Press control to crouch

>press control to crouch

Attached: A7C459C0-A40D-4C55-8CAB-1B6170111C1B.png (388x413, 5K)

>press crouch to crouch

Attached: 1557846834784.png (590x291, 270K)

Ctrl > c

speak for yourself pal. my tiny little hands can't reach ctrl.

>press G for grenade

Attached: 1546421409669.jpg (638x1000, 61K)

>rebind to LShift to make it easier on pinky

Attached: 1538367459266.gif (215x194, 566K)

>press H for anything
fucking how

Better than C but worse than Shift.

Attached: Prone.jpg (1024x576, 140K)

do you have a retarded gimp hand or something, my hands are small as well and my pinkie can easily reach ctrl

Attached: 1534690044995.png (443x382, 358K)

>Space isnt jump

Attached: tenor.gif (498x254, 1.63M)

Shift should always be sprint
Don't you dare say you use alt to sprint

>Press [Bitch] to Nigger

Attached: 1554755939371.png (442x509, 328K)

>press any key that is not enter or backspace to pause

>caps lock as sprint

Attached: 1547322879576.gif (500x640, 2.97M)

Take a shower.

if there's a prone option, ctrl=prone, c=crouch

>E to jump
>spacebar to interact

Attached: 1556385442242.png (628x636, 248K)

That's for toggling sprint.

Mouse4 for sprint

but that's for melee!

Good ol' default controls Morrowind

>Press F to move forward
>Press B to move backwards
>Press L to move left
>Press R to move right

Attached: 1278325676178.png (254x242, 52K)

>Press I for inventory
>Press M for map
>Tab doesn't do anything

Mouse5 or Alt

I use that for risky rain 2. It's good.

>he uses his pinky to hit control like a brainlet and not the much more comfortable and optimal palm technique
it's also just better for your hands

Attached: palm_pressing_control_key_from_youngstabber_2013-08-20[1].jpg (300x400, 21K)

>have tiny baby hands
>Constantly remind things to x, c, ' and caps lock

Attached: 1557425174106m.jpg (1024x640, 117K)

Shift for hold crouch.
C for toggle.

Fuck sprinting.

Attached: 6312.jpg (400x400, 30K)

>Waggle the middle stick to avoid jokers gun

>having babby hands where you palm can actually touch the keyboard

thanks doc

or just having regular ass hands and being to hit more binds without typing like a hungry skeleton

>Not pressing the Pause Key to Pause
That's the purpose of the damn key. I think FEAR is the only game that utilizes it.

>tfw I used to pronounce ctrl as "crilt" when I was a kid

How the fuck do you think people crouch and airstrafe right at the same time?
People who don't use their pinky for crouching automatically should be banned for being under 18.

I use ctrl for hold crouch, C for toggle crouch.

... are all skeletons hungry?

My man.

Someone beat any platformer with these controls. I dare you

Attached: 73527.png (500x450, 166K)

>hold down L3 to crouch

Attached: 1547813634149.png (450x443, 102K)

>press F to melee

Attached: 1493139074545.png (872x632, 258K)

anyone else use shift to crouch?

Caps lock is for walking, you moron.

ALT crouch masterrace checking in

Attached: a62 (1).png (680x661, 262K)

Ctrl for crouch
C for prone

ctrl is crouch
z is prone
shift is sprint
alt is voice chat
f is action button

>Contextual based actions performed by a single generic [use] key.
Consoles are cancer.

Attached: 1547685590198.png (137x163, 30K)

Shift for crouch, X or maybe Z for prone.

>run=default on
>sprint = shift
>crouch = ctrl
>walk = alt
>prone = z
>toggle fire mode = x
>light = f
>use = c
prove me wrong

Attached: a0546130512_16.jpg (700x700, 50K)

>One game has Escape as menu and I/E as inventory
>Other game has it completly opposite

Perfect except for last two, f is the dedicated use key for me, unless were talking source games where f is flashlight and e is interact.

>press I for inventory

Attached: 1516494287954.png (220x229, 5K)

My commands for the usuals are

Walk forward = Mouse 2
Jump = Left shift
Crouch = Space
Grenade = G
Melee = F
Sprint = R
Flashlight = X
Special ability= C
Reload = W
Zoom/iron sight = Q

>escape to close the game

Attached: 1528258465477.jpg (486x414, 36K)

t. zoomer

>bind scrollwheel to shoot
>semi autos become fully auto

Attached: dev3.jpg (500x567, 53K)

Forgot. Prone = Z

Why do whites make this face?

our instincts tell us life shouldnt be so horrible

>f to interact

Attached: 1557239709841.jpg (400x546, 137K)

>crouch anything other than left ctrl
>run anything other than left shift
>jump anything other than space

Attached: 1a1.png (605x453, 599K)

Why do minorities flock to white countries?

d...does that actually work?

>rebind all controls to CS1.6 scheme

Attached: sip.jpg (234x215, 9K)

f IS flashlight
>q and e are "lean left and lean right" or "journal and inventory"
possible swap e&c if it's the latter.

why did germans flock to everyone else's country.

To conquer them... Hey... Wait a minute...

If you have a mouse that can switch to jet engine mode like the G502, yes, so long as there's no hard-coded cooldown on firing semi-autos.

>Press Alt to Sprint

Attached: 1555279039632.png (1228x1150, 191K)

>FEAR's default PC controls

Attached: 1551896214780.png (374x376, 221K)

>press F to open door

Attached: sdsd.png (409x394, 199K)

F is best key for interact.
>interact not high enough priority to replace more important shit on your mouse
>accessible enough to be used whenever you need it on F
>QE for leaning (inb4 he can't lean and strafe with QE lean like a dexlet)

E is better when there's no lean option.

>using two different keys for the same thing, assuming you play some games with lean and some without
Nah. F even when there's no lean

But nigga that's my flashlight. Also I typically play one game at a time and have the brain capacity to memorize different controls for different games. As long as I'm not into like three or more.

Nah. Flashlight goes on T.

>WASD = move
>Caps = toggle walk/run
>Shift = sprint
>Space= jump
>C = toggle crouch
>Z = prone
>Q/E = hold lean
>Tab = inventory
>F = interact
>G = grenade
>M4 = melee
>T = flashlight
>X = Firemode
>Ctrl/Alt/M3/M5/MWheel = vary depending on game and what other options are available (for example, M5 to switch between magnification on optics and/or swap between them; and if the game doesn't have keys to modify other key inputs when used in conjunction, ctrl can be hold crouch since there probably aren't many more things to bind at this point).

>run=default on
>sprint = alt
>crouch = ctrl
>walk = z
>prone = shift
>toggle fire mode = keypad enter (flick with thumb like RL)
>light = Middle Mouse
>use = F
v is always quick chat, T is teamchat, and Y is alltalk. Thumb 5 (on the side of the mouse) is PTT.
Q and E are Lean. Otherwise it's Last Weapon for Q and flashlight for E.

No matter what game it is, I always try to stick by these controls.

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