Reminder that if you subscribe to any digital product you're actively destroying not only video games but the fabric of...

Reminder that if you subscribe to any digital product you're actively destroying not only video games but the fabric of our society as well.

Reminder to pirate before you buy.

Reminder that consumers brought video games to sorry state it's at today.

Reminder that this board is anti-video games otherwise it would have these maxims in a pinned thread for all to read.

Don't subscribe, ever. Always pirate before you buy. Do not buy games like VtMB where money goes to people who had nothing to do with making it. If you can, donate to the developer directly, not the publisher. Don't use DRM software like Steam and its clones. Don't give money to streamers, you're creating a class of shills that will completely saturate the free 'press' market.

Attached: dobson.jpg (500x1359, 336K)

Cringe, but based and redpilled.

Why is he a bear?


unironically good post
OP not a fag for once



>fabric of our society
Ok, but why do I care, I'm gonna be dead soon-ish anyway

BASED pro-consumer thread

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Die knowing you held your standards high.

Will do OP

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Reminder that most of the people who talk like this are broke faggots who want to justify themselves

If you don’t want to support a game, ignore it
If you want to play a game, then buy it.

You aren’t morally superior for pirating software. You’re trying to have your cake and eat it too

Reminder that Pirate Before You Buy is the most doubleplusungood phrase in the industry.

Who said anything about moral superiority? It's just common sense. Mayhaps you're projecting?

Even if you don't pirate, OP is still correct

People that pre-order games and support microtransactions are the true cancer in the industry, companies only do shit like that because retards enable them to

Piracy =/= lost sale. If anything, it's free marketing if the product is good; a filter that ensures quality products get the money from those able to buy them.

>son of dob

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fuck AAA companies and the retards that enable them to commit actual crimes and get away with it
fuck e-celebs, journalist and youtubers that support them
fuck microtransactions
fuck pre-orders and early access
fuck jannies
fuck you faggots

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You should pay for goods and services you use you fucking communist

If you don’t like the product or it isn’t worth it, don’t use it

Morally superior to you and just you.
You're defending publishers, who suck all the money from the sales. You aren't doing fuck all for the developers. You know you fucking "stole" doom and you couldn't even be fucked to mail a twenty to Carmack who actually made the fucking thing because you're a retard who somehow thinks spending eighty bucks on 2016 is just as good.

Of course, that's why I need to pirate it first - I'll find out if it's good or not and spread the word. You should do it too, money is hard to come buy and you should be spending it wisely.

Reminder that game prices have gone up while production costs are basically non-existent since everything is gone digital. Reminder that people STILL pay 60+ bucks for game keys; they don't even get the fucking plastic box anymore, and if they do get it - there's no disc inside!

>fucking lie about a product
>it's nothing like it was promised
>lol I won't give your money back, cuck
Why the fuck can AAA companies get away with bullshit that would make any non-vidya company in any other industry be obliterated?

You mean like John Deere and Adobe?

these points are commendable

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>Dobson is still a thing
I guess anyone can get a following.

>dont use steam
how the fuck am i supposed to play games jackass? i cant torrent cause my ISP is a bunch of spooks

This is retarded logic. How about 'literally just have a small amount of self-control and not buy games that are obvious going to be shit'.

And your streamer argument is shit as well, journos are already paid shills, and the best way to fix that problem is to open up the table so more people can give criticism to wider audiences. Only reason to dislike that is if you're a shill for the status quo.

There are several DRM-free stores.

you don't play games, you just act superior to people who do

OP is the embodiment of everything wrong with Yea Forums

>self control

The societal measures, like laws etc are in theory designed to protect the vulnerable. For example, to protect children from the gambling industry. Guess who puts extra care to design skinner boxes in all but name and peddle them to aforementioned vulnerable groups?

I'm a moralfag, but I'm cool with pirates as long as they're not faggots.

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and i cant always buy the game i want from those freedom means NEVER being restricted or giving ANY thing up

>buying games to play them
>buying games for your Youtube channel
>buying games to play with your friends
>buying games to get a game on [platform]
>buying [Game 1] to make sure [Game 3] isn't like [Game 2]

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>that little publisher defense there
Nice try, faggot.

And none of the points in the OP are useful for protecting children and the mentally ill. Or for elevating games above Skinner boxes. In fact it does the opposite, because subscription-based games can make money without the need for microtransactions, so it makes no sense to boycott those instead of F2P games that cause far more harm.

>proving the comic right

>implying I'm even a pirate
I don't need to be one to know that publishers fucking ruin everything

Subscription based model's sole aim is to take away the ownership of a product from the consumer. People like you need to die off but that's not going to happen; quite the opposite.

Tonight I'm going to buy a game on Steam only to spite OP.
Is Zeroranger good?

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user that you responded to here. That's the one part I disagree with besides "wasn't going to buy it is not a lost sale"

I would say consumers allowed video games to get to this state, but it has ultimately always been the corporations

And the phone and cable companies

Imagine being so miserable and insufferable than a cartoon smile triggers you

Tell me where I can buy Ace Combat 7 DRM free

dobson has no torso

>the existence of apples means that oranges will become extinct

>money goes to people who had nothing to do with making it
Could you elaborate?

