Which element is the best?
And why is it Water?
Which element is the best?
And why is it Water?
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earth desu
Wind is and has always been the element of chads..
you misspelled earth
air feels more me, but I really like earth
Because water is the element of change
Air > Water > Earth >>> Fire
Air is broken as fuck since it's always present. Probably why they had to genocide most of them (and give the remaining ones pacifistic attitudes)
>not heart
in terms of avatar water is objectively the best because of bloodbending. Fire is high up because of lightning, then air because we just never really saw enough of it, then earth. Metal bending is cool but not really useful till korra which is like a joke.
Water is best because it's the basis for Blood bending, aka the most broken shit
Though Earth being the basis for Metal bending is kind of dope too
>water beats rock and fire
>rock and fire can cancel each other out
>wind can beat all 3
Water > Earth > Air > Shit > Fire
fuck firefags
Fire is the only real element. I know this is an old thing but we now know that earth, ground and air are basically the same thing in different forms: matter. But no on really knows what fire is and that what makes it different.
If we go by
shit, then my element should be fire. But I think Earth is the one that's the most visually impressive, and thus the coolest one. I think that if Air Nomads weren't moralfags, they'd be the strongest. Water is nice, but we all know that the headcanon theory of "but water in your body bro" is childish, and bloodbending was so poorly explained in Korra, I consider it fucking fanfic that some people are just so good at bloodbending they are basically untouchable.
Ditto for Lavabending, regardless if it is literally the coolest thing in the show; Korra really should have explained these things.
Fire is obviously the best because you sacrifice utility for the pain of your enemies
Elements are fucking gay and retarded
There, I said it
Is lava bending or whatever it's called attributed to fire?
>probably any fluid in your body
I think it's pretty obvious
uhm actually sweatheart, earth wind water and fire aren't acutally elements because science disproved that years ago
fire is just the chemical process of something rapidly oxidizing, not really an element sweetie
I'm an air sign (aquarius) but I'm better described by a mix of water and earth according to this.
on a "all at max strength" level Waterbenders will win fights instantly because Bloodbending is some serious bullshit - just have someone punch themselves in the balls repeatedly or run themselves through or jump off the nearest cliff or snap their own next or rape a goat or whatever
though it also kind of depends - I'd say a Firebender could also throw off a single bolt before a Waterbender bloodbends them, so it's a fight decided in a single move
Earth and Air have no practical defense against Bloodbending, and Earth especially has such big motions they wouldn't get a single thing off before they got bloodbended
this is purely on a "standing across from each other" sort of deal though - as naturally an Earthbender would fuck EVERYONE in a cave system, so it's more fun to imagine how it would go in fights with everyone but Waterbenders
if ice goes to water, lava goes to earth
>freeze shit
>make shit wet
>control blood and as a result people
>burn stuff
No earth. But only 1 person knows how to do it. (The other one died)
>t. literal virgin monk
Shut the fuck up
I think (you) are gay and retarded
air is clearly the best since you can fly and choke people
the bloodbending concept kind of broke the entire balance
I think it's neat that they tried to make each form of bending have an "ascended" state (ie earth and metal, fire and lightning), but bloodbending just makes waterbenders the most powerful
Combat wise Blood is pretty much unstoppable. Utility-Wise Its Earth > Water > Fire > Power Gap > Air
Earth is obvious as it allows you to build and maintain massive structures very easily along with a slew of other shit which Metal Bending makes even crazier. Fire and Lightning are great fuel sources but there is only so much you can do with fire. Water basically allows you to heal people and you can do all kinds of things with it and given how much of the planet is made out of water its huge. Air doesn't have much going for it aside from wind power.
So you're mud?
The element of surprise.
Because it can flow and it can crash.
If you say Fire or Air then I don't know how I'd feel about us being friends.
Shut the fuck up, you're gay and retarded
Earth looks like goatse
They never explained how it really works, we can only contemplate the physics behind it. There's maybe a chance that because Bolins parents were both an Earth bender, and a fire bender, he got the hybrid ability
Air is pretty fucking OP considering what Aang and Zaheer could pull. Water is OP by sheer utility since it's everywhere, you can change it's state pretty easily, it can heal, bloodbend etc. Fire and Earth are mook elements in comparison.
You can only do it during a full moon though. Unless you’re Tarlok and his family. Fuck TLoK
I'll rapidly oxidize your mom you fucking dirt worshipping cockslurp.
Cancer here, you earth guys are alright, dont come to class tomorrow.
Lightning, bitches
fucking lightning and electricity
Fire has the best girl, so they win.
jokes on you, my mom has already been cremated
>Nowhere near as versatile as the other elements and has little practical use
>Both waterbenders and earthbenders can control the temperature of their element (and airbenders presumably could too) so firebenders don't even have that going for them as a unique ability
>Had to give firebenders the ability to produce fire on demand because otherwise they'd be fucking useless in most situations
>Had to tack lightningbending onto the firebender power set because they couldn't think of an actual logical extension of firebending like bloodbending, plantbending or sandbending
Fire sucks
t. Scorpiochad.
What is the use of firebending other than fighting and party tricks. Seems like a pretty useless element desu
>realize fire is a really one dimensional element
>"shit how do we make this power more interesting"
>"uh fuck it I guess they can control lightning"
>I know this is an old thing but we now know that earth, ground and air are basically the same thing in different forms: matter.
Supremely based.
The classical elements are stale as fuck. What are some games with strange or unique elements?
Pic related has smoke, metal, plastic, meat and sugar. I always though that was really cool.
Waterbenders could probably drown people by bending the water in the air.
She's not even a bender though
The Last Shitbender when?
burning things I guess
None of these have any use in the current day. Genderbending is op though.
I'll snip your fucking tail off and eat it in front of you, you double nigger. Then what will you have? Nothing.
More combustion/explosion type benders would be dope
While fire, water air and earth were later found to not actually be elements in their own right, the ancients were definitely onto something because the same model can be used to describe the four most common states of matter. Plasma (fire), liquid (water), air (gas) and earth (solid). Not so smart now huh?
god I hate korra
Earth, but very specific. It require more fluid moviments (as its a liquid instead of a solid), similar to water bending, and it can totally kill the user or random people around if you dont take care, like fire bending.
Avatars usually have a easier time picking on it than non-avatars.
uhm sweatie...
fire isn't plasma...........
If fire has an advantage because power generation, then that all goes to air. All of our power generation comes from spinning turbines. Coal, Oil, and even nuclear all go back to the old steam engine, using the energy to boil water to spin the turbine. Air benders are capable of massive power gap if they wanted to industrialize.
I really liked the combat in this game but damn did everything else suck, feels bad knowing this is the only thing we're ever gonna get from this.
combustion man was pretty cool
Every retard with half a brain has figured this out, I'll bet you're a fire sign.
what kills me about suki is how cool her makeup looks, but how retarded and terrible it looks on anyone who tries to cosplay her.
RIP Combustion bro
well fire and burning is just accelerated oxidation
so if we take that to it's logical conclusion then firebenders should be able to use this to breathe in any environment by forcefully oxidizing their own blood and supercharge their metabolism by directly injecting the required energy into their cells
Also waterbenders being able to make ice, steam etc is probably useful.
>t. caveman still eating raw meat in the dark
Sorry, weenie. I already pierced you with my giant cock multiple times.
Better luck next time.
>haha yeah but I can do x y z!!!!
