.
I know its hard to believe, but women are physically incapable of being as strong as men are. I know your tiny tranny brain has problems thinking because you're too busy keeping that open gash you call a pussy open and you lose a lot of blood, but try for a second to use it.
Show me some smithing you've done ingame then, you dumb fuck.
The meta is now established and the duelist players are cheesing feints and morphs so hard that the animations are literally impossible to read. It just looks like flailing at rapid speeds and then you're dead.
>Do you mean realism? We've established this game isn't. Accuracy? Plenty of inaccuracies already, why not one more? Its not like they're adding guns. It changes nothing about the game. I encourage you to make a logical argument.
women are literally unable to wield any weapon but the 1handed ones because of their weak upper body strength
I just want Darkforest bros
>brings 2 firebombs
>your 5 minutes of work gone in 5 seconds
nah, i repaired that wall through many firebombs
found user
Not mine but I might make it
you are a sad human being.
Who likes winning on taida?
just post the name so I can bully
Leggings looking a bit tight there soldier
Sauron those niggas.
This game is close to death. The same faggots who ruined Chivalry are actively ruining this.
I've never had a good Frontlines game. It's a stomp in either direction.
i've had quite a few go down to the wire with either team having left
New maps when?
How do you build the ballista I see around the map sometimes? I press R and its just spikes and archer wall with toolbox
In chivalry I just went vanguard and topped leaderboards by mindlessly swinging my massive sword. Is this game more punishing for that shit?
>not putting spikes in the bushes
the playerbas of this game is dwindling it wil lbe ded in a wek
>Find a dude in heavy armor with a medbag out
>He runs around dropping med kits all over the field
>Then he runs back to the supply box to do it again
>He does this for three games straight
But why tho?
You start with 3/6 ammo in your toolbox, find a supply box first.
easy exp
1. They're farming xp/gold because points from healing is insane
2. They're a huge slut
these two are pretty kickass
based clownknight
How do I turn on weapon traces and shit?
r8 my bois
Are there any items with an X pattern? I want to make a claymore-wielding Scot, but without the flag it feels like a waste
>chainmail era helmet on a suit of full plate
ahhhhhhhhh my eyes hurt from watching oldschool porn aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh help meeeeeeeeeeeee
I'm not a tranny and I don't like trannies. Blades are physically incapable of passing through plate as easily as they do in this game, but they changed how realistic that is for the sake of gameplay. There is nothing wrong with adding a different character model and voice when it won't affect gameplay. Next argument and try not to go on a random tangent next time to pad out your post.
(You) too. I'm not sure how to tell you this but the game shirks plenty of realistic things for the sake of gameplay.
best wait for the modding tools to be released first
based US bro
being a sothron feels good desu
Rate my support nigga , billhook because fuck horses, med bag and blacksmith hammer to keep my retarded team safe n alive
Rate my boys
>caring about historical fashion instead of good stats + fashion
kys yourself
It looks like shit.
Don't post your statsfag mishmash if you want a fashion r8.
>provide a logical argument
Back to discord, tranny
>logical arguments
alright, i can see you're stunted. here's your last (You)
how do you put hoods over helmets?
>provide reasons as to why women don't make sense in a medieval battlefield in a game thats mostly realistic
>dumb tranny that thinks its a woman doesn't understand because it lacks any brain power
Back to discord, tranny
I think it's in the 'neck' slot for certain helmets.
>The same faggots who ruined Chivalry are actively ruining this.
How can they possible ruin this? The reason chivalry was ruined for me personaly were the 360 faggots and the guys that crouch and attack with their backs towards me.
Daily reminder that cavemen posters will be subjugated to Roman law, one spear thrown headshot at a time.
So what's the official Yea Forums server
Dressing up like a roman doesn't make you immune from being a spearshield nigger, user.
I also have a Roman cosplay using the shield spear combo makes me feel dirty
give me one good reason to stop or im going to boot up the game and spam rapier stab RIGHT NOW
Imagine being such a manchild that whenever you see someone wearing an outfit of a group you don't like you have to vote kick them because their toxicity is too extreme for you
If you're going to RP a Roman in a Medieval combat game, why not rp a Roman that actually existed in the timeframe?
which one of you is this?
Anyone else have trouble swinging from the left side sometimes? Makes chambering pretty hard.
Roman soldiers used a shortsword not a spear you fag.
The gladius was their secondary weapon.
>mostly realistic
imagine thinking this
Republic era standard equipment included several throwing spears, and that's ignoring proper spears used by units like the Hastatus and the Triarius soldiers.
raging faggot
you playing on ps1 or something?
not bad
fucking fantastic
god bless america
very nice
bretty coo
lconsider suicide
looks bretty realistic
sopa de macaco/10
bretty nice, could use some color variation though
he's too skinny but it's an alright fit
circus knight
not bad
based maulbro/10
bretty fucking cool, i dig the minimalism
these look kinda retarded desu
bretty nice all around
coping faggot
Nice Saltzpyre friendo
>Put like 5 hours into playing engie
>Literally just now figured out how to put up a mounted crossbow
The fuck was I supposed to know to visit a rearming box when I'm already full on walls/spikes?
