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>playing this shit instead of ro2

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Fuck this map and fuck jannies.

has anything happened since they fixed that map with the church? There was some apc demo did anything happen with that

>tfw when you can't direct aim the rifle grenades

Fucking why? Molotovs also last forever, I actually prefer the new MG. Glad the north got a little love God knows they needed it

>tfw when

Disregard that

>park my T-34 across from your spawn
nothin personnel hans

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Every SMG but MAT is great. Drum mag PPSh in semi auto is god tier.

That's a great map

To be honest whenever I play north gooks I do 100% better with the shitty knockoff AK over the AKM, even at longer ranges. I guess I'm just "better" at spraying and praying.

is it any good? currently on steam sale and wondering if I should pick it up. been wanting a multiplayer FPS with big teams for a while

Molotovs are wild, the flames last so long. Throw that shit anywhere in the enemies direction and you'll get some kills like 2 minutes later from retards who don't realize fire is bad

Shit's on sale for 7 bucks Yea Forums.
Get it now so I can fry your ass in-game.

It's pretty neat. For 8 bucks it's a steal.

At least you can hip fire them. You can easily hit enemies out in the open at 200m with some practice.

Nah it's shit.

the fucking tanks in ro2 are bullshit.

apart from visibility the t34 is superior in every way to the german counterpart which wasn't true in reality.

without aiming for specific weakpoints the t34 is basically invincible from the front and sides at medium range to the pziv gun which is innacurate and bad for gameplay.

also the russian tank is far less vulnerable to at rifle fire then the panzer iv

Rice = safe

>which wasn't true in reality.

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Both games are great, those with WWII bias leave and stay leave

A pz4 with he 75 is way more than an even match for a T34. Russiaboos are just as bad as wehraboos.

why has this game always been loaded with poltards?

It's not, that's just vestiges of the old internet where people like being offensive for fun.

>t34 is superior in every way to the german counterpart
but it's not
>Worse sights
>MG is garbage
>One less crewman
>Side armor is much weaker
>Front weakspot is much harder to protect

Love this game. Always remember to forgive your commanders for arty TK's. You know they didn't mean it.

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>can't handle even the most tame bantz

Maybe some super regulated EA shit is more your speed.

Given how many players are in each game and how cheap the game is on sale it's amazing the retarded banter in RS2 isn't CS:GO tier. I'm staggered by how inane the Sea of Thieves banter is in Arena, not the game I was expecting such rabid lunacy.

cry some more babby

British players are so mild mannered and tacticool, I wish I had better a connection on most UK servers. RS2 is awful when the hicks start getting on and ranting about the guns they own IRL.

>side armor is much weaker
yeah its weak but it will still bounce 90 degree shots from the 75mm at fairly short ranges

Campaign only master race reporting in.

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I'm talking about AT. The PZB will consistently penetrate the side armor of the T-34. Tank vs Tank in RO2 is always a dice roll which is why everybody aims for the gunner.

you little guys are really defensive. Is this your safe space?

Are you daft? Most UK players are absolute cockney degenerates or screeching irishmen. Americans are generally loud for sure, but usually less pissy and upset about mistakes.

This guy knows what's up.

Every campaign ever:
>Teams are even, fighting for every inch, one side eventually loses, gg
>Everyone hops on the winning team after 1 match
>Winning team steamrolls
>Near the end of the campaign most of the original players have given up and left, retards occupy both sides
>Some clan of vets comes in, stacks a team and trolls the other side into making retarded map picks, making the rest of the campaign up to that point irrelevant


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I stay on the same side the entire time I'm connected. Switching sides is for pussies.

who was whining about poltards again?


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>protecting the wall on Hue City
>planning how to infiltrate the wall via tunnels / get a gang on snipers to shoot down the chinks on the wallroof

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>bitches about bantz
>says others need a safe space
>thinks everyone is a poltard
>literally uses the most generic and recognizable /pol insult there is
Kill yourself my friend

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As do I. Unfortunately, very few players stick to their guns.

Tunnel fighting in Hue, or any map for that matter, is best.