I don't care.
if you want to go that way then all you need to do is spin a ferrous metal around in a magnetic field which gives it to earth
or even more directly just flat out generate the required electrons, which once again puts power generation in the hands of the firebenders
Can waterbenders bloodbend themselves?
that would've been a logical(if kind of expected) sort of deal that would've made more sense than lightning, if not as cool maybe
Two people going full berserk in an Agni Kai with Firebender blood doping techniques would be pretty radical
this girl managed it decently
Anyone else play that online arena game they released? Was pretty fun.
it has to do with Chi
Firebending is inherently selfish chi-wise so it would make sense for them to be able to enhance their own bodies
Bloodbending yourself wouldn't even be useful anyways, it's a rather crude, unnatural way of movement even by the most skilled practitioners, inferior to just moving your own body
would have also made for a cool moment if it turned out the fire lord didn't need to breathe, at the expense of whatever unfortunate water bender that got the drop on him and thought to end the war quickly
Through my shell? Fat chance faglard.
>I got you in a joint
I'll just RIP my fucking leg off or whatever and grow a new one. Might eat it later if I get hungry, idk. Good luck hunting retard geckos in the desert without a tail.
Yeah I always thought that was really cool as well. Then there were even slide or derivative formes, like Earth - Sandbending and Water - Swampbending. What would Air’s “ascended/advanced” bending have beem though? Storms, maybe? Currents?
I was going to mention that, but even then Bloodbending is just icing on an already perfect cake. Also seriously what the fuck was up with TLoK
>one of the most powerful techniques one can do as Avatar is seal another’s bending away via energybending
>it’s shown to be an extremely dangerous and risky move, making sense that only the Avatar can do it
>literal who in the next series can do it whenever he wants just by touching his victim a few times
>also bloodbending without a full moon even though someone like Katara still can’t
>There will never be a full fledged Avatar RPG where you can play as a nomad Earthbender in the Si Wong Desert who forms a band of sand raiders pilfering local caravan routes.
I've seen some decent cosplays, but yeah you're right
did she fuck up her eyebrows to do that or just paint so well over them I can't tell
>Wanting to play as an earthnigger
Your shell is out of paper lmao
don't forget their bloodbending is ranged
and can affect multiple people in the extreme cases
and requires no body motion
deep jungle hillbilly water benders were better than those dumb sandshits
Wind can’t beat fire lol
>and requires no body motion
We aren't talking about korra's gay retcon mary sue tier shit.
also would have served to distinguish between mere skilled firebenders and true masters
self-enhancement fucks up your body something fierce for the former and if overdone even causes accelerated aging
but a true master like Iroh would be able (to a certain degree) to enhance his body without the associated risks
I like Fire, but I'm also a massive edgelord.
>t. seething dirtcuck
It's called chitin, pole smoker. Humans had to use a mallet to get at my juicy meat, and you think your little dongle doodler is gonna get through this shit? Jesus fuck it's a miracle you breath without being reminded.
That person was, user.
>But no on really knows what fire is
Fire is a chemical reaction (specifically, the combustion of fuel in the presence of oxygen) which gives off heat and visible light.
New update fucking when?
Its really crude and not something i would expect on Avatar, but i can imagine a waterbender who somehow lost control of a leg due to nerve injury to be able to use bloodbending to puppeteer himself into walking
Water is indeed the best, only because of blood-bending. Which means that a water-bender could give you an aneurysm, a heartattack, etc.
controlling wind you could snuff it out nerd
>tfw you realize the elements are symbolic of the industrial sector and sugar is literally an allegory for drugs or the addictive need for entertainment in general
Daily reminder that Earth, Fire and Lighting are the most manly elemental powers.
Air and Water are the powers of faggots and women.
Here's my favorite elements.
>4 elements trainer
>2 waterbenders, no proper airbender
>Blood bending not being even more OP than air.
Unless I'm fighting a robot uprising on fucking Mars, you bet your ass there's water everywhere too. I'm making you my puppet-bitch and will dry you up afterwards like raisins, you 70%-made-of-water silly user.
So many things about TLoK was so bad, I stopped watching it after the first season, and even then I think my brain blocked out memories of that. As far as I’m concerned it’s all non-canon lol.
would b pretty cool if overusing it in a fight caused like, energy veins to start appearing the longer it's maintained, up to full suffusion of whoever's using it in light(literally 'becoming fire' so to speak)
and hey you could work in lightning again by just saying that reaching that point under an open sky causes a reverse thunderbolt that diffuses the Firebinder into the sky and kills them instantly for abusing it
Considering we're analyzing this from a scientific perspective, let's assume that the mechanism by which firebending works is that they can magically generate fuel (let's say it's a gas since we never see the fuel) and then immediately combust it. How is this equivalent to "generating electrons"?
How precise can bending get? Can you create a vacuum with air bending, or remove all oxygen from a specific place?
>Aries has to share with Leo
Fuck I hate Leos. Libras are always the cutest though.
we saw air bending suffocation in one of the cartoons
Pretty good, but they're fucked if they have to fight something that's weak to water.
Water is practically the best but the fire nation just dabs on anyone
Korra is techincally an airbender
Roku and another Fire Avatar knew how to do it
you can, but it's not explosive and needs concentration
even a master needed time to slowly pull the air out of someone's lungs and then had to maintain the spinning vacuum around her head
I wish we learned what boosted Air and Earth like the Sun and Moon.
How is it possible to bloodbend someone without killing them? I'll accept for the sake of argument that the force of the blood pushing against the vessel walls is strong enough to push the victim's limbs, but that person will go into cardiac arrest extremely quickly.
>Can you create a vacuum with air bending, or remove all oxygen from a specific place?
Yes we saw someone do those two tings specifically at the same time.
Only master water benders were capable of pulling water from anywhere, and you can only blood bend on the full moon.
Amon bloodbended practically every day.
Korra is not canon
Let's assume for a moment, that you're not joking and actually taking tlok seriously. Amon, his brother and father were the only 3 water benders capable of doing it outside of the full moon. 3 is not a large number user, idc how busted you people think blood bending is. A squad of earth benders would body them.
>Pushing people with fire
I always hated how lazy Avatar was with some elements. Fire was nothing but burst of flames out of your limbs, pretty much the same with air, but Water? Niggas had a shit ton of variables and uses for the element. Earth always got the walls and pillars coming from the ground, which were fine, but became predictable after a while. Those writers were lazy as shit with the elements capabilities.
No one else played this shit?
Wind is the strongest in Avatar AND xiaolin showdown, get outta here water boys
Well, they are wearing armor and the fire they push out is more like a force than just things catching on fire. You also seem to be ignoring that people, like Zuko, actually got physically scarred from firebending.
Okay, answer these questions:
Earth also cover Plantlife?
Air also cover Lightning?
Dark also cover Poison?
Water also cover Coldness?
>by sheer utility since it's everywhere
This is what I'm saying about air. If the air benders weren't pacifists they would have taken over the world.
t. Omi
Same here, it was really cool. I believe Fire gets boosts from the Sun, the Summer Solstice, and Sozin’s Comet. While Water gets a boost from the Moon, and the Winter Solstice. Someone fact-check me on the solstice thing though, I can’t remember. Also either element gets put into jeopardy when its respective celestial body is being eclipsed.
you mean Raimundo
I'm just imagining an alternative version of Avatar that instead of the Fire Nation, its a rogue nation of bloodbenders. No I havent watched Korra so I dont know if theyve attempted that.
All depends on range however in pure combat ability air is best, force choking people will always be top tier.
Not only is it fire, it's PRESSURED fire
Like how pressured water hurts, pretty sure fire would hurt
But it does hurt people in universe all the time.
Lmao thanks for proving my point wetback
>even a master needed time to slowly pull the air out of someone's lungs and then had to maintain the spinning vacuum around her head
Zaheer wasn't a master at all, though.
Katara also got horrible scars because of firebending. But guess what? Those were reverted with the miraculous powers of writer's favorite waterbending.
Sorry, pretty sure fire would push
they are wearing armor
The best element is Entropy.
but he was a life long windaboo
Considering airbending takes more skill than anything else and it hasnt been fully explored yet it's the real winner.