Why aren't you playing trapper?
Poorly optimized, very low on content, feels like an early access game.
they fought like hoplites before they were organized into manipular legions and even then some units like triarii used spears
Reminder that horseniggers are the easiest retards to bait in the entire game
New Fortnite update is looking pretty dope.
excuse my shitty pc but here is my guy
wat de fug
What waist do you guys think looks best for that worn-torn look? The wanderer's skirt doesn't cover the crotch and looks kinda silly.
Mega fucking based, death to all horseniggers
based clover knight
cosplay is the most fun thing about the game
>that filename
user you didn't even try.
Best that can be done with the game having nothing that looks anime-ish at all, understandably
Holy Sigmar, bless this ravaged autist!
No, not understandably.
What you made looks nothing remotely like what you named it and naming it that is disingenuous in the extreme.
you're startlingly upset
Speedier weapons will fuck you.
Don't shit on my plate and tell me it's boipussy, user.
Thy defence has more holes than my mothers Swiss cheese!
Germanics are so fucking retarded to not copy the shield superiority. Almost every single Roman used a shield which is why they were so powerful, rather than wasting budget on useless shit like body armor and horses. Even today, 80% of our soldier deaths come from explosives which the armor they use is totally useless against.
This is the best.
The spear is for immediate throwing you fucking gauls. The arming sword with viking skin is a great gladius and the AS in general is low-key fun and efficient as fuck
>see the post about decked out knights with just med bags
>do one match to try it out
>Get 500 gold
Holy shit.
does performance effect gold? I thought it was just how long the map lasts
score, time played, and winning/losing
>try to follow tip from user in last thread about disabling attack flip with x direction and binding right attacks to keys
>doesn't change anything
Question mark?
>Mordhau threads always max out replies
>pussies crying that the game isn't dying
How do i get better at the game
if i get 1 kill for every 2 deaths i consider that doing well
short spear is a reccomended weapon but i cant hit anyone with thrusting and the occasional potshot throw
is this a stated fact? Cause ive shat all over people scorewise and you dont get diddly shit if the map ends quick
yes, it takes all 3 into consideration. So if you get a score of 3,000 and the map ends quickly you make less than if you scored 2500 and the map lasts 20 minutes
Marketing bots bump the threads.
Isn't this just War of the Roses/Chivalry/For Honor again?
yes and like war of the roses it will be dead in a week
t. For Honor Marketing Team
I like it but the meta is kicking in and I can feel it getting less enjoyable, so Ive been enjoying it till then
>3 people feinting and doing drags with one hit kill weapons
Ehhhh, then it turns into duel servers being the only thing populated and then the meta game just deepens and it dies. I am convinced that the problem with these games is entirely the fault of sticking to the directional combat system, there has got to be another way. I want a melee multiplayer game but this cant be the only way to do it.
Based Roche
>mixing a later era closed helmet/armet with a fucking HAUBERK
My fucking eyes user
Not gonna lie, pretty based
Hey user! I only got a warning for that!
The first one's based, but your knigga is aesthetic
could seriously use some more maps.
or maybe improve some of the ones there already.
like fucking camp.
fuck camp.
>said nigger online
>probably no loicence
hope you like visits from your local constable, bruv
wtf is wrong w/ camp?
Red gets ballista and catapult, blue gets ???
I like bows :}
the worst class in the game
kicking people off the bridge in mount on horde mode is entertaining
multiple horses, ramparts for archers, a ballista
Walls and cover on their side of the map at all times. Granted, I actually agree, I think they should have SOMETHING else, an extra horse or a ballista stationed somewhere, speaking of which red gets a ballista too on that map. The maps are mostly all fucked for blue if people dont have their heads screwed on properly, its kindof shitty since as soon as things go bad it just cascades and you seldom recover.
The ballista is behind their walls while reds overlooks the whole battlefield proper, what is the point, if the enemy is at the point where you are using the one inside the camp you have already lost.
>tfw they have no leg armor
>Week two of game being out and not joining the legion
whats the most optimal loadout for an engie?
how can i play this game?? it disconnects me every time
Nordland marine?
What DPI/sens are people using? 800 DPI, default sensitivity feels a bit slow. I crank my mouse to 3000 DPI and I can swing and drag like crazy.
Billhook, Toolbox, Blacksmith hammer. Do whatever with the leftover points, armor or perks doesnt, matter
Toolbox obviously for building shit. Blacksmith hammer because it builds/repairs better than the mallet. Billhook because you can pull people into you spikes if you are fighting from ontop of them. You can also combine toolbox and billhook to delete horseniggers
just ignore the bait
>3 points for a perk when you can just press shift after killing someone to achieve the same effect
>Billhook because you can pull people into you spikes if you are fighting from ontop of them.
How? I'm deadly curious.
It’s true I actually changed it from that to fire resistance and friendly and something else
Stab them with the alt grip and you pull them towards you
Swings in billhooks default mode pull people closer to you. So if they are beating your spikes, and you swing at them, it just pulls them into the spikes and instantly kills them.