I genuinely believe big streamers hurt videogames as they mitigate a lot of damage a company will receive for making stupid decisions.
Look at Kripp, hit livelihood is directly tied to hearthstone, and no matter how terrible a expansion is, he will defend it, influencing all that naive and manipulable playerbase.

Hope someone sells you a license for seasonal use of orchard located on your property.

I dropped like 1000 bucks on video games over the years
its not much but without me and others you wouldn't have anything to pirate

Influencer model of business is where the marketing industry is going right now, from the reaction videos onwards.

Oh wow, thank you. I would totally buy that game that I pirated because I wasn't gonna buy it.

For AAA games that is

Imagine being a proud wagecuck

that's literally how it works, people get sued for stealing seeds all the time, and you can lose your farm if your shit isn't up to standard

There's nothing that can be done. I'd say hope for another crash, but looking at every other industry doing the exact same shit, I doubt it'll happen.

Who stole what seeds? What standards? Fruit grows on trees.

Bitch aint got no legs

I've dropped more or less $2500 (I stopped pirating around 2011-2012)

And people pretty much universally agree that Monsanto's policy of WE OWN THE CONCEPT OF PLANTS is fucking retarded.

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Andrew, Son of Dob, Heir to the Throne of the Dobbish Dynasty.

as we agree that not paying people when you use their product is retarded

no harm comes to the producer of digital goods via piracy. it does not equate a lost sale nor is it equal to a physical product.

>Reminder to pirate before you buy.
Or just get a refund.

>it does not equate a lost sale
Yes it does.
>nor is it equal to a physical product
Yes it is.

Feel free to back up those claims with facts. I know of a rather infamous EU study you would do well to read...

Yes it does.

Yes it is.

Look, I stole your words! How much do you want to pay me to give them back?

I see you gave up on defending subscriptions rather quickly.

>Reading this thread while both my OFW switch where I have easily bought 500CAD worth of games on sits on my stomach while my CFW vita with tons of piracy sits on my chest
Feels weird man

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Because there's literally no argument to be made against subscriptions other than "I don't like it and I'm worried that normal games will cease to exist because of it".

>it's not a fact that making a copy of something that costs money without paying for it is the same as stealing
This is why I hate you piratefags, if you're going to steal, then just fucking steal. Stop trying to take the moral high ground.

What you're describing is plagiarism. And yes, plagiarism is wrong.

What do you mean plagiarism? You can't plagiarise a car.

>If I ignore any arguments and misuse the word "steal" enough times, I win!
Absolutely BTFO, thanks for conceding.

>compares piracy to stealing words (plagiarism)
>backpedals after being reminded that plagiarism is a real thing

Name one argument that I ignored.

Tell that to Hyundai.

It's weird how much incest porn there is of that show.




all of the day bro

the moment you realize dobson has jerked off to the Larkin love Power Girl video....

>If you want to play a game, then buy it.

Attached: gigachad pirate.png (1673x2160, 1.26M)

that piracy isn't stealing, per definition.
Stealing is taking away someone's property, be it by physically taking it, restricting access to exclude the owner or similiar.

Piracy is Copyright Infringement, as you use the game (in this case) without being legally allowed to do so. You don't take away the gamefiles from the owner.

However, it WOULD be stealing if you'd go to the developer, take his drive with the game files and use it for yourself, but that's another level

What games?

based and Rosspilled.

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Reminder that you don't actually buy video games, you just buy a license to play it
Reminder pirating is moral

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God bless Texas.

Fucking hell, a Dobson comic that's actually amusing. What is this?

I don't have standards. I just consume product and work in a wage cage.

Only on Yea Forums

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Yea Forums, the so-called tumblr board, has a literal general about pirating comics with MEGA links in the OP and nobody bitches about it

Yea Forums is full of actual marketers and normalfags. It's no surprise its the most populated board

Still waiting for a reply.

too many to list, I have like 200

I'm still waiting for those aerial dogfight.

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Is Steam the reason why so many "gamers" today are tech illiterate that can't do anything or even play games without Steam doing everything for them?

>Reminder to pirate before you buy.
I like not having russian spyware, cryptominers, and ransomware on my computer.
If there was a website that has proven itself to be safe I could download pirated games from, like emuparadise or The Eye, I would without hesitation or any guilt.
But no, you faggots expect me to put my whole computer at risk by directly downloading it from some random other asshole's computer through torrents.

>what is igg

>only people on Yea Forums think lying is a major business strategy for video games only

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yeah, but you still get a big mac when you order one.
If McD was run by any AAA studio, you could see an ad for a big mac, order a big mac, and end up with a cheeseburger

But that's not lying, you get the exact same type of things with the one on the right as the one of the left.
The only difference is that the one on the left is EXTREMELY carefully presented in a way to make it look like that, but the ingredients and the amount of them is the same.

>and the amount of them is the same
No they aren't.
Are you blind? Look how thin those patties are on the right.

do you get the idea?

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I get the idea, but not your point.
And what has Wiedźmin to do with anything?

except that it's a nice example of actually showing the product.

Actually one of the few game series I actually bought w/o pirating beforehand

>If McD was run by any AAA studio, you could see an ad for a big mac, order a big mac, and end up with a cheeseburger
you mean half a game from what was promised? its not new

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I mean an entirely different product that only barely resembles the promised thing, but yours is good, too.