Remember only two people could fly and the avatar will never get this ability
>two people could fly
Ignoring the fact that you forget tons of cool shit done with earth bending in atla. I think the difference in perception between the elements makes a whole lot of sense. The two biggest nations possessing the most benders, earth and water, are the most versatile. They have the most masters and techniques. Air, being used by pacifists since it's inception is practically devoid of martial techniques. And fire is literally "get madder, punch harder" BECAUSE of how disconnected the fire nation is with the first fire benders. And so their bending has not been able to grow.
Imagine what could become of air bending and fire bending if they were allowed the same development as water and earth bending.
I'll be completely honest with you anons, as much as i want another avatar series i don't think there is anyone on this earth that has a mind creative enough to do the universe atla created justice.
Zahere was able to do some cool shit with air
Korra not being canon is a given, but we really shouldn't outright forget about it. We need to take what worked, and learn from what didn't. A major rewrite would be great.
Again the only living airbender was Aang before TLoK and we would never know about airbending at all since everbody thinks its a myth once Aang came back
>Lifeforms on planet earth are all carbon-based
>Not picking rock to gain control of literally everything
At least we can all agree that HOTHEAD FIREFAGS are the absolute worst, right?
yes they are but level headed ones are the best
like uncle Iroh
Can we actually talk about this? Iroh was fucking on to something. Adopting the styles of other element bending opened new doors for an element.
We saw what a water bending technique did with fire bending, redirecting lightning. It might be that the lightning technique in the first place is closely related to water bending philosophy.
Could combustion bending be fire bending utilizing some earth bending philosophy?
>I don't know what fire is therefore nobody knows.
Fire is a cloud of hot gas eminating from a combustion reaction.
Isn't that what lava bending is?
Lava bending was so poorly thought out in tlok i don't want to talk about it. Can we just keep it as an ancient and powerful technique that only the avatar has access to?
Earthbending is basically minecraft
>earth and water
You mean Earth and Fire. Waterbenders aren't numerous like either of those are.
sunlight or laser bending when
I'll always stick with fire, I don't care what the Yea Forums hivemind says.
She got singed,not scarred like Zuko, she just got burned. Aang got scarred from Azula's lightning and the healing water didn't get rid of the scar, so we know that actual scarring can't get healed.
it only makes sense for the Avatar to be able to lavabend,it is a combination of firebending,earthbending and waterbending,though I guess a bender who had a firebending and earthbending parent can make sense
>Dont do anything, just wait until your enemies are dead
How is that not broken?
>Natural source of heat
>Natural source of light
>Natural source of power
>Can cook food
>Can smith weapons and armor
>Helps seal off wounds
Get your pretend to be retarded bullshit out my face
Considering the sun warriors were a thing, fucking eventually.
on the other hand the show also heavily nerfs fire by not accounting for convection
I mean in what god damn universe is a METAL SUIT a bright idea against a living flamethrower
>fire benders
It was pretty clear that they were a small nation of islands that used their technological superiority to project power, at the cost of their small population's prosperity. And when you consider that swamp benders. The most I would be willing to give you is fire benders having the same numbers as water benders. But still having an incredibly stunted and repressed form of bending compared to water bending's free and open developmen.
If you guys had to choose a setting for an Avatar game what would it be? Aang - Steampunk, Korra - Dieselpunk, or one of the previous eras?
Absolutely based and redbent
Avatar was really gimped by being a kids show. We deserved a truly mature story in the Avatar universe, not the faux mature teenage melodrama that was tlok.
Fucking kids from atla handled relationships better than anyone in tlok did, what the fuck happened man.
Fire Nation was imperial Japan, the islands were small but also incredibly fertile, combined with early industrialization which would give them a massive population relative to their size
swamp benders in total have less people than a minor Fire nation city
Prob most useless, sucks being Leo.
Water is OP with blood bending
Wind is fucking cool af
Earth would be really useful in certain jobs.
this,what the fuck,the Firenation is the most dangerous in wars because every firebender with very little training is literally a human flamethrower
love how aquarius (waterman) is an air sign somehow
The technological acceleration that had to take place for korra is so stupid. And we never got to see what bending based industry developed.
>inb4 lightning bending to power generators
Half assed idea
I want to see the future of the atla universe but made by a mind creative enough to incorporate the bending into it.
1000 years before Aang or have it be about Young Iroh and the white lotus niggers when they were young
Based firebro lighting up the competition
I feel like combustion man either unknowingly drew on air bending because of his deep inhales before firing or earth bending with his centering himself philosophy or both
Fire Nation is not one individual entity, it's a mixture of a bunch of different things. It's aesthetically, mostly, China with hints of imperial Japan i regards to how the nation functions and even has South East Asian tier subnations on the edges of the kingdom
>but also incredibly fertile
We can't use the irl inspirations as references. Because in the show it was explained that the fire nation was suffering from lack of land, that was one of the reasons for their expansion in the first place. But again, my whole point is about the development of their bending, less about population.
I always just assumed the inhaling air thing was to fuel whatever internal combustion he was doing
I feel like fire really had some missed chances and I really dislike them having lighting, combustion man was nice but there's so much more they could've done with it.
I don't think we saw enough pre war airbending to make this conclusion.
it however is an industrialized nation with access to highly fertile lands and large scale fishing
it would easily have 50 to 100 times the population of all water-folk combined as they live in poor areas and have only 1 city in total
This was the point though, did you forget about the sun warriors episode?
>waterlets when will they learn
go heal someone fag
T. earth Chad
is oxygen air?
they had a lack of land yes, but the land they already had was fertile
volcanic islands are way more fertile than swampland or god forbid tundra
Greenland is larger than any of the Japanese isles but it can't even begin to support the population of a Japanese town
retards are still mad about korra get over it fool
Earth Kingdom has the best women, don't reply to me if you don't agree.
>Hama showing off how you could grab the water molecules from air and then she freezes them onto her fingers
If you really worked on mastering that you could literally freeze people just by using the molecules in the air, no other source needed. Hell if you wanted to you could do what Hama did to the trees and flowers and drain people of the water within their own bodies
we also had sozin draining and redirecting heat from a vulcano
all of these except earth are emotions. earth is the only one with actual traits
>as they live in poor areas and have only 1 city in total
Are you retarded? The southern water tribe was huge pre purge. And you can't seriously think the northern water tribe, high class snobs that they were, only had a single fucking city to their name.
Oh look, the resetera korra tranny is here.
Earth bros unite
>completely rapes the lore
>lol just chill out nerds
It bothers me that in any given show, fire can't actually hit anyone cause of the gruesome damage it should be theoretically doing, so fire just ends up being one of the most useless elements in a fight
I remember a few years ago i was re watching the series and saw that. I was confused as fuck, thought maybe it was smoke bending or something. But nobody seems to know what the fuck that was and the writers are too up their own asses to have a good idea so whatever.
I like what you said though, heat bending is good.
Get out
>completely rapes the lore
look a retard
northern water tribe only had the one city and some outlying tribals
avatar follows some basic logic at the very least in that the fire nation has a much higher population than the water tribes through their homeland
But as we now know, all of the other elements can likely do most of this stuff as well. If waterbenders can freeze water into ice and earthbenders can heat earth into lava then it's safe to assume that temperature manipulation is something that all bending styles are able to utilise, at least to some extent.
no stop crying about cartoons fag
Did it not rape the lore though? Fucking dark avatar, is that a thing you find acceptable? Stop defending the show, it's not good and that's okay.
>But that's not important because it's a kids show!
Leos are bros. Libras are fucking stupid sheep, unironically. All the Libras I know only do/like stuff they know other people think is popular, and are incredibly concerned with appearances rather than leaving an impression by actually engaging people. Air Signs in general I find to be really fucking stupid. Earth signs are chill but sometimes they are insufferable, and Cancers suck ass, Scorpios are okay, and Pisces is such a fucking wild card to pin down. Some of the smartest people I know are Pisces, but getting to know one and learning about all their emotional bullshit shatters the illusion of perfection and frigid logic easily.