Swings in default mode = pull
Stabs in default mode = push
Swings in alt mode = push
Stabs in alt mode = pull
Instant loss on any team
How do I grind xp and gold quickly? don't wanna look like a hobo
Spears are pretty easy to counter though 1v1. They only got one trick. Where they shine is in team battles.
Not in front lines. Everyone just accels their swings to hit as fast as possible. If you get into a 1v1 in FL and try to morph or drag, you’ll just get hit by a left click spammer accelling all his hits.
bottom right is awesome
Except for guys with executioner's swords, I actually don't see a lot of LMB spam, especially when compared to Chiv. It's mostly overheads and jabs.
Estoc or longsword. For frontlines.
It’s almost all I encounter. I almost never run into a guy who feints, drags or morphs. I wish I did.
As in, which should I go with?
game too expensive
Feinting gets you killed in Mordhau. A noob will just spam and a good player will just go for a chamber and smack you. Also, a good number of players are using shields, which makes them virtually immune to feinting.
It needs more maps.
Well, you usually use feinting after a series of chambers to throw off your opponent's rhythm. This isn't Chiv where its an almost win button at lower-to-mid levels. You gotta work it into your shit.
Can agree, feinting works against new people who don't know how to chamber, but I've been running spear for a long time and feinting a stab usually means I get stabbed in return because they go for a chamber.
>falling for bait
Holy fuck I don't know why this image is in my name, fucking firefox. Not even my guy, shield+spear is cancer. I'm a spear purist.
rate pls (bullying allowed)
>10 people on each side using spear/rapier and shield
>6 on each using executioner/zwies
>3 archers on the bottom of the scoreboard on each team
>2 meme machines like 3pan/pyro/brawler/grum on each
>2 people on each using anything else.
>designated team bards
This is what frontline has become.
I fucking love meme/theme builds. It's all I ever use.
Anyone else feel like Frontline is fucking shit?
As soon as one of the sides gets the middle point the game has been decided 90% of the time.
Anyone think shields are OP in this? Historically, I feel like they should be, but from a gameplay perspective, it drags out things.
Use both and then figure it out yourself.
tfw no gambeson pants
>That's crazy man. Have you ever tried milk of the poppy?
>What'dya think they put in the medkits
>Peter Dinklich plays his Hobbit Fighter
>sallet with gothic armor instead of any of the heavy armor shit
post traps
a lot of my classes follow this baseline
>historically accurate (early 15th Century)
>fashionable as fuck
>extremely effective
>easy to bamboozle archers with it
based it on some of the shit in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, currently top the leaderboard with of my derivatives of it on most servers
maximum comfy
>this is a bad thing
same reason i kick out furries and loli characters in vr games
Anyone else seem to be getting worse the more they play? Just four days ago I was consistently top three for like a whole week, now I seem to be losing every game and I can't fucking parry stabs.
Maybe you're not getting worse, maybe others are getting better?
What's the best way to get XP and gold?
that armors all over the place...
How many of you will play as a girl when they add them?
that's a zweihänder retard
Damn, runescape looks like THIS now?
Ugh worse :^)
>the umlaut
i want to HAVE SEX with you
>tfw no reason to use the eveningstar when the maul exists
i fucking love my eveningstar but literary cost more then a maul whilst being objectively worst in almost every way
I will not play them, but I will focus on killing them as much as I'm focusing on killing archers.
If you pick a female archer then may God have mercy on your wretched soul.
I wonder how many shitty saber knockoffs they'll be.
Mordhau, more likfe modehau.
Where fashion is the endgame.
>beta trumpkin falling for bait this easily
Just for a few loadouts, but I cannot leave the Eager and Raider voices.
The most perceptive character in any play is the fool, because the man who wishes to seem simple cannot possibly be a simpleton.
My pinky is also completely fucked from pressing shift, it might be time for a break.
Must be pumping himself with estrogen all day to be able to type all that gay shit
Where my Empire bros at?
Why does it seem like every eveningstar user is a fucking ninja? I barely see eveningstars at all, yet apparently from the feed, I'm still being killed by them. They don't even run over my body after I'm dead so I can get a look at them.
I already am.
How did he do that?
Don't have the levels/dosh for that yet.
You look like an easy kill
The Empire's colors are primarily white and red, bud.
That's some border prince shit you've got going there.
Are you wearing the Nordic skirt? I really want that
Do you want duels, or chaos? If you want chaos, it is some good fun.
*One-shots you*
How active is this in australia?
>primary colors
There are no "Empire colors," they vary tremendously by province. Red and white is usually associated with Talabheim, or to a lesser extent Reikland.
I encourage you to educate yourself before you presume to condescend to others.
fuuuucking based
feels so good to get kills cracking retards in the back of the head on my slave boy after fortifying a point while they're busy fighting someone else
Would be a shame if someone poked at your legs
I'm getting Darkest Dungeon bounty hunter vibes /10
Why is the mother always happy?
Because she has a new gal pal to do fun stuff with.
Legs are for pussies.
Based Saltzpyre bros