Other urls found in this thread:
>ends inequality
>Yea Forums throws a shitstorm over a black man ending slavery
Is Yea Forums just filled with insecure whites or did /pol/ really take over Yea Forums?
Hating darkies won't change the fact that your parents still regret not aborting worthless neets
How would preventing slavery stop niggers from starving to death in africa
Insecure whites and mexicans, don't know why but south americans are obssesed with /pol/
It would prevent Africa from getting worst in the long term.
They were progressing by themselves, at their rate, slower than europeans given their environment but it was there.
Yes, we get it. SJW's are bad. But shit like this is mostly an eye roller. But most of you retards take shit like this waaay too seriously like boycotting and review bombing and overall hating the game. What happened?
>Tyrone's upset because no one wants to pay his welfare
Cry more nigger
A black person wouldn't say darkie you inbreed snownigger.
>stupid whitey thinks he has a choice to pay my welfare
Bitch government will take your money whether you want to or not
Aren't mexicans central americans? Or does mexico still count as north america?
The internet became a toddler
>Stop Wypipo from enslaving your ancestors in the past
>Travel back to the future
>Turns out Chinamen enslaved your ancestors after Wypipo didn't
white people are the most insecure race in the world
Do people actually say this in real life?
Dialate, Reddit
lol that would be poo2loos
i dont think you know what neet means
Is get woke even a real phrase and not some meme internet lingo?
Mexico is North America.
That would be Indians and Asians in general.
Have sex.
this is pretty much what happened to haiti. Went from a prosperous French colony to people literally eating dirt
>collect neetbux
>not on welfare
no wonder you're unemployable.
This is wrong though. Without white colonialism extracting every resource from every country they've taken and distributing it among the wealthy few, there'd be much more work put into making an actually better future for everyone, and we'd already be living in a utopia, hell possibly even out in space.
Because USA had the great Idea of putting a embargo to Haiti so they won't get money from trade, which collapsed their economy, they were afraid of other colonies following the lead of Haiti.
Do some research brainlet
Why dont you
Play Video-Games
>Do some research brainlet
explain Africa
>which collapsed their economy
What economy? They killed all the whites. There was no economy left.
>triggered so hard can't even spell