Can you turn a man into a living bomb through bloodbending?
I'll remember it for having the air vaccum assasination. Only reason S3 really hooked me in was because of seeing lethal airbending
Just like how you trannies are getting over GoT? Lmao.
I fucking love lightning man
>Fucking dark avatar
how does that rape the lore and he is dead so
Alright I'll concede. I do want to make sure we're not forgetting what my whole point was though. The firelords gimped firebending.
Why is earth almost always mediocre?
you idiots must love them you cant stop talking about them
My fucking nigga
Fire is probably the best, although I'm not a big fan of it, it just seems super practical not having to worry about keeping warm, or paying a heat bill. Also easy way to protect yourself if you need to.
ah, i forgot
t. Sagittarius
>how does turning a mysterious and nuanced entity into a muh good bad white black lazer beams rape the lore
See yourself out, you shit eating simpleton.
Cope, nigger. Korra is terrible.
>needs of body of water or cant bend
Because you are a gay fire fag I can tell. Where my earth niggas at?
>ignores shit like the magic tapeworm retcon and the fucking wan shit
Korra ruined the entire lore behind Avatar so badly that the series got murdered.
>tutorial level has all 4 elements and is fun as hell since you can go ham on easy as shit spirits
>next level is a garbage constrained pro bending level with none of the fun of the regular combat
>next level you lose all your elements and have to melee enemies which is unfun as fuck and the combat system clearly isnt built around it
>still dont have all elements until like 4 levels later
what the fuck were they thinking
are you retarded ands still cant tell me how that rapes lore
>inb4 water from air
Is every waterbender a master now? Friendly reminder we literally only saw a single master do that.
korra is actually a good show upon rewatching
>white woman
do you not know what a retcon is do you retards just toss that word out
>ruins lightningbending
>ruins spiritbending
>ruins bloodbending
>ruins the concept of the Avatar being the Spirit of the planet,instead replaces it with some good vs evil kite dumb shit
>waterbenders were taught bending by the moon,firebenders by dragons,airbenders by air bisons,earthbenders by badger moles
>TLOK throws this in the garbage,now Lion Turtles gave humans bending powers
you want me to keep going,or are you just going to keep "pretending" to be retarded?
(Thad is the third way, the thinking mans chad and thus our brains are strong as well as our bodies)
noo you cant do that you need to cry about retcons that i say happened
It actually is a retcon though, official books for atla stated the avatar as being "the incarnation of the spirit of the planet".
So get fucked.
should have been jinora instead of korra
Don't use such a pure person to shitpost
>waterbenders were taught bending by the moon
why do retards say this everything they said in the original where legends
The Avatar State is the culmination of every previous avatar spirit surging through the new one and granting them knowledge and strength. The Avatar State is a defense mechanism which harnesses this power of the previous Avatars, but it leaves them vulnerable at the same time
The Avatar State is just a power up granted by some magic tape worm and the previous avatars are irrelevant in regards to how it functions
Your first four points are good and you are based for having them. But the lion turtle thing still kind of works if you think about it. Humans were given bending by the lion turtles, but they learned how to use forms and techniques from the various animals. Still fucking stupid and just throws all the nuance out of the window, but it makes sense.
>The Avatar State is the culmination of every previous avatar spirit surging through the new one and granting them knowledge and strength
its still that you fool
I can't comment on the books, but the show never stated this at all and it was only a theory. Do the books explicitly state this?
>The full moon powers up waterbending immensely
>Bloodbending can only be done during the full moon
>Therefore, bloodbending is such an advanced and difficult technique that even a master waterbender requires the power of the full moon to activate it
Using this, shouldn’t Tarrlok’s family have innately stronger waterbending? Bloodbending itself is just an extension of waterbending, there should be nothing that gives someone the ability to have an easier time using it other than their raw skill at waterbending, but I highly doubt that Tarrlok and his family are better than Katara
No it isn't you dumb ass. Did you not watch that shitshow you keep defending? The season 2 Wan episodes even show that the Avatar State is not anything like it was in the previous series.
do retards still think people can look up at the moon and get bending
my headcanon is that bolin could lavabend because of his fire nation mother
The books explicitly stated this yes. They're officially as canon as tlok is so, yes ravaa is a retcon.
Well Wan used it despite being the only avatar at the time, so if it still is that then Korra just chose to completely ignore it. On that topic, shouldn’t that mean that the avatar state gets stronger and stronger as more avatars exist?
So then why does every Water Bender lose their ability to bend when the moon spirit dies?
yes i did you retard did you nothing was retconed
say something good about air pls
none of the elements have practical use in modern society, and at best would only be allowed in mma style matches where people can beat the shit out of eachother with them, and at worst be outlawed entirely
Because it lets you bloodbend and thanks to korra fuck up other peoples bending.
Are you trying to apply logic and thought to korra? Silly you.
yes do you think Wan's avatar state is stronger than aang's nope
>nothing was retconned
On top of the avatar state retcon:
Lion Turtle: No one bent the elements before the Avatar
Lion Turtles give random people the ability to bend a specific element before Wan
Because they get their power from the moon not turtles, don't tell korra fags this though. It will blow their fucking mind that their precious show retconned great ideas.
Isn't fire the most OP element because it can generate electricity?
both shows did things well, korra was excellent at stuffing as much worldbuilding into as few frames and as little time as possible for example
Well like firebending it can be used anywhere, plus you can just take the air out of people like Zaheer did. Also you can basically fly even if you haven’t released your “earthly tether” with a glider (though it won’t be as effective as regular flight)
why does a meteor make firebenders stronger
Metal bending would like to say hello.
>nothing was retconed
>korra retconned nothing
Do you know what retconning means? Because since S1 Korra was retconning shit left and right.
did you watch the show? all the points I made are mentioned in the show
Yuei says that the waterbenders were taught bending by the moon
the Warrior of the Sun guy says that firebenders were taught bending by dragons
Aang says that airbenders were taught bending by air bisons
Katara reads the text in the Lover's Cave that specifies that humans were taught earthbending by badger moles
all in the fucking show
Lion turtles ruined the series.
Fire is power, water is life, wind is wisdom, and earth is Hufflepuff
Lion Turtle also gave aang the ability to use energy bending
Becasue they get their power from the sun. And the meteor acts like a second sun. Was explained at the end of Aangs first book.
Waterbending could be useful. Hama showed off the ability to grab water from the molecules in the air which could help countries that lack water
Sozin's Comet is a massive heat source when it reaches Earth's Atmosphere and the firebenders are able to harness this power due to their innate ability to bend fire.
People don't like to admit it, but the writers were showing their true colors in the finale of atla.
>Because since S1 Korra was retconning shit left and right
It worked as a once in alifetime MacGuffin to give Aang a copout to get rid of Ozai. Making them the central bending masters in Korra tough was just fucking stupid.
if the element you get to bend
is based on your personality which element would you get ?
i prefer earth but will probably get air
>I realized I'm wrong so I can't formulate an actual response
The post.
ok now where is the retcon if i kill go to the moon and kill the moon spirit water bending would still go away
>he really doesn't know what a retcon is
I didn't mean to quote , I was only talking about the earth spirit thing.
>if the element you get to bend is based on your personality
Are you saying that's how it was in the series or are you just trying to have a little quiz thing. Sorry if I'm being combative this korra tranny has me on edge.
It was.
