So we finally all agree that lizards should be playable in all video games, right?

So we finally all agree that lizards should be playable in all video games, right?

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Kill yourself.

I still can't get behind the fact that FFXII forces Fran into the party but no moogle or bangaa.

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yes please, I just want a game where I can play as a cute lizard boy

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This fella gets it. Imagine a future where every game had a lizard option. Bliss

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i will accept a lizard companion

as much as I want it to happen, I know it never will.

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Why even live?

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Not only should they not be playable, but the furries that want them should be publicly executed, their bodies thrown into a pit and a big plaque should be carved so that it says "here lie the degenerates that wanted to fornicate with animals"

That’s a bit harsh for just wanting to playing as a lizard character in a video game

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Never going to happen.

People want to be able to relate to characters, they want human characters who remind them of themselves.
They want to see characters reacting in human ways to fantastical things.
They want to see human conflicts like relationships and learning to understand themselves and others.

What people want is the zoophiles out of their hobby.

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Why isn't he wearing underwear under that loincloth?

Beats me

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Because that way it's easier for him to pull out his monster lizard cock and shove it down your throat

That ain’t right

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It ain't wrong either

What are reptiles to us, what about serpents, or a dragon? It is an amalgamation of predatory forms that have hunted our species since the fall of the dinosaurs, its a fire-breathing snake-bird-cat. It is the avatar of ancient primal terror and death. In our most ancient stories a dragon emerges to threaten the world of order and civilization. Why the fuck should anything like that ever be good? It's fucking stupid and it does not belong.

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uh bro this post is a bit cringe

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Poorly socialized participation-trophy bearing tumblr snowflakes who were probably raised by single mothers without proper boundaries, have grown to resent and hate the glorious society and species they find themselves belonging to. Consequently they turn to escapist hobbies, in which they take the form of monsters, which, in any other mythological context are seen as enemies of civilization, because it appeals to the chaotic and subversive nature of these deeply troubled people.

It’s just a game, bro. Let people enjoy stuff

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>think lizards and beast races are cool as fuck, beats the hell out of purple elves and snow elves any day
>don't want to be lumped together with scallies and furries


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>b-but I could be viewed negatively by others
Weakest tier desu. As if people don't do that to others who play games a lot anyway. Do whatever you like, faggot.

big musky reptile men

Why aren't there more crocodile men in vidya?

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They should

user, if you can't enjoy things because of dumb people, then you'll never enjoy anything.

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I ain't down for that I'm a strict top

The worlds goverments should get together and genetically create beast species for us to marry.
Debate me, you won't.

This. FFXII had some cool races. But all you get is a bunny girl.

say again

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Why are reptiloids so common in the fantasy rpg genre?

Do you guys prefer when beast races are written as more tribal? That's the type of stuff you see most often but animals have plenty of neat traits to them that could be used to build an unique and advanced civilization I feel.

>ywn have a big top lizard bf that'll love you and doesn't need to switch positions to keep satisfied
True hell. Not like you don't have plenty of bottoms to pick from, though.

Yes but only because this makes them more innocent/naive compared to your average jaded, cynical, bitter modern person.
Also I want a strong switch with preference for bottoming lizard knight bf to go on adventures with who then tragically dies and I get to have a revenge plot that ends in the death of me and whatever faction killed my boyfriend. I am not right in the head.

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They're really only common as (often generic) enemies, but having one in the main group of characters is pretty uncommon, and being able to play as one is fairly rare.

Lizards? Nah, lizards are stinky and DUMB.

Now SKELETONS, now there's a REAL creature that should be playable in all video games.

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what about skeleton lizards?

Only if they're female WITH breasts

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Yeah man, skeletons can be ANYTHING. That's why they're the best.

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Let's meet halfway with half-dragons.

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that's more like meeting 1/10 of the way

absolutely disgusting

how about NO

Your furshit is and forever will be monster manual fodder, beasts who exist only to be slaughtered by civilized humans, nothing else.