>charging down the middle bridge that is never guarded for some reason

If you play US east campaigns we probably see each other. I play about every other day.

thanks for answering my question

all the boys are on the roof

This. Commit to your team either win or lose. Usually I join the losing team if I join a campaign in progress just for that underdog trying to recover feeling.

>holding Deltas tunnels on Cu Chi by yourself as the Tunnel Rat King Sapper and forcing the enemy team to play whack-a-mole, forcing them to enter your underground domain.

The BAR is god's gun.

Debate me.

>tfw got over 10 kills with the 1911 in the tunnels on Cu Chi
Tunnel Rat achievement master race, here, good to meet another brother.

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>me and a sapper mate place bombs through all tunnels
>go up to shoot some Americans
>hear explosions under me

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It is a good gun, but it sure as shit ain't no garand.

I see my username pop up in RS2 youtube videos all the time. Similar comfy community feeling I get while playing Hunt: Showdown.

A man doesn't need twenty rounds. He only needs eight.

Post your Strayans.

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Garand has higher recoil than the BAR - 20 rounds of a BAR can put a team into fits.

Absolutely RARE, I've only had a chance to use it once or twice in 50+ hours.

The thing that happens after you've already killed the guy you were aiming at? I'm not sure why this matters.

RS2 was a huge downgrade from RO2.
It's like they made phosphate plant into its own game.

Except when they put their mark in the most retarded place and kills more team mates than enemies.

I have the same face/moustache, but with Kangaroo tattoo, slouch hat and shades.

Whatever you say, I have hundreds of hours in both games and have enjoyed them equally.

Maybe for each round but the garand is much more controllable. The bar has a bad tendency to spread 20 rounds everywhere except your target, and with a shittier ironsight and longer reload to boot.

You know it's the kind of stunt I never attempt because I assume people will shoot me trough oblivion but I literally never tried it ever since I started playing the game years ago so I should try that instead.

They don't mean it but that doesn't stop them from killing players out of ignorance. You put the mark behind the point or not at all. Expecting players to be smart enough to vacate an artillery strike within 10 seconds is retarded, especially when most players never look at their map or play with voice chat on.

T34s were 'better' tanks solely by virtue of ease of production. The Russians shit out mediocre tanks because they had the resources and manpower to spare. Like most Russian production doctrine for the mid to late 20th century, tank production focused on flooding the front lines with new vehicles at a consistent pace and cannibalizing anything that broke down to repair existing vehicles.
Germans had a tendency to over-design the shit out of their tanks, leading to major production issues later in the war and major design flaws throughout the war.

In a lot of ways the t34's are a lot like Shermans, shitty mass-produced tanks that could be flung at the enemy. The prime difference being you didn't need to consistently cannibalize other Shermans for repairs, and the chassis for shermans were more versatile.

Difference is Sherman's were built properly and were well designed. Underpowered maybe but definitely not shit.

Shermans were actually good tanks. They wiped the floor with T34's in the Korean War.

I mean, they ran reliably, were fairly easy to repair, handled well, and could be outfitted with some decent firepower, but their armoring was shit. You could sneeze on a Sherman and blow a hole in its armor. Hope you like your coffin with plenty of ventilation holes in it.

Don't get me wrong, I still think they were good tanks, just that they could have had placed a little more emphasis on defense.

100% agree with you. It helps that Shermans actually had other positives outside of easy mass production.

>You could sneeze on a Sherman and blow a hole in its armor.
This is a broad statement that is far from applicable to the entire line. The front of a Jumbo was thicker and more sharply angled than the front of a Tiger.

Strange side-taking

>when your team votes to attack an enemy 5 victory point province for 75 combat power

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>Be shit at shoirt range combat
>be shit at close combat
>be shit at taking objective
>Be best marksman
>Never manage to get the marksman role
I both like and hate this game

>fag who camps in a bush shooting people from a mile away sucks at anything else
what a shock

>get to attack Hue as the PAVN
>pick commander
>take points A, B, and C within 15 minutes using a few choice ambush deployments

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Shermans were literally better armoured, better armed, and more reliable than a T34.