What the fuck are you even trying to say? Fuck off ESL nigger.
what did they retcon but you fools keep being up legends that they say are legends in the original
Korra > Last Airbender
Bend my farts into your mouth, loser!
oh sorry,yes on the official ATLA that now doesn't exist anymore,it said that the Avatar is the spirit of the planet,which makes sense since he bends all the elements
Fire is literally destruction incarnate, what can be more useful in a conflict than destruction
if i go to the moon in korra and kill yue water bending will still go away
You fucking retard, I brought up the fucking fact that they retconned what the avatar was. Literally went from being "the incarnation of the spirit of the planet" to "a soul bound to the spirit of light"
The only correct answer
>air & water niggers
top yikes
>build the foundations for your philosophy and spirituality
yop tikes. fucking anime poster wrong as usual
>the incarnation of the spirit of the planet
or just Incinerate them
if they don't get incinerated then the heat will lock up/weld any joints together, better than freezing
OK i actually found the source
>The Avatar is the incarnation of the Spirit of the Planet in human form
TLOK literally retcons the lore
There are way more Fire Nation than Water Nation.
Also, consider each nation's nonbending population, which probably scales with their total population. All Air Nation people bend, but they have a small population.
>goes around flying and rotting in their temples until firechads btfo them
lmao who cares,
>Retards think they would be able to bloodbend on the fly
Pre-Korra, only extremely talented waterbenders like Katara and Hama were able to bloodbend successfully, and only with specific conditions and at the cost of Hama's mental state. The average talentless Yea Forumstard would never be able to bloodbend. The best bet for pure damage would be fire, with water still being the most versatile as we've seen so far
What happened, why did they stop making qt brown girl games?
>TLOK literally retcons the lore
proliferation of lightningbending is a good part of korra's background storytelling and implicitly shows the viewer how much the world has changed since tla
not sure how it ruined spiritbending you're gonna have to explain that one
yakone was an exceptional waterbender like azula (who could lightningbend which wasn't a common ability in her time) was an exceptional firebender and toph (who developed a new type of bending) was an exceptional earthbender so like those characters he developed a unique bloodbending skill, not sure how this "ruins" bloodbending.
I won't touch the other points since s2 is garbage but you could easily dismiss those as legends. There's no reason any society would have knowledge of the foundation of something as ancient as bending. It's the same way in real life.
Funny or not, that was literally the official explanation before korra. So korra is by fucking definition a retcon.
It had a lot of untapped potential.
In particular, it seems like every bender should learn the basics of waterbendig as a bonus
>Firebenders can redirect lightning
>earthbenders can sandbend and mudbend
the avatar virgins
In ATLA only special people can lightning bend
In Korra, every firebender and their grand mother can lightning bend. It's such a common method for city wide power that there are factories built around the concept of just having people shoot lightning at rods to power the city
In atla bending required years of training to master, even for the avatar. It took Roku years to master all four elements, and Aang, in the one year that the show took place in, only mastered air
Korra was able to fully bend all but one element when she was a toddler with no training at all
The avatar state was a spiritual communion between all past avatars
Now it's just a tape worm power up in Korra
The avatar was the first bender in ATLA
Now it wasn't in Korra and lion turtles just gave everybody the ability to bend elements even before the avatar existed
Bloodbending in ATLA required skill and training to use properly, and could only be done during a full moon
In Korra, now there are super waterbenders in Korra that can do it whenever they want and they don't even need to do bending motions to do it
>no, noooo it's not a retcon you don't know what a retcon is!
Kill yourself already, dumb fuck.
Bruh we settled this, read the whole thread before posting.
Some parts of korra = some parts of Last airbender
Yue isn't physically on the moon, you fucking retard.
Fire - Have a decent chance of being able to lightning bend with a good teacher, has some practical applications, can fly around with fire boosters. Always able to use.
Air - Will not be able to fly like Zahir did, but can fly with glider etc anyway.
Earth - Very unlikely will be able to lava bend, quite unlikely will be able to metal bend. Can always use it, has good practical uses in my opinion (in the Avatar world, not so much in our world).
Water - Quite unlikely that you could bloodbend, if so would only be under full moon unless you are of certain bloodline or extremely trained like Amon. Can probably learn healing though, which is veyr practical. Even without bloodbending, can take water from sweat, plants, water vapour in the air etc as seen in Avatar/Korra, so can use the vast majority of the time.
With this in mind, I put Water>Earth>Fire>Air, although I love the forms in fire and the ones for Earth are ugly.
korra is the libtard version of a good show
>the cycle brings balance between the elements. this way, no single nation can grow stronger than another.
So this is basically confirming air > water > fire > earth
Is there an actual source for the earth spirit thing?, or is this just talking off of the books? I haven't read them and thought it would list sources like an encyclopedia but there isn't anything like that in the link.
>the official animated continuation of the series retconned this shitty extended universe book
not mentioned in the show = who gives a shit
what earth spirit
>the world changes from chinese mysticism to 40s america
Iroh respects Waterbending you heathen
Remember Lightning Deflection?
can't do shit inside close quaters
only really usefull at places with lots of water
loses against water
only correct answer, can be used anywhere and has no weaknesses
The part where the avatar is no longer the incarnation of the spirit of the planet.
>and for that reason everyone airbender is dead as a faggot that they are.
That the Avatar is the physical manifestation of the planet that Avatar takes place in.
>instead of taking fire nation land as reparations for the war, they take earth nation land to build republic city
They deserved that invasion
There is an actual source, official info books printed early in atlas run. Look for those. Don't expect people to find them for you because they were obscure and existed before the internet was big.
>In ATLA only special people can lightning bend
where did it say that at all
>In Korra, every firebender and their grand mother can lightning bend
wow you guys like showing how crazy you guys are
>In atla bending required years of training to master
how is this still not a thing
>korra was able to fully bend all but one element when she was a toddler with no training at all
she is the fucking avatar and you dont need to be a master to bend fool
>The avatar state was a spiritual communion between all past avatars
thats still a thing guy and in the original its still a power boost
>The avatar was the first bender in ATLA
when did anybody in the show say that
>In Korra, now there are super waterbenders in Korra that can do it whenever they want
no they cant you fucking fool only 3 guys could do it and they needed to train for years to do it
you sound like a fucking idiot
>can't do shit inside close quarters
Did you even watch the fucking show nigger.
>implying most lightning benders weren't in specialized roles during the war
>implying the avatar didn't work on one at a time and that Korra was a full master of each element
>implying Korra never communed with Aang
>implying the avatar was the first bender when legends about animals or the moon being benders exist
>implying Tarrlok and Noatak didn't undergo horrifically brutal training for their entire childhoods in order to become that skilled at bloodbending
Korra has serious flaws but you're just full of shit.
Why did AIR never go into the concept of adding or removing oxygen from a concentrated area to knock people out or kill them instantly?
Can you namefag so i can filter you
So little was done with air as an element. All the other elements got a secondary form of super-bending; earth got metal, fire got lightning, water(/ice) got blood. Air got nothing.
Shame we never got to see what non-pacifists could do with it. Like using sound resonance to collapse shit, or sucking all the air out of a person’s lungs.
I see, i'll try looking. Thanks.
>she is the fucking avatar and
Why the fuck do you think this matters? Are you going to ignore Roku spending years to master all four elements? Holy fucking shit, you are retarded. I'm not even going to bother arguing against the rest of your shitpost.
lmao good luck using earth in sea battles
also fire niggas have lightning to dab on water niggas
People with good taste, you mean.
>fire users can generate fucking lightning
that sounds op
Hmmm maybe because the entire fucking society was built on pacifism and using only defensive abilities?
what other era would you prefer the show have mimicked to best symbolize their world's approach to modernity? Industrialist early 1900s america was the perfect one.
>>and for that reason everyone airbender is dead as a faggot that they are.
>t. didn't even watch the anime adaptation
>call it republic city
>have democracy in it
>be airbender
>my pc cannot overheat because i can cool it with air every time
look here you fucking idiot you dont need to be a bending master to bend you can use it without training you fucking idiot
I'm okay with this though. If we got super air bending it would have to be contrived. Seeing as how it would go against everything the world told us about airbenders.
see, zaheer.
>when did anybody in the show say that
The Lion Turtle did. Did you not watch the Finale?