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the fuck, what even is this little, scrawny "tail"

>let's glue some spikes on humans and call them dragons

>enter lizardman thread
>within 5 or so posts there's always degenerate gay shit

Every time. Why can't you people just appreciate how fucking cool they are? All of my friends think I want to fuck anthropomorphic lizard people because of stereotypes like you. I just want to see them fuck shit up

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But user, Shanoa turns into all kinds of things.

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I would like to invite both lizard cock and lizard breast enthusiasts to come together and genocide anyone who likes these types of """"beast""""" races.

They legit did this with the first introduced au ra. it wasn't a human but they just modified a cat girl and hid her face

They are extremely cool and also extremely attractive

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why not both tho

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>halberd user
I am claiming this one

Scalies, not furries. Lizards don't have fur.

And the concept art. They didn't go with this since the audience probably wouldn't have liked it, and the general response to the Ronso lookalikes coming to XIV prove it right.

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trying to define and name every branch of furshit is pedantry of the most autistic caliber. better to just call all of it furry

Sure, sexualized vehicles have fur.

There's nothing autistic about it, they're both very different things.

>glorious society and species
Not sure what you're talking about.

Scaly's > Furries

so if a car had eyes and a face and you fuck it does that count as furshit? because its still anthropomorphized

>no tail

Yes, because only a furry would think to create such a thing with their deranged mind.

Humans are important. We're the only species to actually change nature. We've destroyed environments and affected the climate, we've driven species to extinction and even created new breeds of animals that we keep as pets. We climbed through the evolutionary ranks until we reached the top, and now we've effectively defied evolution. Calling a human an animal is like calling an ape a monkey. We've evolved past it. If we saw fit, we could flatten every mountain, dry up every river, and turn every forrest into a dessert. We've actually left our planet just to see if we could. Humans are how the universe has decided to express itself and if we disappeared it would be the single greatest loss since time began.

It's pasta, user. Pops up now and again on /tg/ as well.

Lizardmen don't believe in open borders.

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>implying Thomas the tank engine is furshit

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>He Doesn't know

Only if we can also do birds.

>*rapes in your path*

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Are there many games like that, though? The only ones I can think of off the top of my head are Master of Orion and Stellaris.

But thats okay.

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hes got a point lizzies aren't good guys they dont fucking have emotions

have you seen a tegu before?

All reptile owners make up lies. They think snakes show them affection.

fuck where is that webm that i saw where the guy was scratching the tegu and it begging for more why didn't i save it.

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>They didn't go with this since the audience probably wouldn't have liked it, and the general response to the Ronso lookalikes coming to XIV prove it right.
What a bunch of casual fucks.

So where'd you get this pasta?

I just think lizard boys are neat and cute.

Especially snek boys, they're good boys.
>tfw no comfy game about traveling the world as a snek boy and visiting ruined kingdoms and uncharted lands, meeting dangerous enemies and friendly allies in the process
>Maybe a bitter, battle-scarred, lonely snek warrior tags along with him, wanting to experience an adventure instead of living a boring life. He and snek boy become friends and he gets a lot nicer too.
>Many wholesome moments occur between the two sneks.

>that idiot who got all his animal "knowledge" from Disney movies and thinks his naturally solitary lizard can develop feelings for him

i didn't say that but they can experience some pretty basic emotions like fear anger and yes even pleasure just do not expect them to act like a mammal

This I was waiting through the game hoping to play as a bangaa

Also I wanted Ba gamnans epic spear

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after blizzard is finished sucking off corporate cock

i was gonna say putting lizards in call of duty would be silly but really a call of duty where everyone is an animal person would be neat

That’s what I think. People can shit on Fortnite all they want but at least when you play that game you are fighting against a bunch of weird shit not just generic army men

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Never, have mutilated gnomes instead.


GOD this pisses me off.

The lad that posted looks aesthetically pleasing and works great in a fantasy setting plus cobras are rad as hell but nope let's have short human but with no limbs.


bangaabros when

If it's not furbait then sure for fun times