>play game for the first time
>first match I'm crawling through a ricefield and smokescreen trying to get to the objective
>whoever our leader is is drunk on mike and apologizes on radio for calling in napalm danger close
>dude next to me is reciting the lords prayer over his mike as bullets wizz over our heads and the napalm starts hitting

I didn't expect this level of immersion

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It's strange how the communities of these games tend to be consistently pretty good.

I tried them all. I really only shine when i can pop niggers from very far away.

yeah I was honestly surprised. Its always funny yet scary when I start hearing dudes with fake asian voices yelling at me from the trees

>Its always funny yet scary when I start hearing dudes with fake asian voices yelling at me from the trees
I'm probably one of those people. I scream "GO HOME GI, I KILL YOU GI, I FUCKED YOUR WIFE GI, GO HOME AND RAISE MY BABY."

My parents are on holiday in Vietnam right now. What should I ask for as a souvenir? Do they sell talking R. Lee Ermey dolls there?

>tfw 300 hours of flying

having people say shit like "XX has the fucking cobra again" in allchat is fun as fuck
I play alot on Resort

Scopes have always been shit in these games. I'd rather be sniping with iron sights. You get barely any magnification and it just makes you tunnel vision the enemies to your right and left.

How do i even build better reflexes?
I always end up getting outshot by some fag during close range firefights

>how the communities of these games tend to be consistently pretty good.
RS2 community is retarded. Supremacy is unplayable because nobody knows how to read a fucking map.

>playing RPG
>commander spawns everyone on him
>immediately backblast them for the lols
>commander somehow survived
>they all forgive me

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I like scopes. But i also like picking guerilla with a mosin nagant and do just that. My furthest kill yet has been made with iron sights, 349 mts

when the winter war servers coming back?

Nailing a high-speed Huey landing behind the beach rock formation and letting your team take A almost immediately really makes you feel like a hero

I did this but with a grenade in the underground tunnel. killed 12+ at once

so what servers does Yea Forums play?
I usually hang on in 40-1 UK, where there is a clear disctinction between shit players and a few great ones

I usually do low flying runbys behind Bravo or circle around buildings, I always end up with more than 60 kills
landing on Echo with huey and getting out with the squad you dropped before slotting charlies

Resort is both one of the best and worst map in the game. It all depends on the pilots.
I like to shit on it sometimes.

> match is ruined and lost in advance
> fuck it
> go transport pilot
> 200 hours in
> never piloted a damn thing in this game
> wait until i'm halfway trough the route to announce on all chats I never piloted an helicopter before
> "lol guys wish me luck!"
> no response at first
> someone eventually mutters on his mic "for fuck sake's im in your heli."
> gets taken down immediately after

508th chad here

Campaign mode is a glorified multiminute map vote. If you like campaign mode, you literally hate the game itself. You might as well just stare at a map of Vietnam with a stopwatch running in the background.

Resort is the best map, anyone who doesn't like it is a fag

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I play RS2, ARMA, Hunt: Showdown and other such shooters because combat isn't running and gunning. If you lack reflexes you can make up for it in knowing where your enemy will be, tricking them into going where you want them to go, etc. Outwitting your enemy with the element of surprise and guarding choke points is the key. Be where they won't expect you.

What's your opinion on 83? I love the whole, cold War gone hot setting, so I hope it works out

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Sound is so fucking important in this game. I play with 7.1 surround headphones so I can hear in 3d where people are moving around. I can hear them walk into the room next to mine and then spray it with a BAR and get a kill, or hear a bush rustle off in front of me. The sound design in the game is phenomenal in that regard.

sounds doesn't help that much since i'm half deaf

Does anyone have any footage of getting mass Banzai charged in Rising Storm 1?
I wanted to show my friend how much your screen would shake when you got mass charged, but I can't any footage at all.
I can find footage of people charging, but none of people getting charged

I play on those servers a lot, those and the 2nd Ranger, which ever ones have lowest pings, being US East, they kind of differ. I don't understand how the pings are listed as 40 on the server list but then I play at like 80-100.