>>>>>>>>>>>not blood bending
It probably takes place in india
do retards think you need to train to know how to bend
>don't need to be a master to bend
>aang unironically cannot bend any elements at all until someone else trains him on how to do it
What did he mean by this?????
Yo I just realised pulled down the game from PSN and Steam. Fucking activision. I was waiting for korras game to come down in price and forgot. We should hang activisions board members and stockholders.
>she is the fucking avatar and you dont need to be a master to bend fool
i would take that for granted if Korra was able to speak with her past lives at young age making it more reasonable why would she be bending more than one element but it didn't
But consider where Water Nation lives.
A few hicks in the swamp and the fucking poles.
Even if the poles stretch further north and south than ours, they can't possibly have a huge population.
you sound like fucking idiots
>forgetting that time when aang burned katara's hands because aang had no control over fire
Only because all the airbenders were gone. The idea that a generally monastic/pacifist society would have ZERO outcasts/defectors/criminally insane weirdos is pretty ridiculous. Sooner or later SOMEONE who could bend air would have started working on ways of fucking shit up. We just never got to see it.
As opposed to you, who is not full of shit because you just pulled it all out of your ass and posted it. Jokes aside, several of your points have in show lines that show you're wrong.
Lightning bending was explicitly stated to be a rare and difficult form of bending only learned by members of the royal family.
In the end of the show, korra gives a display previously reserved for avatars who have mastered all elements. This implies she did become a full master of each element.
korras only communion with aang was near the end of the series. She was incapable of doing anything spiritual
>you sound like fucking idiots
>defending your little lesbian show this hard
proliferation of lightningbending is fucking retarded because it is only supposed to be an ability accessible to only the most skilled firebending masters (you only see members of the Fire Nation royal family lightningbend in the ATLA),not by some literal fucking who worker in a factory
everyone thought that Amon was spiritbending but oh no he was actually waterbending or bloodbending or whatever the fuck to take bending away,noone really understands the end of season 1 because the writing is so shit
Azula doesn't lightningbend from birth,she is a prodigy yes,but her lightningbending is a result from training and being a very skilled firebender,also she is not the only lightningbender in ATLA,you get to see Ozai lightningbend several times,Yakone literally takes his kids out to bloodbend when they are like fucking 10,which makes no fucking sense,Yakone is not a waterbending prodigy,he just gets genetical bloodbending powers for some unknown reasons (retarded retconning)
i am not witching that retarded shit
>>implying most lightning benders weren't in specialized roles during the war
They weren't, because there were only a handful of them and the only ones we see are all royalty. There's no implication that there are lightning benders actively taking place on the frontlines, especially since we never see any.
>>implying the avatar didn't work on one at a time and that Korra was a full master of each element
Yet she could skill bend them all like a little master while everyone else struggled to do it. she didn't even have an issue learning her polar opposite element like every other Avatar did.
>>implying Korra never communed with Aang
We're talking about how the Avatar State functions in ATLA vs Korra, you illiterate fucker.
>>implying the avatar was the first bender when legends about animals or the moon being benders exist
The Avatar was the original bender in ATLA you stupid shit, can you not read? This was retconned in Korra.
>>implying Tarrlok and Noatak didn't undergo horrifically brutal training for their entire childhoods in order to become that skilled at bloodbending
And how does this change anything? They aren't even the best waterbenders in the series yet they can just bloodbend whenever they want for no reason. Even grandmasters still need to use hand motions to waterbend.
Fuck off.
>ancient civilizations rapidly achieving modernity in less than 200 years
The avatar world approaching modernity was a mistake in the first place.
>boohoo you're wrong, i'm right
have sex
>extremely hard to pull off
>only a tiny number of characters are even capable of doing it
>makes the user go insane
Yes. Aang and Zuko lost their ability to bend and had to retain with the basics as well as learning the secret to firebending to be able to do it again. Training is important.
well technically the monk that zaheer quotes was a rebel monk
retard it was his first time firebending he was going overboard he will have less control than a person doing it all there life
aang had to learn how to bend other elements, he as a prodigy on air but still had to learn the basics.
Roku went through training and so did other avatar's lifetimes. You can get the knack of it and bend an element but you need the discipline to actually learn how to do it, kinda like writing, anyone can grab a pencil and make scribbles but you need to train how to write so you can write clear words into a paper
No shit but you could still knock a person out in seconds if you up the oxygen to 100 percent for a millisecond in front of someone’s mouth.
Mostly just saying if someone had learned to use this, Air would be most OP of all. You could knock out/kill an army in seconds if you were strong enough.
Also why get so hostile you autist? We are just discussing a show.
it literally says it right there,The Avatar is the incarnation of the Spirit of the Planet in human form
First two things apply to lightning bending
>Not carrying pouches of water all over your body like a musketeer's bandolier.
I said I wanted a source, like an actual source and not hearsay.
Bruh how many times do i have to say this, we cleared up this point. Read the thread before posting please.
Zuko lost his motivation you idiot he could still bend it was just weaker and aang was spooked of it
Id take fire and water bending just for top tier cooking
Hit the nail on the head. TLOK just cheapens the entire world of avatar. Like they took all the cool and rare things from TLA that people enjoyed because they were rare, and made them common and normal. Like a flanderization of the entire universe.
the only element besides air he was able to use it properly were water all because he learn it from someone who understood how waterbending works,he still struggled with earth despite being taught by a very skillful warthbender and had really short time to learn fire but eventually learn just the basics
Zuko couldn't bend at all, just like Aang. Watch the fucking episode again.
go dilate,tranny
korra is bendingsploitation
look retard
>be waterbender
>can make any guy swallow their own cum
that is the official Avatar site that's existed for like 10 years,it's not hearsay dumbie
>beginning to have exciting discussion about bending
>korra tranny derails thread
Every. Fucking. Time.
>muh bloodbending
>muh lightningbending
Be honest. You would never ever learn these while airbenders become masters when they are around 12-15 years old.
You'll just get ass whooped
>In ATLA only special people can lightning bend
never stated anywhere, and information becomes more widely available as the world approaches modernity so people who were capable of lightningbending might not have been able to receive the training to tap into this potential prior to now
>Korra was able to fully bend all but one element when she was a toddler with no training at all
how does this equal "mastery"? Korra has a very high physical intelligence so it makes sense that she picks up on the physical side of bending quickly. Saying aang didn't master the 4 bending styles by the end of atla but korra was a master in the 4 second clip at the beginning of the show is a massive contradiction since aang would obviously be a far superior bender since he actually received training.
>The avatar state was a spiritual communion between all past avatars
>Now it's just a tape worm power up in Korra
it's both, neither contradicts the other, she still calls on past lives for guidance up until the connection is severed
>The avatar was the first bender in ATLA
not sure where this is stated in atla so unless it actually came out of an avatar past live's mouth it can be disregarded as legend.
>Bloodbending in ATLA required skill and training to use properly, and could only be done during a full moon
>In Korra, now there are super waterbenders in Korra that can do it whenever they want and they don't even need to do bending motions to do it
I can tell you're running out of solid points here. A. It still requires skill and training. Yakone was an exceptionally skilled waterbender and he passed this on to his children, whom he trained for years since they were very young to master bloodbending. The full moon restriction can be dismissed since they are exceptions to the rule since they're so skilled. Nobody thought metalbending was possible until Toph did it. No one thought bloodbending without a moon was possible until Yakone did it.
nice mad fag
Didn't Zaheer kind of do this in the Legend of Korra? He nearly killed Katara by making a bubble with no air in around her head. He could have done something like you mentioned, but I guess he loves a show.
It's actually a fansite.
TLOK was a mistake, unironically
I hope we get an actual ATLA game that 100% retcons Korra some day so this faggot will an hero out of the board.
>lightning is fire but not air
>woke his avatar state to waterbend the first time he did it
i would accept korra able to learn all the other element at young age if she accidentally awaken the avatar state and from that point made her capable of learning them faster than any common bender because she has handicap points
You bring up a good point. Blood bending is honestly the most niche advanced bending technique. Only a master can pull it off. Said master can only do it under a full moon (once a month) and those who can do it without the moon all belong to one family, and they had to undergo intense training from a young age that lead to mental problems in all of them.
Fuck blood bending. Plant bending is the thinking mans choice
>never stated anywhere
Iroh stated it when teaching zuko, also the reason zuko couldn't lightning bend
Water > Earth > Air > Fire
I'm Earth according to this. Feels good.
fansite which info was taken from nick.com and is also referenced in the artbook
Can we get an actual show instead?
>never stated anywhere
Iroh unironically tells this to Zuko when showing him how to redirect lightning.
retards think you need to be a master to use your power you where born with
>be both fire and air
can i be maru sye enough for bending 2 elements? can lightning bending be considered both?
that chart is retarded because aquarius should obviously be water but it is listed as air
Yes i know, i'm just correcting your one specific claim. On your side here, just keeping us honest.
ATLA exists, Korra isn't canon.
Aquarius was always considered an air element in western zodiac
I would repeat myself, but you can just look at the post you're replying to.
How did they make such a perfect show then totally ruin their second attempt?
How was Korra so bad? It was never unwatchable, but comparing it to the original series it just comes off as embarrassing for everyone involved.
I think we can assume more of the Water Nation population, because we really only saw their capital. They probably had more, and at least a few million. But the Fire Nation was definitely second biggest.
Yakone's bloodbending does not need exceptional waterbending skill you fucking retard,did you forget the scene where Yakone takes his 10 year old kids out and they just bloodbend naturally?
>never stated anywhere
in ATLA you literally only see three of the most skilled firebenders on the planet lightningbend, and they are only members of the Royal Family,if you don't think that's special,then I don't think there is any hope for your mentally ill waifufagging brain
>1 guy couldnt do it so only 2 people can do it
Metalbenders were special until fucking toph showed everyone how to do it. Math was fucking special until egyptians showed all the other retards how to do it.
It's actually really simple. The best episodes of avatar were all written by not the main creators. Tlok was primarily entirely written by them.
>fire, earth
>both developed and powerful civilizations
>literally just primitive tribes on an ice sheet
>dont even need to explain the airshitters
this. retards dont understand that lightining has literally nothing to do with fire other than theyre both hot. realistically lighting would only be utilized by airbenders
>did you forget the scene where Yakone takes his 10 year old kids out and they just bloodbend naturally?
What are you talking about? He took them out on a full moon, told them how to do it, and they did it. How does this contradict how its established in the last series? That's exactly how katara learned how to do it.
So let's talk about cultures.
Earth has China, Arabs, ?
Water has Eskimos and Cajuns
Fire has Japs and Mayans
Air has Tibetans
What else could there be? Obviously Polynesians for Water in small islands on the other side of the world.
>hating on monks
You are the only shitter here
>metalbenders were special until toph showed everyone how to do it
>1 guy couldn't do it so only 2 people can do it
It was explicitly stated that only members of the royal family can bend lightning.
i like how earth were a reflection to china but in wang's backstory, living on top of a fire lionturtle, they were postrayed as the chinese. excellent consistency
Can you imagine facing maori warriors that can water bend? Straight up nope material right there.
>dude carrying water
>lol air!
then it's always been retarded
No excuse too since Toph's there
I find it hard to believe that the only people who knew how to airbend were all living in temples at the same time.
You're telling me there was never an airbender who decided to leave the monastery and start a family? There's not a single air bending tribe somewhere other than a monastery? I mean, there were waterbenders in a swamp, earthbenders in the desert, there were even firebenders who had different ideas about bending and about life, though they had to hide underground during the war. Why were the airbenders all one homogenous society?
Any earthplebbers, airfags, and watersissies in this thread? I'm going to fuck you up!
>TIL there are white waterbenders
maybe it was a jar full of air
>It was explicitly stated that only members of the royal family can bend lightning.
Where? Give me a source. At best, I can recall Iroh assuaging Zuko for not being able to do it by saying not everyone can do it. This doesn't mean "only literally me and this one other girl could possibly ever do it". Additionally, Azula would have received the best firebending training in the world on top of being naturally gifted. If some hick firebender from the boonies had the potential to lightningbend but didn't have the training or knowledge, how the fuck would he find out he could do it?
Toph was blind, and we know blind people tend to have far more advanced senses due to their loss of sight. [something like bending :^)]
tlok is a fucking joke
>forgetting about the jungle hicks
>Carrying water is the same thing as being water
Another thing to consider is one of the past firelords destroyed hundreds of years worth of advance firebending techniques
>double zigzag symbol literally means water
>if some hick firebender from the boonies had the potential but not the training
Shut the fuck up please, i don't need your liberal race politics right now. I'm look for the quote, give me a minute.
Katara is a waterbending master you fucking retard,Yakone's kids are some stupid fucking 10 year old cunts with no waterbending skill that lived in an igloo their whole life,it contradicts with the fact that only waterbending masters can bloodbend,Yakone's kids are able to bloodbend only because of magical genetical bloodbending powers,to imply that bloodbending takes no waterbending skill is fucking retarded
>dude I take everything literally
a single google search explains the symbolism of the water barrier and it's meaning.
>Elemental magic
>Not manipulating the raw essence of creation
Fireballs and lightning bolts or UNLIMITED COSMIC POWER? Not a tough choice.
Man it kind of makes me wish Avatar took a more mature route in regards to the series.
Energy bending
Every element succumbs to fire
Remember how they said korra was going to be a mature show for the audience that grew up with atla? haha good times
based arcane wizard
can a earthbender put dirt in your body and control you
there is no quote that says only the royal family could do it, its said that you need balance within yourself to use it which is why zuko had to learn redirection because he didnt have balance. honestly you headcanonfags are pretty delusional
>air pops your lungs
But oh no, you got dirt on my shoes
Fire needs oxygen to live.
hard counter'd
>All the Azula blender porn being made now
What do you guys think mixing elements should make?
>Earth + Water = Nature
>Earth + Wind = Poison/Illness
>Earth + Fire = Plasma
>Fire + Water = ???
>Fire + Wind = Lightning
>Water + Wind = Ice
>Yea Forums is discussing Yea Forums better than Yea Forums again
and also no need for full moon
So which element is objectively the worst? its Fire right?
>mixing elements
Literally heresy, let's not.
>vehemently defending series that complately killed the entire franchise
I know that Yea Forums fags are nuts but man this is really something.
are you thinking about magneto ripping the extra iron out of the blood of the security guard in that x-men movie
Oops, I got dirt on your face!
dude teenage romance lmao
>Firebenders have firebending, lightningbending, and combustionbending.
>Earthbenders have lavabending, sandbending, and ironbending.
>Waterbenders have waterbending, icebending, and bloodbending.
What the FUCK do Airbenders have???
>Yakone's kids are some stupid fucking 10 year old cunts with no waterbending skill that lived in an igloo their whole life
I don't know how you just keep getting madder and madder and ignoring more and more information directly from the show. Yakone was a brutal teacher and started teaching his children since they were as young as 7, this combined with their father's genes allowed them to become very potent benders from a young age. This isn't even unheard of in the series, Azula was the daughter of the greatest firebender of her time and became a firebending prodigy when she was still a child. Noatak didn't master his father's psychic bloodbending technique until he was 15 (or maybe it was 16) not "10". That's several years dedicated purely to learning how to do this one technique. You can dislike Korra as a show but you're just being silly now like you have a personal grudge against something that's perfectly grounded in the Avatar world's internal logic. They trained for fucking years. Do you remember how much official waterbending training katara received during the course of atla? Less than a month with a master, and the rest of the show she trained on her own (less than a year) and she was able to bloodbend. If you fucking think it makes sense for her to be able to do it and not these prodigy kids you're just a silly fucking guy.
fire + water = steam
this,Bryke and Dimartino are fucking hacks
Cum bending?
Equal balance of all four is the top tier. Exclude one and everything suffers.
is more humiliating
Sounds a bit boring but why not
It's also said "there is energy all around us, the energy is both yin and yang. positive energy and a negative energy. only a select few fire benders can separate these energies"
Flying niggers
Good land combat, abysmal sea combat
Shit land combat, good sea combat
Balanced Sea & Land combat. You literally cannot invade fire nigger island without getting btfo
Yeah the fire eats the air
Cross countered
No but you can metalbend liquid mercury directly into a person's bloodstream through their skin and poison them killing them slowly and painfully
hard to know when the entire population got massacred leaving only a handful of history left.
Astral Projection being one of them
Flight (has insane requirements though where not even an avatar can obtain it)
Possible weather manipulation maybe but its all guessing in the end
apparently they can unlock flying and move freely through the spirit world but all thats in korra so i dont count it as canon
by shamalayan rules, fire
Literally every avatar thread is derailed by korra fags.
Air is obviously all over the place and Water in the body makes for all kinds of nasty organ rupturing and shit, and Fire gets all sorts of go fast and rocket jumps and can come from within and what not
Earth is just sort of there
>metalbend mercury
Can you though? Since you're bending the impurities in metal.
>being a bendmixer globalist
steam can fuck you up bro
dead maymay
suffocation and brapbending, how about that?
I literally just open this thread for Azula lewds
as long as you are on ground you can easily nope the fuck out of any situation as an earth bender by just tunneling
*blocked by wood wall then I rape you will my stone dildo*
air can counter everything thrown at you
Is it really though? This thread is proof korra trannies are still kicking.
cool, now i need a pc to play all their games
>everyone with a taste likes Aang's show 100 times more
korrafag dabbed on
yes it is
not sure if youre new to english but if it meant only the royal family then they would have said only the royal family, instead they said a select few. not to mention theres literal who commoners lightningbending out the ass in korra as menial labor so even that wasnt true
How the fuck do you get arabs from Earth Kingdom?
Earth Kingdom is China with pockets of Japan and Korea.
Fire Kingdom was China + Japan
Water were Inuits and Air was Tibet.
They don't look white.
>y-you can just try and hide in a hole and hope that air doesn't inflate you like a balloon until you burst, or that water doesn't force your blood to come gushing out of every orifice, or that fire doesn't roast you like a pig or just decide to flash fry you with a lightning bolt up the ass
>fire nigger island
>surrounded by a practically limitless amount of water
Katara gets to bloodbend by book 3 you fucking imbecile,by then she has been in so many life or death situations that she HAD to be a waterbending master,Yakone's kids do not compare,you are an actual fucking retard,it makes a lot more sense for Katara to be able to bloodbend rather than Yakone's stupid kids
Noatak's little brother (that I can't remember the nameof) is literally like 10 years old and he manages to bloodbend,you are comparing him to Azula who was trained by the motherfucking Firelord,Yakone's kids are not waterbending masters,nor are they really waterbending prodigies,they just get magical bloodbending powers that you can take bending away with
>tire yourself out being a water carrier before engaging in an acrobatic fight
this doesnt contradict korra at all. You see maybe 3 other lightning benders along with mako in that one scene. 3 out of potentially hundreds of thousand of firebenders in the world. How is it crazy to believe that these 3 people happened to have the gift?
>only a select few
>literal who commoners
You're not doing a good job of arguing that korra didn't retcon atla.
Avatar was mature despite being a kids show. Korra fucked it all up.
>mfw lived with inuits and other natives my whole life and none of them are good looking past the age of 19
shit sucks man
>waterniggers having Avatar levels of power
lel, sure thing, you'll just get btfo after splashing some waves
put on a tripcode that I can filter if youre going to ignore information present in both shows just to namecall like a spastic. You've accepted defeat with this post, and it feels delicious to see you REEEEEEEE while you realize I've dismantled your position.
>How crazy is it to believe that one side character and two other nobodies are working a grueling low class job despite being capable of performing a technique only a select few are capable of...
Idk why don't you mull it over in your head and try to figure out how crazy that it.
>bender exist in our timeline
>/pol/ will be nothing but threads throwing shit at each other claiming their bending is master bend
>all the world's problem be blamed at non-bender merchants
thats not what i was arguing, i was arguing that lightningbending isnt exclusive to the royal family
What are some racial slurs for each bending type?
Mudlslingers, Dirt eaters
Can korra even do Aangs super sage mode like in the film that ended the series? I think it was a film or a feature length episode.
>this much seething because faggots don't like your lesbian show
>only a select few are capable of...
You've convinced me you're an ESL poster with this post again. Either gain a proper grasp of the english language so you can properly digest children's media like Avatar or stop posting anytime.
>non-bender merchants
I think you mean airbenders, every nation they had temples in suffered problems. Sozin did nothing wrong, his only mistake was not finishing the job.
Then fuck off, you're derailing a discussion.
>Air, fart fuckers
>Fire, hot heads (I’m CIA ;))
>Water, wet willy sucking sycophants
i like both you fucks sound fucking crazy
You are trying to fucking say that some of the only lightning benders in the world are working a grueling manual labor job. What the fuck is going on in your brain.
I have an ideas for a atla game. It would be a nova fighting game with both atla and lok with a original story.
Or maybe
>Water, thirsty thots
>fire, ugly fucking burn victims
Fire rats i think i herd that in the show
they are lighter in skin tone than kitara/sokka/the boulder
>airbender will be brapposters
What other use would lightningbending have in industrial revolution america?
Airhead, cmon guys.
Mafia to zap the metal police. Do you even know how industrial america was? What was a tommy gun? Read up on the literature.
Earth is my favorite but if we're arguing over which one is best it's air.
Water can bloodbend but it's limited during a full moon and you also have to be a master to use it.
While air can just suffocate anyone by pulling air from around their enemies.
I'm saying lightningbending isn't as rare as that comment seems to make you think. More people have access to lightningbending knowledge, ergo more people can attempt to train in it now, therefore more fully realized lightningbenders exist. You are getting caught on a phrase that doesn't mean what you seem to think it means.
Gee idfk maybe not being in industrial revolution america. You do realize that republic city was just that, a single fucking city. The rest of the world was still years behind because the writers are fucking hacks. Honeslty my fucking god. They would be living like elites in the fire nation you dirt eating neanderthal.
I'm getting caught on korra making terrible decisions.
You're getting caught on trying to explain away these decisions.
Pro tip retard, just because you can logically explain something doesn't mean it will work in a story.
piss drinkers
incels in heat
No I want something do to with farts.
>whoopie wind weaklings
what use does conjuring lightning have besides as a weapon? What use is there for it besides being a lightning-rod in a post-war world? there's no 100 year war to fight anymore.
>they would live like elites in the fire nation
How? They're dirt poor in the first place. You think people would just give them money because they can do a magic trick? Some kind of lightningbender tithe? Its a good use for the era the show presented, stop whining
Friendly reminder that air is the most powerful element. It was practiced by pacifists and the smallest population of benders in the world, and yet it was still balanced with the three other elements.
It doesnt work because you say so? Becuase if thats the case I say it worked. Now we're at net 0. What now?
>war doesn't exist so weapons have no use
holy shit, kill yourself korracel
>Earth, shit slingers, dirty dildo directors
Okay? Mako literally worked for the mafia at one point. So do you like Korra now since the one criticism you had is gone?
> ITT: TLA fans and retards who unironically believe that the stars affect their personality and fortune in life
>civilization built on bending
>you think people would just give them money because they can perform a technique only a select few are capable of performing
If you think they wouldn't be inundated with offers as body guards or drafted as high ranking members of the fire nation army, i don't know what to tell you. this isn't rocket science user.